The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2250: Leaving Tianlun City

Xiao Han looked at Zhao Duoer with a pale face and sighed in his heart.

He arched his hands at Zhao Duoer, Zhao Jin and others, and said, "Don't worry, I don't have many friends in these ten refining domains. You Zhao family friend, I'm settled by Xiao Han."

"This is a little bit from the Zhao family, I hope Mr. Xiao Han will take it with you." As he said, Zhao Jin took out a universe bag from his arms.

Xiao Han knew what the trivial meaning was in the Qiankun bag in Zhao Jin's hand, so he declined: "I have gained quite a bit this time, so these are unnecessary. Your Zhao family is rectifying the power of the entire Tianlun City, and you need to buy people's hearts. Other places are also expensive, so keep it."

Zhao Jin sternly said: "Last night, the Guo family’s hundreds of years of savings were under the control of our Zhao family. As for the spatial transmission formation in the hands of the Guo family, our ancestors have already taken people to accept it. The family provides a steady stream of wealth. My Zhao family can get to this point thanks to Mr. Xiao Han’s help. If Mr. Xiao Han doesn’t accept it, then he will look down on our Zhao family.”

"Yeah, Mr. Xiao Han, just do it. You helped our Zhao family so much. If we don't accept it, our conscience will be disturbed."

"Yes, you are going to the Demon Imperial City to experience, and you don't have a lot of capital around you. If you encounter something you love, how can you win it?"

"Thank you very much, then." Hearing this, Xiao Han groaned for a moment, and had to take the Universe Bag away.

"Say hello to Mr. Zhao for me, saying that I have a chance in the future, Xiao Han will come to visit again." Xiao Han arched his hands at the two sisters Zhao Jin and Zhao Duoer: "There will be a period later."

After Xiao Han's voice fell, his figure flashed, and his whole person disappeared on the spot out of thin air.

"Mr. Xiao Han walk slowly."

When Xiao Han's figure disappeared completely, Zhao Duoer's eyes reddened, and two lines of clear tears slowly flowed out.

"Sister..." Zhao Xuan'er was also disappointed.

At this time, Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, who had just taken over the spatial teleportation formation with a few elders, slowly appeared next to Zhao Duoer.

But at this time, Xiao Han just left.

"Silly girl, don't cry." Zhao Yuan turned to look at Zhao Duo'er, who was bursting with tears, reached out and rubbed Zhao Duo'er's head, and sighed softly.

Zhao Yun finally looked at the glorious light that gradually disappeared from the horizon, and muttered to himself: "Little brother, you have the kindness to rebuild the Zhao family. If there is a need in the future, our Zhao family will do our best and will return it. you."

After Zhao Yuan's figure appeared, Xiao Han, who was already in midair in Tianlun City, gave a slight pause.

Xiao Han naturally noticed Zhao Duoer's cry.

Xiao Han just sighed lightly, then stopped staying.

The whole person directly turned into a brilliant light, flashing away in the direction of Bafang City.

This time, Xiao Han rushed to Bafang City to find the whereabouts of Luoluo and Yumei Empress.

Otherwise, Xiao Han should directly use the space in Tianlun City to transmit the formation and rush to the vicinity of Demon Imperial City.

Xiao Han felt that Luoluo and Yumei Niangniang absolutely encountered a special situation, so they didn't rush to Tianlun City to meet him.

As for the safety issue, Xiao Han felt that the strength of Luoluo and Empress Yumei shouldn't be too dangerous. After all, there were still more than a dozen Xuantian bronzes who were in the peak realm of the Tongyou period in the bag.

Ordinary forces, if there are no strong men in the middle of the catastrophe period, they really dare not touch the two of Yumei and Luoluo.

Therefore, Xiao Han estimated that Empress Yumei and Luoluo might have just caused some trouble.

Xiao Han wanted to rush to Bafang City to find out the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo as soon as possible.

After rushing for most of the day, seeing that it was getting late, Xiao Han was going to find a place to rest.

Although he was rushing, the aura in Xiao Han's body hadn't fully recovered, so he couldn't ignore this.

Xiao Han also wanted to erase the soul imprints in the universe bag of the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect as soon as possible. In this way, you can see with your own eyes whether there will be that set of circumstances in the universe bag of the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect. Transform the other half of the practice exercises.

Moreover, Xiao Han hadn't recovered all the aura in his body originally, but now after a day on the road, some of the aura in Xiao Han's body has been lost.

So Xiao Han can only stop and rest for a while, and then sit quietly and adjust his breath as soon as possible.

Stopping in mid-air, Xiao Han's gaze swept from below, and he found that the mountains here were overlapping, and he couldn't see the side at a glance.

In this kind of place, the mountains are high and the water is deep.

But this kind of place is better for Xiao Han.

Where monsters and beasts are rampant, there will be no human race refiners at night.

As for monsters, Xiao Han really didn't worry about too many monsters.

There was that little monster beside Xiao Han, whether it was a seventh-order monster or an eighth-order monster, Xiao Han was not worried.

With the strength of the little demon beast, the more demon beasts come, the more demon pill will be placed next to Xiao Han.

Yesterday, Xiao Han's repeated battles caused a lot of loss of aura in his body.

So Xiao Han thought, as soon as possible to take some time to replenish the aura consumed in the body, maybe it will not only have no effect, but will make Xiao Han's strength rise again.

The battle last night was Xiao Han's first battle since he stepped into the middle of the Tribulation Period. Such a fierce battle actually benefits Xiao Han.

"It seems that there will be two more battles like this in the future, so that the efficiency of improving the realm and strength of the cultivation base will be much higher."

Slowly lowering the height, Xiao Han began to look for a cave where he could stay overnight.

However, Xiao Han looked around, and under the perception of his divine sense, he didn't notice any caves around him where he could stay overnight.

This made Xiao Han a little surprised.

However, the mountain peaks here are dangerous, there are cliffs everywhere, and there are no caves, so Xiao Han can't help it.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and he appeared directly on a cliff that was as straight as a knife.

With a move of Xiao Han's heart, the Cangqiang Sword flew out, and with a flash of power, the entire Cangqiang Sword plunged into the rock wall.


There was a burst of stone chips, and after a while, all the rocks that were cut by the sky sword fell directly from the mid-air, hitting the mountain stream below, making waves of rumbling.

Before long, Cangqiangjian dug a cave three to four meters deep and two to three meters wide in the rock wall.

Moreover, the surface of the rock cut by the sky sword is extremely flat, which is more suitable for Xiao Han to spend the night than in some small caves.

After doing all this, the Cangqiangjian flew back to Xiao Han's side again.

The blade trembled lightly, as if asking Xiao Han for credit.

"Okay, okay, you're awesome, you're the best." Xiao Han smiled, and the sky sword disappeared out of thin air.

Walking directly into the cave, the Cangqiang Sword cut out a small platform in the depths of the cave, which looked like a bed.

Xiao Han couldn't help laughing.

On which small platform to cross-legged, Xiao Han released the little monster beast, and then took out a few high-grade magic weapons from the Qiankun bag.

The little monster beast leaped for joy and rushed up, eating the essence and flavor.

Xiao Han said angrily: "Wangcai, don't patronize and eat, remember to watch for me, and don't let anyone disturb my cultivation."

The little monster beast nodded quickly, with a well-behaved look.

It seems that as long as this guy has magic weapons to eat, he can meet any requirement of Xiao Han.

Xiao Han reached out and touched Wangcai's furry head.

To be honest, what happened in Tianlun City this time, if it hadn't been for the little monster beast that had been transformed into a high-grade spiritual weapon to help Xiao Han's boss, Xiao Han might have already died in Tianlun City.

A high-grade spiritual weapon with combat power comparable to the mid-stage of the catastrophe, helped Xiao Han withstand a lot of pressure.

Such a powerful boost, just provide some magic weapons to feed it, which is more cost-effective than buying and selling.

Besides, [Biqudao] now has the most magic weapons in Xiao Han’s universe, besides the demon pill.

Without the help of that magic weapon, Xiao Han would not have been able to obtain so many magic weapons.

And Xiao Han knew very well that the magic weapons that Little Monster Beast Wangcai ate were not just for filling their stomachs or being greedy.

A small demon beast transformed by a high-grade spiritual weapon can grow by devouring other magic weapons.

Now this little monster beast is already a high-grade spiritual weapon. If it is upgraded again in the future, what height can it reach?

And now the combat effectiveness of this little monster beast is already terrifying, if it swallows a large number of magic weapons, the combat effectiveness will definitely increase again.

Now this little demon beast Wangcai is able to contend with a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period, and will definitely be a member of Xiao Han's side in the future.

So Xiao Han was willing to spend the capital on this little monster.

It is equivalent to the powerful combat power of a strong man in the middle of the Tribulation Period, a high-grade spirit weapon, which is much stronger than the combat power of the Xuantian bronzes that Xiao Han conquered in the ancient ruins before.

Therefore, this time Xiao Han was able to fight head-on with the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect in Tianlun City. Xiao Han also had the confidence to go to Tianlun City because of this little monster's combat effectiveness.

The little monster beast ate the magic weapons that Xiao Han had taken out, and looked up at Xiao Han, it seemed a bit strange, why didn't the master cultivate.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and gently touched the top of the little monster beast's head, and then smiled: "Little guy, you will follow me in the future, Xiao Han will definitely not treat you badly."

The little monster beast seemed to understand Xiao Han's words and smiled at Xiao Han.

Once again, he took out a few magic weapons from the Qiankun bag, Xiao Han threw it at the feet of the little demon beast, and the little demon beast's eyes narrowed when he had obtained a treasure.

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