The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1076: work cooperatively

Before the second wave of battle began, Zhong Xuanhai looked at the location of Xiao Han and found that Xiao Han was sitting cross-legged on the body of a dead Tier 1 demon spider sitting still and adjusting his breath, Zhong Xuanhai's heart moved.

Zhong Xuanhai immediately remembered one thing. Xiao Han probably didn't have a Qi-Returning Pill. Yesterday, at the place where the disciples of the major sects gathered, Xiao Han combined the eight Qi-Returning Pills on his body together with nearly 100 first-order pills The inner crystal of the magic spider was used to hand it over to the disciple of Wuyi Palace to exchange that piece of mutton fat white jade pendant.

There is no aura in the world of Penglai Wonderland, so there is no way to replenish the aura consumed in the body by sitting and adjusting your breath.

Since this is the case, it means that Xiao Han is now sitting down and adjusting his breath to refine the first-order magic spider inner crystal instead of refining the Qi-Returning Pill.

In other words, Xiao Han is now taking advantage of the gap between the two battles to refine the Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystal, instead of refining the Qi Returning Pill.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xuanhai said to others: "Brothers, look at Boss Xiao, he is now seizing the time to refine the first-order magic spider inner crystal. If we need to restore aura during the battle, we can only We rely on swallowing the Qi Pill, but before the next wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders arrive here, if we have a few minutes of space, we can also try to refine a few Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals, so that we can save one. Resume Dan!"

Others have heard what Zhong Xuanhai said. It seems that Zhong Xuanhai has figured out Xiao Han's intentions, so he reminds everyone at this time.

At this moment, Xiao Han had finished adjusting his breath and stood up from the corpse of the Tier 1 Demon Spider, and the third wave of Tier 1 Demon Spider was about to rush to Xiao Han.

Li Jian looked at Xiao Han's figure and exclaimed: "Look at our boss Xiao, one person killed two teams of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. It looks like there are almost fifty Tier 1 Demon Spiders together. Right now? It’s about to fight the third wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders again. Looking at us, the second wave of battles has not yet started. So far, the seven of us have only killed more than a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Is too big by 1.8?"

Li Jian's words resonated with everyone. Xiao Han's combat effectiveness was indeed beyond everyone's expectations. It hasn't been long since the battle has started, and Xiao Han will simply kill two waves of one rank by himself. The total number of magic spiders is fifty or sixty. Xiao Han’s combat effectiveness is indeed terrifying. No wonder, when he was grouping, Xiao Han decided to group by one person, and the remaining seven were divided into groups. In the other group, it now appears that Xiao Han's combat effectiveness alone is indeed far greater than the other seven members of the "Devil Slayer".

Guo Zimo smiled and said: "Li Jian, our boss Xiao is really awesome, but let's not be discouraged. As long as the seven of us stick to it, we will slowly cultivate the team's tacit understanding until we seven. When we truly realize our potential, I believe that the seven of us together will not be much worse than Mr. Xiao!"

At this time, Zhong Xuanhai also stood up to cheer everyone up: "Yes, it is also a good thing that we have such a strong captain. At least we people have hope with this kind of talent. Besides, the seven of me are just now. Start participating in the battle together, and after the tacit understanding and cooperation of the entire team is cultivated, it will indeed be no worse than the boss Xiao! I believe this is also the main reason why boss Xiao assigned all the seven of us to one group. !"

Zhang Qiang, who has never been too talkative, also suddenly said: "Lao Zhong, our team will be headed by you and Guo Zimo in the future. When Boss Xiao is away, all of us will follow your instructions. What do you think? "

Guo Zimo nodded and smiled: "I have no problem. From now on, our team will be led by Lao Zhong. Guo Zimo is responsible for assisting Lao Zhong. We are all very old when Boss Xiao is not there!"

"no problem!"

Li Jian, Zhang Qiang, and Yan Lingmin replied in unison!

Seeing everyone saying this, Zhong Xuanhai nodded heavily, and said with a serious face: Since everyone thinks of me so much, then I, Zhong Xuanhai, will give it a try! "

As he said, Zhong Xuanhai stretched out a finger and pointed at the second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders that were about to be surrounded, and said: "Now the seven of us are about to learn to cooperate with each other. I thought about it, these Tier 1 Demon Spiders are fighting. When I knew all kinds of tactics and techniques, how could we be compared to these beasts!"

Since Zhong Xuanhai said this, it means that he already has some thoughts in his heart. Thinking of this, Guo Zimo hurriedly asked: "Old Zhong, you can give an order, what do you say?"

Li Jian also agreed: "Yes, Lao Zhong, you can arrange it directly, and I will do what you say!"

Although the remaining Zhang Qiang and Yan Lingmin didn't speak, they could still tell from their eyes that they were waiting for Zhong Xuanhai to give orders.

Zhong Xuanhai thought for a while, and then said: "I just took the time to observe the battle between our boss Xiao and the first-order magic spider during the battle, and found that some of the methods used by boss Xiao during the battle are still more effective. Just learn now, sell and use it now!"

As he said, Zhong Xuanhai pointed to the back of the second wave of first-order demon spiders and said: "Guo Zimo, you take Li Jian with you, and the two of you go around from the side and go behind those first-order demon spiders. If you find out yourself, I will take action. I will bring Zhang Qiang and Yan Lingmin, together with the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian who will be coming over later, to fight head-on, let's try to flick before and after!"

Guo Zimo and Li Jian looked at each other, then at the same time arched their hands at Zhong Xuanhai and others, and said sternly: "Let's start acting!"

After speaking, Li Jian followed Guo Zimo and started walking in the other direction. They were going to go around behind the group of Tier 1 Demon Spiders to wait for an opportunity.

After Xiao Han adjusted his breath, he stood up from the corpse of the first-order demon spider and looked at the approaching third-order first-order demon spider. The number of first-order demon spiders in this wave was not as large as the previous two waves. Xiao Han roughly estimated that it should be the size of twelve to fourteen.

After two battles, Xiao Han still consumes a lot of physical strength. If he hadn’t practiced the "Eternal Immortal Body" exercise last night, he would not only consume more than half of the spiritual energy in the single body, but also his physical strength. It’s getting close to the overdraft. After all, Xiao Han only killed less than a hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day yesterday, and Xiao Han’s fight today has not reached more than half. Within an hour, Xiao Han had already killed two waves of more than fifty Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

There were only a dozen first-order demon spiders who were about to rush to Xiao Han. Compared with the two waves of first-order demon spiders before, Xiao Han's pressure was much smaller.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned his head and looked at the location of Zhong Xuanhai and the others, just in time to see Zhong Xuanhai command Guo Zimo and Li Jian to go around behind the group of Tier 1 Demon Spiders to wait for an opportunity to start.

Xiao Han nodded. It seems that Zhong Xuanhai and others have slowly accumulated some experience from the battle. They also know that they have arranged their backs in advance before the next wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders arrive. In the battle, they are also slowly growing.

It’s not that Xiao Han has never brought the team. He has not only brought the team himself, but also brought a poor cram school into a huge poor group. In this process, he is good at leading and influencing the team. The place.

The reason why Xiao Han decided to assign a team to a team, and the remaining seven members of the "Devil Slayer" formed a team, because Xiao Han knew that his cultivation level and strength were the strongest among the eight. Can play a role model.

In addition, Xiao Han also knows that as a team leader, he must know how to delegate power. Proper delegation of power can enable middle-level leaders to grow up quickly.

Xiao Han entrusted the team of seven people to Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo to take care of them. It was not that they wanted to cultivate Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo.

Even if Xiao Han's strength is strong and his cultivation realm is high, it is impossible to stay with the members of these "Devil Slayers" all the time to protect their safety, and they will have to grow up, compared to Xiao Han in the future. Not only is it necessary to bring them to grow together, but at the critical moment, I also hope that those who follow him can stand alone.

This is originally a relationship of interdependence and cooperation. If you want to be strengthened, you can't be a mess.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han finally felt relieved. At least now, the seven members of the "Zhu Devil Team" no longer need to pay much attention to them. They can already handle some simple obstacles.

This is the true meaning of Xiao Han's arrangement of a desperate battle today.

Taking advantage of the third wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders that had already rushed to Xiao Han, Xiao Han stopped thinking about it, and directly rushed towards the dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders holding the Sky Sword.

Xiao Han's condition is pretty good now. Although he only adjusted his breath for just five minutes, and only refined a Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystal, Xiao Han felt that his physical strength had recovered seven or seven. It’s eight or eight. As for the aura consumed in the body, it goes without saying. In the previous battle, Xiao Han didn’t consume a lot of aura. Although he just added a Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystal, Xiao Han used his breath adjustment After taking a break at the time, the whole person is almost restored to the first order.

Then, Xiao Han rushed towards the dozen first-order demon spiders like a war god.

(End of this chapter)

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