When the city lord Guo Da of Xuanfeng City and the others were panicked, Feng Qingling in the midair was calm.

When she heard the black robe old man's reminder, she just nodded indifferently.

With the blessing of the ancient unicorn bloodline in the entire divine consciousness space, even facing a golden dragon, Feng Qingling didn't have the slightest expression of fear now.

Seeing that Feng Qingling shook his hands gently, a dazzling golden light burst out of Feng Qingling's body.

Then Feng Qingling raised his hand at the nine princesses not far away with a punch.

"Roar..." On the field, a low roar sounded in the entire divine consciousness space.

In front of the seal, an ancient unicorn whose body was bathed in glittering golden light began to condense.

The ancient body was very huge, the pair of crystal clear wings shook slightly, and the entire divine consciousness space seemed to begin to vibrate violently at this moment.

The fact that such a big battle can be launched with a single blow, this scene still shocked everyone on the court.

The ancient unicorn condensed in front of Feng Qingling's wings slightly flicked, and the huge figure burst out at the nine princesses, Xiao Han and others like a black shadow covering the sky and the sun.

Under the phantom created by the huge body of the ancient unicorn, Xiao Han, Yang Silang and others really felt the irresistible meaning this time.

Feng Qingling mobilized the power of the remaining blood of a dozen ancient unicorns, and this power was indeed extremely powerful.

A Tier 7 monster is equivalent to the strength of the peak realm of the Tongyou Period. With the help of the power of blood, it can exert the fighting power of a super powerhouse at the peak realm of the Tribulation Period. This scene is very terrifying.

Faced with such a terrifying means of attack by Feng Qingling, Xiao Han, Yang Shilang and others couldn't help but slightly change their colors.

However, the nine princesses of the dragon clan, who was surrounded by golden light all over, took a few steps forward without a hassle, with a calm look, as if the person who shot in front of him was not a strong man in the peak state of the tribulation period, but a Like the weak without pressure.

When the nine princesses had just issued the attack, she suddenly stretched out her jade hand, and gently grabbed the phantom of the ancient unicorn that burst out.

When the nine princesses were so gentle and lightly grasping, Xiao Han, Yang Silang and others behind them suddenly felt that the entire spiritual consciousness space seemed to become dim.

Then, the space in front of the nine princesses just shattered.

At the moment the nine princesses took action, being caught by the nine princesses like this, a spatial crack with a radius of more than a hundred meters was formed directly in front of her. The spatial crack appeared out of thin air like a scar.

In that space crack, the extremely deep, deep and complete darkness that can swallow all the surrounding aura, made all the clan gas refiners and monster beast masters present feel their hearts when seeing this scene. Chills.


The nine princesses just grabbed forward so softly, it's not like an understatement.

However, that space crack seemed to destroy the ancients, and easily swallowed the phantom of the ancient unicorn released by Feng Qingling into the space crack.

Even if the huge figure of the ancient unicorn is constantly resisting and struggling, it seems that it is very unwilling to be stuffed into the space crack by the nine princesses. The golden light on the whole body of the ancient unicorn is like the scorching sun in the sky. Burst out.

However, no matter how the phantom of the ancient unicorn struggles, it seems that there is no way to break free from that space crack.


In just a few breaths, I saw that most of the ancient unicorn’s huge figure was stuffed into the space crack by the nine princesses, even if the phantom of the ancient unicorn was constantly roaring and fighting, it couldn’t be changed and swallowed. Fate in the cracks of space.

There was a sneer from the corner of the nine princess's mouth, and she suddenly made a fist with her finger-to-claw palm, and laughed softly: "Give me in."


When the palms of the nine princesses were completely clenched into fists, two-thirds of the figure of the ancient unicorn on the court was swallowed in that space crack.

Gradually, even the space crack began to heal some signs, as if to swallow the ancient unicorn completely.

When the ancient unicorn was about to disappear completely on the field, Feng Qingling, whose consciousness and aura were all connected, felt like a heavy blow.

A pale look suddenly appeared on Feng Qingling's face.


Feng Qingling finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

In fact, most of Feng Qingling's blood was sprayed out deliberately.

A small part of that mouthful of blood was the essence of Feng Qingling's body.

The blood sprayed directly on the ancient unicorn whose signs were completely swallowed.

After some Feng Qingling's blood containing essence and blood, it was as if another bucket of oil was poured on the raging flames, directly causing the golden light on the whole body of the ancient unicorn to suddenly change more brilliantly.


After the blessing of so much essence and blood, the aura on that ancient unicorn once again skyrocketed, and the huge body that was about to be swallowed by the cracks in the collapsed space actually began to gradually break free.

Then the huge body of the ancient unicorn once again became a masterpiece, and shot at the figure of the nine princesses.

Seeing that ancient unicorn directly broke free from the cracks in the collapsed space and rushed over again, the nine princesses didn't have the slightest look of panic on their faces.

I saw the nine princesses unhurriedly stretched out a palm again, and a peaceful golden light suddenly burst from her palm, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge golden dragon.


The golden dragon just soared up to the sky with a long roar.

The huge golden dragon rushed towards the sky like this with its teeth and claws, and slammed into the ancient unicorn that had just emerged from the trap.

Before the ancient unicorn could react, I saw the huge body of the giant golden dragon circled in mid-air. The slender body was like a thick rope, directly wrapping the huge body of the ancient unicorn. Dead.

Everyone who saw this scene was directly stunned.

"Break me..." The Ninth Princess' face was extremely flat, as if she was a weak person with no combat power in front of her, and she suddenly squeezed her clenched fist again.


As the nine princesses squeezed their fist fiercely, the huge golden dragon in mid-air tightened fiercely with the movements of the nine princesses.

Then, there was a fierce aura that made everyone's complexion drastically changed, and the ancient unicorn was directly crushed to pieces by the golden wolf.

Those golden gleaming ancient unicorn bodies shattered piece by piece, turned into dots of stars, and fell directly into the scarlet sand in the divine consciousness space.

At this time, everyone present could clearly feel that the aura in the entire divine consciousness space became violent.

The ancient unicorn was completely crushed by the golden dragon, and Feng Qingling, who was connected to the ancient unicorn's consciousness and breath, was also hit hard.


Feng Qingling's face suddenly became white, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spit out.

The figure that had been hit hard also staggered back more than a dozen steps.

When it seemed that the figure of the ancient unicorn completely dissipated, the golden light in the sealed eyes also began to gradually disappear.

After the ancient unicorn whose bloodline power was turned into pieces was crushed by the golden dragon, the bloodline power of the ancient unicorn awakened by Feng Qingling also faded from her body like a tide.

The aura in Feng Qingling's body began to gradually fall, until the aura and strength of the peak realm of the tribulation period completely disappeared.

"Failed, Feng Qingling is defeated."

"Feng Qingling's bloodline power has been completely crushed by the golden dragon."

"Isn't it?"

Everyone on the field, whether it was the human gas refiners and monsters in the Qilin clan camp, or the human gas refiners and monsters behind Xiao Han, at this time, it took a long time to get over.

How could Feng Qingling, whose morale was like a rainbow, lost?

And it lost so quickly.

In front of that golden dragon, he failed without even holding on for a quarter of an hour.

Even if the bloodline power of the golden dragon clan is stronger, it won't be crushed directly in front of the ancient unicorn, right?

When the figure of the nine princesses floated alone in the air, everyone looked at her with jealousy.

At this time, Feng Qingling's bloodline power had disappeared, so the one who lost the most in battle on the court was undoubtedly the Ninth Princess.

At this time, the biggest trump card of the Qilin Qilin clan had disappeared. How could Pingfeng Wuhen, an old fellow who cultivated in the middle of the Tribulation Stage, be able to stop the Nine Princesses?

After finally stabilizing his figure, Feng Qingling raised his head in horror and looked at the equally wonderful figure in the air.

Summoning the blood power left by more than a dozen ancient unicorns in the entire divine consciousness space, it was finally revealed by Feng Qingling.

But it was actually crushed by the golden dragon.

The biggest trump card unexpectedly fell to the point of a disastrous defeat, which really made Feng Qingling face ashamed.

When the golden light in Feng Qingling's eyes dissipated, Feng Wuhen's heart was also distressed.

"It's over, it's over, everything is over... it's over."

Among all the people present, who would have thought that there was a golden dragon hidden beside Xiao Han, and it was obvious that his status among the golden dragons was not low.

The bloodline power summoned by Miss Nine is obviously much stronger than the bloodline of the ancient unicorn summoned by Feng Qingling.

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