The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1198: Cut the rope

   After Zhong Xuanhai and Tian Daren all escaped to the opposite side of the cliff through the rope left by Xiao Han, the Tier 1 Demon Spiders who were chasing after him just rushed to the edge of the cliff.

   Seeing those Tier 1 Demon Spiders actually want to climb over that rope, Li Jian hurriedly called: "Old Zhong, come on, come on, cut that rope!"

   Zhong Xuanhai reacted. Seeing that Zhong Xuanhai was about to cut off the rope with the weapon in his hand, Tian Daren who was standing aside suddenly stood up and blocked Zhong Xuanhai's weapon block.

   Zhong Xuanhai was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a puzzled look: "Old Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

   At this time, Tian Daren suddenly stood up to stop Zhong Xuanhai from cutting the rope. Not only Zhong Xuanhai was puzzled, but even Li Jian, Guo Zimo, Yan Lingmin and others could not figure out what Tian Daren was doing?

   Li Jian hurriedly asked: "Lao Tian, ​​what are you doing? Didn't you see those Tier 1 demon spiders coming up along the rope? Why don't you let the rope be cut?"

   At this time, the nightingale of the Emei faction also stood up and said: "Yes, look at those first-order demon spiders as if they are going to climb along the rope, it will be too late if you don't cut the rope!"

   I don’t know that Tian Daren waved his hand and said with a calm smile: "Don’t worry, listen to me and finish!"

When Tian Daren said that, Li Jian was even more anxious. He flushed and said, "When is this, where is there time for you to finish talking? You see, those Tier 1 magic spiders have to climb along the rope. Come here, how do you look like you are not in a hurry?"

Tian Daren found that it was not only Li Jian who showed a very eager look, but even Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others looked at him anxiously, if it wasn't for Tian Daren who blocked the rope. In front, I am afraid that there are already several swords about to chop and cut the rope.

Tian Daren thought for a while and said, "Your worry is actually redundant. Look at the comparison between the thickness of the rope and the weight of the first-order magic spiders. You think this is more than the rope can bear. the weight of?"

   Li Jian, Guo Zimo and others were taken aback for a moment, and then they reacted a little. After thinking about it, what Tian Daren said is quite reasonable.

   You need to know that the rope is just the thickness of the thumb. Although this rope is very tough, it should be no problem to bear a few tons of weight.

However, the toughness of this rope does not mean that the first-order magic spiders can climb along this rope, the rope is not easy to be short, but Xiao Han used to fix the two ends of the rope, only a half-meter deep stator Not to mention that the stators at both ends of the rope are just inserted in the sand.

   Although the geological structure at both ends of this cliff is not all sand, there are still some rocks below, but this does not mean that this rope can bear the weight of a few Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

   Thinking of this, Li Jian, Guo Zimo and others were relieved.

Tian Daren continued: "Furthermore, do you think that even those Tier 1 Demon Spiders can crawl over our side along that rope, how many Tier 1 Demon Spiders can there be? We are now standing here with eleven people. Let’s kill one with one, and kill one with two, so there is nothing to worry about!"

As soon as Tian Daren's words fell, Li Jian suddenly realized: "Yes, why didn't I think that even if these first-order demon spiders have the ability to crawl along this rope, they can crawl one by one at most. Come here, what are we afraid of? Just like what Lao Tian said, we will kill one if we come, and we will kill one pair if we come two. Hahaha, Lao Tian thinks thoroughly!"

   Talking, Li Jian found a place to sit down and looked at the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders with a smile on his face.

Infected by Li Jian, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Nightingale and others also slowly relaxed, and one after another found a place on the sand next to sit down, where they just learned from the encirclement of the Tier 1 Demon Spider After escaping here, I tried my best from start to finish. Now that I got out of the trap, even Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo felt that they were very tired.

At first, the Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the opposite side already wanted to climb over through that rope, but after a few trials, those Tier 1 Demon Spiders seemed to feel that this rope might not be able to withstand a few Tier 1 Demon. The weight of the spider gave up this year, but hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders still surrounded the opposite side of the cliff, and it seemed that they were not ready to evacuate here.

   After waiting for everyone around him to sit down, he looked at the Tier 1 Demon Spiders opposite and said, "Actually, there is another reason why I don't let you cut this rope."

   Li Jian, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others looked at each other, but still did not understand what happened to Tian Daren.

Tian Daren looked at the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders opposite, and slowly said, "I think if our boss Xiao can kill that Tier 2 Demon Spider, then maybe we will follow this soon. The rope is going to meet Boss Xiao."


   Tian Daren's voice just fell, everyone raised their heads and looked at Tian Daren at the same time, it seemed that they didn't quite understand what Tian Daren meant.

   Didn’t Boss Xiao let them run away? How could you soon follow this rope to the opposite side to meet Boss Xiao?

  Tian Daren looked at the direction Xiao Han was in. After saying this, Tian Daren stopped talking, but stood there quietly.

At this time, Tian Daren admired Xiao Han more and more. Originally, he only had some respect for Xiao Han. After all, after a few days of getting along with him, Tian Daren felt that Xiao Han’s character really couldn’t find any flaws. So even though he had already joined the "Devil Slaying Squad" under Xiao Han, Tian Daren's impression of Xiao Han at that time was just full of respect.

   But now, Tian Daren feels that Xiao Han is courageous and knowledgeable, and he is definitely a figure worth following.

   Tian Daren guessed that Xiao Han decided to stay after the break, except that it was because he wanted to relieve some of the pressure on those who broke through, but the main reason was the second-order demon spider.

   And Tian Daren knew that Xiao Han was not just to try the depth of the second-order demon spider, Xiao Han's ultimate goal should be to kill the second-order demon spider.

Although Tian Daren didn't know if Xiao Han had a chance to kill the second-order demon spider, he also guessed that the leader of the hundreds of first-order demon spiders around was the second-order demon spider. Otherwise, today It would be impossible for them to be surrounded by Tier 1 Demon Spiders in turn.

Tian Daren felt that as long as Xiao Han was able to kill the second-order demon spider, then maybe the remaining hundreds of first-order demon spiders would turn into a disc of sand, maybe their slaying demon team would have a chance. Kill all the first-order magic spiders.

   Now it's up to Xiao Han's situation. If Xiao Han can't find a chance to start, then their "Devil Slayer Team" can only go to other areas to find Tier 1 Demon Spiders today.

   After a few minutes of rest, Nightingale thought for a while and asked, "You said Xiao Han should be fine, right?"

When Nightingale asked this question, she was looking at Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian and others. After all, Nightingale knew it too. Among all the people present, Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren joined the "Zhu Devil Team" only last night. "The new member has never fought side by side with Xiao Han before, so I really want to talk about the understanding of Xiao Han, Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren must have been with Xiao Han. Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others.

Before Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo could answer, Li Jian had already said: "I don't understand, why did Boss Xiao take such a big risk to investigate the reality of the second-order demon spider, hey, Do you guys say how powerful the second-order magic spider is?"

Zhong Xuanhai also Guo Zimo and others shook their heads at the same time, and then Zhong Xuanhai smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know, except for Boss Xiao, no one has seen the real eye-sight of the second-order demon spider, right? We just retreated. When I was very anxious, I didn't notice whether the second-order demon spider showed up, but I think Boss Xiao must have seen the second-order demon spider!"

Guo Zimo also continued: "I think, if our boss Xiao is not sure, he will definitely not be so impulsive, so I think boss Xiao must try to see if he can kill the second-order demon spider. of!"

Zhong Xuanhai sighed first, then said helplessly: "We don't know anything about Boss Xiao's situation now. Since Boss Xiao asked us to wait here, then we people can wait here with peace of mind. , I believe that with the strength of Boss Xiao, if you really want to escape, I am afraid that the hundreds of first-order magic spiders may not be able to keep Boss Xiao."


Xiao Han tried his best, and finally escaped from the siege of hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders. Now Xiao Han is in a small sand pit. This small sand pit is Xiao Han's slightly protruding sand. Longshang dug out with the sky sword, and the entire bunker slanted and extended downwards, like a small cellar for storing sweet potatoes.

   Now, Xiao Han is lying on the opening of the sandpit, looking calmly at the second-order demon spider that is surrounded by hundreds of first-order demon spiders in the distance below.

After being unable to find Xiao Han's figure, the hundreds of first-order demon spiders returned to the second-order demon spider. It didn't take long for the first-order demon spiders to follow the huge figure. Behind the second-order demon spider, it looked like it was going to retreat.

   Xiao Han was a little confused, could it be said that these first-order magic spiders are going back to "home" now?

(End of this chapter)

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