The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1140: Share the record

Let Tian Daren join the Wudang faction with an expression, and then follow the instructions of Ye Longxuan every day?

Tian Daren's first thought was to be unwilling. As for the following Kunlun School, Huashanmen, Kongtong School, and Emei School, Tian Daren was a little hesitant about which school he should join.

Tian Daren is not very familiar with the Kunlun School, Huashanmen, Kongtong School, and Emei School. The leaders of these schools, Wang Mang, Huafeng, and Ouyang Binghe Yeyu, are not very familiar with them. They just know that they are all It is the cultivation level of the Yuan Ying period, including the cultivation level in the early stage of the Yuan Ying period, and the cultivation level in the middle of the Yuan Ying period. As for who is good at Tian Daren, there is definitely no way to determine, now Tian Daren only I want to make sure which of them is better to get along with.

After all, in Tian Daren’s view, once you join a team, you will have to follow the other party in the Penglai Wonderland for nearly a year. If you encounter a leader who is not very easy to get along with As far as people are concerned, not only does Tian Daren have far fewer inner crystals of the first-order magic spider, but it will also be very unpleasant to get along with each other.

Tian Daren knows that he is a careless person and has always disliked being restrained by others, but now in the current situation, Tian Daren is not allowed to act according to his own wishes. Ye Longxuan's simple proposal directly pulls him from the original. The team that got up was broken up.

Thinking of this, Tian Daren could not figure out which team should be followed in this situation. In a blink of an eye, Tian Daren remembered that Ye Longxuan seemed to say a little bit, in the next time, will let each team leader All come up to share today's record of the day, so that you can know the record of each small team today?

After all the small team leaders have finished sharing, can Tian Daren choose a team with a better record from the record of each team today?

It’s not just Tian Daren who thinks this way. Many ordinary sect disciples who are present now also hold this thought. Anyway, in the next time, every leader of the famous school will stand up and share today’s day. At that time, they will be able to weigh the records of each team repeatedly, and what team should be selected next.

At this moment, Ye Longxuan cleared his throat, and the discussion on the court gradually calmed down.

"Well, in the next time, let's start letting the leaders of each team come up and share their respective achievements today!"

Speaking of this, Ye Longxuan went on to say: "I want to remind everyone present, when the leader of each team is still coming up to share their respective achievements today, you must pay attention to it. Every sentence that follows is possible. It will be related to whether the sect disciples present are willing to join your team. All the following sharing of achievements is not only a sharing, but also a good opportunity to promote your team!

Now that I'm standing on it, and I happen to be the leader of the Wudang Sect, let me start sharing today's achievements! "

As soon as Ye Longxuan’s words fell, the sect disciples on the court had another commotion. Ye Longxuan said that, it means that Wudang faction's record today is quite good, otherwise Ye Longxuan Nor would he show such confidence when speaking.

Besides, in the current situation, the more the team that played first to share, the more disadvantaged. After all, at the beginning, no one knew whether the results of the following teams were good or bad today. If the Wudang faction If the record is quite good, then Ye Longxuan will naturally become the focus of the audience from the beginning of sharing. This way, the benefits for Wudang faction's selection of other sect disciples are obvious.

But if the Wudang faction’s record is just so-so, then Ye Longxuan will suffer as the first team to stand up and share now. After all, he is the first person to share his record. A team will be used by everyone to compare with Wudang faction. If Wudang faction’s record is just average and not very good, then Wudang faction will be compared with other teams repeatedly in their hearts. Will definitely lose the attention of all sect disciples.

Xiao Han looked at Ye Longxuan on the court and shook his head helplessly. Ye Longxuan really hasn't changed at all. At this time, he is still so pushy, no matter what opportunity it is, he will not let it go. .

Xiao Han also had to admit that Ye Longxuan is a born leader, and he has all the potential to become a leader. Ye Longxuan is born very well, and he is famous in the practice world. Sending Wudang faction, and Yelongxuan’s cultivation talents and roots are undoubtedly outstanding, and it is also outstanding among all people. In addition, this guy is indeed handsome and handsome, not only the ordinary ones present. The sect disciples were attracted by Ye Longxuan’s graceful demeanor. Even the beautiful female disciples of the Emei school looked at Ye Longxuan on the field with a face of worship. The ugly thing is a nympho.

Of course, fortunately, Xiao Han noticed such a detail. Although the two sisters of the Emei school Ye Yu and Nightingale stared at Ye Longxuan intently, they did not show any special emotions in their eyes. They just looked indifferent. Looking at Ye Longxuan on the field, there was no look of worship in her eyes, especially Ye Yu. Her gaze towards Ye Longxuan was as calm as ever, as if standing in front of her was not a handsome man. Handsome guy, but a stone statue.

Ye Longxuan saw that the attention of everyone on the field was projected on him, and then said with a very magnetic voice: "We Wudang faction plus me as the leader are six people. Today we are going to We traveled a few tens of kilometers in the direction close to Zhendevil Mountain, and a little further, we killed all the Tier 1 Demon Spiders we encountered along the way, and we walked back at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Today, our Wudang faction killed a total of three hundred first-order demon spiders. This is our Wudang faction's record today!"


As soon as Ye Longxuan's voice fell, a cold breath sounded on the court.

At the end of the day today, their Wudang faction actually killed 310 first-order demon spiders, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, their Wudang faction left, that is to say, Wudang faction arrived at three o'clock today. It's time to end work, go out early in the morning, and end work at three o'clock in the afternoon. What is this concept?

If the Wudang faction is excluded from the morning rushing time, until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Wudang faction may have only fought for six hours from start to finish. This includes rest time and cleaning up the battlefield. At the time, it even included the time spent rushing to the next area after each battle. That is to say, Wudang sent them to kill 310 Tier 1 demons in a short time today. Spider out.

Many people at the scene thought in their hearts that it was indeed the Wudang faction led by Ye Longxuan. In less than six hours, they were able to kill 310 Tier 1 demon spiders. But it is quite an amazing number.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement and experts watch the doorway. Everyone present has fought first-order demon spiders. Of course, they know how much energy it takes to kill a first-order demon spider. It took so much energy to kill three hundred and ten first-order demon spiders, but the Wudang faction led by Ye Longxuan did it easily.

Many ordinary sect disciples present have not recovered from the shock that Ye Longxuan brought to them. After taking a deep breath, many people began to look at Ye Longxuan with shocked expressions. It's hot.

Although I don't know what the other teams have achieved today, but I want to come to Wudang Sect among all the teams, this result is not the best, but it is definitely one of the best.

It’s no wonder that Ye Longxuan is known by many sect elders as the first among the young masters in the entire training world. It seems that Ye Longxuan’s strength is indeed unfathomable, otherwise it’s impossible. Leading the Wudang faction only took one day to kill three hundred and ten first-order magic spiders.

Not only the ordinary sect disciples present, but also Huafeng from Huashanmen, Wang Mang from Kunlun School and Ouyang Bing from Kongtong School, Ye Yu from Emei School, and others thought that the Wudang School’s performance today is really outstanding. The results of the 310 first-order magic spiders can be said to be quite excellent.

Ye Longxuan looked at the gazes of everyone on the court, standing still in place with a proud face, and a calm face from beginning to end, which is a good interpretation of what is called an expert demeanor.

Xiao Han looked at Ye Longxuan's figure, shook his head helplessly, and muttered in a low voice, "Pretend to be a trafficker!"

Except for Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and a few others who were sitting next to Xiao Han, no one heard Xiao Han's mutter.

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others also secretly snickered. Of course, they knew why Xiao Han commented on Yelongxuan like this. Other people might not be able to hear it. From what Long Xuan said, I could tell how compelling Ye Long Xuan was.

Ye Longxuan’s words specifically emphasized that they Wudang sent back at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. That is to say, under Ye Longxuan’s leadership, their Wudang faction took only a short time. Killed three hundred and ten first-order magic spiders today.

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