The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 379: beg for mercy

"Fuck, ask me what I am doing!" The old fifth shook his head hurriedly.

"Damn, you caused this thing!" A group of people accused the old fifth. If it wasn't for this kid who got drunk and started fighting in the bathroom, I'm afraid that would not happen.

"Damn, are you relying on me now?" The old fifth was anxious.

"Then what should I do now?" Everyone was anxious.

The students in the first class of the Department of Finance all looked at the old fifth with a clear look, and the group of people almost laughed. They are all about to burst into flames.

"What the **** is going on with you?" Yang Lu said with a sullen expression: "You broke our things, don't you want to lose money?"

"We didn't break it!" The fifth one was anxious, and he gritted his teeth: "They have a share too!"

"They?" Yang Lu smiled and said: "You have to see clearly, none of them will pick up flower pots and hit people, nor will they go to the box to pick up chairs and fights. They will not just pick up plates. Hit people."

When the students of the physical education department heard it, they lost everything in their hands. These are all real evidence. Yang Luyi said, their faces blushed. These guys were all drunk, so they didn't think too much during the fight, and took whatever they found to fight. Completely ignore the consequences.

"We...we don't have money!" the old fifth said awkwardly.

"If you don't have money, you dare to learn from others to fight?!" Yang Lu was anxious when she heard it, "You are really amazing. Since you don't have money, I can only call your school to pay the money."

"Don't... don't!" The fifth shook his head hurriedly, and then said: "Don't call the school!"

A bunch of people panicked. If you call the school, things will be troublesome. Everyone knows that the school cannot give them this amount of money. They will call the family directly and ask the family to pay them.

"Then what do you say!" Yang Lu snorted coldly.

"Let's... let's get together." The fifth hurriedly said: "We have more than a dozen people here. Everyone, let's get together."

This group of physical education students seemed very helpless, so they had to start raising money. Fifty thousand yuan, evenly spread to them, would cost at least two thousand five hundred yuan per person. For these students, two thousand five hundred yuan is at least two to three months of living expenses. How could they get it all at once. In the end, one person collected five hundred yuan, for a total of more than ten thousand yuan.

"So?" Yang Lu must be on Xiao Han's side. For fifty thousand yuan, a penny less will not work.

"We can only take so much!" The fifth said awkwardly.

"If you don't have enough money, you can't leave!" Yang Lu snorted coldly, and said, "Otherwise, you can only call your school or I can call the police. The police will definitely give you a charge of fighting. Turn back to you. All of them will leave the record at the police station. Humph, go out of society in the future and check with the employer. Who would dare you to leave the record at the police station?"

"Don't, don't!" The group of people were terrified. They were all students, and how did they know that Yang Lu was fooling herself. How could it be possible to leave a criminal record in the police station if a fight is a mere fight. Unless there is a major accident, or death, or a criminal offence, will the case be left. However, Yang Lu's hand really frightened them. They are all students. Although they are all brave and fierce, they are nothing but a blank sheet of paper in their thoughts and life experiences.

"Manager Yang, don't call the police!" The man who had just been beaten up by Xiao Han hurriedly stood up and said, "We will definitely give you the rest of the money."

"Then I can't let you run away." Yang Lu simply made things difficult for them.

"Otherwise, we will give you an IOU!" The man said hurriedly, "I will send you this money when I look back!"

Yang Lu turned to give Xiao Han a peek, and Xiao Han nodded slightly. Yang Lu hurriedly said, "That's okay, but don't think that I will let you go. You must come to my restaurant every day to help and be a waiter before you pay back the money!"

"Huh?!" A group of people was stunned.

"Don't worry, we take care of the food. The salary will be paid back!" Yang Lu snorted coldly and said, "However, don't expect how high the salary is. You are here guilty."

"Yes, yes!" When everyone heard about eating, they immediately became happy.

Xiao Han also knew that these guys would not be able to pay so much money for a while. Therefore, they can only be given a step down, otherwise it would be meaningless to trap them here. Xiao Han smiled and stopped talking.

Afterwards, the physical education students drew an IOU, everyone signed their names on it, and then left in despair.

"Let's go too!" Xiao Han smiled.

Lan Yudie took the students back to the box. Although Chen Xiaoxi's injuries look scary, they are not serious. They are nothing more than skin injuries. It's just that his face is swollen and deformed. He covered his face and sighed: "Oh, I also blame myself for impulsiveness. Just let him fight. I shouldn't fight back."

"How can you say that?" A girl looked at Chen Xiaoxi, and said, "It is because many boys have this idea that the students of the Department of Physical Education are allowed to stand by. If everyone is like Xiao Han, those students of the Department of Physical Education, which People dare to be so arrogant!"

Chen Xiaoxi looked at Xiao Han and said gratefully: "Xiao Han, thank you for today. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would be killed by them."

"They are all classmates, you are welcome!" Xiao Han smiled.

There is harmony in the box. The squad leader settled the cost of the box with the class fee. After sitting for a while, Lan Yudie left the Hanmen restaurant with everyone. Dozens of people walked toward Shuimu University mightily.


The group of students in the physical education department will naturally not be so honest. I lost money in a fight in a poor restaurant and lost money. They are naturally very upset. After returning to school, they immediately found several targets from the physical education department.

"What? You were bullied in the poor restaurant?" Huang Xiaolong frowned.

"Yes!" Several men who had been beaten up as Pig Head hurriedly said: "Look, you can see how miserable we are if you look at our injuries."

"You rubbish!" Huang Xiaolong gave a few people angrily.

Huang Xiaolong is a recognized target among physical education students. The strength is the most powerful in the Sanda class. In the physical education department, the Sanda class is considered the most powerful, and all students respect the Sanda class. After all, hard fist is the truth. This is true in society, and it is also true in school Austria. The school is actually half a society.

"Also let us lose money!" Several men said helplessly.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Huang Xiaolong glanced at a few people with disdain, and said, "I'll go back and avenge you!"

"Great." The man nodded and said, "Damn, this kid Xiao Han is too arrogant. He thought he had defeated Tiemuzha, so he was so awesome. I don't know Xiaolong, you are the really powerful character. Xiaolong , You have to let him see and see when you look back."

Huang Xiaolong's face sank slightly.

In fact, I really want to say that Huang Xiaolong is not Temuza's opponent. However, Huang Xiaolong's most powerful killer is that he has an assistant. There are more than ten people in the Sanda class, and these ten or more people are a very powerful force when they are screwed together. Not to mention Xiao Han, even Tiemuzha is not an opponent. A smile appeared on Huang Xiaolong's face, and then he said, "What's a Xiao Han in such a small amount? I'll take someone to avenge you afterwards!"

"Okay, okay!" When the man heard this, he was overjoyed and said: "If Xiaolong can help us get revenge, we will set up a table in the Hanmen restaurant to celebrate your work!"

"Okay!" Huang Xiaolong nodded and said: "Let's go back to our Sanda class to drink your celebration wine."

"No problem!" the man smiled.

The corner of Huang Xiaolong's mouth raised a slight smile. For him, Xiao Han is nothing to say. As for the students of the Department of Finance, apart from Xiao Han, none of them seem to be able to offer their hands. As long as Xiao Han is defeated, then the entire financial department can basically be defeated.

"Go back to the forum for the next battle book!" Huang Xiaolong sneered.

"What kind of war book?" the man asked curiously.

"Just say that our sports department is going to have a fight with the finance department!" Huang Xiaolong snorted coldly.

"This... isn't it?" The man heard it and said, "If the school finds out, wouldn't it be bad?"

"Don't worry, the school won't find it!" Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Use vague words, don't be too public. As long as they understand it."

"All right then." The man nodded.


Shuimu University, the first building of male dormitory. One and One Dormitory.

Xiao Han sent Lan Yudie back to the teacher's apartment, then turned back to the dormitory. As soon as Xiao Han arrived at the dormitory, the three of them all looked at Xiao Han. It seems that something big is going to happen. Xiao Han looked puzzled, and then said, "What's the matter? All of you have scary expressions?"

"Broken." Liu Bin said hurriedly.

"What happened?" Xiao Han frowned.

"The sports department will have an appointment with our finance department!" Liu Bin said hurriedly: "Moreover, this post is sent in the name of Huang Xiaolong."

"Why do you want to fight?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Didn’t the people in the physical education department get beaten today? This time I guess they’ve moved to rescue soldiers." Liu Bin hurriedly turned on the computer, then released the post, and said excitedly: "Look, their tone is very arrogant. If you don’t keep the appointment, you will see our finance department in the future and call one by one."

"He asked us to have tea in the small woods behind the school?" Xiao Han glanced.

"Do you think you can drink tea in the grove?" Liu Bin smiled bitterly: "To put it bluntly, I would go to the grove to declare war!"

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