Now Sect Master Shi Jingtian of Xingyi Sect personally asked, Wan Jianyi's face blushed, and he said softly: "Sect Master, this person should be that Xiao Han, but he has gone through ingenious disguise, so I didn't notice it the first time. His identity, please forgive me from the suzerain."

"That's good." Sect Master Shi of the Xingyun Sect nodded his head shockingly.

Hearing this, the sect master of Huangquan Gate, who was still gloomy, immediately became happy.

Now that Xiao Han has exposed his identity, how could Xingyizong let him leave here so easily?

If it was said that before, Xingyizong didn't want to force the opponent to stay because of the defeat of Huangquanmen Li Chen, but now it's different.

This Xiao Han is a certain person from their Star Meteorite Sect. Now that they have revealed their identity, they don't need their Huang Quan Sect to make a move. Xing Meteo Sect will definitely not let Xiao Han leave here so easily.

Thinking of this, the sect master of Huangquan Gate couldn't help but smile slightly.

This is really a surprise.

Unexpectedly, the guy in front of him was actually the Xiao Han who had recently made Xingyizong a mess.

In this way, today's things can be interesting.

Although Sect Master Xingyi only said three words: That's good.

But the Great Elder Wan Jianyi had actually understood what Shi Jingtian meant.

Since this guy is Xiao Han, there is no need to look around.

The guy in front of them was Xiao Han who had been searching for a long time by their Star Meteorite Sect, so just taking advantage of this opportunity, Xing Meteo Sect would definitely clean up this Xiao Han.

At this time, the Great Elder Wan Jian of the Star Meteorite Sect walked forward slowly.

Wan Jianyi's face was indeed a bit ugly.

He personally shot and killed Xiao Han, but he was not able to kill Xiao Han. Although Shi Jingtian did not reprimand him, there were still some complaints in the Star Meteorite Sect.

Now that Xiao Han appeared again, he was actually on top of Xingyufeng, which made Wan Jianyi feel even more shameless.

Wan Jianyi walked forward slowly with a gloomy expression, staring at Xiao Han on the court firmly, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Han, dare to come to Xingfengfeng with a face, I have to say, You have a lot of courage."

As soon as Wan Jianyi's words fell, the eyes of the audience focused on Xiao Han.

Among the human race refiners and monster beast masters present, almost everyone had heard of the grievances between Xiao Han and Xingyizong.

If the guy in front of him is really that Xiao Han, then things today may be really hard to be kind.

How could Star Meteorite Sect let Xiao Han leave easily?

According to most people's estimates, today this guy named Xiao Han is going to be planted on Xingyufeng.

Even if this guy named Xiao Han is very strong, what if he is so strong?

This is where the gate of the Star Meteorite Sect is located. It is as difficult for Xiao Han to escape smoothly.

Under the gazes of countless people around, Xiao Han's expression was also a bit solemn.

Before, Xiao Han also thought that the worst result would be to be recognized.

It seems that it should be because he shot Li Chen to fight, even if Xiao Han could already hide his aura, he didn't use the Sky Sword and that high-grade spiritual weapon.

In addition, Xiao Han and Li Chen had a brief encounter in the Beiyue Peak before. It is estimated that Li Chen has been deeply impressed by him since.

Under such circumstances, even the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect did not recognize Xiao Han. Li Chen was still able to see through Xiao Han's identity with the impression he had left before.

Seeing Xiao Han's solemn expression, Li Chen finally showed a hint of happiness in his heart.

Although Xiao Han defeated him, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Han to leave Xingyizong today. Although he said that he could not avenge himself, Li Chen is somewhat regretful, but he can see Xiao Han die here. It's fun.

Xiao Han's gaze swept over a playful Li Chen. At this time, Chen Jinnan stood behind Xiao Han with a solemn expression, and asked in a low voice: "What should we do? How about we try to see if we can go down the mountain. ?"

Xiao Han shook his head lightly without even thinking about it. This is Xingyufeng, where the gate of Xingyuzong is located. Even if Chen Jinnan has the same strength as him, they both want to be at the peak of the tribulation period. It is basically impossible to go down the mountain.

"Forget it, let me take care of it. Soldiers will cover the water and cover."

Xiao Han waved his hand and sighed softly.

Then, in front of everyone, Xiao Han stretched out his hand and tugged on his forehead, gently tore off the skin of his face, revealing his true colors.

Now that he has been recognized, then he will show his true face in a straightforward manner.

"Wow... isn't it?"

" young?"


After Xiao Han showed his true colors, there was a burst of cold breath on the court.

Even if it was predicted in advance that Xiao Han was a young man, when everyone looked at Xiao Han's face, they were still shocked by Xiao Han's youth.

It seemed that Xiao Han was one or two years younger than Li Chen and others, and even younger than Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School.

Although they are all young people of the same generation, looking at Xiao Han's appearance, they seem to be more tender than these geniuses of three schools and four schools.

Is it possible that like the Sect Master of Danxia Sect, he also cultivated a certain technique of eternal youth?

But it doesn't look like it.

Xiao Han looked at the first Wan Jianyi, and sneered: "Are you Xing Yizong planning to bully the small by the big and the less by the more?"

Hearing this, everyone present gave a secret compliment.

Xiao Han said this to make Xingyuzong take care of his face, and to surround a young back in front of so many people, it was indeed a bit shameful.

But I have to say that Xiao Han's rhetoric is the most beneficial for him.

As long as the Star Meteorite Sect does not aggressively encircle Xiao Han, unless the master of the Xing Meteorite Sect Shi Jingtian takes the initiative himself, otherwise, the entire Xing Meteorite Sect can leave Xiao Han with no more than one hand.

The great elder snorted coldly: "Xiao Han, don't think that you can come to our Star Meteorite Sect to go wild when you break through the realm and step into the peak of the Tribulation Period.

The moment Xiao Han took the skin and looked at the face that made him very deep, the face of Great Elder Wan Jianyi had already completely gloomed.

In front of so many people, if Wan Jian couldn't deal with Xiao Han, he would become a laughing stock in the future.

"Boy, do you think I can't clean you up after you break the border?" Wan Jian said in a deep voice, "Before you met me, I would just hug my head and squirt around. Today, let's see where you escape.

"You may not believe it, but I still want to say it." Xiao Han said softly: "More than two months ago, I was not your opponent, and now you are not my opponent."

Hearing this, everyone on the court looked dumbfounded.

Is Xiao Han very confident or arrogant?

He actually felt that the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of Xingyizong was not his opponent.

"Boy, today I want you to pay for your arrogance..."

Wan Jian's expression changed, and he involuntarily shouted angrily.

Then his figure flashed, and the whole person just disappeared in place.

Wan Jianyi's figure just disappeared, Xiao Han still looked calm.

Seeing that Wan Jianyi had already started, Xiao Han knew that he could deal with Wan Jianyi, but Chen Jinnan was far behind him.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand, and a soft vigor pushed Chen Jinnan away behind him.

At this time, Wan Jianyi's figure had not yet appeared, and a silver long sword had pierced Xiao Han like a ghost.

That silver long sword stabbed Xiao Han's chest fiercely, and directly penetrated.

It's just that Xiao Han's figure began to gradually become illusory, and finally disappeared completely.


Wan Jian pierced Xiao Han's afterimage one by one, and then he slowly turned around, looking at Xiao Han who had appeared tens of meters away with a gloomy expression.

All the Xingyizong sect disciples on the field immediately recognized it, and what Xiao Han just displayed was indeed their Xingyizong's body skills.

Wan Jianyi sneered and said: "Unexpectedly, in just over two months, you only stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, and actually cultivated our Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transformation to this point, no wonder you actually Dare to be so arrogant, even our Xingyifeng dare to come."

After Wan Jianyi's voice fell, everyone was shocked again.

It has long been rumored that the main reason why Xiao Han quarreled with Xingyizong was so stiff. I heard that Xiao Han had cultivated a set of techniques of their Xingyizong.

Feng Yun's Transformation Body is a long-standing stunt of the Star Meteorite Sect, which has never been passed down to the outside world.

Now it seems that Xiao Han not only cultivated their Xingyun Sect's Fengyun Transformation Body, but also cultivated quite a bit, even the Great Elder Wan Jianyi was surprised.

"I have cultivated the Fengyun Transfiguration of your Star Meteorite Sect, but this is not something I learned secretly. If your Xing Meteorite Sect still asks me about this matter, I won't be caught."

Wan Jianyi sneered and said: "You cultivated Fengyun Transformation, and you killed the elders of our Star Meteorite Sect. No matter what you say, you won't be able to leave today."

"Ha ha ha..."

Xiao Han had a playful look on his face: "That's nothing more than your Star Meteorite Sect. Who stipulated that Feng Yun Transformation can only be practiced by disciples of your Star Meteorite Sect's sect? Besides, this is just a big bully for you. It’s just an excuse."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't want to leave Xingyifeng today."

Seeing that Wan Jian was about to do it again, Xiao Han stretched out his hand and said, "Hold on."

Xiao Han looked at Grand Elder Wan Jianyi with a playful look, and smiled slightly: "I said, you are not my opponent now. If you Xingyizong really trouble me, it's better to change someone. ."

"Boy, I think you are deliberately seeking death."

Being so despised by Xiao Han, Great Elder Wan Jian's expression turned pale.

With so many people watching, Xiao Han repeatedly despised him, how could Wan Jianyi endure it.

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