The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1045: Practice magic

With a trace of doubt, Xiao Han slowly began to sit still and adjust his breath, completely relaxing the whole person. At the same time, Xiao Han was still holding the sky sword tightly in his hand.

After a while, the voice of the Taoist Saint came from the sky sword again, "Xiao Han, next I will begin to teach you the practice of immortal body, you tighten your mind and keep your concentration high. , Don’t make a small difference, otherwise it will affect the inheritance of the practice."

Xiao Han nodded lightly, and did not speak, but he was more curious in his heart as to how the inheritance of the exercise proceeded.

Suddenly, the sacred Taoist clinging to the sword wound in the sky uttered a soft drink, and then Xiao Han felt his whole body tremble, as if a powerful electric current was propagating from the sky sword, and something similar to an electric current passed through Xiao Han's arm went directly into Xiao Han's head.

Xiao Han immediately felt that there were countless pieces of information contained in the current, which surged into Xiao Han’s mind like a tide. At this moment, Xiao Han suddenly felt a headache and a splitting feeling. It was because Xiao Han was firm and determined. Some feel overwhelming.

It's no wonder that the Taoist Sheng Xu also specially reminded Xiao Han to hold back the pain and keep his mind focused.

Xiao Han now knows that the feeling similar to the electric current entering the body contains a lot of information. It is the "eternal immortal body" practice practiced by the sage Taoist. In addition to the eternal immortal body cultivation method, there is also The Saint Void Daoist had some experience and experience in cultivating the immortal body for hundreds of years, and the cultivation level has been improved. This is the most precious thing for a Qi refiner.

The whole process didn't last long. After about two or three minutes, the feeling similar to electric current gradually dissipated, and Xiao Han's feeling of splitting headache gradually disappeared. Xiao Han knew that the entire inheritance process was over. .

At this moment, Xiao Han discovered that the cultivation technique for eternal immortality had appeared in his mind, and the experience and experience of the Taoist priests in the process of cultivating, including the experience and experience of the sacred Taoist, all appeared in Xiao Han's mind. With this inheritance of the Saint Void Taoist, Xiao Han's cultivation of the Immortal Body will be even more effective, and he can definitely avoid many detours.

Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes. He didn't say a word, but carefully recalled some of the cultivation experience and experience that the Taoist Holy Void had just taught him. Xiao Han felt that each one had benefited him a lot.

Shengxu Taoist is worthy of being an old senior who has existed for thousands of years, and he has his own unique insights and ideas for cultivation and cultivation, for Xiao Han, a gas refiner from a wild background. A lot of experience and experience are precious experiences that Xiao Han has to cross the river by feeling the stones, wasting a lot of energy and effort.

Now that is to say, what Sheng Xu Taoist taught him is not only the cultivation method and skills of "eternal immortality", but all the experience and lessons accumulated by Sheng Xu Taoist from the beginning of cultivation. This information is even more immortal than the ancients. The practice of the body is even more precious.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Han's mouth. Just after he apprenticeship, the Taoist Shengxu gave Xiao Han such a big meeting ceremony, but Xiao Han has never even done the apprenticeship ceremony. It is too incompetent to think about becoming an apprentice. Some.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han yelled softly: "Master!"

However, after Xiao Han finished yelling, after a long time, there was no echo from the Cangqiang Jianjian, and the Taoist Holy Void never responded.

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, then shouted again: "Master!"

However, Xiao Han called out again, and the Taoist Saint still didn't say a word. What's the matter?

An unknown premonition flashed in Xiao Han's heart.

At this time, a weak voice came from the Sky Sword, "Xiao Han, it's up to you next time!"

When Xiao Han heard it, he seemed to be even more aware of something wrong. Why did the voice of Saint Void Taoist sound so weak?

Xiao Han hurriedly asked: "Master, what's wrong with you? Why doesn't the voice sound right?"

The sacred Taoist said weakly: "I have just taught you the eternal immortal cultivation method and some cultivation experience in my mind. It took a lot of energy and spirit. I am afraid that I will really turn into nothingness. Up.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Han was shocked.

The Taoist Saint was originally a remnant soul, and it has been wandering in the world of Penglai Wonderland for more than a thousand years. He was already in a relatively weak state. When Xiao Han first saw the Taoist Saint, it was already It was discovered that the soul of the Holy Void Daoist was already in a translucent state, which showed that the time for the remnant soul of the Holy Void Daoist was running out.

Later, the Taoist Shengxu actively asked to be attached to the sword body of the sky sword, so that the time for the Taoist Shengxu to dissipate could be delayed a lot.

However, just now, the Taoist Shengxu instilled the cultivation technique of "Eternal Immortal Body" into Xiao Han's head through the Sky Sword. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the whole process, Taoist Shengxu exhausted the little energy. , Now, Shengxu Taoist has almost reached the point where his soul is scattered.

The sacred Taoist sighed, and then said: "Xiao Han, I have taught you all the cultivation techniques of the eternal immortal body, as well as some of my experience and experience in cultivating the eternal immortal body. In addition, I spend It took hundreds of years to comprehend the cultivation method of the third realm of the "Ten Thousand Dharma Golden Body" and I have also taught you it. I have no chance to cultivate the third realm. It is up to you next!"

Xiao Han couldn't speak for a long time, even for a figure like him with a rock-like heart, the corners of his eyes were a little moist at this time.

Where did Xiao Han think of the Holy Void Taoist, in order to teach him the immortal body of the ages, to consume the only remaining energy and spirit in his own body, now it is like a dying person, it is already time to die.

Xiao Han grew up so big, in the impression that, in addition to his own biological parents, it was the first time to experience this kind of selfless dedication. You must know that Xiao Han has only met the holy priest for only one day and one night. , As for the apprenticeship, it is less than ten minutes.

However, the saintly mortal Taoist actually sacrificed all his energy in order to teach him the eternal immortal technique, which is equivalent to sacrificing the few remaining lives.

Xiao Han said in a terrible voice: "Master, why are you doing this? Why don't you explain the situation to me in advance? If I had known it, I would definitely not accept the exercises you taught me in this way!"

The sage Taoist laughed: "Stupid boy, I have already died once as a teacher. Up to now, this old bone of mine has been floating in the world of Penglai Wonderland for more than 1,500 years. I'm tired of it, and it's possible to dissipate in this world at any time. It's better to make a contribution to you before you die. After all, you are now my veteran apprentice. There is nothing I can give to you in this remnant soul. You only have these inheritances, Xiao Han, next to you, don't let your teacher down!"

With that, the voice of the saintly mortal Taoist became weaker and weaker, and in the end it was almost weak and inaudible.

Xiao Han realized that the master he had just worshipped was about to leave him forever, and he knew that the Taoist Shengxu is a remnant soul, if he let the Taoist Shengxu dissipate in this world, even if It was Da Luo **** who came out, and it was impossible to find the Holy Xu Taoist again.

Xiao Han’s excitement has not even faded from the master who just worshipped. His master is about to say goodbye forever, and he has come to this step to teach Xiao Han the exercises and inheritance. How did Xiao Han accept it?

Xiao Hanjing said, "No, I can't let you go like this!"

However, the Taoist Shengxu was already weakly speechless, and he couldn't even give Xiao Han a response. I'm afraid it might dissipate in the world of Penglai Wonderland at any time.

What Xiao Han is thinking now is, how can he keep the Holy Void Taoist? Is there no way at all?

Then, Xiao Han looked at the night in the distance with a firm face, and thought about it. The information that the Taoist Shengxu just taught also contains some knowledge and experience in the cultivation of the Taoist Shengxu. One of them seems to be About warming up the soul.

Xiao Han carefully searched for the information in his mind. After searching for a while, he finally found it. It turned out that this is a way to warm the soul, and this soul refers to the cultivator’s own soul, not like a holy soul. A remnant soul that does not have a physical body like a Xudao.

Xiao Han thought for a while and found that this method of warming the soul is very simple, but this method is aimed at some souls that were damaged by the opponent's immortal methods and supernatural powers during the battle. This method is used to warm and repair the souls. It is extremely simple, it is to find a good ancient jade, wear this ancient jade often on the body, and often use the hand to polish it.

Xiao Han didn’t have much research on jade, he didn’t have much contact with jade, and he didn’t like jade himself, but he remembered that when he was going to school, he had seen some records in the Chinese ancient medicine masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica" In addition to the Compendium of Materia Medica, there are also some records in the earlier ancient book "The Emperor's Internal Classic". Good-quality ancient jade can not only nourish the five internal organs, dredge the meridians, stabilize the soul, and clear the body. Fires eyesight, and it can nourish yin and moisturize the heart and lungs. This kind of good ancient jade is often worn on the body to play, not to mention the Qi refiner, even ordinary people often play with it, it can also be radiant, prolong life, and stimulate Acupuncture point. It plays a very good massage function, accumulates vitality for the person, and makes the whole person's energy and energy particularly sufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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