The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2294: Wangcai suppresses the audience

Wang Qiaoqiao said so, but he didn't give Ruan Qingqing any face.

But Wang Qiaoqiao's identity is placed here, and she does not have to give Ruan Qingqing face.

I just don't know whether Wang Qiaoqiao deliberately buried Taixing Meteorite Sect, or to help Xiao Han speak.

It seems that he knows Wang Qiaoqiao's temperament very well, so after hearing Wang Qiaoqiao's needle tip against Maimang, even Ruan Qingqing couldn't help but frown.

"Humph." Even though Wang Qiaoqiao was upset, their Danxia Sect was not weaker than Xingyizong.

And this Wang Qiaoqiao's strength is unfathomable, even Ruan Qingqing is very jealous.

Due to Wang Qiaoqiao’s strength and status, Ruan Qingqing could only snorted coldly, and looked at Xiao Han on the stage of Universe indifferently, and said: "You said so powerfully, then I want to look at this Xiao Han. How about passing the test with two burdens."

Under the gaze of dozens of gazes around, Xiao Han took Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo slowly towards the Universe Terrace.

Xiao Han stared at the dense giant wolf spiders around him, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"With so many giant wolf spiders, how can Xiao Han take us to deal with?"

Both Empress Yumei and Luoluo were worried.

However, now that they are already standing on the stage of the universe, it is too late to quit.

Xiao Han looked at the dense giant wolf spiders around him, pondered for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his hand behind him.

At this time, everyone discovered that Xiao Han was facing the little monster beast lying on her stomach in Empress Yumei's arms.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand, and the little monster beast obediently jumped onto Xiao Han's palm.

At this time, Xiao Han stretched out his hand and stroked the head of the little monster beast twice, then whispered a few words, and then placed the little monster beast on the stage of the universe.

This scene made everyone around him dumbfounded.

What does Xiao Han want to do?

Do you want to rely on the invisible little monster beast in your hand to attract the attention of the giant wolf spiders around it?

It turns out that Xiao Han wanted to make a fortune?

However, the next scene made everyone around him tremble.

I saw that little monster beast jumped out of Xiao Han's arms, walked forward a few steps proudly, and then whispered at the giant wolf spiders around it.


At this time, the giant wolf spiders that were slowly coming towards Xiao Han unexpectedly began to evade and fled back.

"That's OK?"

"No? How can the little monster beast suppress the giant wolf spiders around it?"

"Fool, do you think that is really a little monster beast? That is the legendary high-grade spirit weapon."

"Fuck... it turned out to be a high-grade spirit weapon. No wonder even these giant wolf spiders on the Universe Stage can be suppressed."

"It's amazing. With such a high-grade spirit weapon in your hand, it's not difficult at all to pass the test."

"Damn, if you do this, isn't there one place left in Tianlei Pool?"


When Xiao Han released the little monster and scared the giant wolf spiders around to run around, everyone around him was shocked.

It turns out that you can suppress the giant wolf spider clan in the audience with a high-grade spiritual weapon?

In this way, can Xiao Han pass the test with his two female companions?

Occupy three places in one go?

Adding Ruan Qingqing, Cao Ci, Li Chen, and Wang Qiaoqiao who have passed the test before, plus the three of Xiao Han in front of you, isn't it the last place left with eight names?

"Unfair, he is cheating..."

"Yes, yes, this is a speculation, and even if Xiao Han passes, his two companions cannot be considered as passing the test."

"Elder Tai, I protest, this guy is cheating."


Soon, many people around started screaming strangely.

Who knew that Xiao Han could actually come up with a high-grade spirit weapon that could suppress giant wolf spiders.

As a result, the giant wolf spiders on the entire Universe Stage were suppressed by the high-grade spirit weapons, and no giant wolf spider dared to attack Xiao Han.

What else does this test?

"If you have the ability, you can pass the test like this."

At this time, with a word from the Supreme Elder, everyone on the court obediently shut up.

It's all for this, what else can I say?

This Universe Terrace is in charge of the Supreme Elder. He said that if Xiao Han passed the test in this way, he passed the test, and the others had no room for objection.

In fact, when Xiao Han looked at the giant wolf spiders that kept retreating backwards, he was also very surprised.

Xiao Han wanted to try it out, to see if Little Monster Beast Wangcai could restrain the giant wolf spiders around him.

Unexpectedly, the effect is unexpectedly good.

It turns out that Wangcai, the little monster beast, can really suppress the giant wolf spiders around.

Xiao Han also knew in his heart that the reason why the little demon beast Wangcai was able to obtain such an effect, the most dazzling reason, was probably because of the high-grade spirit weapon aura emanating from the body of the little demon beast Wangcai.

Xiao Han had felt it many times before. The high-grade spirit weapon in front of him was simply the nemesis of the monsters. From the first-order monsters to the eighth-order monsters, everyone shivered in front of Wangcai.

Of course, those giant wolf spiders could definitely feel the dangerous aura emanating from the little monster beast in front of them.

Otherwise, just relying on Wangcai's cute appearance, can't scare so many giant wolf spiders around.

Seeing this scene, Empress Yu Mei and Luo Luo behind them also looked shocked.

So this little monster beast still has such a function?

Empress Yumei and Luoluo were overjoyed.

It's a surprise that this little guy still has such a function.

The little monster in front of me seemed to have a great shock to the surrounding giant wolf spiders. Niang Niang Yumei and Luo Luo looked at the Qiankun stage and found that countless giant wolf spiders around were trembling in front of the little monster Wangcai. trembling.

Don't say that he came up to attack, he didn't even dare to approach the little demon beast Wangcai.

In front of the little demon beast Wangcai, the fierceness and fearlessness that had besieged everyone before, had now completely disappeared.

Obviously, the aura and shock exuding from that little monster beast Wangcai's suppression caused them very terrifying.

"Haha, shall we go?"

Xiao Han laughed and waved his big hand, leading the two of Yumei Empress and Luoluo to follow the little monster beast. The giant wolf spiders around them gave in one after another. They looked honest and well-behaved.

Then, Xiao Han took Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo together. Easily walked to the end of the Universe Platform and stood on the stone steps at the end.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the court was shocked.

Who would have thought that Xiao Han would have passed the test so easily.

Compared with Ruan Qingqing, Wang Qiaoqiao and others before, Xiao Han's method is the most speechless.

And it made everyone feel dumbfounded, Xiao Han actually never had any contact with those giant wolf spiders from beginning to end.

With a high-grade spiritual weapon in his hand, Xiao Han walked towards the Universe Platform in a leisurely manner, and then he was hungry?

And Xiao Han also followed two companions behind him.

The three of them passed the level easily, and they took up three places all at once. Are you angry?

"I really don't know if this guy is lucky or how to drop it. He actually passed the test like this."

For a time, many people looked depressed.

Originally there were not many positions in Tianlei Pool, but now it's better, and Xiao Han immediately occupied three of them.

As a result, the eight Tianlei Pool positions are now the last one left.

What is going on?

There are still more than a dozen people on the court.

So many people grab a spot?

We must know that among the dozen people, there is still Ouyang Feng from the Star Meteorite Sect in it.

This Ouyang Feng is also a genius figure of Xing Yizong, but he has been under the famous pressure of Ruan Qingqing for so many years, and it seems that he is not very famous.

However, no one dared to doubt Ouyang Feng's strength.

This guy may be a bit worse than Ruan Qingqing, but it should be no problem to crush others.

"Cough cough cough..."

The great elder of the giant wolf spider clan standing on the edge of the Universe Platform actually had a speechless look.

But soon he recovered.

Seeing the giant wolf spiders on the court who were honestly shrinking together and dare not move, the elder on the stage couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

The Supreme Elder didn't expect Xiao Han to have a high-grade spiritual weapon on his body.

Now that Xiao Han has managed to do this, Tianlei Pool, which originally had four places, now has one place left.

Although anyway, the two places of their giant wolf spider clan will not be less, but Xiao Han seems to easily offend others by doing this.

Looking at the disgruntled guys behind him, the elder too intelligent and helpless sighed.

"The test is successful, the next one can sing, but there is not much time left."

After hearing the reminder from the Supreme Elder, a figure flashed out of the crowd and appeared directly on the stage of the universe.

The fastest is Ouyang Feng.

Now that there is only one place left, Ouyang Feng should naturally be more active, otherwise he won't be able to queue up.

As soon as Ouyang Feng appeared, the rest of the human race refiners and monster masters felt ashamed.

As soon as Ouyang Feng came out, wouldn't it be that the last spot was also booked in advance?

Next, all eight places in Tianlei Pool were full.

What about others?

Just standing in front of this universe platform, waiting for the sky thunder pool to open, absorb some overflowing sky thunder gas, and barely reap some benefits.

As for the remaining two masters of the giant wolf spider clan, they are simply the default quota.

Passing the test is just to determine the position in the sky thunder pond.

In other words, the dozens of people on the field didn't even have the qualifications to compete for the position of the Heavenly Thunder Pool.

Ouyang Feng's strength is weaker than Ruan Qingqing, but among those present, no one really dares to say that he can beat Ouyang Feng.

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