Ye Yu continued: "Xiao Han and the eight of them killed a total of 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders today. I saw it with my own eyes at this time!"

Seven hundred...80 first-order magic spiders?

Ye Longxuan, who was waiting to see Xiao Han’s jokes, was stunned, and was eagerly waiting to find out about Xiao Han and his eight-person "Devil Slayer Squad" today. The melon-eaters who had killed how many Tier 1 Devil Spiders had killed were stunned, everyone was taken aback, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

The same is true for Ye Longxuan. He never thought that Xiao Han and the eight of them could kill 780 first-order demon spiders in one day. Now Ye Longxuan looked at Ye Yu with a blank expression. He was now suspicious. Either I heard it wrong, or Ye Yu said it wrong.

Thinking of this, Ye Longxuan took a deep breath and asked anxiously: "Ye Yu, what did you say? Could you please make it clearer!"

"I said, Xiao Han killed a total of 780 Tier 1 demon spiders today. This is what I saw with my own eyes!" As long as Ye Yu repeats it, it seems that Ye Longxuan and others will not hear clearly. Ye Yu said again in a more accented tone, "Seven hundred and eighty first-order magic spiders, is it clear enough now?"


As soon as Ye Yu’s words fell, there was a sound of exclamation on the court suddenly. This time the exclamation was louder than the exclamation caused by Ye Yu’s smile before. Many of the people’s sect disciples still kept their mouths. It's round, and even many people forget to restore the shape of their mouths after they wow.

Quite a few people stood up from the same place stupidly, looking at Ye Yu in disbelief. When they saw Ye Yu’s calm expression, they didn’t want to be joking at all. Many people turned their shocked eyes on. Xiao Han, and Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others around Xiao Han.

A team of eight people killed 780 first-order demon spiders in one day? On average, one person is about to kill a hundred first-order magic spiders? how can that be?

"Impossible, impossible, how could there be so many?"

Ye Longxuan, who had always been calm and composed, suddenly roared. The number that Ye Yu said was really surprising, and it was no wonder that Ye Longxuan would behave so gaffe.

If Xiao Han killed nearly a hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day yesterday, the people present would still believe it. Compared with Xiao Han, this guy has an amazing cultivation level. He is more than 90 sects who entered the Penglai Wonderland. The only one among the disciples was a Qi refiner at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage. Even the Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan and the Kunlun Sect's Wang Mang couldn't compare to Xiao Han, and it was normal for Xiao Han to have such a strong combat effectiveness.

However, the other sect disciples of the people who followed Xiao Han's level were of course very clear. Except for Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, who were the cultivation bases of the peak realm of the Golden Core Period, the rest Several people are either in the middle of the golden core period or in the early phase of the golden core period.

If Xiao Han brought seven people who were all in the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation realm, and killed 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day, others would still believe it, but what Xiao Han brought was only seven gold The sect disciples of the Danqi cultivation base are just some of the sect disciples of the small and medium sects. Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others still have the sect disciples of the famous sects like Wudang Sect and Kunlun Sect. There is a big gap.

Regardless of the level of cultivation or the overall combat effectiveness, even at the same level of cultivation, the sect disciples of the Wudang Sect and Kunlun Sect can easily defeat the likes of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Li Jian. The ordinary sect disciple.

With such seven people, Xiao Han can create a record of killing 780 first-order magic spiders in one day? This is too incredible, right?

Believe it or not, Ye Yu said faintly: "I know how many Tier 1 Demon Spiders Xiao Han killed today. Believe it or not, the corpse of Tier 781 Demon Spider. It’s now at the foot of a mountain dozens of kilometers away. If you don’t believe it, go and see for yourself tomorrow!

Speaking of this, Ye Yu, who originally wanted to sit down, glanced at Xiao Han again, and then said angrily: "Why did Xiao Han just tell everyone that today’s record is only three hundred and twenty? I don’t know, but I I only know that what I'm talking about is the truth, Xiao Han, stand up and clean up the things that you have caused yourself. Do you want me to help you clean...finish it?"

Originally, Ye Yu wanted to say to help you wipe your ass, and then she immediately reacted. As a woman speaking like this is too inappropriate, she immediately changed her words and turned it into a close.

After saying that, Ye Yu sat back. She was not going to participate in the next thing. She just wanted to wait for all the ordinary sect disciples to freely choose the team. Compared with their Emei faction, although they are very strong, If some good players can be added, then the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders that will be killed tomorrow will definitely be able to greatly increase, so that Ye Yu will have the confidence to surpass other famous schools.

For Ye Yu, only two hundred and ten first-order magic spider inner crystals were harvested today. This number is quite unmanageable. It ranks last among several other famous schools, so even more. Don't say it is compared with Xiao Han and their perverted "Devil Slayer Squad".

Besides, among the 210 Tier 1 Demon Spiders harvested by the Emei faction today, 50 of them came from Xiao Han's extortion. Although Yeyu deserves it, there will still be some The name is bad.

After Ye Yu sat down, the court suddenly became silent. Not only Ye Longxuan, but the other sect disciples had also not recovered from the shock brought by Ye Yu.

Originally thought that Xiao Han was lying about his record, and he deliberately lied about his record in order to surpass the record of Wudang Sect's 310 first-order magic spiders.

But what everyone did not expect was that Xiao Han really lied about his record, and the big record he lied about was not exaggerated, but was deliberately reduced, and it was more than half reduced!

In other words, if Xiao Han and their eight-person "Devil Slayer Squad" really killed 780 first-order demon spiders in one day, then it should be 390 if it is reduced by half. , But why did Xiao Han say that their record today is 320?

Just when everyone hadn't recovered, the Huafeng at Huashan Gate suddenly stood up.

"Xiao Han, what's the matter with you guy? Why do you deliberately underreport your record? You said that you underreported your record. You also underreported so much. Are you deliberately making us play?"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, Hua Feng's expression was relatively relaxed, it looked like he was joking, all Xiao Han knew that this was Hua Feng was deliberately making things strange.

But before Xiao Han could speak, Hua Feng continued to laugh and said, "Well, although you are very good, your squad is also very good, but I still want to despise you and despise you, a guy who lied about his achievements. !"

At this time, Ouyang Bing of the Kongtong School also stood up and laughed: "Yes, you guys are too unkind. You can disguise so well after killing so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders. What are you doing like this? I'm afraid we will ask you for a Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystal because of envy, jealousy and hatred? It's too much!"

"Hey, no, no, I don't want to be a low-key person? So I just said a little bit less!" Xiao Han said with a smile.

Ouyang Bing's eyes grumbled, he thought of a question that he wanted to know, and now he was hitting the iron while it was hot, and at the moment when Xiao Han became the target of public criticism, he forced him to say it, otherwise it would be too cheap for him.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Bing said with a smile: "Are you saying a little bit less? You are saying a lot less, OK, you said that the 780 first-order magic spiders are three hundred and twenty first-order. Devil spider, you are really true, I want to beat you when I'm so angry! Forget it, I can't beat you when you beat me, but you can't punish you at all if you deceive everyone, just punish you and stand up and share you How did you lead your squad to kill 780 first-order demon spiders?"

"Yes, right, right, Xiao Han, how did you kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders? Hurry up and share with us. What tricks do you have to kill seven hundred and eighty with seven people in one day? Order Demon Spider!"

"Yes, Xiao Han, you can't hide your privates at this time, you have to share some tricks with us!"

"Yes, yes, this matter has not been discussed. We must not let Xiao Han fool us in a few words. We must let him confess it honestly. What kind of trick was used to achieve such a big deal? Harvested!"


Ouyang Bing’s proposal made many people come to their senses. Since Xiao Han and his seven ordinary sect disciples can kill 780 first-order magic spiders in one day, it shows that this guy is not only It's because of the strong strength, there must be some trick to kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be 780 first-order demon spiders, even if the 780 pigs want to kill all of them, it is not a matter of a while.

At this time, the atmosphere on the court suddenly became enthusiastic. Almost everyone's eyes were on Xiao Han. Compared to Xiao Han's ability to kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders, it is really incredible, if it weren't for Emei. What the Night Rain of Pai said, who would believe that only eight people could kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day?

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