The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2328: Master of Huangquan Gate

The sect master of Huangquan Sect had an indifferent expression. He just thought about it and felt that it was better not to make a big deal of this kind of thing. After all, they were a bit too much in Huangquan Sect.

His tone was very cold, and he seemed to be talking about not dealing with a person, but like dealing with something.

However, many people at the scene have already heard it, and if the sect master of Huangquan Sect can say that, in fact, this old guy has already made concessions.

Otherwise, their Huang Quanmen insisted on being strong, and the others could only murmur twice in secret.

"We are all in the eyes of this matter. Although this little guy is wrong, it is also due to a reason. Just a few reprimands. Why should we deal with a young junior so much?" At this time, Sect Master Danxia smiled slightly, she Turning his head and glanced at the sect master of Huangquan Sect, he whispered, "Really doing this according to you will make people feel that Xingyizong is unfair."

Hearing this, the face of the sect master of Huangquan Gate became even colder.

Huangquanmen walked down the mountain, not to mention Li Chen, even ordinary sect disciples acted arrogantly.

Being aggressive and brave is the style of Huangquanmen. Although there are many things in the vicinity of Demon Imperial City, Huangquanmen has always been accustomed to its own way.

Today when Xiao Han talks about Li Chen, he is talking about Huangquanmen.

If the Huangquan Gate had nothing to say, then where would the faces on the Huangquan Gate be placed?

"I think Sect Master Danxia is right about this matter. This little guy does hinder the normal progress of the competition, but after all, there is a reason, and Li Chen's actions are indeed a bit too much. If you just deal with this Isn’t it a bit unreasonable for the younger generation? I don’t think it’s better to make things smaller. Both sides give way to let them go, and the competition can continue. What do you think?"

The head of the Guiyuan School also said calmly.

Sect Master Danxia and the leader of Guiyuan Sect both stood up and spoke, and soon there was a low voice of discussion on the court.

The Sect Master of the Star Meteorite Sect was also taken aback for a moment, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

All the old foxes were present, and the Sect Master of Xingyi Sect hadn't noticed that the two old foxes next to him obviously didn't want to stand on the same line as Huangquanmen.

Moreover, the Sect Master of Xingyi Sect felt that what their two hometowns said really made sense, and their Xingyi Sect could not be in front of so many people. They should do exactly what Huangquan Sect meant, right?

Thinking of this, Sect Master Xingyu Sect smiled slightly towards the master of Huangquan Sect.

The meaning of this smile was naturally vaguely guessed by the master of Huangquan Sect. At this time, the master of Huangquan Sect became more gloomy.

The master of Huangquan Gate glanced at Xiao Han on the court with a sullen expression, showing a trace of hostility.

Before the Sect Master of the Starfall Sect could speak, the sect master of Huangquan Sect said first: "Since you have the courage to stand up to save people, it means that you have confidence in your own strength. Why don't you participate in the competition with your friends. Or if you compete with Li Chen, no matter how you win or lose, you and your friends can leave freely afterwards. What do you think?"

"Compete with Li Chen?"

"Isn't it? Isn't this looking for death?"

"That is, how can an unknown soldier beat Li Chen even harder?"


The words of the sect master of Huangquan Gate immediately caused a shocking voice around.

Obviously, the sect master of Huangquan Gate wanted Xiao Han to fight Li Chen.

Xiao Han's face also darkened.

He was not afraid of Li Chen's strength, Xiao Han was worried that his identity would be leaked.

If he doesn't do anything, Xiao Han believes that no one on the court will recognize him as that Xiao Han who has fought against Xingyizong several times.

But once you start, the chances of Xiao Han's identity being leaked are higher.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed secretly.

It seems that the sect master of Huangquan Sect seems to be narrow-minded. He doesn't have the atmosphere that an old senior should have, and he actually cares about his younger descendants.

Originally, Xiao Han still wanted to get closer to Huangquanmen, in order to ask for advice about Biluohuangquanzhang in the future.

But now it seems that there must be a conflict between him and Huangquanmen.

"Don't fight him, let's just rush down the mountain." Hearing this, Chen Jinnan looked nervous.

Of course, Chen Jinnan knew how terrifying the Huangquanmen Li Chen was. The strength of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period was not comparable to them in the early or mid-Tribulation Period.

Among the 17 or 8 people remaining on the scene, there are only a few people who can compare with Huangquanmen Li Chen, that is, Ruan Qingqing and Cao Ci.

Chen Jinnan naturally didn't want to hurt Xiao Han, so he had to rush out to hold Xiao Han.

"Why? Don't you dare to discuss it with me?" Li Chen sneered: "If you dare not fight with me, then apologize to us Huangquanmen in front of everyone. That's all for today. You can take your friends out, otherwise, I won’t let you leave here alive.”

As soon as Li Chen's words fell, everyone on the court focused on Xiao Han.

At this time, it depends on whether Xiao Han dared to accept the challenge.

All the people present were very curious about what choice the young man with a calm face would choose when faced with the various provocations of a genius like Li Chen at Huangquanmen.

Although many people can see that the cultivation level and strength of the young man in front of him is not low, most people feel that it is still far behind Li Chen.

Therefore, many people think that this young man should not behave irrationally, and now he insists on leaving in front of everyone. They dare not do too much when they want to come to Huangquanmen. At most, they just speak a little ugly.

Actually speaking, many people still secretly look forward to it.

If the opponent is not weak, might he really accept Li Chen's challenge?

Xiao Han sighed slightly when he noticed that the eyes of the audience were staring at him.

Do you want to take action and teach Li Chen a lesson?

Xiao Han was actually unwilling to do it in front of Wan Jianyi, Ruan Qingqing and others.

The chance of exposure is too high.

However, at this time, it is really not Xiao Han's style of doing things, to swallow his anger and leave directly.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suddenly took a step forward.

After seeing Xiao Han's actions, Chen Jinnan couldn't help but his face changed drastically. He quickly grabbed Xiao Han, and whispered: "Xiao Han don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive at this time, that guy is quite strong... "

"He is strong, and I am not weak." Xiao Han turned his head and grinned at Chen Jinnan, lightly patted Chen Jinnan's arm, and said: "Don't worry, I never fight an unprepared battle, I will let him know , Our Xiaoyao Sect is not easy to mess with either..."

With that, Xiao Han took a step forward again.

He stared at Li Chen firmly, and said softly: "Come on, I'll fight you."

Xiao Han's words immediately made countless people in the audience extremely excited.

I have a fight with you.

Xiao Han's words contained incomparable self-confidence and calmness, and there was no such embarrassment of being chased off shelves.

"This is hard to say."

"That is, even if you can't beat it, you have to fight one game first, and that's enough to make me admire this guy."

"I hope this guy can surprise us."

"Who knows, maybe what this guy can bring us is not a surprise, but a fright."

Seeing Xiao Han walking slowly towards Li Chen, cheers suddenly sounded around the square.

In any case, this Xiao Han dared to accept Li Chen's challenge.

Whether Xiao Han is Li Chen's opponent or not is not important anymore.

Xiao Han's courage and courage alone are enough to make people admire.

The big guys sitting at the top had different looks.

A gloomy smile flashed across the face of the master of Huangquan Gate.

Although Xiao Han's breath was a little weird in his eyes, he still had more confidence in his children and grandchildren Li Chen.

After returning from Beiyue Peak, Li Chen’s true strength has entered the peak of the Tribulation Period. Although the realm is not very stable, as long as Li Chen is given some time or a few more battles, Li Chen’s realm can be completely The stability is at the peak of the tribulation period.

Moreover, the sect master of Huangquan Gate knows better than the others present, even before going to Beiyue Peak, after displaying all his cards, Li Chen's can already be compared with some powerhouses who have just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period. Discussed.

What's more, after coming out of the Beiyue Peak Heavenly Thunder Pool, did Li Chen's strength improve again?

"Shi Jingtian, let these two little guys fight, shouldn't it delay the normal progress of the competition?" The sect master of Huangquan Sect turned his head to look at Sect Master Xingyun, and smiled slightly.

It turned out that the name of the lord of the Star Meteorite Sect was Shi Jingtian.

Xiao Han turned his head and glanced at it.

In Xiao Han's eyes, in fact, the Sect Master of Xingyi Sect, Shi Jingtian, was even more terrifying than the master of Huangquan Sect.

Hearing this, Sect Master Shi Jingtian grinned, "What's wrong? Let the two younger generations have a discussion, it won't take much time."

Originally, I didn't want to say that the master of the Star Meteorite Sect on both sides, Shi Jingtian, heard that the other party said this, so naturally he wouldn't say anything.

After all, we still have to give this Huangquan Sect master a little face.

Seeing that Shi Jingtian was the same, the Sect Master of Danxia Sect curled his lips without saying a word.

The sect master of Huangquan Sect looked at Li Chen on the court, and said solemnly: "The rest of the matter will be left to you. This matter is all due to you. You are responsible for giving an explanation to everyone present."

If Li Chen had won, everyone in the room would naturally have nothing to say.

If Li Chen loses [Bequge], then the entire Huangquanmen can only be embarrassed.

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