And once the power of this bloodline fades, it is almost impossible to summon it again.

Even if Feng Qingling from the Wind-Chasing Qilin clan can continue to summon once, it is still a big question whether the breath of the ancient unicorns that have been frightened by the golden dragon will come out.

Now, because of the appearance of Feng Wuhen, who was at the cultivation level in the middle of the Tribulation Period, the wind-churning unicorns who steadily occupied the advantage on the field have completely become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Right now, the situation in the camp on the Kirin's side is not optimistic.

On Xiao Han's side, the Nine Princesses summoned a golden dragon phantom with a combat power equivalent to the peak state of the Tribulation Period. The strength can crush the ancient unicorn, and the purity of the bloodline is much higher than that of the ancient unicorn.

And now that the ancient unicorn summoned by Feng Qingling has been crushed by the golden dragon, what should we do?

Even Feng Qingling's bloodline power disappeared. Then, with the joint efforts of the Ninth Princess and Xiao Han and others, the camp of the Qilin Qilin clan had fallen into a situation of defeat.

At this time, the lord of Xuanfeng City Guo Da and the others had already realized that it was not good.

Feng Qingling, who had previously killed the Quartet, was completely defeated at the hands of the Ninth Princess. Seeing that Feng Qingling had no strength to continue fighting in front of the Ninth Princess.

Everyone is not a fool, knowing that the situation now is very bad.

Before the city lord of Xuanfeng City, Guo Da, Li Hu and others could speak, Feng Wuchen had already walked in front of the black-robed old man and hurriedly asked: "That... Elder Wuhen, what should we do now? ?"

The face of the black-robed old man was ugly to the extreme, but even if he was not reconciled in his heart at this time, he could only continue to stay here, he could only find his own way.

Feng Wuchen swallowed his heart and gritted his teeth and said, "What else can I do? I withdrew."

"Elder Wuhen, you can't withdraw it, what should I do with the Soul Gathering Flower? Is it just that?" Feng Wuchen said with a surprised expression.

The black-robed old man cursed with a sullen look: "Don't I want the Soul Gathering Flower? But with our current strength, can you get it? What to stay here for? Wait for death?"


Feng Wuchen is still a little unwilling.

The spirit-gathering flower of the soul is too important for their wind-chasing unicorns, otherwise, this time the wind-chasing unicorns would not send such a powerful team.

Then Feng Wuchen was not reconciled, but he had to face reality.

Originally, Xiao Han’s overall strength was not much different from that of the Wind-Chasing Qilin clan. Eighteen Profound Sky Bronze People could barely suppress the most powerful Wind Wuhen on the Wind-Chasing Qilin. For a short time There is no possibility of winning or losing within.

Now the golden dragon summoned by Miss Nine has defeated the ancient unicorn summoned by Feng Qingling.

With the blessing of the power of blood, that Miss Nine is already in the invincible.

The situation on the court has gradually become clear. The Qilin Qilin is already at an absolute disadvantage. It is good to be able to save his life. It is indeed a little wishful thinking to grab the Soul Gathering Flower.

The black-robed old man yelled angrily: "Don't be it, I'm not afraid that there is no wood to burn in the green mountains, even if they get the spirit gathering flower, but they always have to leave the divine consciousness space here, and wait for them to go out. After that, without the blessing of the power of the golden dragon clan's blood, the nine princesses are nothing to worry about. Do you still have a chance to shoot?"

Feng Wuhen was also a decisive person. He knew that the current situation was very unfavorable for their Wind Chasing Qilin clan, so he could only stay here and wait for death.

If you don't leave, it's too late.


So after realizing that something was wrong on the field, Feng Wuhen waved his hand, and his whole figure began to fly backwards.

At this time, Feng Wuchen and Feng Qingling, Guo Da and Li Hu could only turn around to follow.

"Xiao Han, wait for me, I don't believe you can fly out."

Feng Wuchen also looked at Xiao Han, who was not far away, unwillingly.

Even if it is unwilling, Feng Wuchen knows that the current situation is no longer suitable for staying here.

"Hehe, do you want to go now?"

Seeing those guys who chased the wind unicorn wanted to evacuate, the nine princesses snorted coldly.

Now the nine princesses have the blessing of the power of blood, and the combat power is completely terrifying.

"Shoo, hoo..."

I saw the nine princesses plainly punching forward and sending them forward. With the action of the nine princesses, a small spatial crack suddenly burst out, and they galloped towards Feng Qingling and the others. .

Feeling the terrifying aura coming over his face, the face of the man in the black robe couldn't help but change drastically.

This kind of offensive is a space offensive directly performed by the Nine Princesses. It can completely ignore the obstacles of space and appear behind the Qilin Qilin and others in a short moment.

At this time, whether Feng Qingling or Feng Wuchen, under such a fierce offensive, it seemed more or less helpless.

Even if Feng Qingling and Feng Wuchen are the best of the Qilin family, they still have nothing to fight back against a super power at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Feng Wuhen, who ran at the front of the team, had no choice but to turn around and turn his head to respond.

Except for this old man in black robes, no one in the entire camp of the Qilin Qilin is a general of the nine princesses.

That Feng Wuchen directly raised the aura in his body to its peak state. Facing the offensive of the Nine Princesses, Feng Wuchen turned around and pushed it out with a palm, and slammed into the space crack that had been violently plundered.

"His hiss..."

The fierce impact did not cause a shocking sound, but a low sound.


However, it seemed that there was no powerful collision. The next moment, the black-robed old man directly spouted a mouthful of blood.

And Feng Wuhen's body also flew back with this strength, taking advantage of this opportunity to escape from this divine consciousness space.

Feng Wuhen knew that he was not the opponent of the Nine Princesses at all, so the fight just now was to escape here as soon as possible.

Although he suffered a serious injury, he was able to escape smoothly, which is not a loss.

At this time, when Feng Wuhen's figure flew to the edge of the divine consciousness space, that layer of divine consciousness space just cracked a crack, allowing Feng Wuhen's figure to escape from the divine consciousness space.


When Feng Wuhen used the attack of the Nine Princesses just now to directly escape from the divine consciousness space with that strength, Feng Wuhen's hurried voice was also heard at the last moment.

Feng Wuhen knew that he was not the opponent of the Nine Princesses at all, so he didn't want to compete with the Nine Princesses, as long as he could escape.

At this time, there really can't be too many requirements, and it's a blessing to be able to save your life.

Seeing that the black-robed old man could not even take a single blow from the Nine Princesses, the complexions of the protagonists of Xuanfeng City Guo Da and Li Hu, as well as the two elders of the Flying Tiger Demon Race and the Giant Wolf Demon Race became special. Ugly.

Those who had already embraced the thick thighs of the Wind-Chasing Kirin clan, as long as Xiao Han and others were cleaned up, not only could they avenge their personal revenge, but they could also leave a piece of incense with the Wind-Chasing Kirin.

But I didn't expect that not only the private vengeance was not reported, but also the thigh could not be held.

Everyone looked at the strongest of the Qilin Clan, who was embarrassed in front of the nine princesses, and felt frustrated when they thought about it.

It's already this time, don't you run away, waiting to be killed by Xiao Han and others?

Therefore, Guo Da, Li Hu and others from the City Lord's Mansion of Xuanfeng City almost desperately fled out. They looked extremely embarrassed and only hated their parents for not having two more legs.

"Don't run, Lord Guo Cheng, you haven't fought me Lao Yang for 300 rounds."


Looking at those people of the wind-chasing unicorns who were running around like a dog in the family, Yang Shilang and others couldn't help laughing.

Yang Silang smiled and said, "Miss Jiu, thanks to you this time."

Zhou Min also said with a look of admiration: "Yes, if it weren't for you, those guys from the wind-chasing unicorns would ride on us and bully."

Everyone in the surrounding Haotian City looked at the Ninth Princess of the Dragon Race with admiration, with expressions of rejoicing.

You know, they were watching the scene just now, the bloodline power of this golden dragon clan is simply incredible.

The power of the bloodline remaining in this divine consciousness space alone can make the nine princesses terrifying.

The strength of the peak realm of the passage of the secluded period can hardly display the combat power of the peak realm of the crossing period.

This leap is simply incredible.

Not to mention that it was the black-robed old man from the Wind-Chasing Qilin clan, even if everyone in the Wind-Chasing Qilin camp joined together this time, the Ninth Princesses could easily clean up with the help of blood.


After everyone of the Qilin Qilin clan had escaped from this level of spiritual consciousness, the nine princesses gradually relaxed.

At this time, her figure couldn't help but tremble slightly, and the gleaming golden light on her body gradually faded, and her ruddy face began to become very pale at this time.

"Miss Nine, how are you?"

At this time, Xiao Han, who was the first to notice something was wrong, hurried forward and stretched out his hand to support the nine princesses.

Xiao Han knew that the nine princesses should have consumed too much, so he took out a few Qi Qi Pills from the Qiankun bag and stuffed them into the nine princess's mouth.

Xiao Han asked in a soft voice with a look of concern, "Are you okay? Thanks to you just now."

"I'm fine, the bloodline power of the summoned golden dragon clan is really too strong. With my current strength, there is no problem with the control above, but after removing it, it will be a little weak."

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