Find an eighth-order demon pill from the Qiankun bag.

Refining an eighth-order demon pill can now restore a lot of aura in Xiao Han's body.

Pushing the eighth-order demon pill into his mouth, Xiao Han closed Shuangyuan and gradually began to enter the cultivation state.

The reason why Xiao Han wanted to leave Tianlun City as soon as possible.

In addition to looking for the traces of Yumei Empress and Luoluo, the main reason is the relationship between Xingyizong.

Although Xiao Han was lucky enough to defeat the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect this time, he killed Chen Huohuo and defeated the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect.

And now that the Zhao family is sitting in Tianlun City and has gathered the strength of the entire Tianlun, even if the Xingyizong wants to move the Zhao family, if it does not mobilize a large number of powerful people, it is really a bit tricky.

The one Xingyizong wanted most to deal with was Xiao Han, not the Zhao family.

From beginning to end, the Zhao family did not clashed with the people of Xingyizong.

If Xiao Han was still in Tianlun City, Xingyuzong would definitely kill Xiao Han at all costs in order to save his face, so if Xiao Han stayed in Tianlun City, it would really hurt the Zhao family.

The sooner Xiao Han leaves Tianlun City, the safer it is for the Zhao family.

After Xiao Han left Tianlun City, Xingyizong estimated that he would still send people to look for Xiao Han's whereabouts and wait for an opportunity to take revenge, in order to save Xingyizong's face.

However, Xiao Han left Tianlun City, and even if he met someone from Xingyizong, Xiao Han was not afraid.

The area near Demon Imperial City is so large, and the surrounding areas of a few large cities are very vast.

Although Xingyi Sect is one of the strengths of one of the three sects and four sects, it is still impossible to cover the sky with one hand in the area near Demon Imperial City.

In addition, in the area near the Demon Imperial City, the Xingfengzong is not the most powerful, and there are several strengths that can compete with the Xingfengzong.

It is not easy for Xingyizong to catch Xiao Han.

And as long as Xiao Han does not enter the core sphere of influence of the Star Meteorite Sect, even if the Star Meteorite Sect is powerful, it is impossible to chase Xiao Han's **** behind every day.

However, Xiao Han felt that the Star Meteorite Sect had a secret method that could track his own aura, and he didn't know if they had already targeted the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect this time.

If not, then Xiao Han can sit back and relax.

If there is, then Xiao Han still needs to be careful, not to be blocked by the people of Xingyizong somewhere.

As long as Xiao Han is not too waved, the Star Meteorite Sect should not be able to control himself.

As for the safety of the Zhao family, Xiao Han felt that as long as he left Tianlun City, the problem shouldn't be big.

Last time in Tianlun City, the three elders of Xingyizong had already used the Zhao family to blackmail themselves.

However, Xiao Han felt that most of the reason was the instigation of Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family.

The ancestors of the Guo family wanted to continue with the power of the Starfall Sect, by the way, eradicate the Zhao family so that the Guo family could become the overlord of the entire Tianlun City.

However, with the death of the Guo Family, the Zhao Family became the master of the entire Tianlun City, and there was no need for the Star Meteorite Sect to slay a powerful party.

The purpose of Xingyizong was to capture Xiao Han, not to seize Tianlun City.

Use the Zhao family to force Xiao Han to show up, and it has reached the top after using it once.

If the Star Meteorite Sect came again, let alone whether it worked or not, at least the people in Tianlun City knew that Xiao Han had nothing to do with their Zhao family.

If the Star Meteorite Sect had to do this, it would not be a good thing for the reputation of the Star Meteorite Sect.

It is estimated that the Star Meteorite Sect would not be so crazy every time, completely ignoring his feathers.

And if the Star Meteorite Sect is in a hurry, the Zhao family will probably fight to the death. At that time, I am afraid that the Star Meteorite Sect will also have some damage.

Now that the Zhao Family controls the entire Tianlun City, the momentum has risen so much. For the Star Meteorite Sect, moving the Zhao Family is a bit uneconomical.

When Xiao Han entered the state of cultivating, the little monster beast also ate the magic weapons. It licked its tongue with a contented expression, then began to straighten its chest, and slowly walked to the entrance of the cave and sat down. For its **** career.

The sky gradually dimmed.

Among the surrounding mountains, the roar of monsters began to faintly sounded.

It seems that I have vaguely sensed the anomaly of this cliff, the aura of a human gas refiner here.

On weekdays, although there are humanoid gas refiners in the nearby mountains and forests, it is during the daytime, and some more powerful teams will organize masters to come here to kill monsters.

However, because the number of monsters around here is too much, generally no human gas refiner dares to come here.

And now the sky is getting darker, and in the evening, the whole mountain forest is the world of monsters.

No matter how powerful the human race refiner, generally would not choose to spend the night in this kind of place, at least stay away from this neighborhood, to spend the night in some places with a smaller number of monsters, and absolutely dare not go so deep into this mountain forest.

This is a place where monsters gather in the area around Tianlun City, called Ten Thousand Monsters Valley.

The Qi refiners in Tianlun City are familiar with this place, but Xiao Han is a foreigner, but he doesn't know the reputation of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

Therefore, Xiao Han happened to stop in this Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters on the way.

When Xiao Han was practicing,

The surrounding monsters, large and small, began to gradually converge.

At this time, Wangcai, who was sitting in the cave, seemed to faintly noticed something was wrong, so he walked to the entrance of the cave and found that many monsters appeared around the cliff.

Wangcai's eyes lit up, and he didn't back down in the slightest. Even though there were monsters around him, Wangcai was a little bit ready to move.

At this time, if it weren't for guarding the entrance of the cave, Wangcai might have already rushed out.

When Wangcai appeared at the entrance of the cave, many monsters were already ready to move outside the cliff.

The leaders are all seventh-order monsters, and there are a lot of them.

However, most of the seventh-order monsters are fighting separately, not a piece of iron bucket.

Moreover, it seemed that the monster beasts in front of him were all improvised teams.

Wangcai didn't rush out to kill the monsters, but walked forward silently. In the end, its small body just stopped at the entrance of the cave, floating in the air.

Wangcai's already superficial attitude, as long as the monsters rush up, it will do it.

As long as those monsters don't rush up, it will stand at the door and guard.

At first, the monsters seemed to be a little puzzled. The little guy in front of him looked like a monster, but his figure was too small. Among the rank 7 monsters that looked fierce and evil outside, it was very small.

It's just that Wangcai can levitate in the air and looks a bit powerful, but there is no aura radiating from his body.

This makes those seventh-order monsters a little uncertain.

The aura is very ordinary, but it can float, it seems that it is not an ordinary low-level monster.

The dozens of Tier 7 monsters surrounding it can already be transformed into a human form, but everyone is very tacitly aware that they have not transformed into a human form.

At this time, a seventh-order monster finally couldn't help but rushed over.

The corner of Wangcai's mouth curled up, and two gleams flashed in his eyes.

Can't stay away from the entrance of the cave, but although Xiao Wangcai can't rush out, he can stay at the entrance of the cave tightly, waiting for those seventh-order monsters to come to the door.

Xiao Han practiced this time until the early morning of the next day.

Xiao Han, who had been keeping his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. At this time, the aura in his whole body returned to its peak state again.

At this moment, there were fierce auras in the entire cave, and in the end all these auras returned to Xiao Han's body.

After the battle last night, Xiao Han has completely stabilized his cultivation level and strength in the middle of the catastrophe period.

After all, the Tribulation Period is indeed much stronger than the early period of the Tribulation Period. Xiao Han's current combat effectiveness, if he comes to fight Guo Yi again, where does he need to fight?

Xiao Han's current strength can directly kill Guo Yi in seconds.

When Xiao Han opened his eyes, it was already bright outside.

This evening, Xiao Han was practicing.

Now, Xiao Han has almost recovered all the aura in his body.

Although it hasn't fully recovered to its peak, Xiao Han has benefited a lot from this battle.

Now, we are about to begin preparations to erase the imprints of the divine consciousness in those two universe bags.

At this time Xiao Han had just prepared to do it, but after a moment, Xiao Han was taken aback.

Little Monster Beast Wangcai was not in the cave, and he didn't know where he went.

And Xiao Han smelled a strong **** breath.

Slowly getting up, Xiao Han walked to the entrance of the cave and saw a scene that made him stunned.

The corpses of the monster beasts were covered under the cliffs, densely everywhere.

Almost all within the area where Fang Yuan killed Ami was stained red by the blood of the monster beast.

And among these monsters, most of them are monsters of rank 7 and 6.

The rocks shattered, the trees obeyed, and the scene was a mess.

The little monster beast stood in the air like this, seeming to test its own results.

When Xiao Han walked to the entrance of the cave, the little monster beast rushed back, whining out a few times.

"You little guy, are you going to kill again?"


"Oh, I know, I know, they brought it to the door."

Xiao Han smiled, and reached out to touch its soft fur.

It seems that Xiao Han practiced all night last night, and the little guy Wangcai was not idle either.

Looking at the surrounding posture, I am afraid that the seventh-order monsters and the sixth-order monsters in a radius of tens of miles have died in Wangcai's hands, right?

But think about it, if Wangcai is really prosperous, even the surrounding seventh-order monsters will not be able to escape.

Even the masters in the middle of the Tribulation Period can hardly escape after being watched by Wangcai, let alone these small characters comparable to the peak realm of the Tongyou Period.

You must know that although the Little Demon Beast Wangcai seemed harmless to humans and animals, it was very troublesome to deal with.

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