The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2425: Leaving Huangquan Gate

Li Guiyuan took Li Sisi and sat down on the futon, intending to wait quietly for Xiao Han to end the inheritance.

Li Guiyuan and Li Sisi were waiting next to each other. Of course, Xiao Han was accepting the inheritance of the exercises wholeheartedly.

Although Xiao Han had vaguely felt it before, of course the most important thing for him was Huang Quanzhang's cultivation technique.

As for Biluohuangquan's body, it didn't do much to Xiao Han.

Moreover, Xiao Han has already cultivated the Fengyun Transformation Body of Xingyizong, and his body speed is already very fast, and Xiao Han has not yet cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to the point of Dzogchen, his speed will be greatly improved.

Therefore, most of Xiao Han's energy was put on Huangquan's palm.

However, in the process of accepting the inheritance, Xiao Han realized that he almost missed a good opportunity.

It turns out that the Biluohuangquan body is not small for Xiao Han.

The practice technique of Biluohuangquan body is similar to that of Xingyunzong's Fengyun Transformation Body.

It's just that this set of the yellow spring body of Huangquanmen cannot be transformed into a clone.

However, the increase in body speed is no worse than Fengyun's changing body.

Xiao Han successfully cultivated the Biluohuangquan body, which would be of great benefit to the improvement of the Fengyun Transformation Body.

Therefore, Xiao Han still accepted the practice technique of the Biluo Huangquan Body in its entirety. As for the previous generations of Huangquanmen's predecessors who practiced the Biluo Huangquan Body, Xiao Han accepted them all.

After getting Biluo Huangquan's body, Xiao Han turned his attention to Huangquan's palm.

Gradually, as the methods in his mind about the cultivation of Huangquan Palm were accepted by Xiao Han, Xiao Han began to have some knowledge about the practice of the set of blue and yellow spring palms that he obtained from the ancient ruins.

It seems that Xiao Han's previous speculation is valid.

If you want to practice Biluo Huangquan Palm, you should first cultivate the Huangquan Palm of Huangquan Sect. Otherwise, Biluo Huangquan Palm is rootless water, and it is difficult to touch substantive things in the sky.

Now that Xiao Han has come into contact with Ke Huangquanzhang's cultivation method, he has gradually become clear about the practice of Biluohuangquanzhang.

This also made Xiao Han even more delighted.

These Huangquanzhang cultivation methods have already benefited Xiao Han a lot, so wouldn't Xiao Han be more enlightened by the following experience and experience of practicing Huangquanzhang?

So, next, Xiao Han devoted himself wholeheartedly to the inheritance of the exercises.

As for the existence of Li Guiyuan and Li Sisi, Xiao Han almost forgot.

In this way, Li Guiyuan and Li Sisi sat cross-legged in meditation, one for half a day.

During this half-day, Xiao Han was standing there motionless like the black statue in front.

If it weren’t for Xiao Han’s aura fluctuations as usual, I’m afraid that even Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan would have thought that something happened to Xiao Han in the process of inheriting the exercises.

In the space on the third floor of Huangquanmen’s Treasure Pavilion, the black statue in the middle bursts with radiance, illuminating the entire third floor as bright as day.

In front of the black statue, Xiao Han still kept the posture raised with one hand, motionless for a long, long time.

Only the existence of Li Guiyuan's level was able to vaguely perceive that the fluctuations in Xiao Han's body seemed to begin to grow stronger.

It seems that Xiao Han's spiritual power is accepting the inheritance of the black statue, and it is about to end.

This black statue should be a magic weapon of no low grade, capable of storing various information through the power of divine consciousness.

At least Xiao Han encountered this magic weapon for the first time, and it seemed that there was no such advanced thing in other sects before.

Li Sisi has always been a young girl. After a long time, she gave up sitting and adjusting her breath and opened her eyes.

Li Sisi raised her head and looked at Xiao Han, who was not far away, who was still immobile. After a long time, she finally couldn't help but asked: "Grandpa, why hasn't Xiao Han finished accepting the inheritance? I remember that I accepted the inheritance. It took only one hour at this time. When my brother accepted the inheritance of the practice before, it was only two hours, right?"

Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan also slowly opened his eyes at this time. He turned to look at his granddaughter beside him, and said angrily: "You stupid girl is so embarrassed to say? When you accept the inheritance of the exercises, I will not I know, in order to be lazy, you just accepted the two sets of cultivation methods and then withdrew. You did not accept all the cultivation experience and experience of the seniors in the black statue. People Xiao Han knows the opportunity, of course. Will choose to accept the complete inheritance, and even the experience and experience of those seniors' cultivation."

"Why, didn't I half of my training later, and came here again after encountering a problem?" Li Sisi laughed dryly and said with embarrassment.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, shook his head with a wry smile, and reprimanded with a helpless look: "You stupid girl is really spoiled by me. In fact, your talent and roots are among the best in our Huangquan Sect. It's too stubborn. If you can work harder, your cultivation level and strength will go beyond the current level.

Silly girl, you have to come on, as long as you work harder, my position as the master of Huangquan will definitely be reserved for you in the future. You also know that you always want to go out and see the outside world, but you also know that only you Only when you have cultivated to a certain level can you successfully get out of this valley..."

"Okay, okay, I see." Li Sisi nodded eagerly, seemingly afraid that Li Guiyuan would continue to teach.

Seeing this scene, the helpless look on the face of Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan's face became stronger.

He shook his head with a wry smile, and looked at Li Sisi's eyes, full of pampering.


At this moment, a slight noise suddenly occurred on the court.

Li Guiyuan's face moved, and he quickly raised his head to look at the black statue not far away.

I saw that at this time the brilliance of the black statue was gradually weakening, and Xiao Han, standing in front of the black statue, was full of light.

After a while, not only the glorious light on the black statue completely disappeared, but also the glorious light on Xiao Han's body gradually dissipated.

Then Xiao Han slowly put down the palm of his hand and slowly opened his eyes.


Seeing Xiao Han slowly opening his eyes, Huangquan's master Li Guiyuan and Li Sisi quickly got up from the ground.

Li Guiyuan asked with a smile on his face: "Xiao Han, it took such a long time. It seems that you have already accepted both sets of exercises. Congratulations."

At this time, Xiao Han did not reply, but stood there blankly.

Li Guiyuan guessed that Xiao Han had just received the inheritance of the two sets of exercises, so he was now concentrating on sorting out the miscellaneous information that suddenly appeared in his mind.

After a long time, Xiao Han trembled all over, and his somewhat dull face finally returned to normal.

Xiao Han looked up and saw Li Guiyuan and Li Sisi standing not far away.

Xiao Han looked at Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan not far away, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Xiao Han, thank you Li Sect Master for your help. If it weren't for you, even if I took out Biluo Huangquan palm, those elders would not agree. Teach me two sets of exercises."

Xiao Han is indeed very grateful to Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan.

Because Xiao Han knows very well that even the sect disciples of Huangquan Sect will hardly have this kind of opportunity if they want to enter this treasure house to accept two sets of exercises.

Moreover, after Xiao Han received the inheritance of the two sets of exercises, he soon felt that the benefits of these two sets of exercises for him were not just to be able to practice the Blue Spring Palm.

After accepting the inheritance, Xiao Han's combat effectiveness will also be improved.

Moreover, there is no great relationship between him and Huangquan Sect. Before, he had trouble with Huangquan Sect on Xingyu Peak.

To be honest, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, is not familiar with him at all, but after Xiao Han arrived at Huangquan Sect, Li Guiyuan accepted Xiao Han regardless of previous suspicions, which is very grateful for Xiao Han.

At least for now, Xiao Han is grateful to Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan.

Without him, Xiao Han would definitely not be able to get the two sets of cultivation techniques of Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body.

"Don't say that, you came by your own ability."

For Xiao Han’s sincere thanks, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan just waved his hand lightly, and said disapprovingly: “Right, the Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body are two sets of complete cultivation methods, and we Huangquan You have fully accepted the cultivation experience and experience of many seniors, right?"

"Yes, it's all in my head, thank you Li Sect Master for your love."

Xiao Han pointed his head and smiled and nodded.

"That's good, that's good, I hope it will help you. You got the cultivation methods of Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Palm, and we in Huangquan Sect got Biluo Huangquan Palm. We are a win-win situation."

Li Guiyuan laughed and said, "Xiao Han, but I still want to remind you that you can learn about the cultivation methods of Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body, but don't let it out, no one can do it. "

"Don't worry, Master Li, I will abide by Chengruo." Xiao Han nodded and said without hesitation.

Then, when Xiao Han thought, a paragraph of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The information recorded in this information is about the complete cultivation methods of Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan. It not only contains two sets of cultivation methods, but most importantly, it also includes the time when the ancestors of Huangquanmen practiced these methods. The experience left behind.

With these things, when Xiao Han cultivates Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body in the future, his progress will definitely be leaps and bounds.

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