Standing beside Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, Li Chen looked at Xiao Han with a playful expression.

If it were his grandfather's ruthless hand, Xiao Han would not only be unable to pass the test, he would be seriously injured on the spot, right?

But Li Chen actually really wanted to know if the sect master would be ruthless.

I don't know if Xiao Han can block the master's full blow.

Under the gaze of many eyes around, Xiao Han just smiled and nodded slowly.

He came to Huangquanmen this time for the cultivation techniques of Huangquanmen, so naturally it is impossible to return empty-handed.

Even if Li Guiyuan might not be willing to hand over Huangquanmen's cultivation techniques to him, Xiao Han still had to fight for it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han smiled and said, "Since I have come to Huangquan Sect, I naturally have to try to see if I can pass the test of the owner."

Hearing this, the other young masters in the peak of the Tribulation Period couldn't help but have a playful look on their faces.

Even a few masters who have experienced the triple calamity can't stop Li Guiyuan's Huangquan palm, let alone an unknown soldier who has just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period?

As long as he is willing to play, there will be a good show to watch later.

Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan smiled, waved to Xiao Han, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then you should be on the court."

Seeing Xiao Han standing up slowly, Li Guiyuan said solemnly: "Xiao Han, if you can pass the test and arrange the formation for us at Huangquanmen, I will never investigate the dispute between you and us before. In the future, you will still be our distinguished guest of Huangquanmen, okay?"

"Well, since Master Li said so, I'm relieved."

Xiao Han looked at Li Guiyuan who was sitting on the top, and laughed softly: "Master Li, please punch."

As he said, Xiao Han's heart moved, and the spiritual energy in his body began to rush.

Then, Xiao Han held his palm, and two icy auras rose from Xiao Han's palm.

Now Xiao Han's control of the ice technique has long since reached the point where he wants to.

As for the manipulation of the aura in the body, Xiao Han can say unceremoniously that the dozens of young masters present at the peak of the Tribulation Period, if you only talk about the manipulation of the aura in the body, I am afraid that except for the unfathomable demon royal master Apart from Mu Ziyang, even those guys who have survived the Threefold Tribulation may not be inferior to him.

As for the others, it is estimated that only Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquanmen, could not be matched by Xiao Han.

When two clusters of ice aura appeared on Xiao Han's two palms, many people in the hall suddenly raised their brows.

Under Xiao Han's deliberate control, everyone was surprised to find that they actually felt the slightest bit of cold breath.

However, the breath radiating from the palm of Xiao Han's hand can clearly tell at a glance that the exercise method Xiao Han cultivates is of the cold attribute.

Judging from the continuously distorted space around Xiao Han's palm, Xiao Han's practice is not low-grade.

But the people present could not feel the terrifying low temperature pervading the surroundings at all.

"This guy is obviously a cultivation technique with the ice attribute, but why isn't the aura that he exudes at all sharp? There is no such chilling feeling?"

Although the young masters at the peak state of the Tribulation Period are always defiant, they are all already at the peak state of the Tribulation Period, and their vision is naturally not bad.

They could naturally see at a glance what kind of exercises Xiao Han was practicing.

Could it be that Xiao Han could suppress the icy breath coming out?

But why did Xiao Han do this?

When I think about it, they all feel a little weird.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, sitting above, his eyes condensed slightly when two icy breaths appeared between Xiao Han's palms.

Li Guiyuan's eyes fixed on the two breaths in Xiao Han's hands.

Vaguely, Li Guiyuan seemed to be vaguely aware that the two auras that Xiao Han displayed were very unusual.

Li Guiyuan pondered for a moment, only then did he remember the trick that Xiao Han had used to perfectly blend the ice and fire on Xingyufeng.

Xiao Han didn't care about the surprised glances around him.

Seeing Xiao Han's heart moved, the two icy breaths between his palms began to revolve slowly.

Soon, those two cold auras condensed into an ice shield in front of Xiao Han.

The ice shield slowly rotated in front of Xiao Han, completely crystal clear, looking as perfect as a thick layer of crystal.

Li Guiyuan's face changed.

He had already seen the mystery of Xiao Han's trick.

Being able to condense aura into a substantial crystal barrier, this hand is much stronger than the previous Demon Emperor's Young Master Yang.

It is a pity that only Li Guiyuan can really see the mystery on the court.

Although Xiao Han said that he was using the god-level technique cold ice technique, the blend of ice and fire that Xiao Han had cultivated had already reached the point of perfection.

Even when performing the cold ice technique, Xiao Han inadvertently, the aura of ice and fire in his body will naturally merge into the cold ice technique.

This kind of perfect fusion is naturally invisible to ordinary people.

However, people who really know the goods on the field dare not say no, at least a handful of them.

In the scene before him, watching Xiao Han condensed a layer of ice shield in front of him, although it looked like it was crystal clear, it didn't look so powerful.

Therefore, a sneer appeared on the faces of many young masters at the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period.


Lord Lian Jin sneered, with a playful look on his face.

In the eyes of Young Master Lian Jin, it seemed that Xiao Han had become embarrassed under Li Guiyuan's palm after a while.

"Xiao Han, be careful."

Li Guiyuan, who was sitting at the top, said in a deep voice.

Then, with a glance at everyone before, Li Guiyuan seemed to lightly push a palm toward Xiao Han's location.

This palm, with the gloomy aura all over Li Guiyuan's body, shot towards Xiao Han overwhelmingly.

Seeing this scene, Li Chen couldn't help but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

As a senior disciple of Huangquan Sect, Li Chen could feel more clearly than anyone else that the master Li Guiyuan's shot this time was even more aggressive than those before.

Li Guiyuan's move of Huangquan Palm, the gloomy aura he exerted was stronger than ever.

Everyone on the scene stared at Xiao Han intently. They watched Li Guiyuan's powerful boxing power attack Xiao Han with a gloomy atmosphere.

However, everyone looked forward to seeing Xiao Han being punched and flying by Li Guiyuan and did not appear.

When everyone looked at Xiao Han with a playful look, the sneer on his face suddenly solidified on his face.

When Li Guiyuan's **** strength mixed with a sharp gloomy aura slammed into that ice shield, all the gloomy aura suddenly solidified.

Then, among everyone's dumbfounding gazes, everyone found that those gloomy auras that had been so fierce before, seemed to have encountered a nemesis in a short moment, and gradually dissipated.

After a while, all the gloomy aura of Li Guiyuan's fierce punch disappeared without a trace.

Only after the gloomy aura completely dissipated, Li Guiyuan's fist strength still blasted heavily on the ice shield that Xiao Han had condensed.


Xiao Han's ice shield just fell apart like this.

When everyone saw such a weird scene, the entire hall was completely plunged into silence.

The dozens of young masters who were waiting to see Xiao Han's embarrassment at the peak of the Tribulation Period, especially the Young Master Lian Jin, when they looked at Xiao Han's seemingly weak ice shield, they actually connected those When the gloomy breath was able to dissolve, the expression on his face was extremely shocked.

Although the ice shield that Xiao Han showed was also smashed with a punch by Li Guiyuan.

However, Xiao Han's figure still stood steadily on the spot, without moving a bit.

And Xiao Han's expression was extremely calm.

This scene is really a world of difference compared to the distressed guys before.

Even Mu Ziyang of the demon royal family had not been as easy as Xiao Han when facing Li Guiyuan's move of Huang Quanzhang before.

At this moment, even Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan's sect, had a serious expression on his face.

Being able to easily catch the Huangquan palm that he has displayed is not to mention among the younger generation, even among the strong of the older generation, there are only a handful.

Although Xiao Han has the convenience of the attributes of the cultivation technique, Li Guiyuan can also see that Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is very terrifying, and the cultivation technique has reached the point of perfection.

Moreover, as a shooter, Li Guiyuan naturally knows better than anyone else.

With the punch just now, he originally intended to test the depth of Xiao Han, so he didn't keep the slightest hand.

Of course, Li Guiyuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and it was not a full shot.

At least the punch he just hit Xiao Han was much stronger than when he tested other people before.

"It seems that this little guy can easily catch this palm of the old man. It's no wonder that he can defeat Li Chen first and then Ruan Qingqing..."

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, muttered to himself.

Li Guiyuan didn't even think that Xiao Han actually practiced a technique that could completely restrain Huangquan Palm.

The Xiao Han in front of him was not only very powerful in combat power, but also an enchanting talent and roots.

At least those who can be as calm as water in the palm of their full strength, there are very few who can do this on the court.

Li Chen, who was standing next to Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, also looked astonished.

Originally his grandfather Li Guiyuan made an all-out effort, even if Xiao Han is no matter how powerful he is, he can only be slapped flying.

But Li Chen didn't expect that Xiao Han would easily block this palm.

Thinking of this, Li Chen couldn't help feeling regretful.

If it hadn't happened in Xingyufeng, he could have become friends with Xiao Han.

It's just that the development of things later went beyond Li Chen's control.

In the end, Li Chen was defeated by Xiao Han, and the relationship between the two parties who were originally unfamiliar naturally dropped to a freezing point.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Li Chen gradually reacted.

The gap between himself and Xiao Han is not even a little bit.


Li Chen did not go slower than Xiao Han in the cultivation of peak alert during the Tribulation Period.

But with this combat power, Li Chen knew that he was far inferior to Xiao Han.

Although this makes Li Chen very unwilling, it is a fact.

This guy in front of him can be said to be the strongest young opponent Li Chen has encountered over the years.

After seeing this scene, Mu Ziyang, the young master of the Demon Emperor in the hall, couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

With his insights, it is naturally possible to faintly reach the horror of the young man in front of him.

His fighting power, his fighting consciousness.

It is really the degree of his familiarity with controlling spiritual energy and manipulating exercises. He has been the strongest one in all these years.

"Unexpectedly, this seemingly humble guy can actually take Li Guiyuan's palm lightly. If this scene spreads, I am afraid that many young masters who will cross the peak of the catastrophe will want to come. Challenge him to prove your strength."

Mu Ziyang muttered to himself.

Don't say it was someone else, even Mu Ziyang couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The person in front of him is indeed very simple.

If there is a chance, Mu Ziyang really wants to play with Xiao Han happily.

Even if it was finally defeated by him, at least it would be of great benefit to the improvement of his cultivation realm and strength.

Time passed slowly in the hall bit by bit.

When everyone was still in astonishment and didn't react, Xiao Han stretched out his hand to converge the remaining aura into his body.

"Master Li, don't know if I have passed the test like this?" Withdrawing the remaining aura, Xiao Han raised his head and looked at Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sitting above him, and said with a smile.

"Haha..." Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan laughed and stood up slowly:

"After that, if you can take the palm of the old man, you will naturally pass the test. This is all right. In addition to Master Jin and Master Ziyang, plus you, you can barely get the manpower. Up."

As he said, Li Guiyuan looked at Li Longji and chuckled softly: "Longji, this time you can bring Xiao Han to our Huangquanmen. This is a great contribution to our Huangquanmen."

Hearing this, Li Longji's face also flashed with pride.

He smiled at the head of Li Guiyuan respectfully: "The master, this little brother Xiao Han was recommended by the Yunwucheng Lu family. Compared with the one recommended by the Yunwucheng Qi family, I picked him at a glance. It seems that I did not choose the wrong person."

Hearing this, Xiao Han nodded slightly.

At this time, Li Longji had not forgotten to remember the credit of the Yunwucheng Lu family, and he was a bit conscientious.

However, the old guy had said the credit of the Lu family, mainly highlighting his own insights and knowing people, which can be regarded as a point of inviting credit.

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