The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2234: Reinforcements of the Starfall Sect

Not to mention that Guo Yi was abolished. Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Starfall Sect, would actually die in the hands of a young man. Isn't this incredible?

You know, among the many elders of the Star Meteorite Sect, although Chen Huohuo is not the most outstanding, his strength is beyond doubt.

With the strength in the middle of the Tribulation Period, Chen Huohuo was considered good strength even in the area near Demon Imperial City.

How can a strong man of this level be easily killed?

Is the opponent deliberately targeting the Star Meteorite Sect, or does it have another plan?

What's more, what made the elders present most unbelievable was that someone had actually cultivated their Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transformation Body.

This Fengyun transformed body has always been an unspoken mystery of their Star Meteorite Sect. How could it be stolen by others?

It is absolutely impossible for the opponent to be a disciple of the Xingyi Sect.

In the past few hundred years, no one of the sect disciples of Xingyizong has rebelled out of the sect, and there is no possibility of Fengyun's transformation and being leaked.

However, when Chen Huohuo delivered the message, he was still alive. He had a cultivation technique with a changing body, but there was basically no possibility of loss.

In other words, even if the Fengyun Transformation Body on Chen Huohuo was robbed, it was impossible for the opponent to cultivate Fengyun Transformation Body to a certain level in such a short period of time.

Therefore, when the words of Sect Master Xingyi fell, many elders on the field were very puzzled.

What was going on in this situation? It seemed that someone was going to visit Tianlun City in person.

"Sect Master, since the Guo family of Luncheng took refuge in our Star Meteorite Sect that day, it is considered to be a subsidiary force of our Star Meteorite Sect. In addition, Guo Yi is a disciple of our Star Meteorite Sect. This matter cannot be ignored."

"Yes, an elder was killed. If this matter goes out, other sects will definitely watch from it. Our Star Meteorite Sect can't help but react."

"Sect Master, not to mention this matter is related to the transformation of our Star Meteorite Sect, we can't take it carelessly."

The Sect Master of the Star Meteorite Sect on the throne slowly nodded, and said softly: "If this is the case, then our Star Meteorite Sect can't ignore it anymore, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth, you three elders go to Tianlun City to investigate. Take a look and see what happened.

No matter who killed Lao Qi, even the people of the Three Sects and Four Sects should be captured first. How can the people of the Starfall Sect be killed casually? Catch if you can, and kill if you can't. "

Hearing this, everyone was relieved and sent three elders to take action at the same time. This was a rare event that had not happened in nearly a hundred years.

Even if it was against some powerful forces, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect were able to deal with it.

"Yes, suzerain."

The four elders of the Star Meteorite Sect, the five elders and the six elders stood up together.

Then, the three of them looked at each other, their figures flashed, and disappeared into the hall at the same time.

After the three elders had left, Sect Master Xingyi Sect who was sitting at the top waved his hand gently, "Next, let's wait for the result."

After that, the figure of the Sect Master of Xingyizong gradually disappeared.

After the Sect Master and the three elders of Xingyizong had left, the whole hall became quiet again.

After a while, the two elders under him all walked to the side of the great elder.

Looking at the great elders who were closing their eyes and resting, one of them whispered: "The great elder."

The great elder slowly opened his eyes and sneered: "The people who dare to move our Starfall Sect, this mysterious young man is really courageous."

"Don't worry, the elders, the three elders will be able to catch them when they start together. Then let's see what the other party is."


Just when Xiao Han entered the cultivation, two figures were on the way above the mountains in Tianlun City.

"Sister Yumei, did you say that Brother Xiao Han really escaped from the space channel?"

"Fool, Xiao Han will definitely be able to retreat all over, don't worry." Empress Yumei turned her head to look at Luo Luo, and laughed softly: "Xiao Han came out of the spatial channel, and may also be in the mountains near Tianlun City. He didn't see us, he would definitely dare to rush to Tianlun City to find our whereabouts. We only need to go to Tianlun City and find Xiao Han, it shouldn't be difficult."

"That's good, I haven't seen Brother Xiao Han for many days. I really don't know where this guy is now."

"We are not far from Tianlun City now, and we should be able to join him soon."

"Haha, let's hurry up, don't let Xiao Han wait a long time."


In fact, Xiao Han was really puzzled before.

There was such a big noise in Lun City that day, why didn't both of them show up?

Could it be that Empress Yumei and Luoluo are not in Tianlun City?

It seems that this possibility is the greatest.

Otherwise, Xiao Han will take turns to fight against the Guo family powerhouse on the high platform, Yumei Empress and Luoluo, as long as they are in Tianlun City, they will definitely give up.

Since they didn't show up, it is possible that Empress Yumei and Luo Luo were not in Tianlun City.

Yi Xiao Han believed that Empress Yumei and Luoluo would definitely find a way to rush to Tianlun City to find his trace.

Therefore, Xiao Han cannot stay away from Tianlun City, even if he knew that Chen Huohuo and Guo Hua, the two old guys, would bring people to chase him, Xiao Han still did not escape.

For Xiao Han, he still has to return to Tianlun City sooner or later.

Therefore, facing the joint pursuit of the ancestors of the Guo family and Chen Huohuo, Xiao Han simply found a place to practice and waited for the other party to come.

At the top of the misty mountain in the depths of Xiao Han, the atmosphere that was still calm was gradually broken.

As Xiao Han's practice deepened, a series of fluctuations began to appear in the space at the top of the peak.

First, in the surrounding space, the aura of heaven and earth began to gather quickly.

Then, the number of heaven and earth auras gathered above the peak increased, and those heaven and earth auras began to pour into Xiao Han's body like a tide.

With the help of Tianming Pill, Xiao Han's body had already more than doubled the meridians in his body.

Therefore, even if the surrounding heaven and earth aura began to pour into Xiao Han's body, the meridians above and below Xiao Han's body seemed to be a bottomless pit, constantly devouring the surrounding heaven and earth aura.

Facing a large amount of heaven and earth spirit energy into Xiao Han's meridians, the spirit energy in his body began to become more and more abundant, but no matter how much heaven and earth spirit energy was absorbed, Xiao Han's body did not appear to be unable to contain the spirit energy.

Since swallowing the Pill of Destiny presented by the ancestors of the Zhao family, Xiao Han has been cultivating in place for a day and a night.

During this process, Xiao Han remained in a repaired state, sitting still on the spot.

Over the entire top of the mountain, only the heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered from the top of Xiao Han's head sent strong waves.

The little demon beast seemed to have fallen asleep, and he didn't look up for a long time.

Anyway, Xiao Han was also in the process of cultivating. When nothing happened, the little monster beast sat next to him and took a nap.

However, if Xiao Han opened his eyes and took a look, he could find that the figure of the little demon beast beside him seemed to have grown a lot, and the originally pitch-black hair became smoother and brighter.

After eating so many magic weapons, the body of the little monster beast seemed to be stronger.

In Xiao Han's body, all the breath contained in the Tianming Pill has been integrated into Xiao Han's body. In addition to expanding the meridians in Xiao Han's body a lot, the rest of the breath of Tianming Pill, All were transformed into surging spiritual energy by Xiao Han.

These auras churn happily in the meridians in Xiao Han's body like tidal water, and Xiao Han's body is supplemented by the aura of heaven and earth that is continuously absorbed from the outside world.

The spiritual energy contained in the Tianming Pill, and the spiritual energy absorbed in the surrounding world, converged in Xiao Han's body, and finally merged into one, all turned into pure aura and appeared in Xiao Han's body.

However, although there are a lot of auras poured from the surrounding heaven and earth, after entering Xiao Han's body, after repeated refining and purification, there is not much pure aura that is really left to flow into Xiao Han's meridians.

With the help of the Heavenly Mandate Pill, this situation of gathering less and achieving more will last a long time, and it can also make the aura in Xiao Han's body reach a very terrifying level.

After all, in the process of cultivating, swallowing heavenly materials and earth treasures or refining the demon pill or the good things in the inner crystal of the demon spider can replenish a large amount of aura in a short time, but most of the qi refiners have a body Most of the auras are converted from the absorption of heaven and earth auras.

It's just that relying on the aid of the pill like Xiao Han can only improve the efficiency of the entire process of absorbing heaven and earth aura.

Actually speaking, it was the first time that Xiao Han relied on something like pill to improve his cultivation level.

Before, Xiao Han was very cautious in using things like pill.

The sacred bodhi fruit that Xiao Han had previously obtained in the ancient ruins was also given away.

Xiao Han had never thought of using pill to improve his realm, so he did not deliberately pay attention to the treasure of pill.

However, this time the Pill of Destiny presented by the ancestors of the Zhao family made Xiao Han want to try it. Besides the Pill of Destiny might be left by an immortal, the most important thing was that Xiao Han had a conflict with a behemoth like Star Meteorite Sect.

When the Xingyu Sect sends people to come, the battle at that time will definitely be fierce.

At this time, Xiao Han was eager to improve his cultivation realm and strength.

Then, swallowing the Pill of Destiny presented by the ancestors of the Zhao family became one of Xiao Han's choices.

However, Xiao Han also knew that the process of swallowing the pill to improve the cultivation level was effective and fast, and it was impossible to have an immediate effect at that time.

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