The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1075: Breathe back

The reason why Xiao Han took them so far, and some Tier 1 Demon Spiders that he encountered in the midway not only did not kill them, but avoided them from a distance. At first, everyone didn’t understand Xiao Han’s meaning. For so many times, the Tier 1 Devil Spider didn't do anything, but avoided it. When the clock Xuanhai and others didn't understand what Xiao Han was thinking.

Later, after arriving at this mountain, watching the teams of first-order demon spiders slowly rushing over from a distance, there were hundreds of them, and the seven people in the "Slayer Demon Squad" paled with fright.

At the beginning, they thought Xiao Han was a lunatic, and they had rushed such a long way early in the morning to bring their small team to this mountain to find their death?

If Xiao Han took them all the way to kill, he should have killed dozens of Tier 1 Demon Spiders by now, but now being surrounded by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders on this mountain, wouldn’t it be the same as seeking death? ?

Xiao Han assigned himself to a group, and the remaining seven people became another group. The two groups competed, which killed more first-order magic spiders than that group. Slowly, Zhong Xuanhai and others understood Xiao Han's meaning. Up.

The path of cultivation is originally an act against the heavens. Without a tenacious will and a mentality that is not afraid of death, it is impossible to become the most powerful group of masters in the world, and the path of cultivation first focuses on the mind and the second is understanding. If you want to improve your realm, you must step out step by step.

Xiao Han, the seven members of the "Zhu Demon Squad" somewhat understood why Xiao Han was sure that the entire Jade Demon Squad could be raised to a small level within three months.

As long as they follow Xiao Han’s arrangement, they will continue to sharpen and grow in the battle, plus enough first-order demon spiders have been killed, and enough first-order demon spider inner crystals will be obtained for cultivation, in three months It's really not impossible to improve a small state within a period of time.

When Xiao Hanzhi was divided into groups, he was in a group by himself, and the rest of the seven "Devil Slayers" were all in another group. Of course, the main reason was that Xiao Han had this confidence and he also had the ability to stand alone. On the one hand, but one of the very important reasons is that Xiao Han wants to lead by example, truly show his strength to everyone, let them know how the strong fight, plus Xiao Han wants to let the other seven Individuals are tightly united and twisted into a rope, so that together, the seven people can exert more power than seven.

Before starting the battle, Xiao Han could see that Zhong Xuanhai can be of great use. Zhong Xuanhai not only has the strongest cultivation level and strength among the seven members of the "Devil Slayer", but also has the potential to lead the team. , So Xiao Han specially asked and hinted that Zhong Xuanhai should pay attention to the safety of the whole team before the battle started.

When the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian smoothly beheaded the two remaining Tier 1 Demon Spiders, they had added a few wounds to their bodies, but they were all skin injuries, which would not affect the next ones. Fighting, but the blood on his face looked very hideous, but the eyes of Ren Xin and Ren Nian were full of smiles.

Just now, the two of them had already been fighting for a while before killing the two Tier 1 Demon Spiders. It can be said that they are already at the end of the crossbow, but they both clenched their teeth and persevered. Not only did they not lose their lives. Spider's men, and also smoothly beheaded these two first-order magic spiders.

Although they only killed a Tier 1 Demon Spider, it is not easy for their current strength and state just now. If they say it, they will be proud enough. More importantly, this battle is in Ren Xinhe. Ren Nian left a deep and deep mark in his heart, that is, he can't give up easily until the last moment.

If it weren’t for Xiao Han to bring them into this desperate situation, the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian would not know that they could really hold on to the present, if it weren’t for Zhong Xuanhai and others to leave the last two first-order magic spiders to the already refined Exhausted of them, the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian didn't know that they could actually kill two Tier 1 Demon Spiders when they were exhausted.

Although only after the first wave of battles, seven people killed more than a dozen Tier 1 magic spiders, but for the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian, the experience and gains brought about by this battle were enough to benefit them. lifelong.

Ren Xin and Ren Nian finally couldn't hold on after killing the two Tier 1 Demon Spiders. They fell to the ground, but after they both looked at each other, they actually laughed at the same time. They were very presumptuous, even Li Jian and others who were walking down heard their laughter.

Li Jian and the others looked back and found that Ren Xin and Ren Nian had successfully killed the two first-order demon spiders, and they both fell to the ground and laughed.

When Li Jian looked back, he found that the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian also cast their eyes in the direction where they were. Li Jian quickly raised a hand and gave them a thumbs up.

Li Jian's meaning is already obvious. Under such exhausted conditions, he can clenched his teeth and persevered, smoothly slaying the two Tier 1 Demon Spiders, you guys.

Zhong Xuanhai turned his head and glanced back as he walked down. His eyes were full of admiration, but his face did not show it. Instead, he sullenly directed at the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian behind him with a smile and cursed: "Laughs. What's the laugh? You two still have time to sit here and laugh? Don’t hurry up and swallow a breath-returning pill to adjust your breath, we will start the second wave of battle soon, should you two guys sit on it and watch the fun? ?"

Guo Zimo, who was walking by Zhong Xuanhai's side, didn't even turn his head, he just laughed and cursed loudly: "Yes, it was just one person who killed a Tier 1 Demon Spider. See if you two brothers are happy, please adjust your breath quickly. , There are many Tier 1 Demon Spiders waiting for you to kill!"

At this time, Li Jian also snarled: "Ren Xin, Ren Nian, you two hurry up, wait until you adjust your breath, I, Li Jian, will also climb the road to rest for a while. I have both legs. It's starting to swing, you guys are fine, still sit there and rest!"

The seven people laughed at each other for a while. Ren Xin and Ren Nian knew that the time was very tight, and now the two of them could not participate in the battle for the time being. Although Li Jian and others were able to hold on for a while, the consumption of physical strength and spiritual energy was very large. Now they need them to adjust their interest rate quickly. Li Jian and the others will go to fight first, and then it will be their turn to play. Two people will come out to adjust their interest rate.

So after Ren Xin and Ren Xin responded with a smile and cursed, they immediately took out a Qi Qi Pill from the Qiankun bag, stuffed it into their mouth without hesitation, and then closed their eyes and began to adjust their breath.

When he was at the top of the mountain, Xiao Han asked everyone in the "Devil Slayer Team" to swallow a Qi-Returning Pill in order to restore their strength as soon as possible, so as to quickly restore the physical strength and spiritual energy consumed in the process of driving. These guys in the "Zhu Demon Squad" were so painful that they brought in a total of eight Qi Qi Pills, because they had to swallow one when they were on the way.

But now, the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian did not hesitate to take out a Qi Qi Pill from the Qiankun bag to swallow it, because they knew that at this critical time, recovering physical strength and strength as soon as possible was more important than anything else.

Although this kind of energy recovery pill is also very precious, the brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian have figured out whether the number of first-order magic spider inner crystals they get today can be worth the value of two energy recovery pills. They don’t care about these anymore. Now the most important thing is to sharpen their own cultivation base and sharpen their will in the process of continuous battle. This kind of precious experience and consciousness is a pill for recovery. Not coming back.

One of the important reasons why the qi-returning pill is precious, which is used to replenish aura, is that this kind of qi-returning pill will melt at the entrance. Slowly replenish the aura in the body, but do nothing after swallowing it directly. This method is only suitable for use in the course of battle, because there is not so much time to sit and adjust the breath during the battle.

But if you want the Qi Qi Pill to exert its best effect, you have to sit down and adjust your breath for a while after swallowing the Qi Qi Pill. Once you sit down and adjust your breath, it will stimulate the movement of the spiritual flow in the body, and the Qi Qi Pill The effect of the medicine will be more rapid, and the amount of aura added will be more. This method is more suitable for use after the battle is over or in the free time during the battle.

Now that Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others have attacked in advance to deal with the upcoming second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, then Ren Xin and Ren Nian can take a moment to sit still and adjust their breath, so as to get Qi Qi Dan. The effect of the medicine is better.

Only encountered the first wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Not only are the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian gaining a lot, but also Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, and they are now walking towards the foot of the mountain. Go, not far away, a small team of about twenty first-order demon spiders in the second wave is rushing towards them. The battle is about to start, but in the eyes of Li Jian and others, they can see these twenty The Tier 1 Demon Spider did not actually have the slightest fear, his eyes were full of high fighting spirit and a hint of excitement.

Except for the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian who stayed on top to adjust their breaths, among the remaining five people, Zhang Qiang and Yan Lingmin also consume a lot of physical and spiritual energy, but they can still hold on for a while, and the first In the few minutes between the end of Bo's battle and the present, they have taken a breather, and their physical strength has recovered a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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