The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2333: Identity exposure

The smoke and dust on the field gradually dispersed, and Xiao Han's figure slowly appeared in the center of the field.

I saw Xiao Han's expression calm, his breath was steady, and there were no scars on his body.

It's just that his face is pale. It seems that he has just fought Li Chen head-on, although Xiao Han won, but his body's spiritual energy consumption is also very large.

When Xiao Han's figure was revealed, in front of everyone, Xiao Han slowly took out a few seventh-order demon pills to refine them to supplement the aura in the body.

Li Chen was knocked into the air, and it looked like he was seriously injured, but Xiao Han only consumed part of the aura in his body.

This alone can tell that Li Chen was defeated at this station, and the defeat was complete.

Xiao Han quickly refined those seventh-order demon pills, and slowly sent the transformed spiritual energy into the meridians.

Looking at Li Chen in the distance again, Xiao Han was sure that the other party was not badly injured and should not be able to stand anymore for the time being.

Xiao Han then raised his head and looked at the ugly head of the Huangquan Gate sitting on the top.

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, but the old man made a mistake."

The master of Huangquan Gate slowly stood up, looking at Xiao Han's gaze with murderous aura.

Although he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, the discerning person could still see that the sect master of Huangquan Sect had a murderous intention on Xiao Han.

If it weren't for so many people now, I'm afraid the sect master of Huangquan Sect had already acted personally.

Li Chen, the most outstanding disciple of Huangquanmen, was defeated by an unknown man. This was unprecedented.

Because of this, the defeat of Li Chen this time was a heavy blow to the reputation of Huangquanmen.

"The sect master said before that as long as I compete with Li Chen, I can take my friends and leave freely no matter how I win or lose."

Xiao Han arched his hand towards the main gate of Huangquan Gate calmly, and said softly: "Now my contest with Li Chen is over. My friends and I will leave now. If there is any offense, please bear with me. ."

Xiao Han came up again to mention the previous words of the master of Huangquan Gate, naturally to remind the [country novel] that the other party, but you said that I can go after the competition.

Xiao Han was naturally worried that the Huangquan gatekeeper or other bigwigs on the court would turn back.

So repeat it in front of so many people, thinking that the other party should be embarrassed to stop it again.

After hearing Xiao Han's words, the head of Huangquan Gate twitched a few times, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Only at this moment, the face of the master of Huangquan Gate was even harder to see the extreme.

No way, he did say such things before.

Now in the presence of so many people, even if the master of Huangquan Sect is willing to make a move, it is inconvenient to do so.

If he really forced the shot at this time, I am afraid that Huang Quanmen's face would be lost.

So the sect master of Huangquan Sect can only suffer from this dumb.


Taking a look at the ugly look of the master of Huangquan Gate, Xiao Han arched his hands again, and then turned around and walked out under the gaze of the audience.

Xiao Han cast a wink at Chen Jinnan.

Chen Jinnan suddenly realized that he was about to walk out of the field behind Xiao Han.

"Cough cough cough... wait a minute."

Just when Xiao Han took Chen Jinnan out of the competition venue, a violent cough sounded in the distance.

Xiao Han paused, turned his head with a gloomy look and looked at Li Chen who was struggling from the ground in the distance, and asked with a playful look: "Why? Do you want to fight?"

"Cough cough cough...poof..." Li Chen spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood again.

But this time, Li Chen took the initiative to dissolve the energy in his body.

It's just that the scarlet blood on the corner of Li Chen's mouth, coupled with the hideous look on his face, made Li Chen's whole person look even more hideous.

"Originally, I thought that the benefits I gained in the Heavenly Thunder Pool were astonishing enough. I didn't expect that there would be someone more astonishing than me. Before entering the Heavenly Thunder Pool, you did not enter the middle of the Tribulation Period for long, but it was surprising. Yes, you can actually use the Heavenly Thunder Pond to reach the peak of the Tribulation Period in just two months."

Li Chen stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a playful smile: "Xiao Han, Xiao Han, it seems that the last time you visited Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool, you should have gained the most. Am I right? ?"

As soon as Li Chen's words fell, everyone present was stunned.


Countless people looked at the figure who had just walked out of the competition venue with an unbelievable look.

"Xiao Han? That Xiao Han who upset the Star Meteorite Sect?"

"That Xiao Han who killed the sixth elder of Xingyizong, defeated the three elders of Xingyizong, and even escaped successfully from the hunt of the great elder Wan Jianyi?"

"No? Will it have the same name and the same surname?"

"I also think that this guy is so stiff with Xingyizong, how could he dare to come to Xingyizong and be dead?"

"How do you know that people dare not come, maybe the art master is bold?"


At this moment, the whole audience was boiling.

After hearing Li Chen's words, countless people first looked incredulous, and then couldn't help screaming in surprise.

In the most recent period, the name Xiao Han has spread throughout the entire area around Demon Imperial City.

Being able to make the entire Star Meteorite Sect utterly disgraced by himself, this Xiao Han is definitely not a simple character.

Not only is the strength terrifying, but the character is definitely first-class.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to escape in the hands of Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect?

But because of this, no one on the court expected that the mysterious person who defeated Li Chen at Huangquan Gate was actually the Xiao Han who had recently been raging in the area near Demon Imperial City.

And the most incredible thing is that this Xiao Hanming knows that he is having trouble with Xingyizong so stiff, he dares to appear at the mountain gate of Xingyizong?

Is it overconfidence or a distortion of the heart?

Xiao Han is now appearing at Xingyufeng. Isn't this a dead end?

"This guy is really true, come here, he has to make a move, this time..."

Cao Ci grinned, with a helpless look on his face.

Cao Ci didn't want to leave the Qiankun bag before leaving at Beiyue Peak.

He simply wanted to leave a little friendship with Xiao Han, if Xiao Han wanted to come to Xingyufeng to watch the battle, he could provide some convenience, nothing more.

Cao Ci left those skins, but it was not for Xiao Han to come to Xingyizong to reveal his identity.

It's just that Cao Ci couldn't think of it anyway. Not only did Xiao Han come, but one of his friends was in trouble. This guy, regardless of his identity, was in danger of being exposed, and he made a direct shot.

Cao Ci knew that once Xiao Han's identity was revealed, it would be difficult to deal with things today.

"This guy is so bold, he actually came to this star meteor peak?"

Wang Qiaoqiao's pretty face also looked wrong.

Before Wang Qiaoqiao was joking with Xiao Han in Beiyue Peak.

She was just talking, giving Xiao Han a chance to join in the fun at Xingyufeng.

But Wang Qiaoqiao couldn't think that Xiao Han actually appeared at Xingyufeng.

"It turns out that it is really him. I said how I can always detect a familiar feeling in him."

Ruan Qingqing stared at Xiao Han firmly, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, with a playful look: "This guy really knows how to live or die, and dares to appear here. It seems that he is blindly confident in his own strength. Our Star Meteorite Sect is in sight."

Ruan Qingqing is rarely interested in young masters of his generation.

This Xiao Han is the only one now.

Ruan Qingqing has always wanted to find a chance to really compete with Xiao Han.

After all, Xiao Han had caused a lot of adverse effects on their reputation of the Star Falling Sect some time ago. As a disciple of the Star Falling Sect, Ruan Qingqing certainly wanted to find a chance to defeat Xiao Han and save his face for his sect.

It can be imagined that Ruan Qingqing has never waited for the right opportunity.

When Li Chen broke Xiao Han's true identity, the audience was in an uproar.

The big guys sitting at the top have different looks.

The sect master of Huangquan Gate naturally looked surprised.

This guy is actually that Xiao Han. In this way, how could Xing Meteo Sect let Xiao Han leave safely?

Even the Sect Master of Danxiazong was shocked.

It was not that Wang Qiaoqiao hadn't mentioned Xiao Han to her before.

Although Wang Qiaoqiao did not fight against Xiao Han, he was full of praise for Xiao Han.

Now that I see Xiao Han with my own eyes, even she is very curious about Xiao Han.

Sect Master Xingyi and Great Elder Wan Jianyi looked at each other.

Both of them were slightly taken aback, and after a while, the two of them gradually recovered.

It was only obvious that the smiles on the two faces began to disappear, replaced by a cold face.

The Sect Master of Xing Meteo Sect stared at Xiao Han below with a gloomy expression. Although he didn't say a word, the breath that diffused from him carried a very depressing feeling.

Sect Master Xingyi certainly knew what Xiao Han did.

Moreover, the Sect Master of Xingyizong paid much attention to Xiao Han.

Otherwise, Sect Master Shi Jingtian of Xingyi Sect would not send Great Elder Wan Jianyi to hunt down Xiao Han himself.

And this Xiao Han is naturally not an ordinary person.

Being able to make their Star Meteorite Sect so embarrassed by himself, for this alone, who has the ability to do this in the entire Demon Imperial City?

"Great Elder, is he Xiao Han?" Turning his head slightly and looking at Wan Jianyi behind him, the eyes of Sect Master Shi Jingtian of Xingyuzong shone with fierceness.

Wan Jianyi was naturally able to clearly understand the monstrous anger in the shocking words of Sect Master Shi of Xingyi Sect.

Now Li Chen could see through Xiao Han's true identity, and the great elder Wan Jianyi gradually saw a hint.

However, as the great elder in the Star Meteorite Sect who had fought against Xiao Han, he didn't see through Xiao Han's identity for the first time, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

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