The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 428: Once in a hundred years

"Ready!!" More than a thousand people on the scene shouted in unison, with great momentum and great momentum. Almost all the eardrums of the teacher at the scene burst.

"No!" Xiao Han waved his hand, then showed a weird smile, and said: "I don't want you to answer in words, I need you to give the most beautiful answer with action, okay?"

"Good!" The momentum was monstrous again.

Li Hengzhong was very excited. Xiao Han’s speech was almost inspiring and inspiring. Li Hengzhong hurriedly stepped onto the podium and said, "It's a good speech. The glory of the past is nothing but yesterday's yellow flowers, and the last miracle will be created by you!!"

The students seemed to have been given a stimulant, their eyes brightened.

"Xiao Han, thank you." Li Hengzhong walked to Xiao Han, held Xiao Han's hand tightly, and said: "You not only taught the children a lesson, you also taught me this teacher. Give our school. Taught a lesson. You let me know that people can’t be in the glory they used to be, because that’s what happened yesterday. We should look forward and look forward. Today we can take the National Model Middle School, and tomorrow we must Take the National Model Middle School!"


The applause was thunderous.

Xiao Han's speech lasted more than 20 minutes, and he returned to Chen Zihan's side.

"Xiao Han, you are awesome!" Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han excitedly, and said, "Do you know how wonderful your speech was just now?"

"Is it exciting?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Yes!" Chen Zihan said excitedly: "Xiao Han, I am really happy for you."

"Thank you." Xiao Han squeezed Chen Zihan's hand gently. Chen Zihan's face turned red.

After the speech, Li Hengzhong spoke earnestly and talked with the students at the scene for ten minutes. Later, Li Hengzhong asked the teachers to take the students back to class. Xiao Han's speech is officially over.

Li Hengzhong and Liu Jinmei wanted to stay with Xiao Han for dinner, but Xiao Han refused.

"Thank you Principal Li and Teacher Liu for your kindness." Xiao Han said apologetically: "I have not seen Zihan for a long time, so I want to reminisce about the past. I plan to find a place to eat with her at night!"

"That's all right!" Li Hengzhong nodded when he saw this, and said, "Since you said that, then forget it."

Xiao Han smiled slightly, then pulled Chen Zihan away from the school.

Li Hengzhong personally sent Xiao Han out of the school gate. In fact, to Li Hengzhong, Xiao Han can be regarded as the benefactor of Linjiang No. 1 Middle School. If it weren't for Xiao Han Linjiang No. 1 Middle School, I'm afraid it would not be as famous as it is now. If it weren't for Xiao Han, Linjiang No. 1 Middle School would probably be just a provincial key middle school. Today, Linjiang No. 1 Middle School is not only a national key middle school, but also a national model middle school. How many teachers from famous schools came to study in teams, for this reason, the government also specially allocated a hospitality fee to Linjiang No. 1 Middle School.

Linjiang No. 1 Middle School has become a national model and a holy place that everyone wants to study.

Watching Xiao Han leave, Li Hengzhong sighed and said: "Linjiang No. 1 Middle School is afraid that there will never be a student like Xiao Han."

"Yes!" Liu Jinmei nodded and said, "I am afraid it will be difficult to produce such a talent in the next 100 years."

"Once in a hundred years." Li Hengzhong nodded.


Come out of Linjiang One Middle School.

Xiao Han took Chen Zihan's hand and walked slowly along the school wall. Walking under this wall, it seems to be back when I was in school. He felt the forbearance of the light at that time, and felt the light fly by at that time.

"At the beginning, we passed here hand in hand in this way too..." Chen Zihan blushed.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I didn't expect that time flies so fast, one year will soon pass."

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded, and said, "One year has passed. We have changed from being a schoolboy to a senior. From a boy and a girl to a young man."

"Let's eat together tonight, okay?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Zihan.

"Hmm!" Chen Zihan nodded and said, "I will send a message to my mother."

After speaking, Chen Zihan bowed his head and started to edit the message, and finally clicked to send. After sending, she immediately chose to turn off the phone. After shutting down, she let out a heavy breath. She has disregarded the consequences. She lost Xiao Han because of the retreat at the beginning. Today, she chose to walk with Xiao Han regardless of the consequences, even if it was just one night, she was fearless.

There is still some time before the meal. Xiao Han took Chen Zihan and walked slowly on the street.

The two looked back at the previous time, they were always simple and young in their student days. It seems that after stepping out of Linjiang No.1 Middle School, you feel you have entered into society. In fact, universities are half of society. Entering a university is equivalent to entering society. There is no more pure campus life like before.

Before they knew it, the two walked into a depression behind the school.

A clean lake, surrounded by weeds, no farmland, but the surrounding flat land was reclaimed by the nearby residents and planted a lot of vegetable fields. The green vegetables and the big white radish with his head exposed. It's so oily, it's not tempting.

The two of them walked along the mud road of withered grass, through the vegetable fields, and walked towards the lake.

"This radish must be delicious." Xiao Han said.

"Why?" Chen Zihan asked curiously.

"Because there have been frosts in the past few days." Xiao Han replied, "The radish after frost is sweet."

"That..." Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han secretly.

"Shall we secretly pull two radishes to eat?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Okay." Chen Zihan was overjoyed when he heard it. She had never done anything like this before, and Chen Zihan always seemed very shy when she was a student. This vegetable field was also her first visit. After Xiao Han said that this radish was very sweet, she wanted to try it.

Xiao Han glanced around and saw that there was no one around, he immediately went forward and pulled out a big carrot. The radish was thicker than Xiao Han's calf, more than twenty centimeters long.

"Wow, it's so big." Chen Zihan exclaimed.

"Go!" Xiao Han carried the radish, and dragged Chen Zihan to quickly run towards the lake.

Xiao Han rolled up his sleeves to wash the radish.

Chen Zihan was a little worried: "You be careful."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Xiao Han immediately rolled up his sleeves. Although the gauze on the back of his hand had been removed, the wound had not healed completely. Xiao Han had already ignored the cold water of the lake, so he washed this radish clean.

"How to eat it?" Chen Zihan looked at this huge radish with a little trouble.

This radish is very beautiful, crystal clear, like a white jade radish, it looks very transparent. Very charming.


Xiao Han broke the radish into two pieces when he broke his hands.

"Wow!" Chen Zihan was dumbfounded and said: "You... why are you so good?"

"This radish is very crispy!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Looking at this, you know it's delicious."

When he was speaking, Xiao Han took a bite fiercely.

"It looks delicious." Chen Zihan also took a bite. The radish is crispy and the flesh inside is delicious. Eating is a treat. Large chunks of radish meat, full of moisture. Although there is no apple, the watermelon is sweet. However, the radish after frost has its own sweetness. Especially when you just eat it, you can feel the sweetness and deliciousness. Chen Zihan nodded repeatedly: "It's delicious, it tastes a bit like ginseng fruit."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han quickly ate half of the radish. Chen Zihan hurriedly passed the radish in his hand: "You eat it."

"Hehe!" Xiao Han didn't dislike it either, but took it and started eating.

Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han biting the radish that she had bitten, she was a little bit happy, at least it showed that Xiao Han did not dislike herself in his heart. She happily took Xiao Han's arm, and the two of them were playing by the lake. Xiao Han and Chen Zihan finally sat down on a dead tree. Chen Zihan's pink clothes looked extraordinarily gorgeous. She nestled in Xiao Han's arms, looking extremely happy and moisturized.

The lake is calm like a mirror, and the blue, azure sky is like a beautiful little woman who is applying makeup to this mirror.

"I really want to do this every day," Chen Zihan said softly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han sighed and said, "If you can be in the country, it would be great. Then we can meet frequently."

Chen Zihan was silent.

In fact, the farthest distance is not from China to the United States, nor from the Atlantic Ocean case to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. But there is a mother between two people. Chen Zihan's mother resolutely opposed her daughter being with Xiao Han. Because she thinks Xiao Han's family and background are not worthy of her daughter.

"It's okay, I will return to China in the future, and we can also meet frequently!" Chen Zihan smiled slightly, his smile so far-fetched. Perhaps, she herself knew how difficult and hard it was to be separated by a mother.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded. He picked a dog's tail grass from the side, and then carefully folded it into a ring. He smiled and said, "This ring is for you, do you like it?"

"I like everything you folded!" Chen Zihan hurriedly took it. She looked at it for a moment and said, "You help me put it on."

Xiao Han hesitated and put it on Chen Zihan's ring finger with a smile, "That's it, it's most suitable."

Chen Zihan's face turned red, and said, "Do you know the meaning of the ring on this finger?"

"Huh?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Meaning? What's the meaning?"

"Forget it if I don't know, I like it anyway!" Chen Zihan smiled, her eyes fixed on the grass-folded ring.

Although it is winter, the scenery is very beautiful. The sun was also very warm, the afternoon sun bathed two people, and the sight of the lake in front of them made them feel transparent and clear. The two stayed here for an afternoon. Because it's quiet, because no one bothers me here.

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