The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 417: Borrow money

"Come on." Xiao Han said with a smile: "If she comes back and ignores you, it means that she doesn't value this relationship at all. The relationship between two people will not be affected by the relationship between time and distance. "

"That being said, reality is reality after all." Liu Bin smiled, and then said: "The relationship between the two cannot be consolidated, and problems are prone to occur. There are many people who eventually break up in long-distance relationships."

"But you are not in a long-distance relationship." Xiao Han smiled and said, "At most one month apart. Besides, Guan Xiaotong seems to be not far from the provincial city. If you are interested, you can come and find her."

"Yes." Liu Bin immediately nodded when he heard it, and said: "You are right. Guan Xiaotong's house is not far from my house. It is estimated that it will take more than an hour to drive there. I will drive there by then, anyway. Mistakes, maybe it will give her a surprise."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

After a while, there was a lot of noise in the dormitory.

Zhang Feng quietly packed his bags and was about to get on the car to return home. However, Zhang Feng appeared unusually silent.

"Zhang Feng, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Han gave Zhang Feng a curious look.

"Oh, nothing!" Zhang Feng shook his head, then said: "I..."

"Just say anything." Xiao Han walked over. He had already seen Zhang Feng's difficulties. It seemed that this guy really had some difficulties. Xiao Han walked to Zhang Feng and asked, "Do you... have any difficulties?"

"I..." Zhang Feng hesitated, then said: "Can you borrow two thousand yuan?"

"Yes!" Without any hesitation, Xiao Han directly drew out five thousand yuan from his duffel bag, which Xiao Han planned to bring back for the New Year. Since Zhang Feng is in difficulty, Xiao Han naturally agreed unconditionally. Therefore, Xiao Han decisively handed over the money to Zhang Feng. He smiled and said: "If you have any difficulties, just say it, why do you hesitate?"

"No, no, I don't want so much money." Zhang Feng's face flushed, and he said embarrassingly: "I only need two thousand yuan, you gave me three thousand more."

"It's okay, take a spare!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Going home during the Chinese New Year, more or less it will cost money."

"I..." Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment, and said embarrassingly: "Well, when I come back from winter vacation, I'll give it back to you!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you don't pay it back, who will let us brothers play. Besides, it doesn't matter if you do it now, you can pay it back when you join the work in the future. Anyway, I'm not afraid of you running away. .Right?"

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Don't worry, I said I will pay you back during the winter vacation, so I will definitely pay you back."

"Fine." Xiao Han nodded immediately, and then said: "You can pay it back when you say it."

Zhang Feng cautiously put the five thousand dollars into his personal pocket, and then let out a sigh of relief. He picked up his worn-out luggage and said, "Brothers, then I'm leaving first, I have to hurry back to see my mother."

"Okay, you go first!" Several people said hello.

Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu were still able to pounce in front of the computer and finally had a holiday. At this time, they should hurry up and play games. A week ago, they were holding back. Almost collapsed. I haven't touched the computer or games for a week, and now it's finally a holiday, and they can indulge themselves. Moreover, the two have also negotiated and will play all night tonight. Xiao Han still couldn't understand the mentality of these two guys.

As soon as Zhang Feng left, the two were not in the mood for Gu Xiaohan. Liu Bin was rather melancholy before, and as soon as Xiao Han enlightened him, he immediately got through.

Therefore, the two ignored Xiao Han.

Xiao Han walked out of the dormitory alone. It is also very interesting to take a stroll around the campus after eating. Coming out of the dormitory, I happened to rush over to the dormitory. When Xiao Han looked up, the two eyes happened to collide.

"Xiao Yu?" Xiao Han looked at her in surprise.

"I'm looking for you." Lan Yudie smiled.

"Are you looking for me for anything?" Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie suspiciously.

Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "The school will be closed soon, don't you have any plans?"

"I plan to go home tomorrow." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Neither National Day nor New Year's Day. I miss my mother a lot and don't know how my mother is at home. So, I plan to go back early tomorrow morning. ."

"Are you going back tomorrow?" Blue Yudie was obviously reluctant to give up.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Xiao Yu, you can come to our Linjiang City to play when you have time."

"Yeah." Lan Yudie pursed her mouth and said, "But, it's finally a holiday, are you in such a hurry to go back?"

"I know you can't bear it, in fact, I can't bear it either." Xiao Han said helplessly: "But, my mother is at home alone, I can't rest assured. Besides, I have to go back and take a look at a few stores in Jiangbei City. Although someone is in charge Now, I am a little worried."

"Yeah." Lan Yudie nodded and said: "I understand you. You have to come back early. If you have time, I will go to Linjiang City to see you."

"Good!" Xiao Han took the initiative to stop Lan Yudie's hand, and then said: "Are you finished with your work?"

"No!" Lan Yudie shook his head and said: "We still have to go to the three-day class. My own exams have to be busy for a few days. Therefore, my head is about to explode these few days. I hope I can quickly get these Days passed."

Lan Yudie had already regarded Xiao Han as her boyfriend, and there was no gap caused by the age difference. On the contrary, Blue Rain Butterfly felt that she had a strong dependence on Xiao Han. This sense of dependence comes from the heart.

The two held hands and walked around the campus.

Xiao Han planned to take Lan Yudie to the cafe outside the school for a seat. After all, the relationship between the two people is special. If they hold hands in the school, it seems a little unpleasant and will leave some words for some old professors in the school. Xiao Han doesn't want to be criticized by these people again.

Just came out of school.

Suddenly, a Porsche galloped in.

The car stopped at the school gate, Mo Shaocong jumped out of the car in a hurry.

"Mo Shao?" Xiao Han looked at Mo Shaocong in surprise.

"Xiao Han, it's great to meet you." Mo Shaocong looked hurriedly and said, "Follow me."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Help, help." Mo Shaocong hurriedly took Xiao Han's hand. On the other end, Lan Yudie refused to let go. She gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Han, as if telling Xiao Han not to go.

In the eyes of Lan Yudie, there is nothing good to have anything to do with these wealthy sons. Therefore, she still doesn't want Xiao Han to go there, she only hopes that Xiao Han can accompany her on this leisure night, drink coffee, eat a little dessert, and enjoy a comfortable night after the final exam. Of course, to be able to further develop, that is the best thing. Unfortunately, Xiao Han doesn't seem to be able to comprehend his own mind.

"Xiaoyu, I..." Xiao Han turned to look at Lan Yudie.

Mo Shaocong looked at Lan Yudie awkwardly, and said, "Blue Yudie, I'm here to ask Xiao Han for help today. I hope you can fulfill me."

"I..." Lan Yudie breathed a sigh of relief, and then said helplessly: "Well, I won't interfere with matters between you men, but I definitely don't want Xiao Han to do anything. Mo Shao, You are precious, but you must never let Xiao Han make innocent sacrifices."

"Don't worry, Xiao Han will definitely not be troubled." Mo Shaocong nodded.

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Han affectionately, and said: "Xiao Han, I don't know what he wants to do with you, but I absolutely don't want anything to happen to you, I just hope You are safe, I hope you are healthy, okay?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded immediately, and then said: "Don't worry, I will return safely."

Lan Yudie watched Xiao Han get onto the Porsche, and then watched the car quickly disappear from his field of vision. There was a thud in her heart, her heart flustered, and she seemed to have an ominous premonition. However, she tried to comfort herself, Xiao Han would be fine.



The Porsche roared in the air, and the car roared. The speed is very fast. Fortunately, there are not many cars on the road. Porsche's speed has soared to 120 yards. On urban roads, the maximum speed limit is 60 yards. This car has exceeded the speed by 100%. However, this speed is still increasing crazily.

"Mo Shao, what is going on looking for me in such a hurry?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"It's a life-saving thing." Mo Shaocong sighed and said: "A few lives are waiting for you to save."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han frowned, and he asked curiously: "Where are we going now?"

"Nancheng Underground Boxing Ground." Mo Shaocong's face changed slightly and said: "Xiao Han, what do you think my big brother treats you?"

"Not bad." Xiao Han nodded and said: "You naturally have nothing to say to me."

"Yeah!" Mo Shaocong nodded and said: "Will you help me this time?"

"What the **** is it?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly: "Within my ability, I will definitely help you. However, if it exceeds my ability, I am afraid I can't help."

"You can definitely help me!" Mo Shaocong looked a little flustered. While driving, he said: "What's happening now is more troublesome, and it's hard to make it clear at once. I'll just tell you something briefly..."

Mo Shaocong said something importantly.

Xiao Han learned something from his words. It can be said that a few big and young people in the capital gathered together in Z Province. Just after drinking, I started fighting. There are three major capitals in the capital, which are powerful, and there is no doubt that they are extremely powerful in China. When such people are fighting with each other, the people below will die with the gentleman. Injury and disability are small, and life can be lost.

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