They all know that Xiao Han’s current cultivation level is already the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, and they also know that among all the sect disciples who have entered the Penglai Wonderland, their captain Xiao Han is the strongest, and so is the cultivation level. The highest, but from yesterday to now, none of the people in the "Zhu Devil Team" have seen Xiao Han make a move with his own eyes. Now Xiao Han has directly traversed thousands of meters in just 20 or 30 seconds. The distance, such a fast running speed, is really surprising.

Besides, Xiao Han steadily stopped beside them, but Xiao Han didn't seem to have any traces of strenuous exercise. The whole person looked as if he hadn't moved at all, as if Xiao Han had been from beginning to end. Always stand still.

In fact, Xiao Han himself was a little surprised, because just in the process of running, Xiao Han felt that his body was more flexible and lighter. Although the time spent crossing this distance of thousands of meters was the same as before, but Xiao Han could still feel that his whole body was better than just now, whether it was coordination or flexibility.

Xiao Han practiced the "Eternal Immortal Body" for one night last night. Now not only the speed of his body has increased a lot, but the strength of the whole person has also increased. As long as Xiao Han persists in practicing the "Eternal Immortal Body" Going down, you don't need to use the aura in your body at all when you are on your way, you only need to rely on your own physical strength to drive long distances.

The world of Penglai Wonderland is very vast. It would be too time-consuming to walk on two legs alone. If Xiao Han could run at the same speed for a long time, his efficiency would be greatly improved.

At this moment, Li Jian sighed: "Boss Xiao, you were so fast just now. We stood on this hill and looked over. Sometimes even your figure can’t be distinguished clearly. It’s too fast, fast. It's unimaginable!"

Zhong Xuebing also smiled: "Yeah, Boss Xiao, can it be said that this is the speed at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage? It is too fast. If we compare the speed with you, I guess we won't even be able to see your back!"

The speed of the peak state of the Yuan Ying period? Xiao Han thought for a while. Although he didn't use the spiritual energy in his body just now, the speed of running was about the same as the speed of using the spiritual energy in his body.

Xiao Han smiled, and said lightly: "It's not that exaggerated. If you have also cultivated to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, your speed might be faster than me!"

Zhong Xuebing nodded and smiled: "Boss Xiao, today is the first day, how are you going to arrange the seven of us?"

Xiao Han nodded and said sternly: "Don't worry, I have said very clearly last night. As long as everyone follows my arrangement, I promise that what I said before, among us, all of us will be in a month. There is basically no difficulty in raising a small level!"

Even if it wasn't the first time to hear this news, Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo and others still couldn't bear their inner excitement, and their expressions of joy were beyond words.

Li Jian approached Xiao Han's side and smiled: "Boss Xiao, just tell me, how do you plan to arrange for us? No matter how you arrange, I can't guarantee other people, but I, Li Jian, absolutely obey without reservation. Your arrangement!"

Yan Lingmin in the "Zhu Demon Squad" joked: "Li Jian, you guys really can't talk. What are you not sure about others? It's as if we people would not obey the arrangements of Boss Xiao! "

Ren Xin on the side also smiled and said: "That's right, you guy offended all of us when he spoke, Li Jian, what do you mean? In order to please Xiao Boss, is this betraying us all? "

Seeing these guys started joking, Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's getting late, everyone should stop drooling!"

As he said, Xiao Han pointed to the towering Zhenmo Mountain in the distance, and then said: "Follow me, let's hurry up, let's talk about some things as we go!"

Seeing Xiao Han's order, the seven people in the "Zhu Devil Squad" stopped joking with each other, and they all reduced their joking expressions.

Xiao Han should step out first and head towards Zhenmo Mountain. Then, the seven people from the "Zhu Demon Squad" followed Xiao Han honestly.

Xiao Han's walking speed is not very slow, but it is not very fast. Now Xiao Han has not used the spiritual energy in his body at all, but is on the road with pure physical speed. In the beginning, the seven members of the "Devil Slayer" could not Following Xiao Han hurriedly, everyone kept a few meters away.

Xiao Han took seven members of the "Devil Killing Squad", a total of eight people walked on the sand dunes in the direction of Zhenmo Mountain. Xiao Han did not use the spiritual energy in his body to drive, but to keep up with Xiao Han's footsteps, "Zhu The other seven people in the "Devil Team" can only use the aura in their bodies, otherwise they can't keep up with Xiao Han's footsteps.

At first, the seven members of the "Devil Slaying Squad" behind Xiao Han were able to keep up with Xiao Han's footsteps, keeping a distance of several meters, but after half an hour, the other seven people were already sweating on their foreheads. , And Xiao Han still looks good and leisurely. Every step is as calm and relaxed as if he is walking, but every step Xiao Han takes, he can at least span a distance of three or four meters. If he really needs to calculate it carefully. Xiao Han's speed, now Xiao Han, is about 60 to 70 miles per hour.

The seven members of the "Zhu Demon Team" were not good at speed. They followed Xiao Han unhurriedly. They can still keep up with Xiao Han's footsteps in a short time, but as time goes by, sweat on their foreheads. That will definitely appear. Slowly, Ren Xin, Ren Xin and others, whose cultivation level is relatively weaker, have slowly begun to hear gasping sounds.

However, seeing that Xiao Han didn't mean to slow down at all, Ren Xin and Ren Xin and others were embarrassed to let Xiao Han slow down with a cheeky, embarrassed and cheeky with the family to let Xiao Han stop and rest. After all, until now, They only rushed for half an hour, so why are they embarrassed to say rest at this time!

Calculated at the speed of Xiao Han and others, they are now almost 30 to 40 kilometers away from the meeting place in the morning from the start to the present. During the journey, they did not actually encounter the Tier 1 Demon Spider at the beginning. You can’t see Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the vast sand dunes, but as the distance progresses, in the sight of the "Devil Slayer" and others, two or three Tier 1 Demon Spiders have begun to appear. It’s just that they are still a bit far away, and they can only see a few small black dots on the sand from a distance, and they can only roughly judge that those small black dots belong to the first-order magic spider. Figure.

However, Xiao Han’s performance surprised everyone. The leader of their team is Xiao Han, and now Xiao Han is also at the forefront of the team, but Xiao Han’s route of travel seems to have deliberately avoided the line of sight. For those first-order demon spiders, as long as the first-order demon spider appears in the front line of sight, Xiao Han seems to deliberately shift the route to the left or the right, instead of going straight to the first-order demon spider in front. of.

The seven members of the "Devil Slayer Squad" following Xiao Han are a bit inexplicable. Where is Xiao Han going to take them?

Didn't their "Devil Slayer Squad" come to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider? Why can Xiao Han avoid those first-order demon spiders when he sees first-order demon spiders now?

At this time, although the members of the "Zhu Devil Team" were a little confused, Xiao Han didn't mean to stop at all. He still kept the previous speed on the road, so Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo and others also had a chance to stop. Ask Xiao Han, where is this going to take them now.

The others in the "Devil Slayer" saw the Tier 1 Demon Spider that appeared within their sight. Xiao Han was the leader who walked in the front, and of course he was the first to see it. Xiao Han not only saw the appearance. The Tier 1 Demon Spider in front, and even some of the first Tier Demon Spiders that appeared around Xiao Han, have discovered it, and Xiao Han also discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, those Tier 1 Demon Spiders that appear in the line of sight. The magic spider, as long as they found Xiao Han and others, they intentionally or unconsciously began to slowly move closer to Xiao Han's team, that is to say, even if Xiao Han and the others continue to move at this speed, they will go on like this and gather at them. Behind him, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders closely chasing after them will increase.

Regarding this situation, the other seven people in the "Zhu Devil Team" did not find out, but as long as they looked back, they would be surprised to find that behind their team, a cloud of dust gradually rose up, about about a distance from their team. There are five or six kilometers away.

Xiao Han didn’t have to look back and felt that the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders gathered behind him was increasing. Among the eight members of the "Devil Slayer Squad", Xiao Han had the highest cultivation level, so Xiao Han could feel behind him without turning his head. The movement of the "Zhu Demon Squad", unless the other people in the "Zhu Demon Squad" looked back, they would not be able to find out.

As the journey progressed, Xiao Han found that the number of first-order demon spiders that appeared in front was obviously increasing, and the distribution density of first-order demon spiders was also significantly increasing. The point is too close to the edge of the Penglai Wonderland, so when Xiao Han and the others are on the way, they may not see the shadow of the first-order demon spider during the five or six minutes of the journey. As the distance progresses, their sight begins to appear. There were two first-order demon spiders at first, then four, six, and eight appeared. Until now, a small team of a dozen but a few first-order demon spiders also began to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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