Since Zhong Xuanhai took out the small cloth bag that was originally placed in the Universe Bag full of Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals, he planned to tell Zhan Peng the truth. After all, Zhan Peng is a friend enough, since that is the case, Zhong Xuanhai felt that he had to tell Zhan Peng the truth of the matter, so as to prevent Zhan Peng from misunderstanding himself, which would affect the good relationship between the two of them.

Zhong Xuanhai looked at Zhan Peng and said, "Zhan Peng, in fact, I didn't tell the truth before!"

Now I heard Zhong Xuanhai say this, plus the small cloth bag in his hand that was filled with the inner crystals of the first-order demon spider, although Zhong Xuanhai had not said it clearly, Zhan Peng had vaguely guessed what Zhong Xuanhai meant.

Zhong Xuanhai pointed to the small cloth bag in Zhanpeng's hand and said, "Actually, I followed our boss Xiao one day. The first-order magic spider inner crystals that I have allocated to me are not forty-five. The number really is. Ninety, the reason I told you I had forty-five Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals is because my boss, Xiao, would not let us tell others about my achievements today."

Seeing Zhanpeng standing still on the spot with a shocked look, obviously he hadn't slowed down yet, so Zhong Xuanhai had no choice but to explain: "The little cloth bag in your hand now contains 80 Tier 1 magic spiders. Inner crystal, there are ten first-order magic spider inner crystals that have been refined by me before I reach this assembly point, so add the eighty first-order magic spider inner crystals in your hand, I will take it today There are ninety first-order magic spider inner crystals!"

At this time, Zhan Peng finally regained consciousness. He looked at the small cloth bag in his hand blankly, then looked at Zhong Xuanhai blankly, and muttered to himself: "Ninety? How is this possible? Ninety, how is this possible?"

Ninety Tier 1 magic spider inner crystals a day. This number made Zhan Peng’s first reaction to disbelief. You must know that Xiao Han, a master at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, among all the sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland, has a cultivation base Xiao Han, with the highest realm and strength, killed a Tier 1 Demon Spider for a day in Penglai Wonderland yesterday, only to harvest more than 90 Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals.

And Zhan Peng knew that Zhong Xuanhai was the same as himself in both cultivation level and strength. Both of them were the strengths of the Golden Core Stage peak realm, but why Zhong Xuanhai was able to get ninety one on the first day following Xiao Han Where is the inner crystal of the order magic spider? Compared with Zhan Peng's own forty-two first-order magic spider inner crystals, this number is more than twice as much.

Zhong Xuanhai looked at Zhan Peng and hadn’t recovered his senses so far, so he could only smile and said, "Zhan Peng, your kid is still a bit conscientious, and he knows that for my consideration, I advise me to form a team with you. So loyal, why is Zhong Xuanhai ashamed to hide it from you? Everything I said is true. The 80 first-order magic spider inner crystals in this small cloth bag in your hand are my day today. Harvest, the other ten first-order magic spider inner crystals were refined by me during the day, and the remaining 80, I plan to refine all of them when I rest tonight!"

After hearing what Zhong Xuanhai said, Zhan Peng sighed deeply. Originally, he thought he had killed forty-two first-order demon spiders in one day and harvested a total of forty-two first-order demon spider inner crystals. The record is pretty good, but he didn't expect that Zhong Xuanhai, who was exactly the same as his cultivation realm and strength, would actually gain more than twice as much in a day.

Zhan Peng laughed dryly. In a blink of an eye, Zhan Peng thought of a very crucial question. Since Zhong Xuanhai followed Xiao Han in one day, he could be divided into 90 first-order magic spider inner crystals, so Xiao Han and the others Isn’t it an astronomical figure that the "Devil Slayer Squad" eight people slaughtered the first-order demon spiders in one day?

If Zhong Xuanhai can be divided into 90 first-order demon spider inner crystals, Xiao Han and their eight-person "devil-killing team" even if an average of 60 first-order demon spiders per person, then eight of them are at least today Killed 480 first-order magic spiders.

Thinking of this terrifying figure, Zhan Peng's heart was even more shocked. There were 480 first-order demon spiders. This was nearly 500 first-order demon spiders. How could the eight of Xiao Han and the others kill so many in one day? The first-order magic spider?

It should be known that Zhan Peng led their team to kill more than 140 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day, while Xiao Han and their eight-person "Devil Slayer Team" actually killed them in one day. There are nearly five hundred first-order magic spiders.

Thinking of this, Zhan Peng hurriedly asked: "Old Zhong, you have divided into ninety first-order magic spider inner crystals alone, so if you count it like this, the eight of you have killed hundreds of first-order magic spiders. ?"

Zhong Xuanhai nodded. He looked around and found that no one was paying attention to the chat between the two of them. Then he got in front of Zhan Peng and said softly: "I will tell you frankly, but you Promise me to help me keep it secret!"

Zhan Peng was taken aback for a moment. Although he didn't understand why Xiao Han didn't let Zhong Xuanhai and the others reveal the record of their eight-person "Devil Slaying Team" today, he nodded subconsciously, and agreed to Zhong Xuanhai. Request, not to disclose the record of their "Devil Slayer" today.

Zhong Xuanhai waited until Zhan Peng's reply, then said softly: "Today, seven of us followed our boss Xiao and killed a total of 780 first-order magic spiders!"


After hearing what Zhong Xuanhai said, Zhan Peng suddenly jumped up like a cat with fried fur. The small cloth bag filled with the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider that was originally held in his palm was also inadvertently not grasped. Fell to the ground.

Zhong Xuanhai laughed blankly at Zhan Peng's dull appearance. He had long guessed that if Zhan Peng were told the truth of the matter, Zhan Peng would definitely not be able to accept it for a while, but Zhong Xuanhai still did not expect Zhan Peng. The reaction was so big.

Zhong Xuanhai picked up the small cloth bag full of Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals from the ground, then looked at Zhan Peng who stood in front of him, and smiled: "Zhan Peng, why are you looking like this, don't you believe me? Say something?"

Zhan Peng stared at Zhong Xuanhai for a while, then nodded, but then shook his head after a while.

Zhong Xuanhai was a little speechless, this Zhanpeng nodded and shook his head again, did he believe it or not?

Zhong Xuanhai laughed and said: "I also know that this number is indeed incredible, don't mention you, it's just like me, people who have personally participated from start to finish find it a bit unbelievable!"

As he said, Zhong Xuanhai weighed the small cloth bag full of Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals, and then said: "If I hadn’t held so many Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals in my hand, I would really have I don't believe that the eight of us actually killed 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders today!"

Zhan Peng smiled bitterly: "It's really unbelievable. How could the eight of you kill nearly 800 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day? Even if it were 800 pigs, it would take a long time to kill each one. Ah, let alone nearly 800 first-order demon spiders with powerful combat effectiveness?"

Zhan Peng took his small team and searched the nearby area for a day today. It can be said that he wanted to kill more Tier 1 magic spiders, so that he could compete with others when they gather at night. See who killed more Tier 1 magic spiders, and even Zhanpeng deliberately compared it with Zhong Xuanhai, a good friend who followed Xiao Han, to see if Zhong Xuanhai followed Xiao Han’s gains, or Zhan Peng formed his own team. The harvest is greater.

Originally, Zhan Peng didn’t expect Zhong Xuanhai to follow Xiao Han, who ranks first among all in terms of strength and cultivation level. He would definitely gain a little more in one day than him, but Zhan Peng did not expect that Zhong Xuanhai would actually. It's more than twice as much as him.

Zhong Xuanhai smiled and said, "Yes, if it weren't for our boss Xiao, we wouldn't be able to kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders today!"

Even if Zhong Xuanhai took out a bag full of the inner crystals of the first-order magic spider, even if Zhong Xuanhai now told Zhan Peng the specific number of first-order magic spiders they killed today, but Zhan Peng still I feel a little unbelievable.

Zhan Peng and his team searched for the killing of Tier 1 Demon Spiders all day long. It is not just that Zhan Peng and the others can’t kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders because of their limited strength. The main reason is that Zhan Peng and the others. The team spent most of their time searching for Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but Zhong Xuanhai followed Xiao Han and their "Devil Slayer Squad" in one day, and could kill nearly 800 Tier 1 Demon Spiders. The question that made Zhan Peng unable to figure out how to think came out, where did these more than 800 Tier 1 magic spiders come from?

Could it be that Xiao Han and the others didn't need to search for Tier 1 Demon Spiders at all, those Tier 1 Demon Spiders would automatically and spontaneously line up to surround them?

Besides, even if Xiao Han is a master at the pinnacle level of the Nascent Soul Stage, even if Xiao Han’s strength is astonishing and his combat power is exploding, besides Xiao Han, the strongest member of their "Devil Slayer Team" is Zhong Xuanhai. Now, apart from Zhong Xuanhai, the strength of the other people seems to be pretty good, right?

Xiao Han is so awesome, with a group of teammates with a low level of cultivation, can he kill nearly 800 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day?

If Xiao Han is so awesome, then why did Xiao Han only kill less than a hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders yesterday?

In just one day, the difference between this number is really too big, right?

(End of this chapter)

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