The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2267: I feel you are playing with me

Even when compared with the speed of Yujian's flight, it was not inferior.

Therefore, Xiao Han did not fly with swords in mid-air, but chose to walk through the mountains and forests.

The only downside to driving like this is that running Fengyun Transformation on the road consumes more aura than flying with the sword.

In this way, it is inevitable to deal with monsters in the surrounding mountains and forests.

There were quite a few Tier 7 monsters along the way.

However, Xiao Han had no intention of making a move.

With his current strength, the seventh-order monster beast is really not enough.

The beheading is not the slightest challenge, it is purely a waste of time.

And now Xiao Han's body, the seventh-order demon pill, there is no need to delay the journey in order to kill a few seventh-order big monsters.

However, there are many hidden monsters in the surrounding mountains and forests.

The number of the seventh-order big monsters is so large that Xiao Han feels incredible.

After entering the Ten Fang Refining Domain, especially Xiao Han went deep into the area near the Demon Imperial City, Xiao Han vaguely noticed that the closer to the area near the Demon Imperial City, the number of monsters is particularly large, high-level monsters The number has also increased a lot.

When Xiao Han had just entered the Ten Fang Refining Domain before, a seventh-order big demon could already rule the entire mountain range.

But now, the seventh-order big monsters are everywhere, even if they are in the human city, they can only be a monster with their tails clamped.

Along the way, in addition to a large number of Tier 7 monsters, Xiao Han occasionally encountered one or two Tier 8 monsters.

Among the eighth-order monsters, there are some powerful guys among them.

Moreover, after Xiao Han suppressed the aura on his body, those seventh-order monsters would still hide, but when they reached the eighth-order monster, they actually began to target Xiao Han.

It seems that Xiao Han is better to bully, but when Xiao Han enters the territory of a Tier 8 monster, he will soon encounter a monster in front of him.

Xiao Han didn't bother to take a look at the monster beast of the sixth order and the seventh order. He just killed it and dealt with the monster of the eighth order.

Originally, Xiao Han planned to take advantage of this period of time to hurry, in order to temper his avatar, and strive to be able to avail of the avatar as soon as possible, so Xiao Han naturally would not release this kind of sandbags delivered to the door. pass.

Moreover, when the Tier 8 monster beasts dealt with it, Xiao Han also used Fengyun's transformation body to dodge, and finally fled for a while before turning around and beheading the opponent.

Killing is not the goal. In the process of pretending to escape, practice Fengyun's transformation is the goal.

So on the road, in the game like those of the eighth-order big demon cat and mouse, Xiao Han found that his control of Fengyun Transformation Body was becoming more and more perfect.

Although it is said that in the process of fighting these eighth-order monsters, it has little effect on the improvement of strength, but in this process, Xiao Han has repeatedly exercised the aura in the body by the way, the realm is more stable, and there are many benefits. .

This made Xiao Han feel that he had returned to the time when he had just entered the Ten Fang Refining Domain.

Xiao Han was like that at that time, and then he had the opportunity to slay the monster beast to exercise his cultivation realm and combat effectiveness.

At that time, Xiao Han was still a little guy in the quiet period.

In the past two years in the Ten Fang Refining Domain, Xiao Han has entered the middle of the Tribulation Period, and is getting closer and closer to the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Now that Xiao Han recalled the whole process, he also felt that the sun and the moon were like a shuttle, and time flew by.

Thinking that he had been in the Ten Fang Refining Domain for so long, Xiao Han couldn't help but miss home a little, some miss his mother.

Xiao Han sighed and made up his mind secretly.

After he rescued his father, the first thing was to take his father back to the secular world, reunite his parents and reunite the family.

After that, where to go, make plans.

After beheading a Tier 8 monster, Xiao Han went on the road again.

With a flash of figure and a series of afterimages behind his back, Xiao Han just ascended to the top of a mountain.

Looking down at the endless surrounding mountains, Xiao Han could vaguely perceive that the number of monsters among them had reached a terrifying level.

Only what Xiao Han needed was a Tier 8 monster.

If he really couldn't meet the eighth-order monster, Xiao Han could only look for it by himself.

After slaying a few Tier 8 monsters, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that using this method to cultivate Fengyun Transformation seemed quite good.

Therefore, before encountering a Tier 8 monster, Xiao Han decided to take the initiative to find it.

No way, no matter how many monsters there are in these mountains and forests, there will be only a few Tier 8 monsters.

Not every Tier 8 monster beast is so blind, and will catch Xiao Han's attention.


In the lush mountain forest, a waterfall rushed down from the cliff, making waves of water.

The waterfall flew down three thousand feet, like a small band of words, embedded in the surrounding lush mountains and forests. This kind of beauty can only be seen in the wilderness.

Except for the sound of crashing water, the mountains and forests were silent and the atmosphere was very peaceful.


At this time, there was a roaring sound from a distance, it seemed that some giant was approaching, and even the ground began to tremble slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a series of afterimages flashed out from the dense mountain forest. What is amazing is that these afterimages did not even touch a leaf, and they flew far and far between flashing and moving. distance.


After this series of afterimages flashed past, a huge figure suddenly rushed out of the forest and knocked down a large area of ​​trees.

This behemoth is at least seven or eight meters high, has a huge body, and has a sharp big horn on top of its head. It is actually a rhino demon.

The speed of this rhinoceros demon was also very terrifying, completely ignoring the dense woods around him, his body sprang out of the woods arbitrarily, knocked down a large number of trees, and chased the series of afterimages in front of him.

"Hurry up, you say you are so slow, you are embarrassed to say that you are an eighth-order big monster?"

In the series of afterimages in front, a chuckle suddenly sounded.


The eighth-order rhino demon roared, speeding up again and rushing past, the surrounding mountains and forests were hit by its huge body in a mess.

Finally, after rushing in the mountains and forests for a while, the eighth-order rhino demon seemed to perceive that his speed was not the opponent's opponent at all, and only then slowly stopped.

The figure flashed, the huge rhinoceros demon gradually shrank, and finally turned into a sturdy figure over two meters high.

The brawny man was naked, wearing only a pair of leather trousers, his muscles rising, and his stature was extremely burly, he looked very domineering.

"Don't run away, I won't chase you anymore, I feel you are playing with me." It's just that now this brawny man's face has an angry look on his face.

"Oh, it seems that you are not stupid yet, you know that I'm playing you?" The figure that flickered with a series of afterimages in front stopped and finally jumped out and appeared in front of the strong man. .

This person is Xiao Han.

After so many days of training, Xiao Han's transformation became more and more proficient.

"I can see that I can't catch up with you, nor your opponent, or we will make peace." The strong man curled his lips and said angrily.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and said flatly: "Who made peace with you? Before we played, I ran you chase, and now you don't chase, then it's my turn to kill you."

"Don't don't..." The strong man was also acquainted. Hearing that Xiao Han was about to kill him, he waved his hand and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me.

Hearing this, Xiao Han was slightly taken aback.

I have encountered several Tier 8 monster beasts in the past few days and begged for mercy before they even started. This was the first one.

And this rhino monster is the fastest monster among the eighth-order monsters Xiao Han has encountered these days.

Before revealing his body, the rhinoceros demon who transformed into a human form had already chased Xiao Han and ran all over the mountains.

Later, when he was out of anger, he started to go mad, revealing his body and chasing Xiao Han for another lap.

The rhino demon in front of him was the most capable eighth-order demon beast Xiao Han had encountered.

So after playing for so long, Xiao Han was a little grateful for this rhino demon.

Now that he heard the other party directly admit defeat and beg for mercy, Xiao Han had to smile bitterly: "No, how can you beg for mercy? I am a human refiner, and you are a Tier 8 monster. Can you be a bit spine? I haven't done anything yet. Why don't you play the cards according to the routine?"

"Don't fight or fight, I beg you, don't fight, I can't fight you, I'm willing to let go." The strong man's face changed slightly and he waved his hand again and again.

Seeing the other side's witty appearance, Xiao Han really put away his murderous intentions.

"Well, just forgive you once, you go, I want to leave too."

Xiao Han waved his hand at the brawny man, saying hello, then his figure flashed, and he actually disappeared.

Seeing the disappearing figure, the rhinoceros demon smiled bitterly and shook his head, and muttered: "I knew it must be the strong human race going to Beiyue Peak. Fortunately, I gave up in time. Otherwise, my life will not be saved today, mother grin. , How come these Human Race refiners are more perverted, such a young guy, I can't see his depth? I can't be envious."

The rhinoceros demon smiled bitterly, looked at the place where the figure disappeared, and then walked to his lair with a look of rejoicing.

Xiao Han continued on his way.

It was the first time Xiao Han had seen a Tier 8 monster beg for mercy.

The reason Xiao Han let it go was not really softened.

It was that the big guy had good eyesight, and he could actually see Xiao Han's general strength.

The eighth-order rhino demon would actually be so pitiful to beg for mercy, and Xiao Han had been practicing with it for a long time before Xiao Han decided to let it go.

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