The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 339: Unspoken rules

Lan Yudie's face was blushing, and she held Xiao Han's guy with her hands hard.

"Come your mouth!" Xiao Han said triumphantly.

"Fuck you!" Lan Yudie slapped Xiao Han on the thigh and cursed: "Don't mess around, I'll do it myself, don't move!"

After speaking, Lan Yudie opened her mouth obediently and swallowed it.


There was a burst of fragrant beauty in the room. Xiao Han lay on the chair, enjoying the service of Blue Rain Butterfly. That's absolutely authentic, absolutely cool flying. This feeling is not comparable to other pleasures. This feeling makes people feel like flying in the blue sky and white clouds.

Blue Yudie's movements are very gentle. She was afraid that she might accidentally injure Xiao Han, so she could only try to slow down and softly. Then knead gently. Xiao Han sat on the chair, his body moved slightly. The movements are also very slow, and try to match the movements of the blue rain butterfly.

Xiao Han knew that the time could not be delayed too long, otherwise the impact would not be good. Therefore, he can only think of ways to speed up the process. In desperation, he used his hand.

After ten minutes, I was about to reach the peak.

Suddenly, a door opened.

The deputy dean of the department came in, a middle-aged uncle who had died. He walked in, originally smiling, when he saw Xiao Han, he was immediately stunned: "Who are you? Where is Lan Yudie?"

"I..." Xiao Han panicked.

The Blue Yudie under the table also trembled, and the strength of her mouth suddenly became heavier.

The bite force of Lan Yudie's mouth became much stronger, and Xiao Han immediately felt that he had reached the peak.


Lan Yudie hid under the table and did not dare to move, she could only hold Xiao Han's guy firmly with both hands, and then tried to swallow all the surging things.

Xiao Han's face is distorted!

"You...what's wrong with you?" The deputy director frowned.

"No..." Xiao Han shook his head hurriedly and said: "Mr. Lan is out, and he asked me to help him count the number of people registered for the Games, as well as the registered items. Because they are going to hand in today, she asked me help!"

"Oh!" As soon as the deputy director heard it, this statement seemed to be highly credible, because the sports meeting was about to start next Wednesday, and Xiao Han, who was from the University of Malaysia, might be the sports committee member. He curiously asked, "Then...where did Teacher Lan go?"

"It seems to be going to the supermarket." Xiao Han answered with a smile. This smile is very happy and refreshing. Because Xiao Han was released, the flames all over his body were released.

The Lan Yudie hiding under the table was still trembling. She covered her mouth with her hand and swallowed several mouthfuls. There were still many things from Xiao Han in her mouth. She tried her best. Although she wanted to vomit, Deputy Director Zhang was in the office. If he bumped into this incident, it would be a storm. Therefore, I must bear the humiliation at this time. She knows the seriousness of the matter.

"Really?" Deputy Director Zhang heard this and said, "What are you going to do in the supermarket at this time!"

Seeing him, Xiao Han didn't seem to want to leave. He hurriedly said: "You can go to the supermarket and you may be able to meet her."

"Or...I'll just wait here." Deputy Director Zhang thought for a while, and then said to Xiao Han: "You hurry up and go quickly when you're done. Don't dawdle in the teacher's office!"

"Huh?" Xiao Han heard, he clearly felt the blue rain butterfly under the table twist the flesh on his thigh. Xiao Han hurriedly said: "By the way, I just remembered that Teacher Lan seems to be going home for dinner today. It seems that something is going on at home!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" As soon as Deputy Director Zhang heard, he just sat down and his **** was still warm, he immediately stood up and said, "Then I will go first. If Teacher Lan comes back, don't tell her that I am here. Here, you know?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.


Deputy Director Zhang hurriedly closed the door.

Under the table, Blue Raindie had already swallowed all his mouthfuls. She was also forced to be helpless. Just now Deputy Director Zhang said that he would wait here for his return, but he was so scared that he swallowed it all.

" bastard!" Lan Yudie cursed at Xiao Han.

"How do you scold someone?" Xiao Han asked embarrassedly.

"Why can't I scold someone?" Lan Yudie glared at Xiao Han and cursed: "Do you know how dangerous it was just now? If we were hit by Deputy Director Zhang, we would be miserable. You bastard, why are you not at all? For my sake? If he meets us, we may be completely ruined."

Xiao Han was taken aback, he laughed and said, "He didn't find out, besides, I'm so witty, right?"

"Asshole!" Lan Yudie blushed with anger. It was just a cut-off, it was terrible. When she just lay down under the table, Lan Yudie's mind was blank and her whole body was shaking. She was ready to be smashed in her mind. Once broken, Blue Rain Butterfly may leave Mizuki University forever. Even the chance to read the postgraduate and Ph.D. will directly give up. The Blue Rain Butterfly gritted his teeth, even unable to vent his inner anger. She angrily said: "If someone finds out, you will be fired. And I, I am afraid I will also lose my job. Moreover, if this incident spreads, how can our face be saved?"

"Uh..." Xiao Han was taken aback, and said awkwardly: "How can it be so serious. If you are unemployed, I will support you."

"What about the face? What about dignity?" Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han and said: "The next day, I will be scolded on the Internet for incompleteness, do you understand?"

Blue Rain Butterfly naturally has her scruples. After all, she is a teacher in this school, she needs to take care of her own face, she has to take care of too many things. However, Xiao Han didn't give any consideration at all. I almost killed myself.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I was wrong."

"Is it over if one sentence is wrong?" Lan Yudie glared at Xiao Han.

"Then what are you going to do?" Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie helplessly.

Things have already happened, and most importantly, they are not going in a bad direction. Xiao Han saved this matter from the brink of death with his wit. To be honest, Xiao Han himself was scared just now. He almost got impotence by this deputy director Zhang.

"Huh!" Lan Yudie held her chest with her hands and stopped talking.

At this time, Xiao Han asked suspiciously: "No, this office is your private space. Why did Deputy Director Zhang come in without knocking on the door?"

"Oh..." Lan Yudie gave Xiao Han a helpless look, and then said: "It's a long story. Actually, this Deputy Director Zhang is not a good person. At least he has no good intentions for me. Harassing me. Want me to sleep with him."

"What!" Xiao Han was shocked.

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han helplessly, and said: "Since I started working, Deputy Director Zhang has been knocking on the sidelines. He said that I have great potential for training. I hope I can be the leader of my grade. I will soon be promoted to the head of the department."

"He doesn't want to throw a piece of bait for you and then let you get the bait?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded and said, "He said, as long as I accompany him once, he will help me handle these things. Although I refused several times, but he kept harassing me like this, making me a little unbearable. Disturb."

"Then report him." Xiao Han said sharply.

"Oh, they are all colleagues." Lan Yudie sighed and said, "Reporting him will not do me any good. Besides, if he loses his job because of me, my heart will be more or less Somewhat guilty."

"Stupid girl." Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie distressedly, and said: "It's this time, why do you still think about him. You don't want to think about it, he has been harassing you, you should maintain your image and honor. ."

"But, after all, I have no definite evidence." Lan Yudie said helplessly: "He always finds me on the initiative and then talks to me about these things. Sometimes it's in his office, sometimes it's mine. office."

"What about the information?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"No!" Lan Yudie shook his head and said: "He never told me these things on the phone. They are all face to face!"

"It really is an old fox!" Xiao Lian said with a smile.

"Moreover, I heard that Deputy Director Zhang has been reported once a few years ago." Lan Yudie smiled and said: "It is probably because of the last report, so he appears more cautious. I don't want to stay. Any handle and evidence."

"Sure enough, he is an old fox!" Xiao Leng Leng smiled coldly, and then said, "Xiao Yu, this matter must not be ignored. In this way, I will help you settle this matter!"

"How do you help me?" Lan Yudie asked hurriedly.

"I'm looking for a few people and blocked him on the road." Xiao Han squinted his eyes and said: "Dare to hit my woman's idea. It depends on how I clean him."

"Naughty, who is your woman?" Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han.

"You!" Xiao Han said with a smile: "Don't you admit it? You swallowed my hundreds of millions of children and grandchildren!"

"Huh?" Blue Yudie was taken aback, but she didn't even react. When she saw Xiao Han's evil smile, she immediately understood. She immediately waved her pink fist and hit Xiao Han on the chest. While beating, she cursed: "You bastard, you are even more shameful and worse than the pervert surnamed Zhang!"

"Haha!" Xiao Han immediately took Lan Yudie into his arms and said with a smile: "Silly girl, this matter must be resolved, otherwise it must be a problem. Since it is a problem, there will be endless problems."

"I..." Lan Yudie looked helpless, then said: "Then don't use force."

"Strength." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Strength is the most direct way."

"Can't you think of other ways?" Lan Yudie looked up at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han glanced at Lan Yudie, then blinked his eyes, and said, "There is a way, but your cooperation!"

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