Nightingale had long discovered that Ye Yu was wrong. She also knew that there seemed to be a special holiday between Ye Yu and Xiao Han, but Nightingale didn't know how Xiao Han had offended his sister.

In the beginning, Ye Yu intended to help Nightingale get justice. After all, that guy Xiao Han took advantage of Nightingale again and again. For these things, Ye Yu had a very good atmosphere, and he always threatened to clean up Xiao Han, but Later, Nightingale seemed to perceive that when Ye Yu faced Xiao Han, there seemed to be some changes in her whole person. As for the specific changes, Nightingale would not be able to say what changes were for a while.

Thinking of this, Nightingale gently pulled Yeyue's arm and shouted: "Sister, what's wrong with you, sister? Sister?"

At this moment, Ye Yu's thoughts were pulled back by Nightingale's call, and Ye Yu realized that she had just lost her mind because of Xiao Han's experience.

An embarrassed look flashed across Ye Yu’s face. She had been distracted for so long just now, but it was because she saw Xiao Han being chased by hundreds of first-order magic spiders and caused a blank mind. Now thinking about it, even she herself feels that Incredible.

Ye Yu was awakened by Nightingale's call, and then he responded, "Oh, nothing! Let's go!"

Nightingale stunned: "Sister, Xiao Han was chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, what do you think we should do?"

Ye Yu was also taken aback for a moment. After she pondered for a moment, she replied, "What can we do? What else can we do? Of course let him fend for himself!"

Although the mouth was saying that Xiao Han would fend for himself, but Ye Yu’s eyes showed a trace of pain, but at this time no one looked at Ye Yu, so no one noticed it, because Ye Yu is now Still staring at the figure in the distance.

"Let him fend for himself?" Nightingale was taken aback for a moment, but she reacted in an instant, and then she said bitterly: "That's right, Xiao Han is so annoying, he always takes advantage of me. Now he is With hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders chasing and killing, we should feel relieved!"

Ye Yu looked at the figure running non-stop, and responded nonchalantly: "Hmm!"

Nightingale grunted her eyes and smiled suddenly: "Sister, such a rare scene, do you think we should enjoy it here quietly, watching Xiao Han being killed by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders? Kill, we should watch the excitement here!"

Listening to Nightingale's rejoicing in misfortune, Ye Yu surprisingly did not respond this time, but silently looked at the direction Xiao Han was in, and the painful expression in his eyes became more intense.

Xiao Han is now concentrating on bringing more than 400 Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him around the mountain. He didn't notice the distant mountain peak. Several people he knew very well were watching her. move.

Xiao Han is at the foot of the mountain, and Ye Yu and others are standing on the top of the mountain in the distance. Unless Xiao Han specifically raises his head and stares at that location for a few more times, it is difficult to find out how many people are standing there. Personally, of course, even if Xiao Han has been staring at the top of the mountain in the distance, he can only find the small black spots standing on the top of the mountain. It is impossible to tell who these small black spots are. Yes, after all, Xiao Han didn't have a telescope in his Qiankun bag. Even if he brought a telescope, Xiao Han didn't have the intention to observe it now.

Xiao Han originally planned to run three laps around this mountain. Now it’s just the last lap. Then Xiao Han is going to run back with the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him. With the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, he set off from the cave where he was hiding. Fifty minutes had passed.

Now Xiao Han’s stamina is close to its limit. If it weren’t for Xiao Han’s aura from time to time beating in his body, Xiao Han would not be able to hold on anymore. Forget the time, Xiao Han would have to rush to the front with Zhong Xuanhai and the others The positions agreed by several people just took ten minutes, and one hour should be enough for Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them to complete the arrangements designed by Xiao Han.

Of course, if Xiao Han wants to hold on, he can still hold on. After all, there are still five Qi Qi Pills in Xiao Han’s Universe Bag. These five Qi Qi Pills were in the cave where they were hiding before, and Li Jian and the seven others. There were seven in total. When Xiao Han was in the cave, in order to quickly restore his combat effectiveness, he swallowed two at once, and now there are just five hungry.

If Xiao Han wants to hold on again, it means that Xiao Han must use the Qi Qi Pills in the Universe Bag, swallow one Qi Qi Pill, and carry hundreds of Tier 1 Demons that have been chasing after him. There shouldn't be any problem with the spider turning around this mountain a few more times.

But firstly, because Xiao Han felt that the time was almost up, and secondly, because Xiao Han felt that wasting a Qi-Returning Pill was a bit distressing, so he gave up this idea.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han decided to set off now, instead of continuing to circle around with the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him.

Next, Xiao Han no longer circled the mountain according to the previous route, but took the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him and ran in the direction where he had hidden before, and kept following the one behind Xiao Han. More than 400 Tier 1 Demon Spiders also followed Xiao Han and began to change direction, chasing after Xiao Han's footsteps.

At this moment, until Nightingale, who was observing the movement below, first noticed something was wrong, she quickly shouted, "Sister, look at it, Xiao Han seems to have changed direction!"

With that, Nightingale quickly took out the telescope in her hand. Through the telescope, Nightingale found that Xiao Han had indeed changed direction, and the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders chasing after him changed directions.

Ye Yu was also the first to see Xiao Han's actions. He had already changed direction and ran to the other side. It seemed that he would not continue to circle the top of the mountain again.

Ye Yu nodded, and replied: "I saw it, he has indeed changed direction!"

Nightingale hurriedly asked, "Sister, what shall we do? Do you want to follow along and see!"

Ye Yu asked expressionlessly, "What will I look at? Go and see how Xiao Han was torn to pieces by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders?"

Although Ye Yu didn't have any expression on her face, she herself didn't realize that her voice was trembling when she just said this sentence, and Ye Yu herself did not notice this problem, and Nightingale, Ma Daha, was even more absent. noticed.

However, several Emei school sisters who have been standing quietly beside Ye Yu noticed their Ye Yu Sister until they discovered Xiao Han’s situation. It seems that there have been some strange changes in the whole person, but this They couldn't say exactly what this change was, but they just felt that the current master sisters seemed to be different.

Nightingale was also slightly taken aback after hearing what Ye Yu said, and then she didn't know how to reply.

Yeah, what are they doing with them? Now Xiao Han is being chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. At this time, they will pass by. Besides seeing Xiao Han being torn into pieces by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, what else can they do? ? Is it to rush over to save him?

Even though Nightingale hates Xiao Han, she is still a little bit unbearable to see Xiao Han being torn to pieces by hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders, and even if all the six members of their Emei sect have followed. Nothing can be done under the siege of hundreds of first-order demon spiders, it is almost impossible to save a person from the siege of hundreds of first-order demon spiders.

Thinking of this, Nightingale gave up the idea of ​​wanting to follow up and have a look.

When Xiao Han's figure ran across a small hill and completely disappeared from Ye Yu's eyes, Ye Yu suddenly took a deep breath, and then shouted in a decisive tone: "Sister Wenjing!"

The female disciple of the Emei school who was called by Ye Yu was startled. She quickly stood up and bowed to Ye Yu and said, "Sister Ye Yu!"

Ye Yu didn't even look at this female disciple of the Emei school named Wen Jing, but looked at the direction in which Xiao Han's figure disappeared, and whispered: "I want to give you a task, can you accept it?"

This female disciple of the Emei school named Wenjing was among the six people present. Apart from Ye Yu, the female disciple of the Emei school with the highest level of cultivation and strength, as the name suggests, she also grew quietly, just between the eyes. It is very beautiful, although it is a bit worse than the sisters Ye Yu and Nightingale, but she is also a big beauty.

Now Wen Jing suddenly heard Ye Yu directly ask her if she dared to accept a task. Wen Jing's first reaction was shocked. At this time, what kind of task is Senior Sister Ye Yu planning to arrange for her?

Although she was very nervous, Ye Yu was very prestigious in the hearts of all the young female disciples of the Emei School. At this time, Wen Jing did not dare to ask what kind of task it was. She had to bite the bullet and replied: "Please Sister Ye Yu ordered!"

Ye Yu nodded gently, and then said: "Okay, you are responsible for leading the team next. You take Nightingale and three other juniors and slowly move closer to the meeting point last night. The Tier 1 Demon Spider you encountered on the road , If it is less than ten beheaded on the spot, if it is more than ten, then turn around and leave, understand?"

Wen Jing responded quickly: "Yes!"

But the next moment, not only was it quiet, but even Nightingale reacted, and Nightingale hurriedly asked: "Sister, how about us, how about you?"

Ye Yu did not answer Nightingale's words, but continued to look at Wen Jing in front of him, and asked: "Sister Wen Jing, have you heard clearly?"

(End of this chapter)

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