The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1129: Have something to say

Thinking of this, Zhan Peng asked in a deep voice: "Old Zhong, are you sure you didn't lie to me? Why do I feel a little unreal? It's not your boss Xiao deliberately asking you to hold ninety first-order magic spider inner crystals Come to fool me?"

Zhong Xuanhai was taken aback for a moment. It was the time. He didn't expect Zhan Peng to still feel a little disbelief. Zhong Xuanhai didn't know how to explain to Zhan Peng, but in a blink of an eye, Zhong Xuanhai was relieved again, let alone Zhan Peng. Now, if Zhong Xuanhai wasn't with Xiao Han today and suddenly heard someone say that eight people had killed nearly 800 Tier 1 magic spiders in one day, Zhong Xuanhai would probably have a look of disbelief.

Zhong Xuanhai turned his wrist and put the small cloth bag full of the first-order magic spider inner crystal that was originally in his palm into the universe bag, then walked over and patted Zhanpeng on the shoulder, and smiled: "Zhan Peng, I, Zhong Xuanhai, have never told a lie. You know this, and it’s the same today. If it weren’t for our boss Xiao to tell you not to reveal today’s record, I wouldn’t lie to you in the first place. , But I have already mastered the truth just now. If you still don’t believe me, I can’t do anything!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Xuanhai thought of someone, and he continued: "By the way, Zhan Peng, today there is another person who saw us kill more than 700 Tier 1 Demon Spiders with his own eyes. This person is the Emei Sect's Ye Yu. She happened to be passing by, and she was also an eyewitness who witnessed the results of our Jade Devil Team today. Of course, I don’t want you to go to Ye Yu to verify it. Compared with our boss Xiao, we don’t want too many people to know!"

Zhan Peng was taken aback for a moment, and then he believed Zhong Xuanhai’s words. If Zhong Xuanhai said that others had witnessed their achievements today, Zhan Peng might not believe it, but Zhong Xuanhai said that Yeyu of the Emei school was a witness. Then Zhong Xuanhai’s words are much more credible. As the leader of the Emei school’s Penglai Wonderland trip, Ye Yu is also the cultivation base of Yuanying Period. She has high prestige among all the sect disciples. She does not need to cooperate with Zhong. Xuan Hai came to lie.

Although Xiao Han ranks first among all sect disciples regardless of whether it is cultivation level or strength, but in terms of prestige alone, Xiao Han’s prestige among all sect disciples is far inferior to that of Emei Sect’s Ye Yu Well, comparing the Emei school is also one of the famous schools in the entire cultivation world, and Ye Yu became famous earlier among the younger generation of masters in the cultivation world, plus she is also a female class. From the beginning of the practice, the whole person is practicing. The best among the young masters in the world.

If Xiao Han might have ordered Zhong Xuanhai and others to cheat on the record because of bragging, but Yeyu of the Emei faction could not cooperate with Xiao Han to cheat because of this.

Zhan Peng's face is a bit distressed now, and there are some inexplicable feelings in his heart. He originally came to Zhong Xuanhai to find a chance to pull Zhong Xuanhai away from Xiao Han's team, but he didn't expect Zhong Xuanhai to follow Xiao Han all day. It is actually possible to get ninety first-order magic spider inner crystals. Since Zhong Xuanhai is so promising with Xiao Han, how could he be moved by himself?

Thinking of this, Zhan Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head, ready to say hello to Zhong Xuanhai and walk back.

Before Zhanpeng could speak, Zhong Xuanhai gently pulled the hand on Zhanpeng's shoulder, pulling Zhanpeng to his side, and whispered: "Zhanpeng, I treat you as a brother. Know that it is not appropriate to speak!"

Zhan Peng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "Don't say such things between the two of us. If you say that, it's a bit of a dilemma. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Zhong Xuanhai whispered, "Zhan Peng, I suggest you join our Jade Demon Squad. The cultivation level and strength of the two of us are not much different. Since I can be in the boss Xiao’s Demon Squad by my own strength. There are ninety first-order magic spider inner crystals, I believe you can too!"

Zhan Peng was taken aback, then shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Last night I was planning to go with your boss Xiao, but then I gave up on the initiative, not to mention whether your boss Xiao will accept me. Even if he is willing to accept me, how am I embarrassed to go back?"

Of course Zhong Xuanhai knows what happened last night, but in his opinion these are not the most important things. The most important thing is how to survive in the Penglai Wonderland and improve his cultivation level as soon as possible. Other issues such as face are all It's a small problem.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xuanhai persuaded: "Zhan Peng, I only have one day following Boss Xiao, but I have seen many things clearly, and I am not afraid to tell you honestly. In this Penglai Wonderland, only Boss Xiao has a future. !"

Zhan Peng was noncommittal about what Zhong Xuanhai said. He chuckled softly: "That's not necessarily true. I think I organize a team by myself. Although there are not many Tier 1 Demon Spiders killed, they gradually accumulate. There shouldn't be a problem to raise the level!"

Zhan Peng said that's what he said, but who didn't know that in this Penglai Wonderland, only by obtaining a large number of Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals, can you improve your realm more quickly. There is not a trace of aura in Penglai Wonderland. If you want to replenish the aura, apart from the pill of Qi return, there is only the inner crystal of the first-order demon spider obtained by killing the first-order demon spider, but the return of the energy pill can only pray for the effect of replenishing the aura, and return the energy. The number of pill is limited. Every sect disciple who enters the Penglai Wonderland only obtains eight Qi return pills from Penglai Island. It is impossible to cultivate through Qi return pills.

Then there is only the first-order magic spider inner crystal. If you want to improve the cultivation level as soon as possible, the best way is to obtain a large number of first-order magic spider inner crystals. If the first-order magic spider inner crystals can be used continuously Cultivation, the speed of improving the realm of cultivation can be very fast, even faster than absorbing the spiritual energy of the world in the secular world.

But it’s not easy to get a large number of first-order magic spiders. The first-order magic spiders in Penglai Wonderland are originally very powerful. Moreover, all first-order magic spiders are social animals, at least they appear in pairs. The first-order demon spiders still appeared in groups. Once the number of first-order demon spiders increased, the Qi refiner with too low cultivation level would not be killed. When they encountered it on the road, they could only run away watching the wind.

Now Zhan Peng knows that Zhong Xuanhai has allocated 90 Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the first day following Xiao Han’s "Devil Slaying Squad". It is impossible to say that he is not envy or jealous. If we follow this trend Going down, Zhong Xuanhai followed Xiao Han, and he Zhanpeng organized the team by himself. I am afraid that it won't be long before the two people with the same level of cultivation and strength will slowly decide the winner.

Zhong Xuanhai followed Xiao Han to allocate so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders every day, while Zhan Peng organized a team by himself. It was already very good to get fifty or six Tier One Demon Spiders in one day. Following this trend, wait until Zhong Xuanhai When breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage, Zhan Peng might still be struggling at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and I don’t know what is the hope of a sudden Naple Stage!

It's impossible not to be jealous, and it's impossible to say not to be emotional, but Zhan Peng only broke away from Xiao Han's team last night. How can Zhan Peng be embarrassed to go back now?

If people knew that Zhan Peng had decided to go back because he was able to allocate more Tier 1 Demon Spiders with Xiao Han, then how could Zhan Peng raise his head in front of others in the future?

So although Zhan Peng was very excited about Zhong Xuanhai’s proposal, when he learned that Zhong Xuanhai could allocate 90 Tier 1 magic spiders to Xiao Han in one day, his first thought was that he left Xiao Han’s team last night. The decision was a bit sloppy. If he hadn't been so impulsive last night, he should be like Zhong Xuanhai today, with at least seventy or eighty Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals.

Zhong Xuanhai can actually tell from Zhan Peng’s expression that Zhan Peng is actually heart-moving, but he took the initiative to leave Xiao Han’s team last night, and now he has rejoined the "Zhan Demon Team". Zhan Peng couldn't pull this face down for a while.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xuanhai said sternly: "Zhan Peng, to be honest, I really hope you can join the Jade Devil Squad and fight with me, and you also know that the two of us have been in love for so many years, so I don’t want you. I wandered outside, and in the end, I didn’t cultivate to the **** transformation stage within a year. If there was no way to cultivate the cultivation level to the **** transformation stage within a year, it would be impossible to walk out of the Penglai Wonderland alive. , So I ask you to consider it carefully and join our slaying squad, right?"

Zhan Peng didn't know that when the exit of Penglai Wonderland opened in a year later, there was no way to get out of Penglai Wonderland or go out if he hadn't cultivated to the cultivation level of the transformation stage.

Especially after learning about Zhong Xuanhai’s harvest today, Zhan Peng knew that if he followed Xiao Han, it would still be possible to cultivate to the God Transformation Stage within a year, but if he let him form a team to kill in the Penglai Wonderland. If you kill a Tier 1 Demon Spider, it is also very clear whether you can cultivate to the transformation stage within one year, and there is almost no such possibility.

Under the current circumstances, the best choice before Zhan Peng was to join Xiao Han's "Devil Slayer Squad" and fight with Xiao Han and Zhong Xuanhai.

On the one hand, it is very possible to cultivate to the **** transformation stage within a year, and on the other hand, it is almost impossible to cultivate to the **** transformation stage within a year. It is already clear how to choose. For Zhan Peng, only join The "Zhu Demon Team" has a way out.

Originally, Zhan Peng didn’t believe that he had no hope of entering the Deity Transformation stage after he left Xiao Han, but after he took a few people into the Penglai Wonderland for a day today, he realized how much he wanted to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider. It’s even more difficult to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time. Otherwise, Zhan Peng, who has always been very self-esteem, will not develop a deep feeling after a day. Frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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