The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2177: Aura growth

And from Zhao Duoer's investigation, although Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength are good, it is similar to Zhao Yun's realm.

Although this kind of strength can be regarded as a master, it is still very reluctant to defeat Bai Qi.

"How is it? How is my injury?" Xiao Han asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"The injury is almost good, and it will be healed after a period of training."

Zhao Duoer glanced at Xiao Han, and saw that Xiao Han was carrying a few tent frames, and then whispered: "You are not healed from a serious injury. Don't do these rough jobs. Go back and rest. I won't talk about you."

Zhao Duoer's face was full of disappointment.

Originally, Zhao Duoer had some expectations. If that mysterious expert was Xiao Han in front of him, that would be great.

If the Zhao family of their Tianlun City could make friends with such a young master, it would be a great thing for the status of the Zhao family.

But now, Zhao Duoer found that Xiao Han was just an ordinary Human Race refiner, and was inevitably disappointed.

Seeing Zhao Duo'er instruct him not to do these rough jobs, Xiao Han laughed and said, "Miss, don't worry, although my injury has not healed, physical exercise is also good for my injury, and I can."

With that said, Xiao Han blinked at Zhao Duoer, and then walked over directly carrying the cloak shelves.

Turning his head to look at the thin figure, Zhao Duoer couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

Thinking about it, it still feels impossible.

Even Zhao Duo'er was a little strange, how could he have such unrealistic ideas that he would actually think that Xiao Han is that mysterious expert.

On the surface, Xiao Han's age is only a few years older than her. At such a young age, even if his spiritual talent is extremely high, at best it is about the same as her strength.

Snake King Bai Qi also said before that the mysterious master was at least the cultivation realm of the Tribulation Period.

Xiao Han obviously couldn't cultivate to the tribulation period at such a young age.

"It seems that the mysterious expert really just happened to pass by and saved our group."

Looking at Xiao Han, who had already started to work with Zhao Yun and others, Zhao Duoer muttered to himself: "Never mind, it's good to be out of danger. That expert is reluctant to show up, I am afraid he is a little arrogant and looks down on us. The Zhao Family in Tianlun City."

The night on the grassland is always so cold and desolate.

The moon on the horizon gently sprinkled a layer of silver clothing, covering the endless grassland.

The entire Qingqing Grassland was exceptionally quiet, and only when it was close to the Zhao family's camp, could some noise be heard.

In addition to the sounds of people drinking and laughing, there are also many noises made when the fire is burning.

Around the area where the Zhao family team camped, several secret guards were set up, and several team members walked back and forth around the camp.

Although it is safe to leave from Wanshe Cave, this place is still within the range of the green grassland. Who knows if the snake king will take the risk to come and attack the Zhao family team.

Therefore, the necessary precautions cannot be relaxed.

Tonight, Xiao Han didn't drink and chat with Zhao Yun and others outside, but sat in his simple tent to adjust his breath.

In the past two days, Xiao Han vaguely noticed that the aura in his body had grown slightly.

Although Xiao Han's aura has been replenished almost, but the weak state after the war is the easiest time to improve his cultivation level.

Therefore, Xiao Han has been seizing the time to cultivate in the past two days.

Xiao Han sat cross-legged in the tent, and the aura from the surrounding heaven and earth began to slowly gather around Xiao Han's body, and then followed Xiao Han's exercises in his body, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura slowly inhaled into Xiao Han's body.

The aura in the body is being replenished little by little, and the surging sense of power has gradually returned to Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han's practice continued throughout the night, and it was only when the first rays of glow began to appear on the grassland that Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Xiao Han vaguely noticed something abnormal in his body.

Xiao Han gushed out a spirit energy from his body, and then a spirit energy light group slowly appeared in Xiao Han's palm. Xiao Han stared at the spirit energy light group in the palm of his hand, with a look of surprise on his face. Xiao Han's face was touched.

"It's weird, my spiritual energy has actually increased so much? Could it be that the encounter in that space channel can improve the cultivation level and strength?"

The look of surprise in Xiao Han's eyes became more and more obvious.

After coming out of that ancient ruin, Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength have not progressed.

Because he just entered the tribulation period, what Xiao Han was doing at this time was to stabilize his cultivation realm.

But now, Xiao Han vaguely noticed that the aura in his body had increased again.

This is a situation that has never happened since entering the early stage of the tribulation period.

In other words, Xiao Han was devastated by those gang qi and violent spatial energy in that space channel, after which the aura in Xiao Han's body was completely consumed.

After Xiao Han recovered the aura in his body, Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength showed a slight increase.

It seems that having suffered a lot in the space channel is not completely unprofitable.

"Anyway, the last time I suffered in the space channel, I finally paid off. Although the increase in aura is not obvious, I am already very satisfied."

You must know that after entering the Tribulation Period, the improvement of the cultivation realm has been very slow.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to upgrade from the early stage of the tribulation period to the middle stage.

It is already rare for Xiao Han to improve his cultivation realm and strength.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, with Xiao Han's current strength, he could handle Snake King for nothing with one hand.

If it weren't for Xiao Han's unwillingness to show up, Xiao Han would naturally be able to kill the snake king Bai Qi.

After Xiao Han got out of the tent, the entire Zhao family team members were already packing up their things and preparing to go on the road.

Zhao Yun's judgment was good, and after passing through the Ten Thousand Snake Caves safely, the next journey was very smooth.

Apart from occasionally encountering some monsters blocking the way, there will be no other troubles.

Most of them are monsters of Tier 5 and Tier 6, bringing a group of Tier 3 and Tier 4 subordinates to want the site to be cheap.

There is no need for Zhao Duo'er, Miss Zhao's family, to take action, Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others can easily clean up.

Those Tier 4 Demon Pills, Tier 5 Demon Pills, naturally became the trophies of the team members.

The more opponents of this level, the better. It just so happens that Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu and others can take those young team members to experience.

This kind of small twists and turns didn't slow down the speed of Xiao Han and others on the road much, and they just crushed it all the way.

The journey continued for two days, and everything went smoothly, and the entire convoy was getting closer and closer to Tianlun City.

After these few days of cultivation, the aura in Xiao Han's body has completely recovered to its peak state.

The aura that was originally worn out has been completely restored, and Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength have improved.

The speed of Xiao Han's recovery was completely beyond his expectations. What made Xiao Han most gratified was that the storm in the space channel did not adversely affect Xiao Han's cultivation level, and there were no sequelae left.

Although Xiao Han's strength had returned to its peak, Xiao Han still concealed his aura, and no one in the Zhao family could see it.

After so many days of getting along with each other, Xiao Han and the guys of the Zhao family team became more and more familiar. Xiao Han felt very good about the straight guys of these teams and got along very well with each other.

As a result, Xiao Han was even more reluctant to expose his strength.

Once Xiao Han revealed his cultivation realm and strength, he would definitely make these guys feel in awe of him.

At that time, everyone will inevitably appear to be very rusty when getting along with each other. After that gap, distance will naturally arise.

This is something that Xiao Han didn't want to see. Xiao Han didn't want everyone's brotherly affection and some unnecessary things to come in.

With Xiao Han’s cultivation as the realm and strength, it is actually very simple to hide your true realm. Among the entire Zhao family team, not to mention Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu and others, even Zhao Duoer. He couldn't detect the abnormality of Xiao Han.

You must know that after Xiao Han stepped into the early stage of the Tribulation Period, let alone Zhao Duoer, even some powerhouses of the same level who are at the same level in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, as long as Xiao Han wants to hide, the opponent is also difficult to judge. Xiao Han's real cultivation level and strength.

However, although Xiao Han was confident that there was no flaw in his hiding, Xiao Han still felt that something was wrong with Zhao Duoer in the next two days.

This Zhao Duoer seemed to be getting closer to Xiao Han, and from time to time he looked for opportunities to chat with Xiao Han, which made Xiao Han a little helpless.

At first, Xiao Han was unwilling to have too much contact with Zhao Duoer, but there was no way, Zhao Duoer seemed to be eyeing him.

Even the work that Zhao Duoer had to do when he set up camp every day was ordered by Zhao Yun to go down. There was no need for Xiao Han to do this rough work.

This made Xiao Han a lot free at once.

Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others were not called Xiao Han when they were working.

Even if Xiao Han took the initiative to work, Zhao Yun and others would quickly dissuade him.

Seeing the playful look in the eyes of Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others, Xiao Han was quite helpless.

Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu, these guys, where they think so complicated, it is estimated that the eldest lady is attracted to Xiao Han, so she looks at him differently.

This made Xiao Han a bit wry smile.

Did Zhao Duoer perceive something, or did he have other ideas?

Xiao Han hasn't had that narcissism yet, so of course he doesn't think Zhao Duoer is in love with him.

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