The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2270: The temptation of Tianlei Lake

For so many days, Xiao Han shuttled through the vast mountains and forests alone, but he was happy.

Cultivation was originally an extremely boring and boring thing. If there were Empress Yumei and Luoluo by her side, it would already make Xiao Han feel very happy.

However, Xiao Han spent most of his time cultivating alone when he walked this way.

If you want to become a super master that everyone is awe-inspiring, you have to put in unimaginable hard work, and the pressure and loneliness you endure along the way are beyond your imagination.

So for so many days, Xiao Han didn't feel bitter at all, and didn't feel boring at all. Instead, he enjoyed the process a bit.

Three days later, Xiao Han began to enter the area of ​​the Beiyue Mountains.

Next, Xiao Han began to see more and more humanoid refiners and monster beast masters on the way.

It's just that they are cautiously guarding each other to deal with the battle that may start at any time.

Xiao Han also encountered a lot of hot scenes along the way.

Between Human Race Refiners and Qi Refiners, between Monster Beasts and Human Race Refiners, between Monster Beasts and Monster Beasts.

Sometimes it's just a wrong look, and both parties start fighting.

"What are you looking at?"

"What do you look at?"

Go dry.

However, Xiao Han didn't bother to participate in such a small fight.

Although they are all very angry, if it is not for the huge difference in strength, the final battle is mostly a hasty end.

After all, whether it was a human refiner or a monster beast master, they did not come to fight in this Beiyue Mountain Range, but came to the thunder pond that day.

However, Xiao Han is still a little curious. There are only eight positions in Tianlei Pool. What's the use of coming to so many people? Most monsters or human gas refiners are just watching the excitement, right?

Later, Xiao Han listened to the discussion from the people around him. It turned out that although there were only eight places open in the Thunder Pool, when the Tianlei Pool overflowed, it would trigger the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder in the sky.

At that time, the entire Beiyue Peak will be able to absorb the aura overflowing from Tianlei Pool, and the closer it is to Tianlei Pool, the greater the benefits will be.

So most people didn't come for the eight positions of Tianlei Lake, but to occupy a place closer to Beiyue Peak.

After approaching Beiyue Peak, Xiao Han still did not encounter Wan Jianyi of Xingyizong.

It seems that the old guy temporarily gave up chasing Xiao Han, or was waiting for Xiao Han to show up around Beiyue Peak.

But these are not important anymore, Xiao Han now has enough ability to protect himself.

Standing on a hill near Beiyue Peak, Xiao Han looked at the brilliant light flashing around him from time to time, and he knew that he was about to approach his destination.

Most of the Human Race Refiners and Monster Beasts were in mid-air. For the sake of safety, many people chose to shuttle through the mountains and forests, like Xiao Han, slowly approaching Beiyue Peak.

Seeing the figures flashing around from time to time and the noise coming from a distance, Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a blessing to not encounter Wan Jianyi's chase along the way.

It seems that Xiao Han's luck is not bad.

It's just that Xiao Han is inevitably tired while walking along the way.

As Xiao Han almost never stopped practicing Fengyun Transformation Body along the way, as soon as he left, Xiao Han would naturally urge Fengyun Transformation Body's practice exercises.

It has become Xiao Han's habit to practice Fengyun to change his body when he is on the road.

So Xiao Han was not easy to walk down this road.

"There should be only half a day away from Beiyue Peak, and the area around Beiyue Peak should be very lively now." Xiao Han took out the map purchased in Bafang City from Qiankun Bag, and carefully checked his location. .

After a while, Xiao Han went on the road again, flashed past the vast mountains and forests, and rushed directly to the location of Beiyue Peak.

Beiyue Mountain Range was originally a relatively remote place near Demon Imperial City.

The mountains are high and the water is deep. It is hard for ordinary people to imagine why the peaks here are so high.

However, there are countless kinds of monsters in the Beiyue Mountains, and the human gas refiners are much weaker than the other mountains.

A Beiyue city has a population of only a few hundred thousand.

This is a bit similar to those remote corners around Shifang Lianyu.

However, the reputation of the Beiyue Mountain Range is very famous in the area around the Demon Imperial City.

Not because there are many monsters in the Beiyue Mountain Range, but because of the Tianlei Pond at Beiyue Peak once every ten years.

Tianlei Pond can raise a small realm or increase a lot of strength, and that kind of magical effect is a powerful temptation for most Human Race refiners and monster masters.

The closer Xiao Han was to Beiyue Peak, he could clearly discover that most of the monster masters and human gas refiners who appeared here were relatively young.

Later, Xiao Han found out that although the Tianlei Pond of the month used to help the human race refiner or monster master to break through a bottleneck, the younger the person, the more obvious the effect, and the longer the cultivation time, the weaker the effect.

Therefore, most of the people who went to Beiyue Peak were the younger generation, and there were almost no strong people of the older generation.

Moreover, even if the older generation of powerhouses entered the Heavenly Thunder Pond and took up a position, the effect was not very obvious.

Since this is the case, there are really not many human spirit refiners and monster beast masters who are willing to brazenly compete with a group of young backs for the position of Tianlei Pool.

In this way, instead, the entire Beiyue Peak became a place near the Demon Imperial City, where the major forces and sects strongly encouraged the young masters below to go.

The stronger the forces, the more they pay attention to cultivating the younger generation of strong men, because in the near future, the mainstay among the forces will stand out from the younger generation.

So many big forces or sects are quite concerned about the Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool.

Especially for those young powerhouses who just happened to be stuck in a bottleneck period and couldn't break through in a short time, Genshi attaches great importance to this trip to Beiyue Peak.

You know, the gap between the peak realm of the Tongyou Period and the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period is not a star and a half.

Even in the area near Demon Imperial City, even among the younger generation, the masters who have reached the peak level of the Tongyou Period can already be regarded as true masters.

However, if you want to be favored by others, or to become a cultivator in the sect, you can only enjoy the special treatment of the sect when you step into the tribulation period and become a strong man in the early stage of the tribulation period. .

This is why a Guo Yi from the Guo family of Tianlun City can make a behemoth like the Star Meteorite Sect look different.

A master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period is actually nothing to the power of Star Meteorite Sect.

However, at an age like Guo Yi, he can cultivate to the early stage of the Tribulation Period, which shows that his future potential is terrifying.

As long as they are well-trained, there will be one more super power in the sect of the sect who is at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Not only in the major sects, but also in every family.

If it is said that the masters of the peak realm of the Tongyou Period are already the backbone of the family, then the masters with the strength above the Tribulation Period can be called the top masters of the family.

In general strength, as long as a family has a master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, then this guy will at least have a not weak reputation in the human race city, and the status will not be too low.

If the family has a young master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, then the potential of this guy in the future is terrifying.

The value of a young master at the early stage of the Tribulation Period is definitely far more than ten strong men of the peak realm of the Passage Period.

It was just like the situation Xiao Han encountered in Tianlun City before.

The Guo family was able to suppress the Zhao family. In addition to the overall strength, the main reason was that the Guo family had a young master Guo Yi in the early stage of the catastrophe period, and the two best young backs of the Zhao family, Zhao Duo. Er and Zhao Xuan'er are just the strength of the peak realm of the Tongyou period.

What's more, Guo Yi of the Guo family was still valued by the great elder of Xingyizong, and the Guo family suddenly opened the gap with the Zhao family.

This is what everyone in Tianlun City can foresee, the terrifying potential of the young strong in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

This shows how big the gap is between the peak realm of the Tongyou period and the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

This is why, so many masters of the younger generation are so caring about the Tianlei Pool of Beiyue Peak.

Of course, if a family has a young powerhouse like Xiao Han in the middle of the catastrophe period, even if Xiao Han's existence is just a name in this family, then this family will grow into one of the best in the local area sooner or later. Super power.

If it weren't for Guo Yi's own death, Chen Huohuo deceived people too much, and Xiao Han directly killed the elders of Xing Meteo Sect. If he wanted to come in front of people like Xiao Han, even a behemoth like Xing Meteo Sect would not dare to treat him like that.

However, Xiao Han did imitate Guo Yi's Fengyun Transformation Body before, and then directly forged Liangzi with Xingyizong because of Chen Huohuo's death.

Now that Xiao Han has really cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body, the Star Meteorite Sect can only find a way to get rid of Xiao Han.

Otherwise, if Xiao Han is given a few more years, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for Xingyizong to deal with Xiao Han.

In the middle of the Tribulation Period, a strong person in this realm can be regarded as a top expert even if he looks at the entire area around the Demon Imperial City, and no force dare to look down upon it.

Like the Zhao Family in Tianlun City, there was an ancestor who was in the middle of the Tribulation Period, and even the Star Meteorite Sect did not dare to push too quickly.

Otherwise, once a full-scale war begins, the entire Zhao family will be wiped out, but the Star Meteorite Sect will definitely suffer considerable losses.

In the cities of the Ten Fang Refining Domain, if there is a strong person who has the strength in the early or mid-Tribulation period, he can barely support a family or a side power.

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