The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1102: Acquaintances

Ye Yu thinks this way. Since Nightingale's universe bag has a telescope in it, I will take the opportunity to take a look to see which sect disciple is so unlucky and chased by hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders. That person and other fellow apprentices stabbed into the Penglai Wonderland, but Ye Yu encountered him, so he could confess to others, after all, he did his best.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu nodded and said: "Okay! Take out the binoculars, I'll see if I recognize it!"

When Nightingale heard it, she immediately took out the telescope from the Qiankun Belt and handed it to Ye Yu's hand.

Ye Yu had just brought the binoculars to her eyes, but when she looked through the binoculars, she found that the figure had just gone to the other side of the mountain. From the perspective of Ye Yu, he just couldn't see him.

Then, not long after, even the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders climbed to the other side of the mountain, and then slowly disappeared from Ye Yu's sight.

I can't see it now, that is to say, Ye Yu wants to see the person's appearance through the telescope.

Ye Yu put down the binoculars in front of him, and then smiled bitterly: "It's fine now, I can't see it if I want to, forget it, let's go?"

With that said, Ye Yu was ready to pull Nightingale and turn around and leave.

Nightingale thought for a while, and then said: "Sister, did you just find out? That person seems to be escaping around the mountain. I think it's very likely that he didn't know where to run to get those guys. Hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders were thrown away, so I had no choice but to run around the mountain in a panic. Maybe he would come back later? Sister, should we wait a little longer?"

When Ye Yue heard this, she laughed dumbfounded: "You little fool, do you think everyone else is like you? Where else in the world besides you is there a stupid person like you, chased by hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders, I don't know how to get rid of those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but just circle the mountain?"

Nightingale pouted her mouth and said coquettishly: "Sister, why do you say that to others? Why are they stupid?"

Then Nightingale turned around, and took Ye Yu's hand to coquettishly said: "Sister, let's wait for a while, maybe wait for that person to come back again? Anyway, let's wait two minutes if we are not in a hurry! If that person doesn’t come back in two minutes, then let’s leave here and leave him alone!"

Ye Yu waited for a look at Nightingale. She knew that the girl nightingale was aroused by curiosity. Now that she has a binoculars, her curiosity is even more aroused. If you don't know what happened, the foolish girl Nightingale won't stop.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu nodded, and said helplessly: "Well, then I'll do it for you once. Let's wait here for two minutes. If that person does not show up after two minutes, let's leave here, OK? ?"

Hearing this, Nightingale nodded repeatedly and smiled: "Okay, thank you sister, sister is the best!"

Ye Yu glared at Nightingale, but did not continue. She has always spoiled her sister. Ye Yu has no need to adhere to her principles on such trivial matters. It only lasts for two minutes anyway. Wait and see, just wait and see.

Next, Ye Yu, Nightingale and others really stood on the edge of the mountain and waited for the person who was chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Before long, a small black spot appeared at the foot of the distant mountain, followed by hundreds of densely packed first-order magic spiders, one person and hundreds of first-order magic spiders. The spider actually reappeared in the vision of Ye Yu and others.

Although Ye Yu was mentally prepared before, but when the figure really appeared in the field of vision, Ye Yu was still slightly taken aback. It turned out that the person was really circling the mountain, but Ye Yu was here. Then I can't figure it out even more. Could it be that that person is really a bit stupid?

At this time, when hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders were chased and intercepted behind her, shouldn't we find ways to get rid of the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind her? How is it possible to adopt this method of going around a hill?

Is this person really stupid or fake?

At this time, it’s any normal-thinking person who is chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him. He will definitely try his best to get rid of the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, or find a place with steep terrain. The place climbed up, preventing the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him from going up, or it was just looking for a deep and wide gully to jump over, making it impossible for the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind them to get through. Go around in circles!

At this moment, Nightingale standing next to Ye Yu exclaimed happily: "Sister, look, look, that person has really appeared again!"

Ye Yu nodded, indicating that he already knew, and then put the binoculars in his hand in front of him again, trying to see who the figure was through the binoculars.


When Ye Yu saw the figure through the binoculars, Ye Yue couldn’t help but suddenly screamed, because she was surprised to find that the person chased by hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders was not someone else, but Ye Yue Yu always wanted to swallow Xiao Han alive.

But at this moment, Ye Yu's face became very ugly, and her expression was also very strange.

Ye Yu slowly lowered the binoculars in front of her, and she was so stunned on the spot, which made the nightingale around her a little confused. Ye Yu’s performance made her feel strange. How could she show such a reaction? ?

Is it because Ye Yu knew the person who was chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders? Or not only know the person who is chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but also has a good relationship with that person?

Thinking of this, Nightingale snatched the telescope from Ye Yu's hand and placed it in front of her own eyes.

"Xiao Han! Sister, isn't that person Xiao Han?"

Before putting down the binoculars, when Nightingale could see who was looking, she couldn't help screaming.

Of course, Xiao Han is very familiar with her. Xiao Han has said something frivolous to her several times before, but there is no excessive behavior. Nightingale is only itchy teeth that hate Xiao Han. In addition, Nightingale has always been I felt that my sister had some special experiences with Xiao Han. Otherwise, Ye Yu wouldn't be able to hate Xiao Han to such a degree.

In order to confirm once again that the figure was Xiao Han, Nightingale raised the binoculars again, and when she saw Xiao Han's face through the binoculars, she confirmed that the figure had been hit by several hundred. The person behind the magic spider was indeed Xiao Han.

Nightingale didn’t realize that Ye Yu hadn’t reacted yet. She pointed at Xiao Han’s figure without looking back and said, “Sister, I’ve seen it clearly, that person is indeed Xiao Han! How could he be? Can't you get out of being chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders?"

Not only Nightingale was surprised, but even several other female disciples of the Emei School were surprised. The person who was chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders was actually Xiao Han. Xiao Han is not of all the cultivation realm and strength. The tallest person? How can you turn around = being chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders?

Besides, with Xiao Han's strength, even if he can't deal with hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time, it should be possible to escape from the chase and interception of hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but now what is the situation? Will it be chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders in circles?

Not only the female disciples of the Emei school couldn’t figure it out, but even Ye Yu and Nightingale couldn’t understand at all. In Ye Yu and Nightingale’s hearts, although Xiao Han is very bad, this guy is also very treacherous and impossible. When he was chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, he only knew how to go around in circles!

Xiao Han is already at the pinnacle level of the Nascent Soul Stage. Such a powerful master can't beat hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but he can find a way to escape!

Ye Yu didn't know what was wrong with her. When she saw the figure clearly through the binoculars, it was only at the first glance that Nightingale recognized Xiao Han.

How could Ye Yu fail to recognize Xiao Han's figure? This person is the one who forcibly took her first night. Ye Yu has always hated him, and can't wait to twitch him and pull out his skin. , Drank his blood.

However, when Ye Yu discovered that the person chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders was actually Xiao Han, there was a blank in her head. Even Ye Yu was very strange, and his mind was actually There is no such kind of gloating and indulgence in the death of an enemy, but a blank mind, so blank that she feels a little at a loss.

Even Ye Yu discovered that there was a trace of pain in his heart. Yes, Ye Yu was very sure that it was a trace of pain. When she saw that road was chased by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. When the person who was willing to be Xiao Han was actually Xiao Han, a trace of pain suddenly appeared in her heart, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

But Ye Yu herself felt very strange. Xiao Han was his enemy, the man who forcibly took him from the beginning of the night, a demon, and an enemy she had always killed and then quickly found. A hundred first-order demon spiders chased and intercepted, shouldn't she be happy?

Shouldn't she feel relieved?

But how could there be a trace of pain in her heart now?

The sudden appearance of a trace of pain made Ye Yu suddenly realize that, in her heart, she didn’t really want to see Xiao Han being killed by hundreds of first-order magic spiders. She even wanted to see Xiao Han appeared in front of her alive now, instead of being torn into pieces by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

(End of this chapter)

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