The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1057: It's going to rain, mother wants to marry

Xiao Han stood aside and pondered, and Ye Longxuan said with a smile: "In fact, you shouldn't worry too much about those sect disciples who stay here. They have No. 50 or 60 here, all elite disciples of various sects. There is still some strength under his hand, coupled with the large number of people, not to mention going to the direction of Zhende Mountain, not to mention that it is rushing in the vicinity of the area, self-protection is definitely no problem!"

Ye Longxuan thought that Xiao Han was worried about the safety of those sect disciples who followed Tian Daren and Zhang Qi. Of course, Xiao Han was really worried about their safety, but the main reason was that Xiao Han was worried about them. Personnel suffered heavy casualties, and when the time really came to meet the Qi refiners from the Bafang world, these sect disciples who came from the same secular world with Xiao Han were damaged, not to mention the damage to the Qi refiners of other worlds. Taxi is not an advantage in comparison.

What's more, after three months, the power of the demon race outside the territory will also appear in the Penglai Wonderland. At that time, Xiao Han and others will not only be compared with people from the other worlds, but also higher than those of the demon race outside the territory. under.

In Xiao Han’s expectation, the best result is that their ninety-odd people can unite tightly. This way, Xiao Han feels that whether it is compared with other Qi refiners in the Bafang world, or behind Compared with the demon race outside the territory, Xiao Han's heart is not empty.

of course. Ye Longxuan might still not understand why Xiao Han was thinking about other sect disciples. Only Xiao Han knew that he wanted to unite all the forces that could be united.

At least among the more than 90 people now, Xiao Han is the one who considers the most long-term, and at the same time, Xiao Han is also the one who considers the most comprehensively. Unfortunately, the long-term considerations he has considered, the comprehensive considerations he has considered, until now , And only he can experience it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's mouth showed a wry smile.

Then, Xiao Han turned around and looked at Ye Longxuan and said, "Forget it, it's going to rain Niang to marry someone. Since they have decided on their own, then Xiao Han is not too good to be too forceful!"

The famous guy like Yelongxuan didn’t want to take other people to play, and Xiao Han wanted to take them to play, but he set some rules of the game a little bit, which scared most of the people away. , Xiao Han has nothing to say, it is impossible to bring a large group of people, there is no rules at all, no principles at all, just like this in the Penglai Wonderland, right?

In this case, Xiao Han felt that it was no different from wasting time. In the end, it might drag Xiao Han himself to death, which would be a bit too cost-effective.

Looking at Xiao Han’s expression, Ye Longxuan laughed and said: "Okay, just think of you so much for everyone, then I will stay with you once at Ye Longxuan, and I will take our Wudang disciples during the day today. Walk for a distance in the direction of Zhenmo Mountain, and then see if you can kill more Tier 1 Demon Spiders. By the end of this evening, I will bring our Wudang Sect people to gather here, as for the other sects. , I will talk about it, but there is no guarantee that they will agree!"

Xiao Han nodded. He knew what Ye Longxuan said to talk to several other sects, meaning that he would tell Wang Mang of Kunlun School, Huafeng of Huashanmen, Ouyang Bing and Emei of Kongtong School. The night rain of the party, that's good, and it saves Xiao Han talking to them one by one.

As for whether they would agree to come here again tonight, Ye Longxuan has no way to guarantee it. Let Xiao Han speak for himself, and there is no way to guarantee it.

Xiao Han smiled softly and said, "That's good, thank you!"

Ye Longxuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't thank me. I am not helping you. I am just helping myself. Since you said that you can share the killing one with our sect disciples at night. The experience of the Tier Devil Spider, this is good, and it saves me to guide one by one, but although my current realm is temporarily lower than you, so I don’t want to compete with you now, but I don’t On behalf of me, I gave up the idea of ​​challenging you.

Speaking of this, Ye Longxuan paused, and the conversation turned, and then said: "Xiao Han, wait, you and I must have a battle before leaving Penglai Wonderland!"

Xiao Han grinned, and now he is starting to like Ye Longxuan a little bit. Although this guy is a bit stubborn, stubborn and stubborn, thinking about it carefully, he is also a man of true temperament.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Okay, I'm waiting for you!"

Ye Longxuan nodded heavily, then waved his hand at Xiao Han, and left without looking back.

Ye Longxuan went to the Kunlun school’s Wang Mang, the Huafeng school of Huashanmen, and the Kongtong school’s Ouyang Glacier Emei school’s Ye Yu to advise them to come here again tonight. Xiao Han saved a lot of things. As for the people in the 50s who followed Tian Daren and Zhang Qi, they originally planned to stay in this area nearby recently, so they won't leave here, so Xiao Han didn't bother to say hello to them. .

And for the disciples of the famous sect, sometimes Ye Longxuan's words are more useful than Xiao Han's own words. After all, behind Ye Longxuan and others are the giants like Wudang Sect, and Xiao Han stands behind. All that was left was a lonely shadow of himself.

Ye Longxuan had already left. Xiao Han looked at the dense tent in the distance and found that most of the sect disciples were awake. Some people had already started to clean the tent, and then put the tent in the universe bag.

Xiao Han also walked back and found that Yelongxuan of Wudang Sect, Huafeng of Huashanmen, Ouyangbing of Kongtong Sect, Wang Mang of Kunlun Sect were all there, but Yeyu of Emei Sect and several other disciples of Emei Sect. It has long since disappeared, and I don't know if it has set off early.

Xiao Han just walked to the tent area of ​​the "Zhu Devil Team" and found that Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo and others had already put the tent close to the Qiankun bag, and other things had already been packed. All of them stood there waiting for Xiao Han, and they were ready to leave when Xiao Han gave an order.

Li Jian leaned in front of Xiao Han and said with a smile: "Boss Xiao, our Demon Slayer squad is assembled, please give instructions!"

Xiao Hanbai glanced at Li Jian, and he realized that this guy is really going to come. The other people in the "Devil Slayer" stood there waiting, only Li Jian came over and performed pretendingly, with a really serious look. , So that Xiao Han has found a sense of captain.

Xiao Han smiled at the other people in the "Devil Slayer Squad" and said, "Well, everyone first go to the direction of Zhenmo Mountain, and I will be there soon!"


The seven people from the "Zhu Demon Squad" applauded, and then really turned around. The seven people lined up and walked towards Zhen Demon Mountain.

The other sect disciples looked at the appearance of the seven people in the "Zhu Demon Squad", a little bit dumbfounded. What's the matter with this? What a night, Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo, Li Jian, these guys became wearing a pair of pants. Where's the brother?

After the seven people from the "Zhu Devil Team" set off, Xiao Han walked towards Zhang Qi and Tian Daren.

Zhang Qi and Tian Daren looked at each other, and they all saw that Xiao Han should have something to explain to them, so after the two of them looked at each other, they slowly greeted Xiao Han. .

Xiao Han walked in front of Zhang Qi and Tian Daren, and said sternly: "You two, when you set off, it is best for you two to gather all of you and confess. It is best not to run around in the Penglai Wonderland. Even if it is to relieve the hand, it is best to go with a company, because no one knows where a few Tier 1 magic spiders will suddenly run out. It is always good to be careful. After all, this is Penglai Wonderland, not our secular world. , In a word, life is important, everything else is trivial!"

Tian Daren and Zhang Qi nodded heavily at the same time, and said, "Okay, Xiao Han, don't worry, we will pay attention!"

Xiao Han also nodded and said, "I have already talked to Yelongxuan of Wudang School, Huafeng of Huashanmen, Wang Mang of Kunlun School, Ouyangbing of Kongtong School, and Yeyu of Emei School. During the day, everyone was active separately, killing Tier 1 Demon Spiders in this nearby area, but tonight, we people still meet once on the hillside where we are standing now, and we will start to run separately tomorrow!"

Of course Tian Daren and Zhang Qi couldn’t ask for it. Anyway, the more people here, the more complete they are. It would be better if Xiao Han and Ye Longxuan and others could stay by their side all the time. Then they are people. Sleep better at night. After all, Xiao Han and Ye Longxuan have the highest cultivation level among all people, and they are the strongest. With them, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi don’t have to worry about safety. , Just sleep peacefully.

After Xiao Han had confessed to Tian Daren and Zhang Qi, he waved his hand at Ye Longxuan and the others, which was regarded as a goodbye, and then he chased the seven-man group of "Zhu Demon Squad" that had set off early.

When Xiao Han set off, the seven people from the "Zhu Demon Squad" had just walked to the opposite hillside. The seven of them stopped and looked at the direction of the assembly point, looking like they were waiting for Xiao Han.

In order to save time, Xiao Han no longer walked slowly, but as before, his figure flashed, and his whole body disappeared in place, and then he just tested his physical body speed, as fast as the opposite hillside. Swept away.

After a while, Xiao Han's figure steadily stopped beside Guo Zimo and the others, and then Xiao Han smiled at Guo Zimo and the others.

Seeing Xiao Han crossed a distance of thousands of meters so quickly, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the seven people in the "Devil Slayer Team".

(End of this chapter)

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