The "Devil Slayer Squad" led by Xiao Han killed 780 first-order demon spiders in just one day. This number was too shocking for everyone. In comparison, the original The Wudang faction, ranked number one among all the decent sects, does not seem to be a big deal now, one is seven hundred and eighty, and the other is three hundred and ten. The gap between them is not a star and a half.

Even the Wudang faction, which was originally ranked number one, is like this, not to mention the Kunlun faction and Huashanmen.

If not everyone believed that Ye Yu would not lie, surely no one would believe that Xiao Han and the eight of them could kill nearly 800 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in just one day.

First of all, everyone knows that the relationship between Ye Yu and Xiao Han is not very harmonious, so Ye Yu does not need to lie to Xiao Han, and Ye Yu is the leader of the Emei school after all. If this is not really what you have seen, Ye Yu There is no need to stand up at this time to expose the true record of Xiao Han and their "Devil Slayer Team" today.

In addition, everyone knows that since Xiao Han is able to gain fame in the entire training world in just over a year, he must be a Chinese, not to mention that Xiao Han is just a person with no school, no background, no backing. Four no personnel?

Not to mention Ouyang Bing of Kongtong School and Huafeng of Huashanmen. Even Yelongxuan of Wudang School would like to know how Xiao Han killed 780 first-order magic spiders, although I was still very reluctant. No matter Ye Longxuan’s face was still ugly, but when Ye Yu repeatedly explained that Xiao Han and his "Devil Slayer Team" had really killed 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders, Ye Long Xuan had no choice but to believe this fact.

Now everyone’s eyes and conversations began to revolve around Xiao Han. Ye Longxuan, who had always been the focus on the court, became unattended. This made Ye Longxuan’s face even more ugly, but at this time What else can Long Xuan say?

Every move Ye Longxuan makes now will make all the sect disciples present to focus on the Wudang Sect. In this situation, Ye Longxuan feels that he should remain silent to avoid people Focus on the Wudang faction, so what is it that is not self-inflicted?

Xiao Han was watched by everyone's eyes, but he felt a little uncomfortable. He was not like Ye Longxuan, he just liked to enjoy this feeling.

But there is no way. Now everyone hopes that he will stand up and share how his glorious record of the day has been achieved. Besides, Xiao Han originally didn’t intend to hide privately. Anyway, for him, from the secular world. The higher the overall strength of the sect disciple, the better, after all, Xiao Han has been thinking about the day when the world will converge in three months.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han had to stand up and walked to the center of the venue again.

Xiao Han said loudly: "Actually, the reason why I was able to kill more than 700 Tier 1 demon spiders today, I also want to thank my team members. If it weren't for their lives to fight, we would not be able to kill the seven. There are more than a hundred Tier 1 Devil Spiders, and I still have to thank my team members, so before I share with you how we achieved this record today, please allow me to give you a grand introduction to my team members. They are Zhong Xuanhai. , Guo Zimo, Li Jian, Yan Lingmin, Zhang Qiang, Ren Xin and Ren Nian!"

Having said this, every time Xiao Han reported the name of a player, he extended a finger to the direction where they were, and Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were also very happy when Xiao Han found their name. He stood up cooperatively, then arched his hands toward the court, his face was naturally smiling.

At this time, Xiao Han did not forget their contributions, and deliberately introduced them in front of all the sect disciples. Although it was said that among the sect disciples, some people still knew them, but not all of them. Everyone knows them, and now Xiao Han is so solemnly introducing them in front of everyone, saying in his heart that it is false not to be proud, and it is false to say not to be moved.

Not only Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others with happy expressions, but even the other sect disciples present looked at them with envious expressions. There was a boss who knew how to be like this followed. What's not satisfied?

Especially those ordinary sect disciples. They originally came from some small and medium sects. Not to mention the big figures like Ye Longxuan and Wang Mang. Not many of the other sect disciples knew them, but now Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others who followed Xiao Han can actually enjoy such treatment, how can they not be jealous!

Hua Feng from the Huashan Gate and Ouyang Bing from the Kongtong School looked at each other. They all saw that Xiao Han’s move was a bit of a buy-in, but let’s not say that this kind of small move really worked, from Zhong Xuanhai With the red light on the faces of Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, you can see how proud Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian are now.

Even Ye Yu looked at Xiao Han’s eyes with a hint of appreciation. Under such circumstances, I haven’t forgotten to introduce his teammates to everyone, and let them all stand up in front of everyone. Phase, although only a small move, but this move is very important for a small team that has just been established.

Not only Ye Yu, even the little girl Nightingale looked at Xiao Han with a trace of worship in her eyes. After all, a person who can lead a team to kill 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders is definitely not an ordinary person. People can do it, and that’s what Nightingale thinks now: Although this guy Xiao Han looks annoying sometimes, and this guy’s mouth is also very unforgiving, but now it seems that he is still a bit Really capable, look at it this way, Xiao Han is still quite handsome!

Thinking of this, Nightingale's face turned red involuntarily, seeming to be very mean to her own reaction, and Nightingale hurriedly cursed in her heart: Bah, baah... How come this doesn’t take long, I’ll be fine. I forgot my scar and forgot to hurt. Didn't he forget how Xiao Han bullied himself before?

In addition, there is another person on the court who has completely changed Xiao Han's perception of Xiao Han. This person is Zhan Peng.

Previously, Zhanpeng had agreed to Xiao Han and Zhong Xuanhai’s invitation, and agreed to join Xiao Han’s "Devil Slaying Team", but when Zhanpeng agreed before, more reasons were because of Xiao Han and the others. The team" today's results are really outstanding. Compared with my own results today, it is a difference between the sky and the ground.

Zhan Peng’s good friend Zhong Xuanhai is not much different from his cultivation level and strength. Zhong Xuanhai harvested 90 Tier 1 magic spiders on the first day following Xiao Han, and Zhan Peng formed a team with a few people to kill. After killing Tier 1 Demon Spiders, he only harvested more than 40 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day. This made Zhan Peng frustrated and chose to accept the invitation of Xiao Han and Zhong Xuanhai, and directly agreed to join the "Devil Slaying Team" .

But now, Zhan Peng is truly beginning to admire Xiao Han. At this time, he has not forgotten the contributions of all the members of the "Devil Slayer Team". In Zhan Peng's view, such a leader is worth following.

Xiao Han didn’t know that he had slowly captured Nightingale’s heart invisibly, and in the midst of it, Zhan Peng, who had already left the "Devil Slayer Team," began to follow Xiao Han completely, so that Zhan Peng became Xiao Han in the future. Han's capable helper laid the groundwork.

The reason why Xiao Han solemnly introduced his players to everyone at this time was purely in recognition of them, after all, although Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others only followed him on Xiao Han’s first day Time is only a matter of time, but Xiao Han still sees the desperate fighting spirit of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian.

Among the many sect disciples present, only Ye Longxuan's face became more and more ugly. At this time, Ye Longxuan just kept cursing Xiao Han in his heart: Hmph, the pretending guy, isn't it just buying people's hearts. The move? It's as if someone can't.

Not to mention, even though Ye Longxuan kept cursing Xiao Han in his heart, the eyes that looked at Xiao Han were very disapproving, but behind Ye Longxuan, the five Wudang sect juniors were very disapproving of Xiao Han. The impression was also greatly changed. Although affected by Ye Longxuan, they had never been very optimistic about Xiao Han before. They felt that Xiao Han was only a chance to cultivate to the Nascent Soul Stage after he had gone through the **** luck by chance. The pinnacle realm, otherwise, how could it be higher than the cultivation realm of Senior Brother Ye, who is the Tianzong wizard among their Wudang Sect?

But now, they feel that Xiao Han doesn't seem to be that annoying now. At least his current behavior makes them feel very heartwarming. Although the five of them are not members of the "Devil Slayer", they are five of them. Still a little envious of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian, these seven people can have such a good leader.

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