The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2266: Practice repeatedly

After reaching the Dacheng stage, the clone that the cultivator turns out to be has only one third of the fighting power of the deity.

Just like Xiao Han now, if he can cultivate to the great stage of the avatar clone, the clone that can be condensed will only have the strength of the peak realm of the Tongyou stage.

The combat power may be stronger than a Xuantian bronze figure, but it is only a little more powerful.

Only when the clone reaches the Consummation stage can it reach two-thirds of the deity's strength.

Xiao Han estimated that the avatar that the former elder Wan Jian of the Star Meteorite Sect had turned into was almost at this stage.

Only when it reaches the stage of Dzogchen, the avatar created can be compared with the strength of the cultivator's deity.

With the help of the little demon beast Wangcai, Xiao Han easily defeated Wan Jianyi's clone. It seemed that Wan Jianyi had already cultivated Fengyun Transformation to the perfect state.

But Wan Jianyi is already very good, and all the clones that have been transformed can have the strength in the mid-term of the Tribulation Period.

If it weren't for the help of a high-grade spirit weapon around Xiao Han, I'm afraid that Xiao Han would have to spend a lot of time to defeat that clone head-on, enough time for Wan Jianyi's body to arrive.

After cultivating for so long, Xiao Han really felt that this situation was very mysterious.

Even Xiao Han had always felt that he was very receptive, and he didn't make any obvious progress for a while.

After Xiao Han opened his eyes, he found that the sky was already bright outside.

After practicing for a whole night, Xiao Han decided to try the progress of Fengyun's transformation.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and Xiao Han's afterimage began to appear throughout the cave.

As for Xiao Han's body, it is hidden in countless afterimages.

From this point of view, even if it is not possible to transform into a clone, Xiao Han can gain a lot of benefits after practicing Fengyun Transforming.

When facing the enemy in the future, as long as it is not an opponent who has also practiced Fengyun Transformation Body, it is indeed difficult to find Xiao Han's body from the countless afterimages.

However, Xiao Han was not satisfied with the current progress.

After he stopped, he saw that the afterimages around him were gradually disappearing.

When Xiao Han's figure flashed again, countless afterimages appeared in the cave again.

According to the Fengyun Transformation Body's cultivation technique, only when the cultivation technique is activated, it can be transformed into a clone that is exactly the same as the main body while moving, and this is the beginning stage.

There are only countless afterimages appearing between movements like Xiao Han, and even the introductory stage of Fengyun's transformation is not counted.

"Is it so difficult to cultivate? Why can I only turn out afterimages."

After trying several times, there was still no progress, Xiao Han couldn't help but frown slightly.

In fact, there is no harm if there is no comparison. If the elder disciples of the Star Meteorite Sect saw this scene in front of them, they would have their jaws dropped in shock.

Not long after Xiao Han came into contact with Fengyun Transformation Body, it was very rare to be able to transform so many clones.

It is necessary to know that many disciples of the Star Meteorite Sect had cultivated for several years before seeing that they reached the point where Xiao Han was now, able to phantom so many afterimages between body movements.

Now that Xiao Han has just started to practice Fengyun Transformation, he is already able to sit down to this point, which is simply incredible.

Of course Xiao Han didn't know that his progress was already fast.

He only knew that he had not yet been able to condense the clone, so he was very distressed.

However, Xiao Han decided to try tirelessly until he found an opportunity to advance.

Next, Xiao Han slowly closed his eyes, and began to try to transform himself into a clone again and again.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and afterimages appeared.

I don't know how long it took. When Xiao Han's figure flashed again, the next moment he appeared on the other side of the cave out of thin air, the afterimage of Xiao Han was left in the entire cave.

But when Xiao Han stopped, dozens of afterimages in the cave gradually disappeared, leaving only a few afterimages in the end.

Only then does the afterimage dissipate much slower than other afterimages.

This surprised Xiao Han for a while.

It's not that there is no progress.

The few afterimages that have condensed now can be maintained on the field for more than ten seconds before they gradually disappear. This is progress.

Because just now, Xiao Han vaguely sensed a trace of spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness from the last few afterimages that dissipated.

This shows that Xiao Han successfully left a spiritual energy and a mark of divine consciousness in these afterimages.

Although not very powerful, Xiao Han still felt it clearly.

Moreover, among the few afterimages condensed by Xiao Han, Xiao Han also clearly sensed the slight fluctuations that came from them.

As a result, Xiao Han became excited again.

It seems that it is not completely ineffective.

After practicing for so long, there has been some progress, which made Xiao Han very satisfied.

Therefore, Xiao Han simply made up his mind and started practicing crazy again.

Xiao Han flashed away in the cave tirelessly over and over again, leaving only a trail of afterimages.

Some of this afterimage will quickly dissipate, while some can last for a while in the cave.

As Xiao Han discovered that the remaining few afterimages lasted longer and longer, those afterimages looked more and more real.

The fluctuations that emerged from the afterimages also began to become stronger and stronger.

Gradually, Xiao Han discovered that the number of afterimages he could transform into began to decrease, and until the last afterimage disappeared, there was only a shadow left on the field.

And this figure became more and more condensed and more precise, and the breath and fluctuations in the body began to become more and more obvious.

In this way, Xiao Han knew that he was getting closer and closer to the entry stage of Fengyun Transformation Body.

After a period of time, Xiao Han began to give up his practice.

He has been immersed in training for a whole night, and it is almost noon now, and if he continues to practice, it will really be too fast.

Now that the Tianlei Pool in the Beiyue Mountain Range is open, there are only ten days left. Xiao Han is now rushing to the Beiyue Mountain Range. It is estimated that the time is almost right.

And along the way, Xiao Han believed that the great elder of the Star Meteorite Sect must be waiting for him somewhere, or searching along the way.

Xiao Han is about to rush to Beiyue Peak, Wan Jianyi must have known.

So Xiao Han must be careful along the way.

However, Xiao Han's Fengyun transformation body that had been cultivated for so long now was not without benefits at all.

At least Xiao Han's current strength hasn't increased much, but his ability to escape has greatly increased.

In addition to changing the body of Fengyun, Xiao Han can still rely on Feng Yun's body to improve the chance of escape.

So even if Xiao Han now meets the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect, even if he can't beat him, Xiao Han wants to escape, the chance is much greater than before.

When he was about to set off, Xiao Han suddenly remembered something.

The old guy Wan Jianyi mentioned the small monster Wangcai's body, which made Xiao Han a little puzzled.

After spending such a long time with this high-grade spiritual weapon, Xiao Han hadn't really seen this little monster beast reveal its body.

Xiao Han really didn't know what the body of this high-grade spiritual weapon was.

So at this time, Xiao Han looked at the little monster Wangcai in front of him.

"Haha, Wangcai, can you reveal your identity?" Xiao Han gave a smirk.

The little demon beast Wangcai looked at Xiao Han with a smirk, and couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

It looked up at Xiao Han and kept shaking its head, not knowing if it didn't even know how to reveal its body.

Or in other words, even Wangcai doesn't know what his body is.

"Isn't it? Don't tell me that you won't reveal yourself?" Xiao Han said blankly.

Who knew Wangcai actually nodded.

Xiao Han was a little speechless, and it was difficult to handle it now.

He didn't know how to make Wangcai turn his body into his body.

It's fine now. It seems that the old guy Wan Jianyi knows, but Xiao Han can't ask him directly. It is estimated that even if they ask, the old guy Wan Jianyi might not answer.

Seeing Wangcai's innocent look, Xiao Han was also speechless.

Well, after thinking about it, Xiao Han had to give up this idea.

I don't know how to make Wangcai reveal his body.

Xiao Han is actually quite curious, what kind of weapon is the little monster Wangcai's body?

Knives, guns and clubs or swords?

Xiao Han hugged the little monster beast in his arms, trying to pour a spirit energy into it.

However, Xiao Han found that the spiritual energy he poured in did not respond, as if it had fallen to the sea.

In the end, Xiao Han gave up trying and took the little monster beast on the road.

Xiao Han opened the map and looked at it. His location was about eight days away from the Beiyue Peak.

If he hurried with all his strength, Yomo would still be able to save another or two days, but now Xiao Han has no time, he hopes to avoid encountering the old guy Wan Jianyi as much as possible.

So after thinking about it, Xiao Han decided to take a detour.

Xiao Han even took a relatively long road, made a big circle, and hurried to Beiyue Peak.

In this way, it will take a few more days, but it is more secure.

Moreover, Xiao Han decided that he could take advantage of this time along the way to practice Fengyun Transformation.

Even if there is no way to condense the clone in a short period of time, at least it can temper Fengyun's transformation body.

Xiao Han felt that the more skillful Feng Yun's body style was, the more likely it would be in the future.

Therefore, Xiao Han was going to use the time on the road, while walking to Beiyue Peak, while practicing Fengyun Transformation.

After hitting the road, Xiao Han's figure flashed, and his whole person had disappeared, but a series of afterimages were left on the road, and the speed was amazing.

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