The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2424: Xiao Family Ancestor

If Xiao Han is still awake, he would naturally know what Li Guiyuan meant when he heard it.

In the ancient times of Huangquan Sect, Xiao Han encountered the last Huangquan Venerable.

The Venerable Huangquan is nothing more than a corpse left over thousands of years ago, and he can still display the strength comparable to the power of the peak realm during the Tribulation Period.

Therefore, if Xiao Han guessed correctly, the strength of the Venerable Huang Quan back then was at least the person who experienced the Nine Heavens Tribulation at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Even if he could perform such terrifying moves after death, even if Venerable Huangquan had not stepped into the fairyland before his death, his strength before his death was absolutely terrifying.

Li Guiyuan glanced at Xiao Han, who was receiving the inheritance of the exercises in front of the black statue, and then slowly said: "Grandpa mentioned to you before that the predecessor of our Huangquan Sect was a sect called Huangquan Sect. Thousands of years ago, this sect was the overlord of the entire Shifang Refining Domain, but then Huangquan Sect somehow disappeared overnight.

Venerable Huangquan was the master of Huangquan Sect back then, and each generation of Venerable Huangquan was a great figure.

But with the passage of time, many people in the Shifang Refining Domain have forgotten this top figure who once dominated the Shifang Refining Domain. "

Hearing this, Li Sisi couldn't help but slap her tongue. It was the first time she had heard of the so-called Venerable Huangquan. It seemed that the time interval was indeed not short.

"Is Venerable Huang Quan very strong?" Li Sisi asked somewhat curiously. Li Sisi was naturally very interested in their ancestor in the legend of Huangquan Sect.

Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan looked around and whispered, "Silly girl, can lead Huangquanzong to dominate the entire ten-party refining domain, do you think it is strong?

And as far as I know, there were several top and strongest figures in the Shifang Refining Domain back then, and these few supreme and strong peak figures represented the most powerful force in the Shifang Refining Domain.

And our Huangquan Sect's Venerable Huangquan is one of these pinnacle figures. These figures are all superhuman beings, and they are only one step away from the legendary fairy realm. "

In the voice of Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquanmen, there is a deep respect for the most powerful.

"Only one step away from the fairyland..."

Hearing this, Li Sisi's face was also full of shock.

It is only one step away from the fairyland, so in other words, it is the point where the peak realm of the transition period has experienced the nine-fold heavenly tribulation, and it will not be a day or two after the nine-fold heavenly tribulation.

This kind of existence is no longer accessible to ordinary people.

Even if Li Sisi was born in Huangquanmen of three sects and four sects, on weekdays, he did not come into contact with the great figures in the peak of the transition period [Jiujiu novel] circles who have experienced the nine heavens.

Li Sisi blinked and asked curiously: "Grandpa, in that era, besides Venerable Huangquan, who are the other most powerful people?"

"Thousands of years have passed, and some things have been unproven."

After Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan pondered for a moment, he said softly: "As for the names of the most powerful and powerful people of the same age as Venerable Huangquan, I don’t know what the names are, but I vaguely heard that there are three of them. The strong belong to the demon royal family, the demon family, and the other is not from a sect, it seems to be a casual cultivator..."

"Random cultivation? This kind of supreme and strongest person should be cultivated by truly top forces? How can there be a casual cultivation?"

Hearing this, Li Sisi had an incredible look.

After pondering for a moment, Li Sisi hurriedly asked: "Grandpa, did you have such an excellent casual cultivator thousands of years ago?"

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, smiled slightly and said softly: "The person among them seems to be a casual cultivator, because that person doesn't seem to be from any of the powers in the ten directions. The origin is also very mysterious, but I heard from us Huangquan Sect. An old ancestor once mentioned that the strongest person had a lot of friendship with our ancestor Huangquan of the Huangquan Sect, and seemed to have a connection."

"So, isn't our Venerable Huangquan acquainted with each other widely?" Hearing this, Li Sisi also looked fascinated.

"It should be, but after so many years, there is very little information left. If I hadn't had a deep connection with Huangquan Sect, many things would not have been passed on." Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan lightly said Nodded.

Li Sisi asked with a curious look: "By the way, Grandpa, apart from the two most powerful men of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Race, who is the mysterious casual cultivator who has nothing to do with our ancestor Huang Quan? He? What is your name?"

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "It seems to be Xiao should be Xiao Ding.

The ancestor who explained these past events to me has passed away, and there is no way to verify it, and after so many years, I don't remember it too clearly.

Thousands of years ago in that era, our Huangquan Sect was the strongest power in the ten directions.

At that time, the Demon Royal Family, the Demon Race, and other forces could only succumb to the second line. The power of our Huangquan Sect back then was much higher than the current status of the Demon Royal Family.

However, it is a pity that the later Huangquan Sect did not know what happened to it, and disappeared into the ten directions refining domain overnight, and only a few young disciples who went out to practice escaped.

Later, several of the young disciples founded Huangquanmen, but then we never reappeared in Huangquanmen with such talents and roots as enchanting..."

Speaking of which, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, is also sighing.

"Xiao Ding? Ran Xiu? Ran Xiu? Xiao Ding?" At this time, Li Sisi muttered a few words.

At this time, Li Sisi's eyes suddenly lit up.

She quickly turned her head and looked at Xiao Han, who was receiving the inheritance of the exercises, and said with a playful look: "Grandpa, that Xiao Ding junior’s surname is Xiao, Xiao Han is also surnamed Xiao, and Xiao Han and that Xiao Senior Ding is also a casual cultivator, is it possible that Xiao Han is a descendant of Senior Xiao Ding?"

Hearing this, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, was also stunned on the spot.

It’s just that Li Guiyuan quickly got over. He looked at Li Sisi with a smile, and said softly: "Silly girl, let alone other worlds, even the person surnamed Xiao among our ten refining realms. There are too many to count. If you say it, doesn’t it mean that everyone with the surname Xiao is a descendant of the senior Xiao Ding?"

"Grandpa, don't I just talk casually." Li Sisi stuck out his tongue playfully.

Li Sisi really said it after hearing what Li Guiyuan said. Of course she knew that things would not be so coincidental, and so many years have passed between the two generations. Xiao Han is the supreme and powerful queen. People are extremely unlikely.

It's just that Xiao Han is also a very talented and well-founded character.

Li Sisi felt that Xiao Han's future achievements would certainly not be low.

However, Li Sisi still asked softly: "Grandpa, you just said, if this Xiao Han is our Huangquan Sect disciple, in the future, we will reappear a peerless expert like Huangquan Sect. Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?"

Although Li Sisi spoke highly of Xiao Han, she felt that this guy should be the strongest among the younger generation she had seen for so many years.

But Li Sisi still felt that Xiao Han was still far behind the most powerful people thousands of years ago.

"Stupid girl, Grandpa has lived for most of his life, and you will never get it wrong."

Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan looked at Xiao Han’s back and sighed softly: "This little guy in front of us is really not easy. It's not just that he has the chance to get a high-grade spiritual weapon. His combat power, Even I was surprised.

Moreover, he was able to cultivate to this level when he was only in his twenties, which shows that his talents and roots are far beyond comparison. Moreover, he is a casual cultivator and has no blessing from a sect background, so he wants to cultivate to this level One step is even more difficult.

I don't think even you can compare to Xiao Han, let alone the other people in our Huangquan Gate? "

Li Sisi's mouth curled, although he was more or less unconvinced in his heart, but Li Sisi also saw Xiao Han's actions with his own eyes.

At least Li Sisi was absolutely not sure that he could survive ten moves in the hands of the second elder.

If it is said that before Xiao Han has competed with the second elder Sun Miao, Li Sisi still thinks about having a chance to compete with Xiao Han to compare which is higher and lower.

However, after Xiao Han forced the second elder Sun Miao to be unable to defeat it, especially after Li Sisi saw the high-grade spiritual weapon on Xiao Han, Li Sisi was completely convinced.

Because Li Sisi was very clear in his heart, let alone Xiao Han's strength to the level of Sun Miao, Li Sisi was not sure that he could resist it when he faced Xiao Han's high-grade spirit weapon alone.

Since this is the case, Li Sisi has to admit that he is not in Xiao Han's hand.

Having said this, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, sighed slightly and smiled bitterly: "Stupid girl, so, this kind of talent and roots can be called evildoers, but not our Huangquan Sect disciple, you say Do I feel sorry?"

"It doesn't matter, grandpa, although my talents and roots may not be as good as Xiao Han, I will work hard, and we have successfully set up the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation at Huangquan Sect. The progress of my cultivation in the future It will be fast, don't worry, I will catch up with Xiao Han." Li Sisi said with a look of excitement.

"Silly girl, of course Grandpa believes you."

As he said, Li Guiyuan laughed softly, "Why wait here? It is estimated that Xiao Han will not be short to accept the inheritance."

Next, Li Guiyuan thought, two futons appeared from the Qiankun bag and dropped on the ground.

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