"Then don't be afraid of them!" Xiao Han waved his hand and said, "A bunch of useless things, I can settle them alone!"

"Xiao Han, you are too underestimating the enemy." Liu Bin said hurriedly, "You don't know how powerful Huang Xiaolong is. That kid's strength is comparable to that of Temuzha. The most important thing is that Huang Xiaolong is the squad leader of the Sanda class. The entire sports department’s target-carrying team. If you offend him, you will definitely not have a good fruit. The whole Sanda class must be very powerful."

"So what?" Xiao Han gave Liu Bin a disdainful look, and then said: "I didn't take the whole Jingwu Hall into consideration, let alone a Sanda class?"

"That's different!" Liu Bin said embarrassingly, "Jing Wu Hall is Jing Wu Hall. Sanda Class is Sanda Class. The two are not at the same level. Sanda Class is different from Jing Wu Hall. Sanda Class has specialties. There are often international Sanda champions who come to teach. I heard that Huang Xiaolong’s strength is comparable to that of Timuza. You can play one Timuza, but you can play dozens of Timuza Do you tie it?"

Liu Bin's worries are not redundant. The Sanda classes of Mizuki University are very famous, and they often interact with international Sanda clubs. There is a very deep friendship between each other. Most importantly, the results of Sanda classes in China are also very good. Before the fight, no one knew who was strong or weak on both sides.

"Really?" Xiao Han heard it and said with a smile: "That's good. Since the opponent is so strong, it is even more necessary to have a discussion with the other party."

"However, people in the entire sports department have to challenge our finance department!" Liu Bin said embarrassingly.

"There's no need to be afraid!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "I will notify the boys in the finance department. Tell them, if you want to go, sign up!"

"Really want to fight?" Liu Bin asked.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Okay!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "Let me do the contact."

If you want to fight, then do a good fight. The boys in the finance department have never been a bullshit. Since someone has come to provoke him, just play with the other party simply. Liu Bin is a computer science department, but he has always stood by the finance department.

At this time, Zhang Dagu walked in from outside.

"Ogu, what do you think of this matter?" Liu Bin asked.

"I am a third party, I have no opinion!" Zhang Dagu smiled and said, "I am also in a dilemma. After all, I am in the sports department, but Xiao Han is my brother again. I really have a dilemma. I can't betray. Sports department, but I can’t betray my brother. So..."

"Fuck, why are you doing this!" Liu Bin was anxious when he heard this: "You are the brother of our 101 dormitory, of course you have to stand by your brother!"

"Forget it, don't embarrass others." Xiao Han said, "Dagu is also in a dilemma."

Liu Bin hesitated and rolled his eyes at Zhang Dagu.

Zhang Dagu smiled, patted Liu Bin on the shoulder, and said, "I also want to help the finance department. But, after all, I am from the sports department. If I really help you fight, they won't be able to isolate me afterwards? How will I mix in the physical education department from now on?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "So, you still don't embarrass him."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you!" Liu Bin pushed Zhang Dagu away, turned and walked out.

Large class courses in the Department of Finance. The so-called large-class course means that several classes are gathered in a large classroom. This is a college mathematics course. After finishing college mathematics, Zhang Feng quickly stepped onto the stage, holding the microphone and shouting: "Classmates, listen to me!"


The students who had originally wanted to leave the class sat down.

"Zhang Feng, what's the matter?"

"Hurry up, we have something to leave."

Everyone shouted.

"Classmates!" Zhang Feng said, "Have you seen the post posted by the Department of Physical Education yesterday afternoon? People in the Department of Physical Education have already launched challenges like our Department of Finance. Are you indifferent at all?"

When the classmates heard it, they were silent.

Because everyone knows that the sports department is definitely not that easy to mess with. After all, people in the sports department are not only tall and big, but everyone can play. Everyone is very strong. This obviously made them feel scared.

"The physical education department is so fierce, where did we beat them?"

"Yes, the physical education department also has a Sanda class. It is estimated that one Sanda class can bring down our entire finance department, right?"

Many people feel that they are not opponents of the sports department, and they have complained.

"A physical education department in a small area, are you so scared?" Zhang Feng said grimly: "You are all big men, don't you have the heart to watch the girls in the finance department be bullied by them? Even if you don't fight tomorrow night, So... after they see you, they will beat you. This is reality! Instead of being punched and kicked by them in the future, it is better to compete with them tomorrow night, right!"


"Fuck, what are they doing!"

"That is, the boys in our finance department are also men!"

This group of boys was provoked by Zhang Feng's momentum, and one by one began to be filled with righteous indignation. The girls in the class seemed very surprised. This group of boys who usually look like bunnies are so excited and excited at this time.

With the presence of girls, boys’ emotions are easily provoked by them.

The boys looked extremely excited, and someone shouted: "Tomorrow night, we will compete with them!!"

"Compete!" everyone roared.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han seemed very pleased. He predicted in his heart that half of the people would be pleased to go, but he didn't expect that all the boys would be making a fuss about going. Although there are only four boys in classes. There are still several classes that have not been notified. However, Xiao Han felt that it was enough to have these people. Of course, the more people the better, the more the better.

Soon, news spread that the Department of Finance was going to fight with the Department of Sports.

The news spreads ten times, ten thousand times. Soon, all the boys in the finance department signed up for the battle in the school grove tomorrow night.

Department of Physical Education.

Tiemuhan found Huang Xiaolong.

"Xiaolong, have the 200 people from the Sports Department summoned for the battle tomorrow night?" Tiemuhan asked.

"Oh, let Cui Long do this." Huang Xiaolong said.

"Cui Long?" Tiemu Khan heard it and said, "Is that kid reliable?"

"Don't worry." Huang Xiaolong smiled: "Even if that kid is unreliable, and that kid is beaten by someone from the finance department, he will definitely not be able to swallow that breath. He will definitely practice sports people hard. So, this thing Give it to him, you must be reliable!"

"That's true." Temuhan nodded, and then smiled: "I didn't expect that kid would be beaten by someone from the Finance Department. What a useless thing!"

"Really?" Huang Xiaolong heard it and looked at Tie Muhan squintingly, and said, "Aren't you also beaten by someone from the Finance Department?"

"Fuck, can Xiao Han compare to it?" Tie Muhan said.

"He was also beaten by Xiao Han!" Huang Xiaolong sneered.

Tiemuhan was speechless, as if the slap he had just slapped out, finally returned to his face. And it hurts, it hurts!

"Nothing to say, right?" Huang Xiaolong sneered.

"Huh!" Tiemu Khan snorted softly, and said, "Tomorrow night, sooner or later, I will return this bad breath."

"That's good." Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "We have 18 people in our Sanda class. The physical education department is estimated to have about 100 people, right?"

"That's enough." When Tie Muhan heard this, he said without saying: "Fuck his uncle. More than one hundred people in our sports department can't do all the finance department?"

"Hehe, so, tomorrow night will be interesting." Huang Xiaolong smiled.

The battle between the Finance Department and the Sports Department seems to be inevitable. The entire Mizuki University seems to be raging. Except for the teachers and leaders of the school, almost all students know this. Even everyone was talking in private.

"You said that the finance department and the sports department are working, who can win?"

"Does this need to be said? It must be the physical education department!"

"Yeah, I think so too, everyone in the sports department is so brave, how could they lose?"

The tuyere almost exclusively turned to the sports department. Everyone thinks that the sports department can win.

However, some people think that the finance department can win.

"Not necessarily? There is Xiao Han in the Finance Department, who can beat him? Even Tiemuzha is not his opponent!"

"That's true. Both brothers Tiemuzha and Tiemuhan fell into Xiao Han's hands one after another. I feel a little suspended in the battle tomorrow night."

However, there are not many people who support the financial department to win. In their opinion, the probability of the Finance Department winning does not seem to be great.

"Otani, let's just open an offer!" Liu Bin said hurriedly.

"Oh?" Zhang Dagu said when he heard: "How to drive?"

"Just buy the sports department and the finance department." Liu Bin grinned.

"However, the physical education department will obviously win!" Zhang Dagu said hurriedly.

"Fuck, do you want to buy it too?" Liu Bin sneered and said, "I'll sit in the house!"

"Do you have so much money?" Zhang Dagu smiled.

"Of course!" Liu Bin was anxious when he heard it, "I have to think of a way to make a fortune before the war starts tomorrow night!"

"How are you going to do it?" Zhang Dagu asked.

"Hey, I have a way." Liu Bin raised his brows and said: "I have to write a plug-in code quickly, and then put it on the forum. Go back and let everyone bet together. In this way, we can make a small amount of money ."

"Really?" Zhang Dagu looked at Liu Bin suspiciously.

"Do you want to buy shares?" Liu Bin smiled, and said, "We've made a profit afterwards.

"Forget it, I just bet." Zhang Dagu hurriedly shook his head.

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