You know, the time for the great elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect to cultivate Fengyun Transformation will definitely not be short.

Wan Jianyi has cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body for so many years, and has not cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to the realm of Dzogchen.

Now Wan Jianyi's clone has reached the level of perfection, and there is still a certain distance from Dzogchen.

And now that Xiao Han has just cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to the entry level, Xiao Han is even more distant from Fengyun Transformation Body Dzogchen.

However, to Xiao Han, Xiao Han himself was not satisfied, but among the disciples of Xingyizong's sect, Xiao Han's progress was considered extremely fast.

Now there are only ten days left before the opening of Tianlei Pool in the Beiyue Mountains.

Originally, Xiao Han wanted to cultivate here for a few more days to transform his body, even if he was hitting the iron while it was hot.

But now counting the distance, Xiao Han now rushes to Beiyue Peak, and it will take five or six days, so Xiao Han feels that it cannot be delayed too long.

Even if Xiao Han is faster, he can cross this mountain range and rush to the Beiyue Mountains within five days. After reaching Beiyue Peak, Xiao Han will have to leave at least two or three days to learn more about the surroundings of Beiyue Peak. By the way, check out the news about Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

Therefore, really counting, there are only one or two days left for Xiao Han to really use for cultivation.

In just such a day or two, it was basically impossible for Xiao Han to cultivate Fengyun's changeable body again.

Xiao Han of course thought that it would be best for the clone's cultivation to be diligent again before the opening of Tianlei Pool.

But Xiao Han couldn't help it if there was not enough time.

Now that Xiao Han condensed such a non-combatable clone, it did not help Xiao Han at all.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han decided to practice in this cave for one day and one night.

It must be true that Xiao Han has just made a breakthrough in the cultivation of Fengyun Transformation Body. At this time, he practiced while the iron is hot, and the effect is naturally very good.

Little Monster Beast Wangcai didn't feel anything, it was where Xiao Han was.

When it's okay, it dozes like a child who can't wake up.

There was no demon beast movement around, and the little demon beast didn't even bother to lift his head.

However, Xiao Han also vaguely noticed that as the little demon beast Wangcai's body grew a lot, he seemed to like to sleep more and more.

Even if Xiao Han was very curious about what weapon the Little Demon Beast Wangcai had, but couldn't find the trick to activate it, Xiao Han was helpless.

It's another timeless practice.

During this day, the eighth-order black bear demon didn't come to interfere with Xiao Han.

It seemed that the black bear demon seemed to realize that Xiao Han was something he couldn't provoke, so although the two sides were not far together, the cave where Xiao Han was located was also regarded as the territory of the black bear demon.

But the black bear demon didn't come to test it, and it was considered a demon beast with extreme caution.

It didn't come to trouble Xiao Han, Xiao Han didn't even have the intention to kill a Tier 8 monster.

Xiao Han had enough demon pills to use.

Even though a lot of Tier 7 monsters and Tier 8 monsters have been refined recently, after Xiao Han came out of Bafang City, there were five or six Tier 8 monsters killed.

As for the seventh-order demon pill, Xiao Han now has no shortage of demon pill, and he is really not interested in being able to kill the seventh-order demon beast.

When the first rays of sunshine fell that day, Xiao Han, who had been practicing for a whole day and night, finally slowly opened his eyes.

However, compared with the usual vigor after a night of cultivating, Xiao Han now has a tired look.

Constantly practiced Fengyun to change the body, the consumption of spiritual energy and energy consumption is also very scary.

Although Xiao Han was constantly replenishing his spiritual energy with the demon pill during his cultivation process, the repeated avatars were also very expensive.

Xiao Han now feels like he has fought for 300 rounds with a well-matched opponent.

Moreover, the transformation of a clone requires very high requirements on the spiritual power of the cultivator.

If the power of divine consciousness is not strong enough, you may not be able to transform into a clone for a lifetime of cultivation.

This kind of special exercise does not make progress with the water-milling kung fu that drips and pierces the stone.

It doesn't even depend on talent and roots, but it depends on the strength of the spiritual consciousness.

The power of divine consciousness is strong, and the chance of transfiguration is much greater. The power of divine consciousness is weak. After a lifetime of cultivation, at most, the afterimages of the body will be transformed in a flash. If you want to transform a clone, you almost It is impossible.

This is like Guo Yi from the Guo Family of Tianlun City. Although he is considered a talented and well-established elite disciple in the Starfall Sect, he has only cultivated Fengyun's transformation body to the point where he can transform the afterimage.

Guo Yi is one of the genius disciples in Xingyizong, but in front of Xiao Han, Guo Yi can only be regarded as scum.

In recent days, all of Xiao Han's thoughts have been cultivating Fengyun Transformation Body, and he has a thorough understanding of this Fengyun Transformation Body of Xing Meteo Sect.

Therefore, Xiao Han is more aware that even if he is given another five or six days to Xiao Han, he may not be able to enter the stage of great achievement from entry.

After refining the two seventh-order demon pills from the Qiankun bag again, Xiao Han slowly stood up from the ground.

Thinking of the Fengyun Transformation Body he cultivated, Xiao Han couldn't help but smiled and shook his head: "This clone of Fengyun Transformation Body is indeed very difficult to condense. Even if it is the speed of finding me, I guess it will at least need continuous. It takes only one month of cultivation to reach the stage of great achievement, and it will take longer to enter the stage of completion like the old guy Wan Jianyi.

It seems that this Fengyun Transformation Body can indeed be counted as one of the most difficult exercises I have come across over the years. "

Now, Xiao Han is able to interview the avatars freely, and the avatars are turned into phantoms, as long as they are not repeatedly retracted and retracted, they will not consume a lot of spiritual energy.

With a thought, Xiao Han's clone appeared again in front of Xiao Han.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han thought that his clone didn't seem to speak yet.

"Do you know who I am?"

The clone looked at Xiao Han and grinned: "You are me, I am you."

Xiao Han walked over, patted the avatar on the shoulder, and smiled: "Do you think I am a little stupid? After so long of cultivation, I can only turn you out, and can't give you the strength to fight. Don't blame me."

Xiao Han's clone smiled and said, "I won't blame you, I can only tell you that people must learn to be self-sufficient. Although I am not the main body, but you see that Wan Jianyi that old guy is so old, I want to come. He has been cultivating Fengyun's transformation body for at least ten years. You can now become a clone in just a few days, which is pretty good."

Xiao Han couldn't help laughing twice when he heard his clone praise him.

Such a scene of self-praising oneself is really shameless.

But Xiao Han also knew that this clone was right.

In just a few days, the change of cultivation situation has made such a big progress, and he can indeed be content.

"Well, I am ready to go on the road. It is inconvenient to take you along the way, so I should put you away."

The clone smiled and nodded, "Okay."

As soon as Xiao Han thought, the clone disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Han then put the little demon beast Wangcai who was dozing on his stomach into the Universe Bag, holding the sky sword in his hand, and walked out of the cave like this.

"Forget it, let's concentrate on the journey next, except for the eighth-order monsters, I don't bother to pay attention to the other monsters."

It is estimated that Beiyue Peak would have been crowded a long time ago, but the Thunder Pool was only open that day, and it could only accommodate eight people. There were only eight places in total. Thousands of Human Race refiners and monster masters competed.

Whether Xiao Han could have a chance to grab a spot, he had no confidence.

After all, this is an opportunity to improve a small realm. Who knows whether in addition to the younger generation of masters, those hidden old guys will also appear.

If only the younger generation can fight for it, Xiao Han can still fight for it. If the old guys and monsters all fight, it would be a bit tricky.

No matter what you say, Xiao Han will definitely fight for the chance to improve a small level. Xiao Han can't let go of such a good opportunity.

If you can step into the peak of the Tribulation Period with the magical effect of the Heavenly Thunder Pond, then you can go directly to the Demon Imperial City to roam.

As the journey progresses, the surrounding mountains become steeper and the jungle denser.

Xiao Han traveled through the mountains and forests on this road, and did not choose to fly with the sword.

And along the way, Xiao Han was during the period when he used Fengyun Transformation Body Flash.

Although the avatar has not made further progress, after these few days, Xiao Han has become more and more skilled in the use of Fengyun’s avatar, becoming more and more free.

It's not that Xiao Han brags, in the same realm, not to say invincible, but at least Xiao Han believes that as long as he wants to go, there is no human air refiner or monster beast powerhouse in the Ten Fang Refining Domain who can keep his own.

Moreover, after these few days, Xiao Han was surprised to find that in addition to the avatar and the strange body, Feng Yun's transformation body was able to hide his aura.

When Xiao Han appeared next to a monster beast in a flash, the seventh-order monster was unexpectedly unresponsive.

It seems that even a Tier 7 monster beast could not detect Xiao Han's existence if it hadn't seen it with its own eyes, or if Xiao Han had acted.

It wasn't until Xiao Han stepped forward that the seventh-order wolf monster turned around in a panic.

Xiao Han didn't want the other party to make too much movement, so he raised his hand and squeezed, and directly squeezed the head of the seventh-order wolf monster in the air.

Over the past few days, Xiao Han will inevitably look a little embarrassed as he is traveling through the mountains and forests.

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