The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2235: How about your name is Wangcai?

Up to now, Xiao Han has been in contact and practiced continuously for a day and a night.

In fact, Xiao Han had already absorbed all the aura in the Pill of Destiny that Xiao Han had swallowed.

It's just that Xiao Han's strength has improved, but he is still far from breaking the boundary.

So after Xiao Han refined the destiny pill, he continued to practice, hoping to use that destiny pill to absorb more heaven and earth aura.

Xiao Han had already felt that even if he had swallowed the Heavenly Fate Pill, refined and absorbed all the medicinal effects of the Heavenly Fate Pill, he could not directly break through the boundary and step into the middle of the Tribulation Period with the help of the Heavenly Fate Pill.

I don't know whether it is because the aura in Xiao Han's body is more vigorous than Qi refiners of the same realm, or because Xiao Han entered the early stage of the Tribulation Period and not long ago.

Since this was the case, Xiao Han thought about practicing for more time, to see if he could absorb more spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth, even if he couldn't break the realm, he still had to increase his cultivation realm and strength.

It was also a rare choice for Xiao Han to swallow a pill to improve his realm for the first time.

Anyway, there is no trace of the people sent by the Starfall Sect. Instead of returning to Tianlun City and waiting, Xiao Han might as well spend more time cultivating here.

Therefore, Xiao Han practiced for another night on the top of this mountain.

During this time, Xiao Han spent almost all of his time absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

Xiao Han swept away all the aura of heaven and earth within dozens of miles.

Some sixth-order monsters and seventh-order monsters hidden in the mountains and forests are very helpless with the increasingly thinner heaven and earth aura around them.

After all, monsters also need to absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world.

After being absorbed by Xiao Han's brains, the other monsters could only stare.

After two days, Xiao Han inhaled all the spiritual energy around the world.

Xiao Han could gradually feel that the aura of heaven and earth that was tumbling in his meridians began to become more and more surging.

Every time the spiritual energy in the body runs for a week, Xiao Han can feel that his breath is gradually increasing.

Time went by bit by bit in the process of Xiao Han's concentrated cultivation.

The entire top of the hill was abnormally calm.

The little monster beast who slept all day and night seemed to be satisfied.

Originally lying on the ground, it would circle Xiao Han from time to time.

After Xiao Han absorbed the surrounding spirits of the monster beasts that had hibernated around, many monster beasts were a little bit ready to move.

Xiao Han directly became the public enemy of all monsters within a radius of tens of miles.

Some seventh-order and sixth-order monsters began to connect secretly, ready to attack this bold guy.

However, among these monsters, there are all monsters, but there is no black bear monster.

That Tier 4 monster, which had been occupied by Xiao Han for a day, had already been scared.

Before escaping, the black bear demon called his friends to attract his companions, and had already notified all the likes of them, and they had escaped far away.

At this time, there is no need for Xiao Han to act.

The little monster beast was spinning around Xiao Han's side, didn't he have a flash of figure and disappeared on the spot.

After a while, he returned to Xiao Han's side again, and there would be a **** demon pill in his mouth.

The little demon beast seemed not to be interested in the demon pill.

Regardless of whether it was the sixth-order demon pill or the seventh-order demon pill, the little demon beast was placed beside Xiao Han. As for the fourth-order demon pill, the little demon beast did not even look at it.

It seems that this little guy still likes to eat magic weapons more, for the sixth-order demon pill and seventh-order demon pill, which are also full of aura, it does not suit his appetite.

At the beginning, there were constantly high-level monsters trying to break into this mountain, but as the little monster made several successive shots, the monsters suddenly discovered that this little thing had a terrifying combat effectiveness. .

Even the seventh-order big monster has no power to fight back in front of it.

Gradually, all the monsters did not dare to act rashly.

This is the result of many monsters taking their lives back.

Then, the mountain that Xiao Han had cultivated had almost become a death zone in the mountains and forests in a radius of tens of miles. No matter it was the big demon or the little demon, no one dared to step into it.

It seemed that after seeing the **** scene several times with their own eyes, those monsters knew that the existence of that mountain was something they couldn't afford to provoke.

Gradually, no one came to disturb Xiao Han's practice anymore.

Two days and two nights later, when the sky was just bright on the third morning, Xiao Han's continuous practice [Xinbiquge] finally came to an end.

The aura of heaven and earth condensed by Xiao Han has become very thin now.

Within a radius of several tens of miles, almost all the aura of heaven and earth was absorbed by Xiao Han.

Those heaven and earth auras that condensed above Xiao Han's head gradually disappeared, and finally all entered Xiao Han's body.

The aura fluctuations caused by the gathering of a large number of heaven and earth auras gradually subsided.

When the surrounding fluctuations gradually disappeared, it didn't take long for Xiao Han to slowly open his eyes.

In Xiao Han's dark eyes, it was as calm as an ancient well.

The strange thing is that after a few days of cultivation, not only did Xiao Han's aura become very flat, but even Xiao Han's whole person became more restrained.

Xiao Han, with a calm face, felt the breath in his body, and suddenly grinned.

"Broken? Actually broken? Why didn't any fluctuations just break the mirror?"

After a while, Xiao Han's face showed a hint of ecstasy that was hard to hide.

Under the watery surface, he actually broke through like this.

Every time before breaking through the boundary, Xiao Han brought a lot of movement.

But after stepping into the Tribulation Period, the fluctuations and the phenomena of heaven and earth caused each time the boundary was broken became more and more plain.

Last time in the ancient ruins, Xiao Han had discovered some clues when he was promoted in the battle.

This time it was even more obvious that Xiao Han stepped from the early stage of the tribulation period to the middle stage of the tribulation period.

There was no abnormality in the surroundings, and Xiao Han directly stepped into the middle of the catastrophe period, without any fluctuations?

Even the aura in Xiao Han's body is steady and daily, not at all the swiftness and violentness of the past.

"Haha, finally broke the mirror."

Xiao Han couldn't help but stretched long.

There was a burst of crackling joint abnormalities all over the body.

Xiao Han only felt that his body was full of strength.

Now Xiao Han had vaguely noticed the abnormality in his body.

After swallowing the Pill of Destiny sent by the ancestors of the Zhao family, Xiao Han continued to practice, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, and finally his cultivation level and strength broke through to the level of the middle of the catastrophe period. .

In other words, the current Xiao Han, in just a few months, has gone from being a powerhouse at the peak realm of the Passing Serenity Period to now directly stepping from the early stage of the Tribulation Period to the middle of the Tribulation Period.

In this way, it was only a small realm away from the peak realm of the fabled Tribulation Period.

Although Xiao Han is also very clear in his heart, countless Human Race Qi refiners can only stay in place in the middle of the Tribulation Period at the end of their lives.

It is like Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, who entered the middle of the catastrophe period thirty years ago. For many years of retreat, the realm of cultivation has always stayed in the middle of the catastrophe period.

As for the other Terran Qi refiners, there must be many who stay in the middle of the Tribulation Period.

However, after entering the middle of the catastrophe period, Xiao Han had confidence in himself.

How could it not be the end of his Xiao Han in the middle of a catastrophe period?

"woo woo woo woo......"

At this moment, the little monster next to Xiao Han whirred and called, and then began to circle around the place.

Seeing more than a dozen Tier 6 Demon Pills and Tier 7 Demon Pills around the Little Demon Beast, Xiao Han couldn't help laughing.

"You little guy, are you asking for credit or congratulating me? Do you want me to praise you for helping me get so many demon pills, or are you happy to see me breaking through?"


The little demon beast called twice, and then took a seventh-order demon pill from the ground.

"You guy, you are asking for credit? I think you are greedy."

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head, then stretched out his hand to touch the furry head of the little monster beast, conjured two magic weapons from the bag of the universe, and threw them at the feet of the little monster beast.

Immediately, the little monster beast jumped three feet high in excitement.

Then, no longer talking to Xiao Han, he lowered his head and started eating for himself.

"I'm going, you are such a delicious ghost."

Collecting all the seventh-order demon pill and sixth-order demon pill on the ground, Xiao Han couldn't laugh or cry.

Although Xiao Han now has nearly 600 seventh-order demon pills in his Universe Bag, who would have too many demon pills?

Xiao Han jumped up directly from the ground, and after stretching again, the joints of Xiao Han's whole body suddenly crackled.

A kind of comfort that was full of strength spread all over the body, and Xiao Han couldn't help but want to call out.

"Hahaha...Is this the feeling in the middle of the catastrophe period? I like this feeling of being full of power all over the body."

Although Xiao Han hasn't done anything with other people now, Xiao Han can still feel his current strength, which is more than twice as powerful as when he fought Chen Huohuo a few days ago.

If Chen Huohuo stood in front of Xiao Han now, Xiao Han could easily kill him, leaving Chen Huohuo with no chance to expose himself.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and grabbed the little demon beast that was full of food and drink in his hand.

After starting, Xiao Han discovered that the little monster beast's figure has grown a little bit, and the weight has also become a lot heavier, just don't know if this guy's strength has increased.

And this little guy is a little older, and his hair feels more comfortable to the touch.

"By the way, I haven't given you a name for so long. Otherwise, I'll help you think of a name."

Speaking of this, Xiao Han muttered softly: "What is it called? You are so delicious, or is it called Wangcai?"

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