The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2319: Goodbye Wan Jianyi

On the way to the mountain, Xiao Han felt the beautiful scenery in front of his eyes, and he also looked surprised.

In addition, above the meteor peak, there is plenty of aura, and a lot of aura is mixed in the surrounding smoke.

This Xingfengfeng is indeed a geomantic treasure.

"Sure enough, this Star Meteorite Sect will choose a place..."

At this moment, suddenly a flying beast was waiting in the air.

Before and after, everyone on the mountain road looked up at the same time, and saw a giant flying monster flying up from the foot of the mountain and heading straight to the top of Xingmei Peak.

"Look, what a big flying monster?"

"It looks like it is Miss Ruan Qingqing's mount. I saw it when I was on Beiyue Peak."

"Huh? The one sitting on top is Miss Ruan Qingqing from Xingyizong?"

"Wow, Miss Ruan Qingqing's status in the Starfall Sect is very unusual. In this Starfall Sect, only the elder-level big figures are qualified to be equipped with a flying monster. This is a status symbol in the Starfall Sect. "

"Deserving to be a genius of Xingyizong."


The sudden appearance of this giant flying monster caused an exclamation on the mountain road.

Of course Xiao Han recognized it. This giant flying monster was indeed the one that had appeared on Beiyue Peak before.

It's just that Xiao Han didn't look at the giant flying monster beast.

Xiao Han's sight was always locked on the graceful figure standing on the back of the flying monster.

Others may not be able to see clearly, but with Xiao Han's eyesight, he can already tell that the somewhat familiar figure is indeed the Miss Ruan Qingqing of Xingyizong.

The giant flying beast did not stop because of the exclamation that rang from the mountain road. The giant beast flew high and plunged into the surrounding clouds in a blink of an eye, and quickly disappeared.

After the flying beast disappeared, Xiao Han also directly retracted his gaze.

What surprised Xiao Han was that Xiao Han had just vaguely noticed that the aura on Ruan Qingqing's body seemed to have been covered by some magic weapon.

Just now, Xiao Han actually failed to see Ruan Qingqing's true strength.

Then the matter is more obvious, Ruan Qingqing must have some magic weapon that can cover his breath, otherwise, with Xiao Han's current strength, he would not lose sight of Ruan Qingqing's realm.

Xiao Han was originally curious about whether Ruan Qingqing, who came out of Tianlei Pool, had broken through and stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period.

After all, it took Ruan Qingqing into the middle of the catastrophe period longer than Xiao Han.

If Ruan Qingqing had broken the border, Xiao Han would definitely not be surprised.

"It seems that this Ruan Qingqing is probably also broken. Among the younger generation of Xingyizong, it is estimated that only this Ruan Qingqing can pose a threat to me, but I don't know that she has stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period. Will it be my opponent afterwards."

In fact, in fact, apart from Ruan Qingqing, there are also three people: Wang Qiaoqiao of Danxia Sect, Li Chen of Huangquanmen, and Cao Ci of Guiyuan School.

The strength of the three of them is very strong, and in the middle of the Tribulation Period, they can compete with some masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

If none of the three of them has successfully stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, then there is no way to threaten their pride.

But Ruan Qingqing, Xiao Hanzong of the Starfall Sect felt a little bit invisible.

"It seems that Ruan Qingqing is going to shine again in this contest."

If it weren't for a smooth break, why should Ruan Qingqing hide his breath so carefully?

Isn't it just to surprise the four players in the competition to cover up their true strength?

Xiao Han is not pleasing to the eyes of this Miss Ruan Qingqing.

Most of the reason was because there was some grudge between Xingyizong and him.

A small part of the reason is that Ruan Qingqing is too aloof.

Although this Miss Ruan Qingqing, regardless of her appearance or temperament, was among the many women Xiao Han had seen.

But from the first meeting, Xiao Han has not caught a cold with this Miss Ruan Qingqing.

Although Xiao Han should not be able to take action at this party, but watching Ruan Qingqing show the limelight in the competition, Xiao Han would be a little uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han curled his lips and set off again.

Xiao Han began to speed up.

The figure flashed, and the whole person had jumped tens of meters away.

Later, Xiao Han ignored the strange gazes he encountered on the way, and his figure flashed, and his whole person turned into an afterimage, flying towards the top of Xingyufeng Peak.

Although the height of this star meteor peak was astonishing, at such a fast speed as Xiao Han, Xiao Han directly reached the top of the star meteor peak in just ten minutes.

Just stepping on the top of Xingyufeng, the terrain became flat.

What appeared in front of Xiao Han was a large square.

But above the square, bursts of noisy voices directly reached Xiao Han's ears.

After looking around, Xiao Han couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

In the entire square, densely crowded heads can be seen everywhere.

Suddenly there were so many people, Xiao Han also looked helplessly dark.

Originally under the rigorous screening of the mountain, Xiao Han thought that there should not be more people qualified to climb.

But now, Xiao Han immediately reacted. At this time, a gathering of two tribes, three sects, and four sects had already attracted most of the young masters in the area around Demon Imperial City.

This three-sect party can actually attract so many young masters to join in?

It seems that every contest in a party should have a high gold content.

If it is not exciting enough, how could it attract so many people to join in the fun?

Xiao Han cried and smiled and shook his head, after looking around. Xiao Han saw that there were some towering trees around the square.

When Xiao Han turned his head and looked over, many people had already occupied the big trees around the square.

With a flash of figure, Xiao Han also jumped onto a branch of a big tree, and then sat down directly on it.

The vision here is very good, you can see the movement of the audience clearly, the only drawback is that it is a little farther, it is better to get closer to see the real thing.

But now the field has not officially started, and Xiao Han doesn't need to get close.

Standing on a high place, Xiao Han just happened to be able to see the entire peak of Xingyufeng.

In front of Xiao Han's eyes was a huge square.

But at this time, there is a huge platform in the center of the square. At the end of the square, there are some higher seats, which seem to be places for the elders of the major sects to sit.

On the top of Beiyue Peak, apart from the square in front of you and the endless hall behind the square, the most eye-catching thing is of course the tall black tall building that stands on the top of Beiyue Peak.

The height of this tall building is at least hundreds of feet, which is simply majestic.

The top of the building is pointed, as if directly inserted into the clouds.

This should be the Star Picking Building, the most important building of the Star Meteorite Sect.

There are actually many other houses and halls around the square.

These places should be where the sect disciples of Xingyizong practice and live.

Finally, Xiao Han's gaze was once again placed in the center of the square in front of him.

On the high platform in the middle, even if there were five or six hundred people standing at the same time, it was not crowded at all.

Around the seat at the back, there are many disciples of the Star Meteorite Sect standing with solemn expressions. Those who can serve as guards in such an important place are certainly not ordinary disciples of the Sect.

Although these people are all in their thirties, the aura that comes out of them is at least the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

Although due to age, this realm is naturally incomparable with Ruan Qingqing and others, and even Guo Yi from the Guo family can't even compare.

However, this kind of ordinary sect disciple can cultivate to the early stage of the Tribulation Period, and he can already prove the strength of the Star Meteorite Sect.

It's just that these seats are empty now, and it is clear that the party at the end has not officially started.

But don't even think about it. Those who are eligible to be assigned a seat here are definitely heavyweights in one faction, two clans, three schools, and four schools.

Seeing the noisy scene and the party showing no sign of officially starting, Xiao Han had to search the square boredly for familiar figures.

Look at it, they are all fresh faces.

Cao Ci and Wang Qiaoqiao of the Guiyuan faction should not have appeared on the court yet.

In addition, there were too many people around, standing there in twos and threes chatting, after Xiao Han looked at it for a few times and found nothing, he also lost interest.


However, the noisy sound on the court did not last long. Soon, a pleasant bell rang from the peak of the entire Xingyifeng Peak.

"It's about to begin, it's about to begin."

"Wow, it's finally about to start."


There was a commotion in the entire square, and after a while, it became absolute tranquility.

Soon, a large number of Xingyizong sect disciples appeared around the square, and they rushed to the high platform in the middle of the square neatly and guarded the entire high platform.

Some human race refiners and monster beast masters who were too close were driven away.

At this moment, the space around the upper seat began to twist.

Xiao Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and of course he could see that there was a strong person coming through the space.

After a while, many figures slowly walked out of the torn space and appeared in front of everyone.

Xiao Han's gaze swept away, and he was stunned.

Xiao Han's gaze was attracted by a familiar figure.

That person is just Wan Jianyi, the Great Elder of Xingyizong who has been chasing Xiao Han for many days.

When enemies meet, they are naturally jealous.

However, at this time, Xiao Han was not jealous. After all, he came today, not for the purpose of entanglement with the people of Xingyizong.

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