The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2318: I'm here to join in the fun

As for Xiao Han, after pondering for a moment, Xiao Han also followed the slowly moving crowd towards the checkpoint where the Fourth Elder was in charge.

Xiao Han didn't go to the Star Meteorite Sect this time to show off.

His purpose is only to find the Demon Clan guy, and to detect his father's whereabouts from the Demon Clan.

Xiao Han was not interested in taking action at this party of two tribes, three schools, and four schools.

Xiao Han is now so disguised, there is still a certain chance that he will be able to hide from the sky.

But if Xiao Han played a contest, he would definitely be recognized.

At that time, Xiao Han wanted to get away, but he was in trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Han is not interested in playing the competition, he only hopes that he can successfully ascend to Xingyufeng.

As for the contests above and the contest between geniuses of the same generation, Xiao Han really didn't dare to be interested.

Because the conditions put forward by the Star Meteorite Sect were indeed a bit harsh, a quarter of the people surrounding the two levels immediately retreated.

People like them don't even have the qualifications to climb Xingmeifeng to join in the fun. Either they are too old and do not meet the requirements, or they meet the age, but their strength is not allowed.

Among the rest of the crowd on the court, most of them walked to the Fourth Elder.

After all, the conditions for joining in the fun are lower, and a guy who doesn't have two brushes really dare not take a palm of the Fifth Elder.

However, not everyone knows this.

Among the crowd, there are still a few young masters with high self-esteem, who are definitely qualified to compete by virtue of their own strength.

So they went to the fifth elder of the Star Meteorite Sect and wanted to pass the test over there.

But the final result is a bit surprising.

Those guys who wanted to pass the test were shot flying by the palm of the five elders, and the whole person flew out, directly flying several hundred meters away.

Xiao Han had a playful look on his face.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see it at a glance. Even though the five elders had just been slapped flying with the palm of his hand, although they were up to the standard, their cultivation level barely reached the requirements of the peak of the Tribulation Period.

However, those guys whose hearts are higher than the sky and thinner than the paper are obviously relying on some kind of heaven and earth treasure or pill, or some background, and their respective sects consume a lot of training resources to bring out the tribulation. Early period.

The real combat power of this early stage of the Tribulation Period, which is piled up with cultivation resources, is a little better than the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, that's it.

Xiao Han could see through the details of the other party, and the five elders, the strong old generation of the Star Meteorite Sect, could naturally also see it.

So for the guy who was not low in realm but had very scumbag combat effectiveness, the five elders didn't even say a word, and flew out with a palm.

This scene astounded everyone who was queuing up to join in the fun of Shangxingfengfeng.

At the same time, many people showed a look of gloating.

Fortunately, they have this self-knowledge, so they only go up to join in the fun, not to compete, otherwise, the next person to be photographed may be themselves.

Seeing Xiao Han here, he couldn't help laughing. Following the flow of people, Xiao Han walked to the Fourth Elder.

Xiao Han suppressed his cultivation level and strength in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, neither too conspicuous nor too weak.

With Xiao Han's current strength, it is naturally possible to directly suppress the realm to the peak realm of the Tongyou Period.

However, Xiao Han was worried that he had suppressed too much, and that it would be too late to pass. On the contrary, he would easily show his feet in front of the four elders.

Walked forward with the flow of people, and then approached the four elders one by one.

As long as the cultivation level reaches the quiet period and the age meets the requirements, Xiao Han can climb the mountain smoothly.

Xiao Han now hopes that the four elders can't see through his true colors.

At this time, after the five elders shot several young talents in succession, no one around dared to go up.

Only then, the five elders are a bit boring.

The boring Fifth Elder had to turn around and look at the long queue on the Fourth Elder.

"No one has come to try it?" The Fifth Elder smiled playfully: "This time, as long as you are a young master who is eligible to play, regardless of the results of the competition, you can get a gift from our Star Meteorite Sect. , If you can enter the top ten, you can even get a treasure from our Star Meteorite Sect, do you want to try it?"

The Fifth Elder estimated that it was really a bit boring, and he actually started to actively shout.

But even if this is the case, everyone is afraid to avoid it.

It seems that in a short period of time, no one will go up for review.

When the fifth elder saw this scene, he had to curl his lips with a sad expression.

At this time, it was Xiao Han who was waiting in line for review.

Xiao Han stepped forward and walked towards the Fourth Elder next to the level.

"You... wait a minute."

Before Xiao Han walked in front of the Fourth Elder, the Fifth Elder on the side suddenly turned his head to look at Xiao Han and called out loudly.

Hearing the Fifth Elder's call, Xiao Han turned his head to look, and he was even more sure that the Fifth Elder was calling him.

This made Xiao Han's heart tense.

Is it possible that the five elders finally recognized it?

Xiao Han was a little helpless.

See the sample, be prepared to escape at any time.

The Fifth Elder frowned slightly looking at Xiao Han not far away.

He looked at Xiao Han up and down, and finally his gaze stayed on Xiao Han's face.

"Um...what do you mean, little fellow?"

The Fifth Elder had a serious look, but suddenly he grinned and said softly: "I think you should be eligible for the competition. Why don't you come to try it? You have to join the fun?"

Hearing this, everyone on the court looked at Xiao Han.

Before so many young and handsome players have been slapped flying with the palm of the five elders, this guy who is a little stubborn in front of him meets the conditions for playing?

Everyone really didn't realize that this ordinary guy was actually a master at the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

Hearing this, Xiao Han was rather relieved.

It turned out that the five elders did not see through his true identity, but saw that Xiao Han's revealed cultivation level and strength had reached the standard for the competition, so he asked.

"Cough cough cough..." Xiao Han deliberately made his voice hoarse: "I'm sorry, I don't plan to play the game, I just came here to join in the fun."

"Smelly boy..." The Fifth Elder cast his eyes wide and cursed in a low voice.

Xiao Han laughed dryly, walked in front of the fourth elders, and asked softly: "This senior, can I pass?"

The Fourth Elder turned his head and looked at the Fifth Elder who was shocked, then looked at Xiao Han, and after a while, he nodded.

People don't want to compete, so they can't force it, right?

Although the four elders could also see that the young man in front of him was indeed the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period, what else could he do if he didn't want to appear.

"Thank you senior for letting me go."

Xiao Han arched his hands at the four elders, and finally ignored the five elders, turned and passed the four elders, and walked step by step along the mountain road to the top of Xingyufeng.

After Xiao Han left, everyone on the court was left with a look of astonishment and some sluggish eyes.

"Where did this guy come out, so arrogant?"

"I don't know, I heard it is a disciple of the Mochizuki Sect."

"This Mochizuki Gate rarely walks under the mountain? It's very mysterious."

"But that guy is so young that he is a master at the early stage of the Tribulation Period. Compared with those geniuses, he is a little different, but it's not bad."

"You see how arrogant people are, they won't take the test at all."


After Xiao Han left, everyone on the court talked a lot.

At this time, the fifth elder found that the fourth elder not far away was staring at Xiao Han's back, with a contemplative look.

The fifth elder frowned and said, "Fourth brother, what's wrong with this little guy? Did you find anything unusual?"

"I can't tell, I just suddenly felt that this young man gave me a sense of deja vu, but I don't know why I just can't remember where I saw it before."

The fifth elder also had a deep expression on his face. After a while, he gave a wry smile and said, "I don't have any familiar feelings, but this little guy makes me feel a little unfathomable..."


Xiao Han was relieved that he had not been recognized in front of the fourth and fifth elders.

As long as Xiao Han didn't make a move, Wan Jianyi, the Great Elder of Xingyizong, would basically be unable to identify his true identity.

After passing the checkpoint, Xiao Han began to climb up the mountain road, preparing to reach the top of Xingyufeng.

The mountain path is steep and paved with stone steps, and at first glance, it twists and turns like a giant python crawling on the mountain path.

Climbing all the way up along the mountain road and stone steps, Xiao Han's figure finally disappeared in the surrounding clouds.

The young masters who are eligible to participate in the competition naturally have the sect disciples of the Xingyi Sect and take them to the top of the Xingyi Peak on a flying beast.

As for the human spirit refiners and monster beast masters who came to join in the fun, of course they only had to step up step by step.

Although Xingmeifeng is unattainable, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, this mountain road is nothing.

There were people rushing forward and backward, and Xiao Han walked on the mountain road unhurriedly.

Anyway, the gathering now hasn't officially started, so Xiao Han doesn't need to worry.

Just climb slowly.

It's not interesting to go too early, it's too conspicuous, maybe it's easier to be recognized.

It is estimated that Cao Ci of Guiyuan School and Ruan Qingqing of Danxiazong should have been on top of Xingyufeng.

I just didn't know that this meeting, the Demon King of the Demon Race, would send out several young masters.

Xiao Han wanted to take the opportunity to grab the opponent, and guessed that he couldn't do it anymore.

It's too eye-catching.

The best way is actually to wait until this big gathering of the Star Meteorite Sect is all over, Xiao Han follows behind the members of the Demon Race, and when he leaves the Star Meteorite Sect, he will start directly.

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