Of course Li Chen understood what the master of Huangquan Gate meant.

Li Chen grinned and said: "Grandpa, don't worry, this guy is defiant, even we and I Huangquanmen are not in the eyes, I will let him see the true background of our Huangquanmen."

Seeing Li Chen's murderous intent on his face, the master of Huangquan Gate slowly leaned back, feeling confident.

As long as Li Chen successfully beheaded Xiao Han, what else can the others say?

I can only shut up obediently.

In this world, the strong are always respected, and the weak, without even the right to speak.

The Danxia Sect Master and Guiyuan Sect on the side originally didn't plan to join in the fun, but now that it has been finalized, they don't bother to talk nonsense.

If Li Chen of Huangquan Sect loses accidentally, it will look good, and the entire Huangquan Sect has a blank face, and they will naturally take the opportunity to say a few words and embarrass the owner of Huangquan Sect.

But if Li Chen wins, other things will not benefit Li Chen's reputation, but will leave some rumors, after all, Li Chen's opponent is an unknown unknown person.

And they also knew that if they continued to challenge the sect master of Huangquanmen, I'm afraid that old guy would have to hate them. .

Those players who were still on the field who participated in the competition waited until the voice of the master of the Star Meteorite Sect, Shi Jingtian, fell back and spontaneously retreated to the side and gave up the entire venue.

At this time, this kind of thing is actually good for them.

In the previous melee, except for a few people such as Ruan Qingqing who hardly did anything, everyone else was somewhat exhausted.

Now taking advantage of Li Chen's opportunity to challenge the young man in front of him, they happened to be able to take the opportunity to re-adjust their state to the peak.

But although everyone retreated, everyone looked at Xiao Han on the court with curiosity.

No one thought that this guy would actually dare to accept Li Chen's challenge, and he didn't know if he was stunned or really capable.

But Ruan Qingqing of the Star Meteorite Sect looked at Xiao Han's tall and straight figure, but a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The person in front of her felt a little familiar to her, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't remember where she had seen each other.

Because of the contest between Li Chen and Xiao Han, the previous melee was temporarily suspended.

However, the atmosphere on the court did not become calm because of this, but the atmosphere became more and more elevated.

Everyone looked excited. Everyone wanted to know how long this guy who turned out to be able to support Li Chen's hands.

Of course, there are many people who just come to watch the excitement.

Let's see how Li Chen of Huangquanmen plays with an unknown person.

Seeing Xiao Han walking towards Li Chen slowly, Chen Jinnan looked nervous.

In fact, Chen Jinnan can't help but blame himself.

If it weren't for coming to participate in this competition, not so much would have happened.

Although he could vaguely perceive that Xiao Han's breath was much stronger than him, but his opponent, Li Chen of Huangquanmen, was the real peak of the Tribulation Period.

Moreover, there are rumors that Li Chen has the ability to compete with the powerhouses in the peak state of the Tribulation Period before this guy has stepped into the peak state of the Tribulation Period.

What worries Chen Jinnan the most is that he heard that Li Chen didn't make a move. He was very cruel when he made a move, and would never keep his hands. As long as the opponents he had competed with him would end up miserably.

Chen Jinnan knew that with Xiao Han's strength to compete with Li Chen, there was almost no chance of winning, which made Chen Jinnan feel anxious.

"If this **** really beat Xiao Han cruelly, Lao Tzu will have to leave him a little bit injured if he fights this life." Chen Jinnan's heart was stunned, his face also showed a trace of determination.

Xiao Han originally showed up to save him, no matter what, Chen Jinnan couldn't stand by.

If Xiao Han really had a short story, Chen Jinnan would definitely run away.

Chen Jinnan had never served anyone on weekdays, but after Xiao Han arrived in Xiaoyao Sect, Chen Jinnan did admire him in his heart.

Moreover, Xiao Han regards Chen Jinnan as a friend, and Chen Jinnan cannot be ruthless.

Although the friendship between him and Xiao Han is not deep, but if Xiao Han is really in Li Chen's hands, Chen Jinnan will definitely rush forward desperately.

Li Chen on the court looked at Xiao Han slowly walking towards him with a cold face, and finally stopped not far in front of him.

There was an undisguised killing intent on Li Chen's face.

"I'll give you a chance to kneel in front of me and admit your mistakes. I can let you take your friends out of here, how about it?" Li Chen looked at Xiao Han and said with a grin.

Seeing Li Chen with a playful look, Xiao Han just grinned.

Xiao Han slowly aroused the spiritual energy in his body.

Xiao Han did not use the Sky Sword, nor did he release the Little Demon Beast Wangcai. After all, the people of the Star Meteorite Sect had already seen these two weapons. If Xiao Han took it out now, he would probably reveal his identity immediately.

"Chen Jinnan, lend your spear to me..." Xiao Han suddenly stretched out his hand and smiled at Chen Jinnan behind him.

"His hiss..."

Hearing this, a cold breath sounded on the court.

Borrowing other people's weapons is a very unwise act.

You must know that the magic weapon of every gas refiner has already recognized the master.

If you borrow other people's weapons during a battle, wouldn't it be difficult to display your true strength?

Did Xiao Han look for death or mad when he did this?

Not only the others on the court, but even Chen Jinnan also looked shocked.

How can people borrow weapons before the war?

Chen Jinnan was taken aback for a moment, but seeing Xiao Han's serious face didn't seem to be joking at all.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Jinnan threw the golden spear in his hand to Xiao Han.

Chen Jinnan still trusts Xiao Han.

Xiao Han would not do this for no reason, since he spoke, then there must be his reason.

Reaching out and grabbing Chen Jinnan's golden spear in his hand, Xiao Han weighed the weight of the golden spear, and it felt good.

Seeing this scene, the hideous color on Li Chen's face became even more obvious.

Xiao Han didn't take him seriously when he did this.

Otherwise, how could one not use one's own weapons, but use other people's weapons instead?

This made Li Chen's murderous look more and more intense.

"Boy, I will make you pay for your arrogance." Li Chen grinned.

"Can you start?" Xiao Han put the golden spear in his hand on his shoulder, smiled at Li Chen, his expression very calm.

"Okay, let me see if your strength is qualified to be rampant in front of me."

As soon as Li Chen's voice fell, his whole figure flashed slightly, and the news was immediately on the spot.

The next moment, Li Chen's figure appeared strangely behind Xiao Han.

After stepping into the tribulation period, Li Chen's control of space has reached a very skillful level, and this method of traveling through space can be easily displayed.

I saw that a short knife appeared out of thin air in Li Chen's hand, and the short knife in his hand pierced Xiao Han's back.

To say that Li Chen's speed is absolutely unbelievable, the human race refiners and monster beast masters who are on the court before the Tribulation Period can't see how Li Chen shot. Before he can blink, Li Chen will be there in the next moment. Appearing behind Xiao Han, the quickness is incredible.

However, although Li Chen's speed was approaching the extreme, Xiao Han did not turn around at all, and did not even dodge.

Xiao Han directly picked the golden spear on his shoulder back.

Before the short knife in Li Chen's hand had time to stab Xiao Han's body, the golden long spear directly resisted Li Chen's attack.

The first time he returned without success, Li Chen's face was as usual, but he urged the spiritual energy in his body to the extreme, forming an aura barrier around Xiao Han.

Li Chen wanted to rely on his powerful aura, repeat the same tricks as before, and besie Xiao Han like Chen Jinnan.

But before Li Chen had time to gather the auras he showed, Xiao Han had already pulled away and flew back.

Xiao Han's speed was not terrifying, but at the same time that Li Chen's heart moved slightly, Xiao Han had already begun to leave, as if he could predict Li Chen's behavior in advance.

Carrying that golden long spear on his shoulders again, Xiao Han's face was calm and relaxed.

"The so-called genius is nothing more than that." Xiao Han suddenly smiled.

Xiao Han's extremely dull voice stopped in Li Chen's ears, but it seemed particularly harsh.

Li Chen's face was completely gloomy.

Seeing this scene, many people around were shocked.

This guy actually despised Li Chen so much?

Is it a bit too big?

"I'm so anxious to speak big words just at the beginning, aren't you afraid of getting slapped in the face?"

Li Chen grinned, and spirit energy rushed out of his body.

The fierce aura spread around, and soon the complexion of many people around was slightly changed.

The aura exuding from Li Chen is so powerful that it has completely surpassed the peak realm of the general Tribulation Period.

With this powerful aura alone, Li Chen is now able to wrestle with those of the older generation who are at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Of course Xiao Han has clearly sensed that although Li Chen’s true strength is still a bit different from those old guys who have already survived the Triple Tribulation, it’s really compared to those who have just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period. It's really hard to compete with Li Chen.

"It's really broken, Li Chen really broke the border and stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period."

"It seems that the rumors are not wrong at all, Li Chen successfully broke through the Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool."

"As expected to be a genius of Huangquanmen, such a young man at the peak of the Tribulation Period is really amazing."

"It seems that the next master of Huangquan Sect should be this Li Chen."

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