But Xiao Han didn't think that Zhao Duoer had seen any clues from him.

So in this way, is it a woman's intuition?

If this is the case, it would be a bit scary.

Xiao Han was confident that he had never exposed any abnormalities. He always suppressed his cultivation level and strength at the level of Zhao Yun.

However, no matter how well Xiao Han concealed it, Zhao Duoer, the young lady of the Zhao family, was still a little weird.

Zhao Duoer seemed to be vaguely aware of something unusual, occasionally looking at Xiao Han's gaze, there was always a hint of Xiao Han's inability to see through and unclear meaning.

Xiao Han knew that Zhao Duoer was really suspicious of him now.

So next, when Zhao Duoer, the eldest of the Zhao family, is free, she will often appear in front of Xiao Han intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems to be casual chatting, but it deliberately or unintentionally used Xiao Han's words in secret.

Zhao Duoer naturally wanted to slowly pull out some useful clues from Xiao Han's mouth, and then slowly piece together information about Xiao Han, to find out Xiao Han's identity and origin.

This little trick, naturally, couldn't hide from Xiao Han.

Moreover, Xiao Han has been wandering the rivers and lakes for so many years, his experience is naturally not comparable to that of a daughter like Zhao Duoer.

Xiao Han is also considered an old treacherous cunning, so it is absolutely impossible to show any footwork in front of Zhao Duoer.

From time to time when Zhao Duoer wanted to talk, Xiao Han always used some vague and second answers to prevaricate Zhao Duoer.

Zhao Duoer stomped his feet with Xiao Han's perfunctory attitude many times, but there was no way.

This kind of deliberate desire to know a person's various situations, but the feeling that the other person is not telling the truth around going around made Zhao Duoer almost crazy.

In fact, Zhao Duoer wanted to go crazy, Xiao Han was also quite helpless.

In order not to reveal anything, Xiao Han could only try to keep a certain distance from Zhao Duo'er, the eldest of the Zhao family, so as not to miss the mouth when the dead woman really noticed something.

In Zhao Duoer’s constant probing and suspicion, Xiao Han gradually grasped the initiative. Anyway, when he saw Zhao Duoer, Xiao Han took Zhao Yun or Zhao Hu, and Zhao Duoer wanted to dismiss Zhao Yun or Zhao Hu, once or twice is okay, the number of times is too much, Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others are a little wrong.

Missy won't really like Xiao Han, right?

Otherwise, why would you chat with Xiao Han over and over again?

Why didn't I see the lady looking for someone to chat with, so she went to Xiao Han?


Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu's funny eyes made Zhao Duoer almost cry.

Seeing no discovery after so many trials, Zhao Duoer finally gave up.

Three days later, just as the members of the Zhao family team had just started to camp, there was a glorious light in the air. A short sword flew from the direction of Tianlun City.

Xiao Han knew that this was a magic weapon used by some big families or sect forces to transmit information.

Taking the short sword from Zhao Yun's hand, Zhao Duoer saw a divine sense sent into the short sword.

The information in the short sword slowly spread into Zhao Duoer's mind, but Zhao Duoer's pretty face became murderous.

In Zhao Duoer's eyes, a sharp light flashed, and it seemed that the message from this short sword made her very angry.

Perceiving the change of expression on Zhao Duoer's face, the expressions of Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others also became serious.

There must be something big, otherwise Zhao Duoer would not be so angry.

The members of the team such as Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu slowly gathered to Zhao Duoer's side.

"Miss, what happened?" Zhao Yun asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Duoer held the dagger tightly in her small hand, and said faintly: "It's a message from Tianlun City's home. My father said that the Guo family is embarrassing our Zhao family recently. He told us to be more careful on the road."

"Guo family? What does the Guo family want to do? These **** are really too much. It is outrageous to make things difficult for our Guo family if there is nothing to do."

"I'm doing it. The **** of the Guo family have become more and more arrogant in the past two years. It is really annoying."

"Miss, let's go back and **** his mother."

Hearing the name of the Guo family, angrily cursing suddenly sounded among the surrounding team members.

Zhao Yun asked with a gloomy expression: "Miss, what do they want from the Guo family?"

Zhao Duoer sighed lightly, and said faintly: "The dead old man from the Guo family came to talk to him, and shut my father to let me marry the second generation ancestor of the Guo family, and then he can justify the annexation of my Zhao family. power."

When all the members of the Zhao family team heard this, their expressions became gloomy in an instant.

"Damn, let's have his dream of spring and autumn, this Guo family wants to become the overlord of Tianlun City crazy, right?"

"The Guo Family Young Master relied on his own strength to fly domineering in Tianlun City and put no one in his eyes. Now he still wants to marry the eldest lady, Lao Tzu refuses to agree."

"Yes, Lao Tzu didn't agree. After fighting for this life, I can't let the eldest lady marry someone who has bad conduct."

"Mother, doesn't the Guo family think that our Zhao family can be manipulated?"


Everyone was angry when they heard that the Guo family was going to propose a marriage and forced the Zhao family to marry the second ancestor of the Guo family.

The surrounding members of the Zhao family team looked murderous. It seemed that the Zhao family had never dealt with this Guo family, and the relationship was very bad on weekdays.

"And I'm afraid that my father said that the Guo family seemed to have found the Snake King Bai Qi and told him to take action against us. No wonder the snake demon Bai Qi had been prepared before in Wanshe Cave."

"Despicable and shameless villain, Lao Tzu goes to the Guo family."

"Damn, it turns out that all this is a ghost of the Guo family."

"I'm mad at [biqudao.info], Miss, let's go back quickly, and we will fight the Guo family to the end."

"Yes, fight to the end, fight to the end, fight to the end..."

Zhao Duo'er also had a gloomy expression, and when he saw the Zhao family's children around him all look like enemies, Zhao Duo'er's expression eased a little.

Zhao Duoer turned his head to look with feeling, and just happened to see the young man sitting by the fire.

However, Xiao Han didn't seem to care about what happened here, he just played condiments on the barbecue on the fire.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Duoer's face showed a look of helplessness.

Zhao Duo'er frowned slightly, and closed his gaze, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone rests early, and tomorrow you can enter the outer area of ​​Tianlun City. Keep your spirits up to prevent accidents."

"Yes." All the members of the team shouted.


Zhao Duoer snorted and walked into his tent.

Xiao Han didn't look back, but when he heard this cold snort, he had to smile and shook his head, with a helpless look on his face.

"It's cooked, and finally cooked." But soon, Xiao Han's attention was placed on the fragrant barbecue.

Xiao Han didn't know that Zhao Duoer was a little dissatisfied with his performance just now, but Xiao Han didn't care about it.

After Zhao Duoer entered the tent, the members of the Zhao family team returned to the fire to prepare.

Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others have a gloomy expression. Obviously, the Guo family’s behavior makes them very angry, but the Guo family’s strength should not be underestimated. Otherwise, they would not have the courage to come and force Zhao. The family agreed to the marriage.

It seemed that the Luncheng Guo family threatened their Zhao family very much that day, and it was not comparable to the Snake King in Wanshe Cave.

There was silence around, and the atmosphere was somewhat suppressed.

Even the barbecue on the fire exudes a tempting aroma, and everyone has no intention of paying attention.

Xiao Han, who had been concentrating on condimenting the barbecue, finally clapped his hands and put down the brush in his hand.

Xiao Han looked at Zhao Yun with a gloomy expression on his side, and asked softly, "Big Brother Zhao Yun, is the Guo family in Tianlun City strong?"

"Brother Xiao Han, you don't know anything. You are not from Tianlun City, and you may not know the situation in Tianlun City."

Zhao Yun sighed slightly, and said with a wry smile:

"Actually, I really want to say that the Guo family in Tianlun City is the strongest force here, and we, the Zhao family, also rank second. The most important thing is that the Guo family has a good relationship with the Starfall Sect of the Three Sects and Four Sects.

The second generation ancestor of the Guo family is the strongest among the young generations in Tianlun City. The second generation ancestor is Guo Yi. He is a disciple of the Xingyizong Sect, and I heard that he is not low in the Xingyunzong. Valued by the teachers and elders. "

"The Guo family is also relying on this relationship, in recent years, it has been able to greatly increase in strength, and it has been the same in the entire Tianlun City."

"Xingyizong?" Xiao Han's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard the name of this sect.

When Luo Luo introduced the forces near the Demon Imperial City before, Xiao Han had heard of this Star Falling Sect, which seemed to be the top sect among the three sects and four sects.

Zhao Yun nodded and said with a wry smile: "This is the Star Meteorite Sect. They are considered a good power around Demon Imperial City. Although our Zhao family is still prosperous, how can it be compared to this large sect?"

"Are the people of Xingyizong really good? I will drag one to death when I die."

"That's right, if the Guo family really dares to move our Zhao family, Lao Tzu will have to back up before he dies."


Hearing this, several young players across the fire also said angrily.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun's expression also showed a trace of determination.

Seeing the Zhao family's ups and downs, Xiao Han nodded without saying a word.

Then, Zhao Yun turned his head and patted Xiao Han on the shoulder, and said softly: "Brother Xiao Han, originally, I wanted to invite you to join our Zhao family team.

But the day fails. If the Guo family really takes action against our Zhao family, then it would be a bit unkind to get you in at this time.

When we get to Tianlun City, I will say hello to the eldest lady, leave by yourself, you are an outsider, don't go to this muddy water, it will be good for you to get involved. "

Xiao Han did not nod or shook his head. He lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking.

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