At this time, Yang Daguo walked out of the office.

"Listen to me." Yang Daguo glanced at everyone coldly, and then said: "Wu Yue, a white-eyed wolf, betrayed the company's interests, colluded with outsiders, conspired and colluded. Today the company officially called the police and asked the company's legal department Formally prosecute. Waiting for him will be a prison disaster, and he must pay for his actions."


A group of people were in an uproar, everyone was dumbfounded.

Wu Yue has always been a relatively gregarious person in the company. However, from now on, I didn't expect this guy to be a hidden demon. He even betrayed the company's interests and colluded with outsiders to destroy the company. It's too shameful.

"Fuck, this **** is so bad!"

"Maybe this guy is also embezzled and took our money away."

"kill him."

The emotions of the workers immediately rose. In the crowd, several wretched figures shrank their necks one after another, and several people turned around and went to the dormitory. Dare to go to the company to get a salary. After arriving at the dormitory, several people got together.

"What to do? What should we do?"

"Let's run quickly, if you don't go, is it possible that you will end up like Wu Yue?"

"Do they all know?"

The few people were so frightened, they seemed extremely panicked. It was still very uncomfortable inside. A few people got together, and their hearts seemed extremely struggling. Things have developed to this point, can they not be nervous?

"If we leave like this, wouldn't our three-month salary be gone?"

"What kind of salary is needed? It's important to save your life now."

"The money Hongda gave us is enough for our three-month salary. In addition, we can also ask them for a subsidy when we leave this time. Go back to the coastal cities to find a job."

Several people discussed again for a while, and then they immediately began to pack their bags. I didn't dare to take big items, so I had to leave some valuable things quietly from the back door of the factory. No one knew, because at this time everyone was busy collecting salaries, and no one would pay attention to a few humble characters. .

The four financial institutions have been busy from noon to five in the afternoon, and finally paid out the salary of more than 200 people. In three months, more than 200 people worked overtime, including performance payments, and paid a total of more than 11 million in salary. Xiao Hankari's money suddenly dropped by half.

When the last worker was finished, Xiao Han asked, "How about? Is there anyone else?"

"There are five more people." Finance counted the number of people, and then said: "These five people didn't come to get the money."

"Oh?" Xiao Han squinted his eyes, then smiled: "I will let people find these five people immediately."

"Yeah!" Yang Daguo nodded hurriedly.

Soon, everyone started looking for people, but they searched the entire factory. Seven or eight directors of the factory came out, and after a statistics, they found that these five people are no longer in the company. However, their daily necessities are still in the dormitory.

"Mr. Yang, these few people can't be found." The leader of the hardware group said hurriedly, "May have already left."

"Gone?" Yang Daguo was taken aback, and said: "Impossible? Just left?"

"Yes!" The leader of the hardware group nodded.

"Putting down the salary of nearly 30,000 for three months and not receiving it, I still sneaked away." Xiao Lian laughed, glanced at Li Xiaoya and Yang Daguo, and said: "What do you think...what's the situation?"

"There must be a ghost!" Yang Daguo squinted his eyes and said, "These guys may be hidden'Wu Yue'!"

Li Xiaoya smiled, and said: "I can think of it with my toes. Xiao Han caught Wu Yue and quickly deterred the hidden inner ghosts. Their psychological quality was not enough, and they soon revealed Stuffing. Humph. Very good, call the police and catch them all for me."

"Yes!" Yang Daguo nodded hurriedly.

"Don't!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "Catch them, who is going to dig out the people behind?"

"Uh..." Yang Daguo was taken aback for a moment, and he asked, "What should I do?"

"There is always a way." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and said: "Find out the workers who have played well with these people. Then I have a heart-to-heart talk with them. I believe we should be able to dig out some clues from here."

"Yeah!" Yang Daguo nodded.

Xiao Han said to Li Xiaoya: "Sister, it's late, let's go back. You haven't eaten anything for a day."

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

Yang Dagong hurriedly sent Xiao Han and Li Xiaoya away. Xiao Han turned around and said to Yang Daguo: "You keep this card. The factory needs to maintain production and needs capital. Moreover, next month's salary will also be paid. You must wait until the next quarter to collect the payment before it can be delayed."

"Yes!" Yang Daguo nodded.

Li Xiaoya and Xiao Han left the factory.

In the car, Li Xiaoya sighed and said, "Xiao Han, if it wasn't for you today, I really don't know what to do?"

"Fool, you should tell me this kind of thing sooner!" Xiao Han took Li Xiaoya's hand, and then said: "You have been carrying it all by yourself for such a long time. People have become haggard and lost a lot. I feel distressed."

"Really?" Li Xiaoya's face was flushed, and said: "But, what should not be thin is not thin at all."

When Xiao Han heard this, his body throbbed. Xiao Han couldn't help but glanced at Li Xiaoya's chest. Li Xiaoya was wearing a white shirt, the Fengji button and the second button were not buttoned. A large piece of snow-white skin was exposed, and a deep gully was also exposed, which was so charming that Xiao Han suddenly became excited. As an adolescent boy, his body is like a dangerous ball of gunpowder, with a little friction, a huge explosion may occur at any time.

Now, Li Xiaoya, regardless of the danger of explosion, proactively teases Xiao Han.

"Sister, you..." Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Don't think too much." Li Xiaoya smiled slightly and said: "Let's find a place to eat."

"Good." Xiao Han nodded hurriedly, then turned to look out the window.

Aside, Li Xiaoya turned her head to look at Xiao Han, looking a little lost. The gentle teasing just now made Li Xiaoya consume a lot of courage. However, Xiao Han didn't appreciate it at all. This made Li Xiaoya feel disappointed.

Li Xiaoya found a more elegant place to dine.

The restaurant is very nice, and the decor is very high-end. The two sat down in a deck by the window.

Xiao Han looked at Li Xiaoya and said, "Sister, what do you want to eat?"

"The specialty here is fish." Li Xiaoya smiled: "Why don't you have a grilled fish and order some side dishes, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded immediately.

Grilled fish is the specialty of this shop. After the test, cover it with soup and cook it under charcoal fire. The deliciousness of the fish is combined with the deliciousness of the soup, the taste is very good, and it makes people feel very delicious.

Xiao Han did not eat at noon, and only drank a bowl of porridge in the morning. Therefore, when the food came up, Xiao Han immediately began to gobble it up, eating slurriedly.

Li Xiaoya watched Xiao Han eat, and occasionally took two bites. Seeing Xiao Han eating, he seemed to feel physically and mentally happy. I ordered a table of dishes, and most of them were swept into Xiao Han's stomach.

After eating, Xiao Han wiped his mouth and smiled: "Sister, I'm full."

"So fast?" Li Xiaoya was surprised.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, then said, "I'm full."

"I'm full too." Li Xiaoya hurriedly put down her chopsticks.

Xiao Han didn't know what to say and watch, and didn't know that Li Xiaoya actually didn't move his chopsticks much at all. She was hiding her heart, which was something Xiao Han could not understand.

"Sister, I'll take you back!" Xiao Han smiled.

"No need." Li Xiaoya shook her head and said: "I will take you back to school first, and then let the driver take me home."

"Also!" Xiao Han nodded.

The expression in Li Xiaoya's eyes became even more sad, and that sad feeling was hidden deep in Li Xiaoya's heart.

Return to school.

In the dormitory, several people are busy. Liu Bin is not playing on the computer, and Zhang Dagu is also busy reviewing his homework. Zhang Feng didn't read online novels either, but was reviewing crazy with the textbooks of professional courses. The final exam is coming soon. This is the first exam, so you can't fail. Once you fail, it means you can't get your credits. If you don’t get enough credits in four years of university, you won’t be able to graduate.

"Are you busy with this?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Fuck, your kid is the coolest." Liu Bin glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "We are trying to review, your kid actually ran out to pick up girls. Alas, shop around, people are more popular."

"I don't usually work hard, the exam is a sorrow." Xiao Han glanced at a few people and said, "Why don't you work hard? Come review now."

"Come on, we have to work hard to memorize the key points of the exam." Liu Bin glanced at Xiao Han and said, "You kid stay here."

These guys are so busy that they can score more points in the final exam.

Xiao Han shook his head and started to work on his own affairs.


The final exam came as scheduled.

The three-day exam made many exams very sad. For students who have just entered college, the first year is the easiest year to indulge. Indeed, they indulge themselves, which means that they are unlucky. Usually I don't study hard, and the test comes to sharpen the gun, which is doomed to be bad luck.

The three-day exam passed in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, are you going back now?" Liu Bin sighed.

"Why? You kid still can't bear to go back?" Xiao Han replied in an annoyed way, "Where do we have your kid, you live locally. Look at Zhang Feng, who lives in another place. Look at Zhang Dagu. I'm from Shandong. Which one is not farther than you, and your kid is not willing to return?

"I didn't mean that." Liu Bin shook his head, and then said: "My problem now is that Guan Xiaotong and I have finally made some progress. This is the winter vacation. If this is a winter vacation, I guess she will..."

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