Lan Yudie didn't want Xiao Han to fight against King Kong, let alone Xiao Han against Dao League. But, after all, she is a female generation, she has no way to dominate Xiao Han, let alone influence Xiao Han. The only thing she can do is to hold Xiao Han and give him more love.

Looking at the long scar on Xiao Han's body, Lan Yudie felt a heartache for the first time. This heartache is not about missing something, nor is it missing something beautiful. But a kind of sorrow, a kind of tingling. It's like watching someone smash my beloved toy, but I can't change it, let alone respond.

Xiao Han held Lan Yudie's face in both hands.

At the moment when he stared, Xiao Han saw the tenderness and the infinite maternal glory in the eyes of Lan Yudie.

Blue Yudie closed her eyes gently and bit her red lips lightly. This is the first time that she has actively waited and greeted Xiao Han's kiss. Again, this was the first time she was full of expectations for a man's kiss. Lan Yudie took a deep breath and waited for her first arrival.

Where can Xiao Han keep Lan Yudie waiting for a long time? Some things will come naturally.

Xiao Han immediately kissed the blue rain butterfly's red lips, the tip of his tongue slipped into the blue rain butterfly's red lips effortlessly, and lightly pried away the blue rain butterfly's shell teeth. Blue Rain Butterfly's lilac pink tongue soon greeted her. The tongues of the two were gently entangled together. Get together lightly and hug each other.

Lan Yudie hugged Xiao Han, and Xiao Han also hugged Blue Yudie tightly in his arms.

Blue Yudie's pink tongue had a touch of warmth, and Xiao Han couldn't stop it with her sweet sex. The tongues of the two were entangled and gently entangled. However, Xiao Han's **** in Xiao Han's body was quickly provoked. He hugged Blue Yudie and simply sucked the pink tongue of Blue Yudie into his mouth, and then kept kissing her, and kept getting away from her. The sweetness is drawn from the powder tongue. Furiously entangled between the two.

The blood in Xiao Han's body began to move around, like that turbulent river. He crazily held the blue rain butterfly and put his hands down. His hands were kneading on Blue Yudie's straight butt. This kind of action actually made Blue Rain Butterfly ready to move. She couldn't stop it.

"Hmm!" Lan Yudie said softly, with Chun at the corner of her mouth, her arms around Xiao Han's neck, wishing to incorporate Xiao Han into her body.

Xiao Han is already on the string, but this place is not suitable.

However, even if this place was not suitable, Xiao Han decided to explore Lan Yudie well. Her hand gently got into the blue Yudie's clothes. In late autumn, some clothes were added. However, this does not affect Xiao Han's exploration.

Xiao Han's hand easily got in, without the slightest obstruction. Drilling through the underwear, he easily caught a bunch of plump stunners. The group of delicate stunners, as delicate as warm jade, carries the slightest warmth. There are also some hot, plump and elastic stunners that stimulate Xiao Han. The blood in Xiao Han's body seemed to flow like three rivers, like ten thousand horses galloping.

Xiao Han was like a crazy beast. He smelled the hormones in the air, and his whole person became even more wild and crazy. Xiao Han hugged Lan Yudie and leaned her on the sofa. Xiao Han pressed Lan Yudie under his body and kissed wildly, taking the sweetness of her pink tongue.

However, Xiao Han didn't stop there, he lifted Lan Yudie's clothes. The presence or absence of those two white **** was immediately exposed to the air. Like two snow-white sacred mountains under the sun, they trembled and made people feel extremely alluring.

"Ah!" Lan Yu exclaimed.

Xiao Han stared at the two stunners of Blue Yudie like a hungry wolf. Those eyes seemed to see a delicious lamb, who was about to swallow it into his stomach.


Xiao Han took a deep breath. After all, it was a sacred mountain, which gave Xiao Han a feeling that he could only be seen from a distance and could not be played with. Xiao Han stared at the two snow peaks hard.


He swallowed his saliva, then gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Yu, I am here!"

After speaking, he immediately rushed down.

"Ah..." Lan Yudie screamed.

Xiao Han opened his mouth and bit down.

" lighten it!" Lan Yudie exclaimed. She closed her eyes and wanted to push Xiao Han away, but she couldn't bear to think that Xiao Han was already her boyfriend. After all, isn't that the same thing between men and women? However, this place is also my own office, and if I do these extravagant things here openly, it will definitely have a very bad effect. I am a teacher, and Xiao Han is his own student. If students and teachers do such things in the office, if they are found out, it will not be a good thing for Xiao Han and myself.

Xiao Han didn't care about so many things, especially under the indulgence of Blue Rain Butterfly, Xiao Han seemed extremely crazy.

Blue Rain Butterfly felt pain and happiness.

What is happy is the numbness in my blood, which makes my body feel very comfortable. This kind of comfort is different from the daily comfort. This kind of comfort seems to come from the relaxation of every cell in the body. Breathing fresh air in general.

Xiao Han felt like he was splitting. Especially after capturing the upper body of Blue Raindie, he felt even more unable to extricate himself. His hand lifted Lan Yudie's skirt, and his two slender legs were joined together, trying to hold Xiao Han's hand.

"No..." Lan Yudie hurriedly shook her head.

"I want it!" Xiao Han looked at Xiao Han almost beggingly.

"No, you can't be here!" Lan Yudie shook her head and said: "This is the office, how can you..."

Xiao Han pressed on Lan Yudie's body. He gritted his teeth and quickly broke through Lan Yudie's defense, and easily touched the key place. There, it's already wet...

"Ah!" Lan Yudie exclaimed.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han lightly hooked his finger. The little girl immediately fell off.

"No, no!" Lan Yudie was shocked, she had never been psychologically prepared like this. Although Xiao Han had touched him all over, but he still couldn't take that step. What's more, this place is its own office, how can Blue Raindie be able to let it go?

Xiao Han didn't care about that much, his hands continued to move forward.

He stroked gently.

There is no hair, a bright and clean...

"Oh my God!" Xiao Han was shocked.

Isn't it... Isn't the Blue Rain Butterfly born? In Xiao Han's mind there was a flame soaring to the sky, and his blood seemed to be overwhelmed. Suddenly it became extremely hot. Xiao Han couldn't control his brain anymore. He didn't expect that Blue Yudie was a born white tiger. This is very rare among women. Born to be a white tiger, it is definitely the best among women. The blue rain butterfly is not only born with a white tiger, but even has a beautiful appearance and a great body. The combination of the three is simply amazing.

Xiao Han suddenly felt that he had picked up a peerless treasure.

"You...what are you doing?" Lan Yudie hurriedly pushed away Xiao Han's hand. She took advantage of the moment when Xiao Han was dazed, she hurriedly pushed Xiao Han away, then quickly put on her pants and put on her clothes Also put it on.

When Xiao Han reacted, Lan Yudie had already taken a defensive posture. She hurriedly said: "Xiao Han, you... don't be impulsive, this is an office, it is not suitable for these things!"

"Where and when is it suitable?" Xiao Han's crotch topped high.

When Lan Yudie saw Xiao Han's crotch, her whole body was not good, because she knew Xiao Han's size and how powerful it was. Therefore, she tried hard to avoid Xiao Han's crotch. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han came over.

"I don't know!" Lan Yudie shook his head.

"Hey, then..." Xiao Han grinned and said evilly: "The fire burns my eyebrows, you can't just watch me not lift it?"

"Huh?" Blue Yudie said when he heard it, "I... what should I do?"

"You know." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "You help me solve it."

"How to solve it?" Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han. She was still worried about what happened last time. This time, she wanted to escape.

Xiao Han glanced around, then sat down on the chair in Lan Yudie's office.


Despite the shame, Xiao Han took off his pants directly.

"You!" Lan Yudie exclaimed: " quickly get dressed!"

"If you don't help me solve the problem, I won't wear pants." Xiao Han also took it easy. He trained Lan Yudie the last time, and the job this time is definitely better than last time. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to train again. Women are all trained. A woman who is not trained is not fun.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a weird smile.

"Could it not be here!" Lan Yudie was anxious: "What if someone comes in?"

"You can hide under the table!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Even if someone comes in, you can't see it from the whole side."

There is a relatively spacious foot seat under Blue Raindie's desk. The front is facing the door, if someone comes in, it is impossible to see the situation under the table from the front. And Xiao Han sat in the chair, and couldn't see anything at all.

"You!" Lan Yudie was not angry: " can't do this!"

"You can help me solve it soon, I'll leave!" Xiao Han's rogue extremely. He sat there indifferently, and let the little guy stand still.

"You..." Upon seeing this, Lan Yudie vented all his anger, and could only helplessly walk over.

After thinking for a while, I squatted down, then got under the desk and said, "Come here quickly, otherwise it would be bad if someone saw you!"

Originally, Xiao Han was just playing a rogue. He was also a person who puts the overall situation in mind, but he didn't expect that Lan Yudie actually agreed. Where can he refuse. He quickly moved the chair over. Then sat down.

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