The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2293: The three of us broke through together

Seeing Xiao Han agreed, Wang Qiaoqiao smiled.

Then turned around and looked at the Supreme Elder: "Coincidentally I have seen the Supreme Elder."

Hearing this, there was a rare sincere smile on the face of the super elder of the giant wolf spider clan.

"Oh, when your master just debuted, he seemed to be about the same age as you, and you look so much like her, so alike."

Having said this, the elder Taishang said with a pensive look: "Think about it now, it seems that it has been fifty years."

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other.

Feelings, Wang Qiaoqiao's master, still knows this Taishang elder.

Looks like this, it seems that the relationship is not shallow.

In this way, the elders will be thinking about old feelings. Deliberately release water?

But after thinking about it, everyone felt that it was unnecessary.

This Wang Qiaoqiao's strength does not need to release water at all.

Xiao Han was thinking, then Wang Qiaoqiao slowly walked into the depths of the Universe Platform.

At this time, everyone discovered that from the beginning to the present, Wang Qiaoqiao was the only one who walked into Qiankun Terrace so lightly.

Moreover, after Wang Qiaoqiao walked into the Universe Terrace, he still took out the steps towards the end of the Universe Terrace step by step.

When hundreds of giant wolf spiders rushed towards her, Wang Qiaoqiao didn't panic on her face.

When the overwhelming giant wolf spider rushed towards her, Wang Qiaoqiao began to urge the spiritual energy in his body to spread.

Soon, the giant wolf spiders rushing around, as if they had encountered a nemesis, quickly retreated without attacking Wang Qiaoqiao at all.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know. That won't happen, those giant wolf spiders know Wang Qiaoqiao?"

"The ghost knows."


Seeing this scene, everyone on the court was shocked.

What is there in Wang Qiaoqiao's body that made the giant wolf spiders around him not even dared to attack, so they just retreated?

Before everyone could react, Wang Qiaoqiao walked slowly, and in just thirty seconds, Wang Qiaoqiao reached the end of the Universe Platform.

The giant wolf spiders around did not stop him at all, and directly let Wang Qiaoqiao ascend the steps.

Seeing this scene, many people are thinking, isn't this super elder who is really a giant wolf spider releasing water?

Otherwise, how could Wang Qiaoqiao pass through the Universe Terrace so easily?

From the beginning to now, this Wang Qiaoqiao can be said to be the easiest one to pass the test.

Even Li Chen of Huangquanmen can't match it.

Those powerful giant wolf spiders seemed to have made an agreement with Wang Qiaoqiao, and they retreated directly, allowing Wang Qiaoqiao to pass through the Universe Platform smoothly.

Seeing this Danxiazong's Wang Qiaoqiao walked over so easily, many people looked confused.

Who could have imagined that Wang Qiaoqiao, the youngest looking, could pass so easily in this giant wolf spider array.

"I heard that Danxiazong has obtained a set of weird techniques in recent years that can control all monsters below the seventh rank. Now it seems that it is true."

The great elder of the giant wolf spider clan smiled bitterly and shook his head, revealing the truth in one word.

In this way, Dan Xiazong's Wang Qiao was a trick.

But no matter what the means, it is passed if it is passed, and there is really nothing other people can say.

"Passing the assessment, the next one can play." The elder too grinned.

Not to mention other people, even Xiao Han was stunned by the process Wang Qiaoqiao easily passed the test.

Now Xiao Han reacted after hearing the great elder's prompt.

No way, people backed by Danxiazong, some special methods on their bodies, it is also a normal thing.

Xiao Han looked up, and now there were four people standing on the stone steps at the end of the Universe Platform.

With Ruan Qingqing, Cao Ci, Li Chen, and Wang Qiaoqiao successfully passing the test, there are only four people left in Tianlei Pool.

Now that Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo are included, there are still more than a dozen people who have not yet participated in the test.

More than a dozen people grabbed four places. The odds are not high.

Now it is up to Xiao Han to pass the test with the two women behind him.

Xiao Han sighed, turned his head and nodded to Empress Yumei and Luo Luo behind him, and then under the gaze of many eyes, he strode to the stage of the universe.

Behind Xiao Han, Empress Yumei and Luoluo held hands and followed.

"Hehe, I'm not sure to pass the test, so I actually took two women with me. I really don't know how to live or die."

"Who is this person? I haven't seen it before."

"I don't know, I'm most pleading for this kind of guy who takes a woman to walk the rivers and lakes at any time."

"No, this kind of person generally thinks very highly of themselves, it is estimated that they have never suffered a big loss."


When Xiao Han, Empress Yumei, and Luoluo were standing on the stage of the universe, there was a burst of low voices around them.

Everyone's eyes focused on the three of Xiao Han.

Standing on the steps, Ruan Qingqing and Cao Ci also stared at Xiao Han.

Only Li Chen from Huangquanmen had played against Xiao Han before. As for the others on the field, they were not very clear about Xiao Han's true strength.

Now Xiao Han is going to take two female companions to participate in the test. On this stage of the universe, how many catties Xiao Han actually has, will soon be able to tell.

"Boy Xiao Han, meet the Supreme Elder." Xiao Han clasped his fists and said respectfully.

"Xiao Han? Is he that Xiao Han?"

"It turned out to be him, no wonder..."

"I heard that even Star Meteorite Sect's Wan Jian didn't keep him when he was shot. It seems that he should have some strength."

"It is estimated that it is no wonder that he brought two female companions to the test."


After hearing Xiao Han's self-introduction, there was a burst of low voice on the court.

Ruan Qingqing's expression changed when he heard the whispers around him, and there was a murderous look in Xiao Han's eyes.

"Xiao Han? So you are that Xiao Han?"

Hearing Xiao Han's self-introduction, the super elder of the giant wolf spider clan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Obviously, even the elder on the stage had heard of the young man in front of him who hadn't even caught the old guy Wan Jianyi himself.

The elder Supreme didn't expect that Xiao Han would come to Beiyue Peak in an upright manner?

Isn't this little guy afraid that the Star Meteorite Sect will encircle and suppress Beiyue Peak?

"Are you sure you want to take your two friends through the barrier together?" The elder nodded, and glanced at Empress Yumei and Luo Luo behind Xiao Han.

The eyesight of the elder on the ether can naturally tell that the real strength of the two empresses Yumei and Luoluo has not yet reached the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

If you really break through the barriers, it may not be able to help Xiao Han, and maybe it will be delayed in the end.

Before Xiao Han could speak, Empress Yumei behind her whispered: "Xiao Han, would you like to go alone? Bringing us might affect you to pass the test."

"Yes, Brother Xiao Han, we are here. When the Thunder Pool opened that day, we could also get some benefits." Luo Luo also quickly agreed.

"It's okay, there are four more places." Xiao Han said with a slight smile: "Maybe we are lucky. Have all three of them been tested?"

With that, Xiao Han waved his hand and walked to the middle of the Universe Platform first.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo looked at each other, and finally had to follow Xiao Han to the Universe Stage.

Seeing Xiao Han appeared, many people around him showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

In recent days, the name Xiao Han is gaining momentum near Beiyue Peak.

Wrestling with the huge Star Meteorite Sect with one's own strength, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Therefore, many people are very curious about this Xiao Han, who has been going viral recently, how strong is he?

"Hehe, I want to see how capable this guy is, and he can pass through the Universe Stage with his two female companions?" Ruan Qingqing sneered with a disdainful expression.

"Look at it, maybe this guy will do miracles?" Cao Ci curled his lips.

"If Xiao Han breaks through the barriers alone, I don't think he has any problems at all." Li Chen of Huangquanmen stared at Xiao Han and said slowly: "But now he insists on bringing two companions, that's not necessarily the case."

Ruan Qingqing said with an indifferent look: "Haha. I have to take a woman through the barrier if I don't have the ability, I want to check if Xiao Han really has three heads and six arms."

"I can’t say it too early. I’m so good. Although this little brother looks very ordinary, in fact, even I can’t see through his details, and he can escape in the hands of the elder of your Star Meteorite Sect. Than has some abilities."

Wang Qiaoqiao smiled slightly, not caring about Ruan Qingqing's indifferent look, and said softly: "Don't worry. The answer will be revealed soon."

At this moment, Xiao Han's figure flashed, and a series of afterimages flashed past Xiao Han.

What is even more surprising is that those afterimages surround Xiao Han's back and haven't dissipated for a long time.

"Huh? Fengyun changed his body?"

"Fuck. It's really the changing body of the Star Meteorite Sect."

"Haha, it turns out that the rumors are true. It is said that this guy did not know where he got the Fengyun Transformation Body of the Star Meteorite Sect. Now it seems that this guy's Fengyun Transformation Body has been cultivated to a certain level."

"It's just that Xiao Han is showing such a fair and honest transformation, that Miss Ruan Qingqing, can't help but make a move?"


Seeing this scene, Ruan Qingqing's beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Wang Qiaoqiao secretly smiled and said: "Sister Qingqing, how come your Star Meteorite Sect's transformation body is revealed?"

Ruan Qingqing glared at Wang Qiaoqiao: "You ask me who do I ask? Anyway, our Star Meteorite Sect will never let this guy go."

Ruan Qingqing's face is very ugly, but this Danxiazong Wang Qiaoqiao is not afraid of Ruan Qingqing at all. She grinned and said softly: "Even your elder can't kill him. Do you think you can do it?"

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