The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1139: Go with the flow

Zhan Peng’s cultivation level is also at the peak of the Golden Core period, and is similar to the cultivation level of Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo. As a result, Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer" has three at the same time. A master at the pinnacle of the Golden Core period.

For Xiao Han, the three masters of the Golden Core Stage peak state are also a very powerful help, and what Xiao Han values ​​most is the Golden Core Stage peak state, which is only one step away from the Nascent Soul Stage. Spend some thoughts on Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Zhan Peng. When allocating the inner crystals of the first-order magic spider, you can allocate more to their three masters of the Golden Core Stage peak realm, and try to get them three An individual stepped into the realm of Yuan Ying stage cultivation as soon as possible.

The difference between the three Jindan stage peak realm helpers and the three Nascent Infant stage masters is of course not that big. In addition to the difference in cultivation level, a Nascent Infant stage master can top the three. A master at the pinnacle of the Jin Dan stage, as long as Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo. If Zhan Peng and the three of them can successfully enter the Nascent Soul Stage, the overall strength of the entire "Devil Slayer Team" will be significantly improved.

So Xiao Han was thinking, in fact, for him, once Zhan Peng joins the current "Devil Slayer Team", the overall strength has been greatly enhanced, even for those battles encountered today, there will be an exhibition. After Peng joined, he was able to share a large part of the pressure, and there would no longer be a situation where Ren Xin almost died in the siege of a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders today.

For Xiao Han, this is enough. If there are too many members in a team, it is actually not good. One is inconvenient to manage and command, and the other is the kind of cooperation and cooperation in battle once more personnel are added. On the contrary, the tacit understanding will drop a lot. Xiao Han thinks that a small team of about ten people is the most reasonable.

Therefore, Ye Longxuan’s proposal now allows all ordinary sect disciples to freely apply to join these teams. It is not attractive to Xiao Han. After all, Xiao Han feels that there are not enough people, so there are two more. It doesn’t matter, if not, it’s fine.

However, Xiao Han is still happy to see that ordinary sect disciples can freely apply to join different teams. This way, everyone present can follow a stronger team, which is useful for improving everyone’s cultivation. The realm is still very good, Xiao Han does not fully agree with Zhang Qi and Tian Daren and others staying near this assembly point and eating together and waiting to die.

When hearing Ye Longxuan's proposal, many people were shocked. After a while, Ye Longxuan's proposal caused an uproar among everyone.

For those ordinary sect disciples, Ye Longxuan’s proposal is tantamount to the sound of nature. Ye Longxuan brought them good news that these ordinary sect disciples can finally join the masters of the famous sect. Killing the Tier 1 Demon Spider can improve one's cultivation as soon as possible.

For Zhang Qi, Tian Daren and others, Ye Longxuan's proposal is equivalent to digging their corners, and Ye Longxuan did not say hello in advance at all. This is completely without regard to the two of them.

However, what can Zhang Qi and Tian Daren say about Ye Longxuan's behavior other than gloomy faces?

Ye Longxuan is the most outstanding young disciple of the Wudang School, and the prestige among all the sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland is also very high. At this time, even if Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are dissatisfied with Ye Longxuan, it is not convenient to stay here. Speaking of this situation, after all, from the perspective of Ye Longxuan, he is thinking about the vital interests of all the ordinary sect disciples present.

If Zhang Qi and Tian Daren stand up to express their dissatisfaction, it is equivalent to having trouble with all the ordinary sect disciples present, and soon Zhang Qi and Tian Daren will become targets of public criticism.

Moreover, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are only the strength of the peak realm of the Jindan period, while Yelongxuan is the strength of the mid-Yuan Ying period. Yelongxuan can easily clean up the joint battle between Zhang Qi and Tian Daren. Besides, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are only disciples born in the middle and small sects. Compared with Ye Longxuan, the most outstanding young disciple of the Wudang school, they are not comparable. So no matter what point, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are two people. Apart from the gloomy face, there was no further action.

Ye Longxuan didn't seem to put Zhang Qi and Tian Daren in his eyes at all, so after taking a light look at Zhang Qi and Tian Daren and the others, he never paid attention to them again.

After everyone reacted, the atmosphere on the court slowly became enthusiastic. Many people had a look of excitement on their faces. If they could follow the Wudang School’s Yelongxuan, the Huafeng of Huashanmen, and Kongtong. Ouyang Bing of the Kunlun School, Wang Mang of the Kunlun School, or Ye Yu of the Emei School, who would like to follow Zhang Qi and Tian Daren? After all, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are just the strength of the Golden Core Stage peak realm, and there are no two masters in the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation realm in the entire team.

Besides, if it doesn’t work, you can still consider following Xiao Han's "Devil Slayer Squad". Although following Xiao Han's "Devil Slayer Squad" may have more rules and stricter management, but if they follow the Wudang faction If Ye Longxuan or several other famous sect teams, they must also abide by a lot of rules and follow the arrangements of the leader. Compared with the two, the ordinary sect disciples seem to think that Xiao Han made the rules last night. The behavior is not so unacceptable.

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others have a calm look towards Ye Longxuan’s proposal. After all, for them, they only need to follow Xiao Han. As for other things, they don’t need to worry about it. Xiao Han, the boss of the "Devil Squad", will naturally settle everything. As for whether anyone besides Zhan Peng will join the "Devil Squad", this is not what they need to worry about.

If there are new members joining their "Devil Slayer Squad" in the future, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others are of course very happy to see that their "Devil Slayer Squad" is getting stronger and stronger. If there are no new members other than Zhan Peng to join their "Devil Slaying Team", Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others also think it is okay. After all, in their opinion, just follow Xiao Han. Xiao Han has meat, and they definitely have broth. Don’t worry about this. So now, among the more than 90 sect disciples on the court, they belong to Xiao Han and the "Devil Slayer" behind him, Zhong The expressions of Xuan Hai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were the most calm and relaxed.

Ye Longxuan seemed to be giving everyone present time to digest, so Ye Longxuan just looked at the situation on the court with a smile on his face.

At this time, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren seemed to have come back to their senses. The two of them lowered their heads and got together, not knowing what they were discussing. The proposal of Long Xuan who stayed there was too bad for them, no matter what they did. Trying to find a way, it seems that it is difficult to deal with Ye Longxuan’s proposal. After all, in the eyes of other sect disciples, even if Zhang Qi and Tian Daren treat them well, they are not as good as following Wudang and Kunlun schools. The team sent is reliable.

Zhang Qi leaned in front of Tian Daren and asked softly, "Old Tian, ​​what should I do?"

"What else can we do? How could we compete with such famous schools as Wudang School, Kunlun School, and Huashanmen?" Tian Daren looked at Ye Longxuan in the center of the venue, sighed for a long time, and then said: "Forget it, we don't have to think of a solution, let's go with the flow!"

Zhang Qi was taken aback for a moment, and he asked quickly: "Let it be the flow? Lao Tian, ​​what do you mean? How can we let the flow be?"

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Tian Darende’s mouth. He turned to look at Zhang Qi and sighed: “Let’s go with the flow, it’s useless for us to do anything, let alone those ordinary sect disciples, even the two of us. You have to think about what to do next, if it doesn't work, you can only find another way out!"

"Find another way out?" Zhang Qi only reacted at this time. It turned out that Tian Daren had guessed that in this situation, it would be useless for them to keep them. The dozens of ordinary people who followed them today Needless to say, the sect disciples will definitely apply to join the Wudang faction, Kunlun faction, and Huashanmen. How could they be willing to follow them.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qi's face was extremely ugly, and Tian Daren's face returned to normal after a moment of indulging. Anyway, the situation has developed to this point. No matter how hard we struggle, it is futile. It is better to think more about what should be done next. It is more realistic to find a way out by yourself.

Tian Daren knows that not only the ordinary sect disciples who originally followed him and Zhang Qi will immediately fall into the arms of the famous sects, even Zhang Qi and Zhan Peng are just like him. The same is true for the good buddies of the peak realm of Danqi. In this case, he will definitely find another way out, so what Tian Daren is thinking now is which team he should apply to join.

Originally, Tian Daren was reluctant to follow Xiao Han's team with too many rules and restrictions last night, so he chose to drag the ordinary sect disciples who were not willing to accept the team to stay near this assembly point. Yes, which team should he go to now?

Wudang faction?

Tian Daren would definitely not consider it, although Ye Longxuan's proposal was not specifically aimed at him, but Tian Daren knew that his current situation was entirely caused by Ye Longxuan.

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