"So exciting for the teacher?" Xiao Han couldn't help being speechless.

"Let the younger brothers and girls listen to the teaching of the college entrance examination champion." Liu Jinmei smiled: "Besides, the teaching of the college entrance examination champion is not something ordinary people can hear."

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Don't be like this, I will be proud."

"You should be proud too." Li Hengzhong smiled.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and the students in each class were already sitting upright in the classroom, preparing for the afternoon class. On weekdays, the teacher will arrive at the teacher on time to start the class, because this time is a critical moment, it is the time for results.

"Why hasn't the teacher come yet?"

"I don't know, is it self-study this afternoon?"

Many teachers and students are talking about it. Teachers will arrive early on weekdays, waiting for the bell to start. Even being late is only a minute or two late. But today, five or six minutes have passed, but the teacher has not been seen.

Ten minutes later, the teacher was finally late. However, there is no teaching in his hands.

"Students, now everyone goes to the multimedia classroom immediately to prepare for a big class." The head teacher hurried over.


"Do you want to watch a movie as a group?"

"The final exam is about to come, what movie are you watching?"

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe the school feels that we are under a lot of pressure during this period, so it's not necessarily a matter of organizing us to watch a film industry."

The students feel very excited, and the study pressure during this period of time is really great. They all felt a little awkward. Looks very tired. It is not just psychological suffering, but also physical suffering.

The classroom is half full. One after another, other classes lined up.

Xiao Han and Chen Zihan sat in the front corner.

Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han with joy, and then said: "I didn't hear your speech last time, this time I can finally make it up."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Wait, you will have one too?"

"I don't want it!" Chen Zihan hurriedly shook his head and said: "I...I don't have this aura, I can't wait for so many people."

"What are you afraid of?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "You are their senior sister. Moreover, you are so beautiful, and you can deter them by standing on stage."

"No!" Chen Zihan shook his head and said: "I don't want to be on stage, you must not embarrass me."

Seeing Chen Zihan was indeed a little nervous, Xiao Han couldn't say anything.

At this moment, Liu Jinmei hurried over and asked, "Xiao Han, are you ready here?"

"Ready." Xiao Han nodded slightly.

"Then..." Liu Jinmei glanced at Xiao Han and asked, "Do you want to prepare some manuscripts?"

"No need." Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "I made a draft, improvise."

"That's all right!" Liu Jinmei nodded and said: "We'll start in ten minutes."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The multimedia classroom was noisy for a while, and the students seemed very excited. For the first time so many people crowded in a classroom. Shouting and talking.

At this time, Li Hengzhong stepped up to the teacher and sternly reprimanded: "What are you doing! Look at what you look like, and the students do not look like students, so quiet down for me."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone was silent.

"Today is an unusual day." Li Hengzhong said coldly: "I specially invited Xiao Han, the top student in the college entrance examination this year, to give you a speech."


There was an uproar at the scene. Everyone was stunned.

"Quiet!" Li Hengzhong waved his hand, and then said, "I hope you can learn something from him. Take the strengths of others and make up for the shortcomings of yourself. Xiao Han is the first student with a full score in the college entrance examination in history. It is also worthy of you. An example of learning. Okay, let Xiao Han come on stage to give a speech to everyone!"


There was a burst of warm applause in the classroom. Everyone applauded frantically.

Xiao Han walked onto the podium slowly.

The platform of the multimedia classroom is very large, with a computer screen on the desktop. After Xiao Han stepped onto the podium, the applause from the audience intensified. These children are so cute, they showed strong and very intense emotions. It's like seeing one's own idol and seeing the object of one's worship.

They all want to take a good university entrance exam and enter a key university. They can't wait to be like Xiao Han. Famous all over the world, win glory for the school. Students, the responsibility is to learn. They worked hard for ten years just to get one foot higher in the college entrance examination.

Xiao Han stood on the stage and bowed slightly.

In the audience, Chen Zihan's two small hands were red, she was very excited, she was very excited. Seeing Xiao Han standing on the stage so much attention and admiration of others, she felt proud and proud of Xiao Han.

"Classmates!" Xiao Han waved his hand slightly and said: "Speaking of it, it seems that the college entrance examination has just passed. I didn't expect that another college entrance examination is coming. Yes, finally, the long-awaited day has arrived, and I am rushing for my dream. The day has come, and the season of fighting has finally arrived. It’s time for us to shine."

Xiao Han gave a completely off-script speech, improvising. He looked at every student off the stage with enthusiasm, and said excitedly: "When you gather here again today, every student will have a new one. Name: A soldier in the third year of high school. The first year of high school is the foundation, the second year of high school is the key, and the third year of high school is the decisive battle. This is the most familiar sentence. After the forging of the first year of high school and the experience of the second year of high school, we are finally standing at the starting point of the decisive battle. What does it mean? The decisive battle means the test of artillery and fire, the baptism of blood and tears, the choice of advancement and retreat, the decision of success and failure, life and death. Then, high school warriors, are you ready?"

There is a hot catalyst in Xiao Han's words, and he seems to have ignited the blood of every third-year high school student, even the second-year high school student. Success and failure, life and death! What a bold speech, what a mighty spirit, what a majestic spirit.

It seemed that every student on the scene had become a soldier about to enter the battlefield. They looked extremely crazy, and their eyes seemed to be burning with fires. The blazing flame made them seem to have set foot on the battlefield.

"Ready!" someone shouted from below.

"Very good." Xiao Han nodded and said: "I hope you are always ready. The college entrance examination is only the first time in your life on the battlefield. There will be countless tough battles to be fought in the future, and it's not just that you are always prepared. I am also always ready. Because each of us has a mission, a mission of pursuing excellence, a mission that must win and overcome, and a mission that will never give up unless the goal is reached. The mission is With shoulders and responsibilities like a mountain, we have been struggling and moving forward. Finally, the long-awaited day has arrived, the day to sprint for the dream has come, and the season of fighting has finally arrived."

Xiao Han's words carry a kind of encouragement and seem to be a whip, spurring each of us.

The scene was quiet and silent.

Li Hengzhong sat at the front, five or six teachers stood on both sides of the platform, and more than a dozen teachers stood in the last row of multimedia teachers. They all listened to Xiao Han's speech quietly. Xiao Han's speech has a kind of magic, a kind of magic that **** people in. The magical nature that makes people want to stop and makes people unable to retreat.

Chen Zihan didn't blink her eyes. She listened carefully to Xiao Han's speech. The man before her was tall and stalwart. He filled his atrium all at once. Unfortunately, this man no longer belongs to him, but to another woman. Chen Zihan was a little bit sour inside.

"It should be said that the third year of high school is arduous. Every day we must live a busy, tense and fulfilling life. Every minute and every second is our position and an opportunity for us to catch up with others." Xiao Han scanned. After taking a look at the audience, he said: "We are faced with many exams this year, and we must cherish each one, because each exam is an excellent opportunity for us to raise our swords; and at the same time, we must develop a sense of indifference. The state of mind, general demeanor; not satisfied for success, because it is a precursor to failure, not disappointed for the current failure, because every failure gives birth to the next chance of success. Some people say that the third year of high school is difficult, I I don’t think so, because people with dreams and high morale are most gratified by the process of struggle. The senior high school teaches us to struggle. Everyone has endless potential and every person has endless room for improvement. Years of blood war, perhaps we will never discover the energy contained in ourselves. So the third year of high school is destined to be a wonderful page, we will leave the most beautiful running figure, compose the most brilliant struggle poems in life. It can be said that middle school students belong to Victory, our brother and sister have given the best proof with the iron facts. The college entrance examination is the battlefield, and now in the third year of high school, we are the soldiers on the front line. Our task is not only to maintain the victory. , We still have to lift him to an unprecedented height and surpass the predecessors without compromise."

At this point, Xiao Han paused for a moment.


The audience suddenly burst into applause.

"Okay, great, great."

"It's really good."

The children are very simple and naive. They know how to distinguish between good and bad and never say anything to compliment people. They will not deliberately compliment Xiao Han because he is the top student in the college entrance examination, or praise him because he is the first student ever to score a full mark in the college entrance examination. Because Xiao Han's words touched their hearts. Let them feel shocked. The applause was thunderous.

Xiao Han waved to be quiet, and the applause soon subsided. He continued: "Although the time is shortened and the tasks are arduous, what about it? This can only show the extraordinary combat effectiveness of our lion power brigade, and can only make us win more beautifully. Although the time is shortened, after all, we still have six In the past six months, we must unite all our thoughts, fight desperately, grit our teeth, and persevere to the end! We must firmly believe in our own strength. In six months, what can we not do? In the following time, there are many things that are unknown, except for one thing, that is, those who persist in working hard can create miracles. The reason why I am so firm is because this truth has been proven thousands of times, but I don’t think we need to cite past examples. Even if it’s me, the top student in the college entrance examination, that’s already a yellow flower yesterday. I believe that the most shocking miracle will appear in the next six months and will be created by you who are struggling. Finally, I want to ask you again, decisive battle, are you ready?"

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