The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1199: Deep behind enemy lines

   Xiao Han thought for a while, this possibility is still very high, after all, these first-order demon spiders have not strangled their "devil squad", and it is still very possible to go home.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly thought of a very crucial question. He has now been in Penglai Wonderland for three or four days. The total number of first-order demon spiders killed has exceeded 1,000, but so far Xiao Han had never discovered where these first-order magic spiders were.

   It is reasonable that these first-order demon spiders only move on these sand dunes in Penglai Wonderland during the day, but after night, it is the world of evil spirits, and those first-order demon spiders are gone.

   Xiao Han had never noticed this problem before. Thinking about this problem now, it is really worth pondering. That is, after dark, where did the Tier 1 magic spiders that were originally active on the sand go?

According to reason, these first-order demon spiders must have nests, but Xiao Han has been dealing with first-order demon spiders for so many days, but has not found any first-order demon spider's lair from beginning to end, could it be said? When it gets dark, those Tier 1 Demon Spiders have disappeared out of thin air.

It is definitely impossible to disappear out of thin air. Even if it can disappear out of thin air, Xiao Han feels that it is more likely that evil spirits can disappear out of thin air. As for those first-order demon spiders that can disappear out of thin air, Xiao Han is absolutely nothing. I will believe it.

   In other words, these first-order demon spiders still have their own lair, but Xiao Han hasn't found it until now.

   Xiao Han looked at the hundreds of first-order demon spiders that slowly disappeared from his sight, wondering if they could find their lair by following these first-order demon spiders?

   Although Xiao Han thinks this possibility is great, Xiao Han does not dare to make this decision easily under the current circumstances, because the risks involved are too great.

   If you find this first-order demon spider's lair, will you be able to figure out the movement trajectory and range of this batch of first-order demon spiders?

   Xiao Han's goal is not only to fight the second-order demon spider. What Xiao Han wants is to kill the second-order demon spider and all the first-order demon spiders. This is Xiao Han's ultimate goal.

Following in the footsteps of those first-order demon spiders, it is possible to find where the nests of these demon spiders are, but now there are already six to seven hundred first-order demon spiders here, plus one combat power is certain A very powerful second-order demon spider, once Xiao Han’s trail is discovered by those second-order demon spiders or first-order demon spiders, then Xiao Han will easily fall into heavy encirclement, and it will be difficult for Xiao Han to escape again. Up.

The risk is great, but the temptation in this makes Xiao Han unable to restrain himself and wants to follow. After all, after so many days, Xiao Han has never found any devil spider's lair until now. It's easy to have clues, and it's a pity not to catch up and investigate.

   If the situation of this demon spider lair can be investigated clearly, maybe we can find a chance to bring all the demon spiders to the nest.

   Thinking of this, Xiao Han still decided to quietly trail behind the first-order demon spiders, to see if this group of first-order demon spiders followed the second-order demon spiders to go back to the nest.

Before following, Xiao Han felt that he should do something that he thought was very necessary, so he originally planned to follow Xiao Han behind those Tier 1 Devil Spiders and turn around to break through Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others. Go in the direction.

Xiao Han found a few Tier 1 demon spider corpses in the place where Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others broke through. Now what Xiao Han needs is such Tier 1 demon spider corpses. The blood has not coagulated, and even the temperature has not cooled.

   Xiao Han got some unsolidified blood of the first-order demon spider from the corpses of these first-order demon spiders, found five or six places on the clothes, and then stained the green blood of those first-order demon spiders.

   After doing this, Xiao Han began to chase the footsteps of those Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Xiao Han carefully hid his whereabouts, even if he followed those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, they only followed far away. The distance between the two was at least a few kilometers. This way, Xiao Han was covered by those Tier 1 Demon Spiders. The possibility that the magic spider noticed is much smaller.

   Also, in order to prevent the second-order demon spider from sensing his presence, Xiao Han carefully converged his aura very deliberately, controlling his breathing rate to a minimum even during his actions.

Xiao Han knew that as long as the first-order demon spiders in front or the second-order demon spiders spotted his trail, there must be no way to continue tracking them, and it is very likely that these first-order demon spiders will be chased frantically. , So Xiao Han took every step very carefully, for fear of revealing his whereabouts.

Maybe it's because Xiao Han's body is covered with the green blood of the first-order demon spider, or because Xiao Han has always been cautious, in short, Xiao Han has not been found after tracking all the way, until it has been more than ten kilometers deep. After Lu Chen, Xiao Han had already noticed that the surrounding terrain had begun to change.

It used to be a vast sand dune, but now Xiao Han looks at it, although there is still a vast amount of yellow sand and black sand, but it is no longer like the desert terrain in front of him. Now the terrain in front of Xiao Han looks more and more In the desert, there are many stone mountains standing in the middle of the sand.

Xiao Han knew that those Tier 1 Demon Spiders should be about to reach their lair. When Xiao Han was in other places in Penglai Wonderland before, he hadn’t seen this kind of terrain. It’s just that the terrain here is wider and seems to follow. As Xiao Han goes deeper, the closer the area is to Zhenmo Mountain, the more desolate and desolate it is, but there are more and more rocky mountains, unlike the area that Xiao Han had contacted before was completely covered by sand.

Xiao Han relied on the traces left on the sand during the walking of the first-order demon spiders all the way. Xiao Han is now at least a thousand meters away from the team of those first-order demon spiders. The journey is here, Xiao Han doesn't have to worry about being discovered, but now Xiao Han is a little worried that he will be lost.

After tracking a few kilometers ahead, Xiao Han climbed up to the top of a rocky mountain standing in the sand and looked forward. He unexpectedly discovered that there was no Tier 1 monster within a few kilometers. Traces of spiders.

This made Xiao Han a little surprised. After all, Xiao Han had been chasing those Tier 1 Demon Spider teams closely before, and the distance between the two would not exceed two kilometers, but now Xiao Han is standing here. Looking around on the high ground, where there is still half a Tier 1 Demon Spider within a few kilometers.

   Could it be that hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders just disappeared under Xiao Han's eyelids?


   Xiao Han lay on the rock, carefully poking out his head to look for the traces of the first-order demon spiders. After searching for a long time, he finally found a small hole at the foot of a mountain in the distance.

The entrance of the cave is about two kilometers away from Xiao Han’s location. It seems to be just enough to accommodate a companion of a Tier 2 Demon Spider. It should be at the foot of the mountain, plus there are several high protrusions around the entrance. If it weren't for Xiao Han's sharp eyes, he would really not be able to discover the existence of this cave entrance for a while.

   Xiao Han should be sure now, the cave in the distance should be the lair of the first-order demon spiders. If you don't, it is impossible for hundreds of first-order demon spiders to disappear out of thin air in front of Xiao Han.

   If the black hole is really the lair of the first-order demon spider, then Xiao Han feels that today may be able to harvest a lot.

   After thinking about it, Xiao Han felt that since this place might be the old nest of the Demon Spider, then there must be more Tier One Demon Spider inside than Xiao Han had seen before.

Xiao Han carefully observed the hill where the cave entrance was. This hill is higher than the hill Xiao Han fought yesterday. It takes at least three or four minutes to walk from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. , That is to say, if the belly of this mountain is really a nest of magic spiders, then the space in this nest must not be small, and there must be a lot of first-order magic spiders inside.

   Now that the devil spider's lair has been found, Xiao Han wondered if he should call Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian, Zhan Peng and others over to discuss how to get the first-order devil spider here in one pot?

Xiao Han observed for a long time, no first-order demon spider appeared near the entrance of the cave, and no first-order demon spider was found in other areas around, that is to say, there was no such thing as a warning sentry near the nest. The first-order magic spider exists.

   When I came to the second-order demon spider, he didn't even think that since someone would be bold enough to pay attention to its lair, besides, maybe the second-order demon spider didn't think anyone could threaten the safety of its lair.

In fact, after a second glance, Xiao Han also felt a little embarrassed. Although he found the nests of these demon spiders, how to break through the nest and kill all the first-order demon spiders inside is a very troublesome one. thing.

   Now that the entrance of the cave has been discovered, how do you kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider inside?

It’s impossible to attack directly, not to mention that the situation in this lair is unknown, or how many Tier 1 magic spiders are hidden in this lair, if Xiao Han rashly takes Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian and the others broke in and killed them randomly. In the end, it was definitely a question of whether they could or go out.

(End of this chapter)

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