It is possible that the Taoist Saint Void could understand the third level of the "Eternal Immortal Body" with half of the content recorded on the half-axis ancient fragments. This proves from another aspect that the Taoist Saint Void does not only practice cultivation. The talent and foundation are surprisingly good, and even his understanding is terrifying.

The first stage of the immortal body, the "Innocent Golden Body", can resist all attack methods below the psychic stage, the second stage, the "Golden Glazed Body", can resist all attacks below the psychic stage, and the third stage The realm "Golden Body of Ten Thousand Laws" can resist all attack methods below the psychic period. Back then, the sacred Taoist only cultivated to the second realm "Golden Glazed Body", although he could only resist all attacks below the psychic period. However, the physical strength of the saintly mortal Taoist can be ranked in the top four among the eight heads of the Eight Martial Arts, and his combat power can be refined in all human races participating in the battle of immortals and demons, except for the heads of the eight martial arts. Among the top ten fighters.

The sage Taoist is only cultivating to the second stage "Golden Body of Glazed Glass", and the third stage "Golden Body of Ten Thousand Laws" can achieve such a powerful existence without complete cultivation. If Xiao Han has a chance to find " The second half of the "Eternal Immortal Body", isn't it a more heaven-defying existence?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said sternly: "Sheng Xu Taoist, you have explained so much to me, there must be some special meaning, you can just say it!"

The old man Sheng Xu laughed, and then said: "Xiao Han, let me tell you frankly. Although I have known you in just one day, I have already moved my mind to accept disciples. I know if you mean it!"

Xiao Han wasn't a little stunned now, but now he was completely stunned on the spot.

I didn't expect that the Taoist Shengxu actually moved to accept him as a disciple, which made Xiao Han surprised and happy.

Seeing that Xiao Han was stunned on the spot, the saintly virtual Taoist didn’t get over it for a long time. He had to sigh a long sigh and smile bitterly: “Hey, I know, I’m just a remnant soul now, maybe it’s not useful How long will it take me to completely dissipate in this world. So I can't give you anything except a set of incomplete body training exercises!

Shengxu Taoist said so, but Xiao Han doesn't think so. The cultivation level of Shengxu Taoist is actually enough to be Xiao Han's master, although it is said that Shengxu Taoist is just a remnant soul and wants to regain a new life. The possibility is slim.

However, the help of the Taoist Shengxu to Xiao Han is tremendous. Let alone the Taoist Shengxu introduced the whole situation in Penglai Wonderland, it made Xiao Han take a lot of detours, which is almost equivalent to saving Xiao Han. A life.

Besides, it is a set of incomplete body training exercises, but it is indeed a very important thing for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han said sternly: "Sheng Xu Dao, don't say that. To me, you are an old predecessor, and the reason why you became a remnant soul is also because you participated in the event thousands of years ago. Because of the battle between the immortals and demons, in order to save the Bafang world, you old people gave your lives one after another. You are a role model for our younger generations. If you can become your disciple, it will be my great blessing to Xiao Hantian!"

The sage Taoist laughed and said: "Okay, okay, okay, in that case, I will accept you as an apprentice in the old saint. In other words, I have not officially accepted an apprentice in my life, Xiao Han, you Xiao Han is mine. The first disciple of the veteran!"

Xiao Han was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Master, you quickly get out of the sky sword, Xiao Han, I want to worship you!"

The sage Taoist laughed and said: "I am just a remnant soul, so the so-called bowing ceremony of apprenticeship is exempted. I don't care about this kind of red tape. I don't care about this kind of red tape. In the future, you and I can match the master and disciples!"

Xiao Han remembered one thing, and then asked: "Master, I am now your disciple, and you are from the Chongxu Clan in the world of all directions. Does that mean that I am a Chongxu Clan." A disciple?"

The sage Taoist thought for a while, and said with a smile: "It is a question whether we Chongxu Sect is still alive or not, so whether you count as a Chongxu Sect disciple is not up to me, but you. Say, if you consider yourself a disciple of the Chongxu Sect, if you have the opportunity in the future, go back and see if the previous Chongxu Sect is still there. If you don’t regard yourself as a disciple of the Chongxu Sect. It doesn't matter, anyway, I have been wandering in this Penglai fairyland for more than a thousand years. I have long been thin about the concept of sect. I don't care about this anymore!"

Xiao Han nodded. What the Taoist Shengxu said is also true. In this age, I don’t know if the Chongxu Gate still exists in this world. After all, the Chongxu Gate has completely declined, even Penglai Wonderland. The entrance has been sold to other sects at a low price, and it has reached this point. It is still a question whether the Chongxumen sign is hung at the entrance!

Seeing that the Taoist Shengxu said so, but there is inevitably a bit of bitterness in the words, Xiao Han thinks about it, after all, Taoist Shengxu is a sect disciple who came from Chongxu Sect, and he was once the high position of the elder of Chongxu Sect. I have long been a member of Chongxu Sect. Now that Chongxu Sect has not fallen into that state, the Taoist Shengxu still feels a little bit emotional.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said sternly, "Master, don’t worry, if there is an opportunity in the future, I will find time to see if I can go back and take you to see what the situation of Chongxu Gate is. I don’t mind if I can. Rebuild the Chongxu Gate."

The Taoist Saint nodded and smiled: "Okay, let's talk about this in the future. Tonight, I will teach you the cultivation technique of'eternal self-cultivation' first!"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Thank you, Master, but how do you pass it?"

The sacred Taoist said with a smile: "I carried the half-scrolled ancient fragments with me and kept them in my Universe Bag, but my Universe Bag has already followed my body during the Great Battle between Immortals and Demons. They were destroyed together, so now the eternal and immortal cultivation method only exists in my mind!"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment. The half-scrolled ancient scroll had been destroyed during the last battle between immortals and demons. Now the eternal immortal cultivation method only exists in the minds of Shengxu Taoist, how can it be taught? Could it be that Shengxu Taoist said word by word, Xiao Han remembered it word by word?

Xiao Han thought for a while and said, "Well, let's do it, then master, you can start!"

The sage Taoist continued: "Okay, you first summon the sky sword!"

Why do you call out the sky first?

Xiao Han was a little puzzled, and didn't know what Sheng Xu Taoist wanted him to do to summon Cang Qiong Jian.

Although he couldn't figure out what Sheng Xu Taoist was going to do, Xiao Han still summoned the Sky Sword in accordance with his words.


When Xiao Han thought, the sky sword appeared in front of Xiao Han out of thin air. The sky sword was quietly suspended in front of Xiao Han less than a foot in size, making a buzzing sound, seeming to be talking to Xiao Han. Say hello.

The Sky Sword hovered in front of Xiao Han for a while, making a buzzing sound, Xiao Han grinned, and then reached out and grabbed the Sky Sword in his hand.

After starting, the Sky Sword seemed to sense it, no longer making a buzzing sound, but lying quietly in Xiao Han's palm.

Xiao Han looked at which gray spot on the Celestial Sword, that was the mark left by the remnant soul of the Taoist Holy Void attached to the Celestial Sword. Xiao Han grabbed the Celestial Sword in his hand, and he could feel the holy The existence of imaginary people.

Just when Xiao Hanyi, my sacred Taoist, was about to explain the "Eternal Immortal Body" cultivation method, the Shengxu Taoist smiled and said: "You prepare, I will immediately teach you the cultivation technique of the eternal immortal body!"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Master, I'm ready, you can start explaining anytime!"

"Explanation?" Xiao Han's words made Shengxu Taoist a little inexplicable. Only then did Shengxu Taoist react. He laughed and said, "I will teach you the technique of eternal immortality, and I don't need word of mouth!"

Don't need word of mouth?

Xiao Han was a little puzzled. If it wasn't word of mouth, then how to teach a set of exercises?

Xiao Han has never encountered such a situation before, so he really doesn’t understand what the so-called process of teaching great exercises is. Therefore, in some aspects, Xiao Han can be said to be completely ignorant. After all, he has never I have never encountered such a situation, and no one has explained to him how to teach the exercises.

Xiao Han laughed at himself, and then urged: "Master, your old man should stop selling the door. How can I prepare?"

The sage Taoist laughed and said: "Little guy, the process of teaching the exercises is actually not as complicated as you think. As long as you sit still and adjust your breath, you can maintain a peaceful state of mind. The next thing is left to me! "

Xiao Han nodded. It turns out that the inheritance technique is so mysterious. Xiao Han hasn't really encountered this situation before, so Xiao Han is like a novice with a black eye. Regarding inheritance techniques, he does I don't understand at all.

After hearing the words of Taoist Shengxu, Xiao Han in the tent sat down cross-legged. At this time, Taoist Shengxu seemed to remember one thing. Then he smiled and said: "By the way, I will immortalize that set later. When the body's cultivation techniques are passed on to you, there may be some pain, so bear with it!"

Xiao Han, who was about to close his eyes, was taken aback for a moment, wondering why he still felt a little pain after accepting the inheritance of the exercises, which was strange.

(End of this chapter)

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