"Xiaoyan, you found a good boyfriend."

"Not bad, there are still Audi keys hanging."

Many girls praised it, which made Yang Xiaoyan seem very proud, she said shyly and proudly: "No, it's okay. It's normal."

After all, just go to university, and few people can cling to the rich. In universities, girls are more responsible. The most important thing is that even if there are children from rich families, ordinary girls can't cling to them, or are not prepared for them. The girls in Chen Zihan's class, except for three or four excellent-looking people, are basically ordinary-looking. Some people are not only ordinary-looking, but also acrid.

Yang Xiaoyan raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, her face was very proud.

An Audi entry-level sedan is enough to show off in front of a group of college students. In any case, the logo is four circles, the logo of Audi. What a great sign. What an enviable sign.

Xiao Han stopped Chen Zihan and walked towards Li Dafang.

Jiang Xiaoliang looked at the back of the two people, looking very annoyed, and also very angry. And it's not getting angry. Jiang Xiaoliang walked slowly towards Liao Zhijie. Liao Zhijie was very happy today. Not only did he get the lofty position of lobby manager, but he also met classmates who had a good time at that time. A few people talked freely, and those good classmates who played well were all admitted to the university. Although it is not a key university, he felt very envious and even regretted that he did not study well after listening to them talk about what happened in the university. , Did not enter the university. Even if it is a third-rate university, at least it is a university, right?

"Xiaoliang!" Several classmates stood up one after another. There is a smile on his face. It seems to have great respect for Jiang Xiaoliang.

This society is a society of money, a society where the rich comes first.

"Yo, Master Jiang!" Liao Zhijie showed a flattering smile.

"Liao Zhijie." Jiang Xiaoliang smiled, and then said: "Do you want to be the lobby manager?"

"Yes!" Liao Zhijie nodded hurriedly.

"That" Jiang Xiaoliang glanced at Liao Zhijie, and then said: "Do you want to upgrade to the head of the Security Department?"


Liao Zhijie never thought of such a problem. The Minister of the Security Department has a lot of power. He is in charge of a group of people, and everyone knows that there is someone under his hand, and the power is big enough. If there is no one vote, who will respect you? Who will care about you?

If you can be the Minister of the Security Department, then you really have a high authority!

Liao Zhijie chuckled, and then said, "Yes, Master Jiang wants me to be the head of the security department? I promise to be able to complete the task you gave me."

"Don't!" Jiang Xiaoliang smiled, and then said: "I just want to tell you that if you want to upgrade from the lobby manager to the head of the security department, then you should accept my assessment. If you have passed the assessment, the security department The minister must let you be."

"Really?!" Liao Zhijie was overjoyed immediately.

"Of course!" Jiang Xiao brightened his head.

"Okay!" Liao Zhijie nodded, he hooked his finger at Jiang Xiaoliang, and then said: "You come with me!"

After speaking, Jiang Xiaoliang turned and left.

Liao Zhijie nodded immediately, and then ran over. The two went to the corner with no one on the side. The two got together, and Liao Zhijie hurriedly said: "Master Jiang, what do you think I can do to be the head of the security department?"

"You have also seen that this guy Xiao Han actually targeted me and robbed my woman!" Jiang Xiaoliang smiled coldly and said: "When I'm here, you should understand what I mean, right?"

"Understand!" Liao Zhijie heard it and said with a smile: "You can rest assured about this."

"In addition." Jiang Xiaoliang glanced around, then glanced at Liao Zhijie, and said: "Chen Zihan is a woman I like. I hope I can sleep with the woman I like once during the last winter vacation..."

"Understood." Liao Zhijie nodded immediately.

Jiang Xiaoliang raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and then grinned: "If you do these two things well, not only will the Minister of the Security Department let you be yours, but you will double your salary!"

"Really?!" Liao Zhijie was surprised.

"Now the minister of the Security Department has a monthly salary of 6,000, which is doubled to 12,000. There are also various benefits." Jiang Xiaoliang smiled and said: "If you just want to be a lobby manager, you can not agree to me."

"No, no, no!" Liao Zhijie hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I have decided to be the minister of the security department."

"Haha" Jiang Xiaoliang immediately became happy when he heard it: "Okay, then that's a deal."

Afterwards, the two of them walked out from the side talking and laughing, and returned to the crowd. Many people were extremely happy and excited in the banquet venue. This may be the first time in their lives that they have entered such an occasion.

Jiang Xiaoliang showed a smile, especially when he looked at Chen Zihan, an evil smile appeared in his eyes. When Xiao Han turned around, he saw the evil in Jiang Xiaoliang's eyes impartially. Xiao Han frowned, with a bad premonition in his mind.

Liao Zhijie walked towards Xiao Han slowly, and then said, "Oh, isn't this Xiao Han?"

"Liao Zhijie!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "What? You are here too?"

"Can't it?" Liao Zhijie asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, I didn't spend money to do this. Anyone can come, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"Yes, but why are you here?" Liao Zhijie stared at Xiao Han, and then said: "What are you? You once interrupted Young Master Jiang's hand. Tell me, what qualifications do you have to walk in? In this hotel under the Jiang Group? This is not your place."

"Really?" Xiao Han glanced at him, and then said: "As a student in the same class, there is nothing wrong with it. But you, used to be a gangster, do you know where the door of the class opens?"

"You!" Liao Zhijie was very angry.

"What are you?" Xiao Han replied with disdain, and then said, "Don't get angry."

"Fuck!" Liao Zhijie couldn't swallow this breath, then he smashed it with his fist.

After this fist passed, Xiao Han didn't take it seriously. Liao Zhijie thought that his punch could knock Xiao Han down. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han didn't pay attention to the opponent's fist at all. Xiao Han caught Liao Zhijie's fist with one hand.


Xiao Han's slap immediately squeezed Liao Zhijie's fist, secretly exerting force under his hand.

"Ah!" Liao Zhijie suddenly screamed. The man knelt down on the spot.

The tingling, like a needle stick, made people sad and made the legs weak. Xiao Han subconsciously let go of Liao Zhijie's hand, and then pretended to be a hush and asked warmly: "Classmate Liao Zhijie, are you okay?"

"You!" Liao Zhijie gritted his teeth, wishing to bite Xiao Han to death.

However, Xiao Han seems to be like a okay person at all, with a very innocent look. Liao Zhijie snorted coldly, moved his muscles and bones a bit, and said, "You fellow, don't be a running dog for others."

"Fuck!" When Liao Zhijie heard it, it was pretty good. He immediately grabbed a chair from the side and threw it towards Xiao Han.


Xiao Han escaped the blow immediately. The chair in Liao Zhijie's hand fell on the buffet table behind Xiao Han on the spot. The crystal plate with beautiful pastries on the table was shattered. Liao Zhijie was dumbfounded on the spot. He watched this scene dumbfounded, and said in a squeaky voice: "This, this"

"Liao Zhijie, you broke Liao Zhijie's stuff." Xiao Han laughed.

"I blame you!" Liao Zhijie became even more angry. He immediately spread all his anger on Xiao Han. He swung up the chair again and slammed it towards Xiao Han. The chairs in his hands are constantly tossing around.

Xiao Han was not afraid of each other at all, and a strange smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"You're asking for your own death!" Xiao coldly snorted.


Suddenly, Xiao Han rushed up. He was not afraid of the chair that the opponent smashed over. Instead, he rushed up with lightning speed. Xiao Han's eyes locked the trajectory of the chair, and coupled with the weight of the chair visually, the brain quickly calculated the kinetic energy and potential energy of the chair. His hand squeezed the leg of the chair with precise speed and strength.

"Damn it!" Liao Zhijie was angry, with an angry look in his eyes. He almost used all his power. His face was savage, and the flesh on his face suddenly appeared. The power on both hands almost exploded.

These powers are nothing to Xiao Han. He smiled coldly, then said, "Is that all?"

"Go to hell!" Liao Zhijie gritted his teeth. He felt that no matter what force his arm exerted, he found that this chair seemed to be possessed by a demon. It didn't move at all.

Liao Zhijie had no choice but to use his shadowless legs.


Liao Zhijie kicked his leg out, but was kicked back by Xiao Han. At that time, Liao Zhijie felt the pain almost cracking in his leg. He immediately released his hand and limped back.

"Liao Zhijie, I didn't move you." Xiao Han smiled.

"Fuck!" Liao Zhijie dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. The previous Xiao Han bullied casually, but since that time he threw Xiao Han into the school pool, he found that Xiao Han was not so good at bullying. He felt that Xiao Han in front of him seemed to have changed. Liao Zhijie frowned, with an unhappy expression on his face: "Xiao Han, you will remember to me, the humiliation you gave me today, sooner or later I will return it thousands of times."

"Okay." Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "You can let go."

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