The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2392: Make a request

However, it cannot be denied that Xiao Han was indeed found by Li Longji.

This is a great achievement for Huangquan Sect.

Being so praised by the master Li Guiyuan, Li Longji naturally smiled.

Now that Li Guiyuan said so, the next master will naturally give him a lot of benefits.

When he thought of this, Li Longji felt that his luck was so good that he unexpectedly met Xiao Han when he went to Yunwu City.

If the person who followed him back to Huangquanmen this time was the one recommended by the Qi family, I am afraid that there is absolutely no way to pass the test of the master Li Guiyuan.

Hearing the words of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan, the faces of other young masters in the peak of the Tribulation Period in the main hall were a little bit awkward.

Even a little guy who has just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period can actually pass the test, which is a bit ugly.

Among so many people on the field, the one who found it even more ugly was the young master Lian Jin who had mocked Xiao Leng before.

Lian Jin's face was extremely ugly.

It was so easy for Xiao Han to pass the test.

The scene before him hadn't even thought of Jin, and he really couldn't figure it out, it didn't take long for Xiao Han's realm to enter the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

Even several guys on the court who had already survived the Triple Tribulation failed the test. With Xiao Han's strength, how could it be so easy to catch the Huangquan palm of Huangquan Sect master Li Guiyuan?

Young Master Lian curled his lips and sneered disdainfully, "Looking at the look of your face, what's so good about it, but it's just a little cheap because of the cultivation method. I really think I am invincible. Yet?"

Xiao Han naturally heard Lian Jin's words clearly. Although the other party has always been very hostile to him, you are not in Xiao Han's mind now.

So even though Xiao Han was quite uncomfortable with this Young Master Jin, Xiao Han didn't say anything.

After taking a look at Lian Jin, Xiao Han didn't bother to talk to him.

Without the intention to care about such people for the time being, Xiao Han directly ignored Lian Jin.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, also had a relieved look on his face.

The person in charge of the test is him. With his eyesight, he is naturally able to see clearly than anyone else. This Xiao Han guy is really not easy.

If Xiao Han defeated Li Chen and Ruan Qingqing on the top of Xingyifeng before, he was just a little shocked by Li Guiyuan, but just now, how powerful his own punch was, Li Guiyuan was naturally in his heart. There are countless.

Among so many young masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han's realm is not the highest, but Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is indeed one of the best.

I just don't know if Xiao Han is good at arranging formations.

If Xiao Han had been in direct contact with the formation method, then I am afraid that with so many people present, Xiao Han may be able to play the greatest role.

Seeing that everyone has finished the test now, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan laughed and said softly: "Now that we have all tested, let's take a break and start arranging the formation. If you don't leave in a hurry, At that time, everyone can watch it on the sidelines."

"If Li Sect Master is willing to let us see, we will naturally want it."

"Yeah, yeah, to be able to see with our own eyes how the Li Sect master will set up the formation, how could we easily miss this opportunity."

"Then thank you Li Sect Master for letting me wait and see."


Seeing Li Guiyuan's very polite words, the faces of many people present were much relieved.

Aside from anything else, this Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan is still very good at life.

However, after hearing the words of Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, the sneer on the face of Master Lian Jin became more obvious.

He turned his head to look at Xiao Han who was not far away, grinned, and said, "Although some people have passed the Huangquan Sect Master's test, this arrangement is not a shot against the enemy. Excellent combat effectiveness may not be useful.

If you are unfamiliar with the process of setting up the formation, you may not only be unable to help, but will be more than successful. If it affects the success rate of Limen Master's formation, it will be troublesome. "

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Lian Jin's son is really more careful than a woman. He actually knows that I am not familiar with the process, but I, Xiao Han, have one advantage. The prince waits a minute and looks at it, maybe things that I can't handle will be caught in my hands."

Xiao Han learnt to be as good as Young Master Jin, and ridiculed him. When he heard that Young Master Jin's face became stiff, he almost couldn't help but curse.

If it weren't for so many people on the scene, even if Jin couldn't beat Xiao Han, he would have to rush up and fight.

"Why don't you have a fight?" Li Chen couldn't help but interrupt when he saw Xiao Han's words.

Of course Li Chen wanted to see Xiao Han and Lian Jin clashed, so that he could sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

But before Li Chen was gloating, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, gave him a ferocious look at him. Li Chen laughed dryly, and quickly shut up.

At this time, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, naturally did not want to see Xiao Han and Young Master Lian Jin clash.

Besides, the formation has not officially started yet. At this time, Huangquan Sect Master would naturally not sit idly by.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, waved his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet. Then he laughed softly: "Haha, don't worry about this. Although the materials for the formation are very rare, we have the background of Huangquan Sect. There is still a lot of inventory, so you don't need to worry about it. When you are on the side to help the old man set up the formation, you don't need to have any psychological burden, just let go of your hands and feet and just do it.

Hearing what Huangquan Sect Master said, even Xiao Han was relieved.

It seems that the Huangquan Gate has been preparing for this formation for a long time, and it is definitely not a temporary intention.

"There is one more thing I want to make clear to you guys. The formation we are going to set up at Huangquanmen this time is not simple, and it may take a little time."

At this time, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan looked at Xiao Han, Young Master Lian Jin, and Mu Ziyang, the master of the Demon Royal Family, and said:

"So the old man may wish to tell you directly, as long as you are extremely capable of assisting the old man in arranging that set of formations successfully, the rewards we can provide from Huangquanmen will definitely satisfy you. Of course, if you want what we can provide from Huangquanmen Things, even if you speak well, as long as we can do what Huangquanmen can do, we will never refuse."

Hearing Huangquan's master Li Guiyuan said this, Xiao Han's eyes suddenly brightened.

What is Xiao Han for?

Of course it was for Huangquanmen's cultivation method.

Whether it's Huang Quanzhang or the Huang Quan Biluo played by Li Chen, Xiao Han is very interested.

Originally, Xiao Han was still thinking about how to speak.

Now that Li Guiyuan has finished talking, isn't Xiao Han just right to follow along?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned to the head of the Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan with a smile and said: "Li Sect Master, I don't know if you don't have the rewards provided by Huangquan Sect, can you bring your Huangquan Sect cultivation technique?"

Hearing this, everyone present was taken aback.

"What is your little guy thinking?"

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, who was standing above, took a moment to relax. He stared at Xiao Han and laughed softly:

"As long as it doesn't belong to our Huangquan Sect's top-secret exercises, other exercises can be allowed to practice as long as you fancy them. By the way, what exercises do you little fellow fancy?"

Xiao Han looked at the look of Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan, guessing that this old guy had already guessed a little.

However, Xiao Han could only say softly: "I want you to command Huangquan Palm from Huangquan Sect and Biluo Huangquan Body to practice exercises."


"Isn't it?"

"This guy, unexpectedly...want Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body from Huangquan Sect?"

"Hehe, how could someone agree to such a request?"


After hearing Xiao Han's words, everyone present immediately talked.

And Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, and Li Chen beside him were also shocked.

Li Guiyuan couldn't help but frown slightly.

Xiao Han's request was indeed a bit too much.

You know, the cultivation techniques of Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan's body are all faculties that Huangquan Sect never teaches.

This technique is a secret that every sect will carefully keep.

Besides, although Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan are both terrifying, they are not suitable for everyone to practice.

The exercises of Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body are all exercises of the same attribute, and they have different tunes with the same skill in practice.

Especially that Biluohuangquan body, Li Chen had used it on Xingyifeng before.

This kind of body is completely different from Fengyun Transforming Body's ability to transform into a clone.

Biluohuangquan's body is not strictly a set of identities, but a set of internal skills.

Before, Li Chen had already shown Xiao Han the mystery of Biluohuangquan in Xingyizong.

After practicing the Biluohuangquan body, he can explode the potential of the whole body in a short time.

In just a few moments, a terrifying strength can be improved.

Biluohuangquan's body is actually quite terrifying for the growth of strength. Li Chen is only cultivating Biluohuang's whole body to be able to achieve great success. He is still far from Dzogchen.

At the beginning of Xingyufeng, if Li Chen had already cultivated the Biluohuangquan body to Dzogchen, then Xiao Han might not be able to defeat Li Chen.

Of course, after practicing Bi Luohuang's whole body, the amount of strength that can be improved up and down has a lot to do with the talent and foundation of the person who uses it.

The better the talents and roots, the stronger the strength that can be improved after practicing Biluohuangquan.

The stronger the potential, the more terrifying the strength that can be improved after practicing Biluohuangquan.

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