The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1039: Take a step to speak

Ye Longxuan was about to speak, when Ye Yu, who was standing on the outer side, turned around and said calmly, "Although this guy Xiao Han likes to be scornful sometimes, there is one thing we have to admit that this guy's cultivation progress is faster than Any of us must be much faster!"

As soon as Ye Yu said this, not only Wang Mang and others, but also Ye Longxuan was silent for an instant.

Yes, Xiao Han will not talk about anything else, just talk about the speed at which his spiritual realm has improved, not about the unprecedented number of people who have come after, and at least one thing is certain that among the 96 people around here, The speed at which Xiao Han's cultivation realm has improved is the well-deserved first place. This is a fact that everyone has to admit.

Maybe this guy can really perform miracles?

That is to say, Xiao Han is now the highest cultivation level among the more than 90 people present. Otherwise, it is estimated that everyone else will be ridiculing loudly and saying all kinds of cool things.

Slowly, the crowd began to disperse, Xiao Han walked to Ye Longxuan and the others, and said with a smile: "Everyone, don’t forget about the sect gathering in the eight directions after three months. It’s better to be like us at that time. If we go together, we can't weaken our reputation in the secular world in front of the other seven worlds!"

The Wudang faction’s Ye Longxuan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, our Wudang faction will definitely go with you in a team!”

Kunlun faction Wang Mang also smiled and said, "Yes, since Wudang faction has gone, how could it be possible that our Kunlun faction is missing, and my Kunlun faction will also go!"

Ouyang Bing of the Kongtong School also stood up and said: "Everyone has gone, how can this kind of thing be omitted from the Kongtong School? How will we gather at that time?"

Huafeng from Huashan Gate laughed and said, "Yes, how will we gather at that time, we will also go to Huashan Gate, but when everyone is scattered in different areas, how to gather? Let's discuss it first!"

Ye Longxuan smiled and said: "Otherwise, let's keep the time in mind. Now we are three months away from the Bafang World Rally in three months. We will gather one day in advance, in this area where we are now. Assemble. I will still send you two flares at that time. Everyone can see the specific assembly position. What do you think of this arrangement?"

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Okay, that's okay. You have a flare to send out a signal, and you can choose where to gather!"

Apart from Xiao Han, other people also expressed no opinion, so this matter was settled.

For the confluence of the eight directions in three months, Xiao Han had almost arranged it. Thinking of this, Xiao Han looked at the night rain that had been standing not far away without a word.

Xiao Han found that Ye Yu did not look here, perhaps because he was willing to come over, so Ye Yu deliberately turned his head over, as if he didn't want to see Xiao Han.

Xiao Han arched his hands at Ye Longxuan and the others, and then winked. Ye Longxuan and the others nodded quickly, expressing their understanding, and Xiao Han slowly walked towards Ye Yu.

Ye Yu turned her back to Xiao Han and looked into the distance. The evening breeze gently blew the corners of Ye Yu's clothes, floating Ye Yu's unrolled hair, and even the whole back looked so beautiful.

Seeing Xiao Han walking over, Nightingale and the other four Emei disciples walked to the side subconsciously, seeming to want to leave the surrounding space to Xiao Han and Ye Yu, but also seeming to avoid something. In fact, they I went to the other side to set up a tent.

Before leaving, Nightingale turned her head and made a grimace at Xiao Han. Xiao Han also smiled and stuck her tongue out at Nightingale, but Nightingale squeezed her fist and raised her, and then looked at her sister Ye Yu, meaning Be careful my sister cleans you up.

Xiao Han laughed dumbly. At first, Xiao Han almost took the little girl Nightingale, but he didn't expect it to happen. When it came time, it was Nightingale's sister, Ye Yu.

Xiao Han slowly walked to Ye Yu's side and stood there. He didn't dare to look at Ye Yu, but looked at the vast night in the distance like Ye Yu.

The two were silent for a while, Ye Yu didn’t speak, and Xiao Han didn’t say a word either, but after a second thought, Xiao Han’s heart was a little ecstatic. For a long time, Ye Yu always shouted and killed Xiao Han when she saw him. It's not that she shouts and screams, she is the kind that really wants to do it.

But today seems a bit abnormal. Xiao Han appeared in front of Ye Yu. Shouting, shouting and killing is not enough. It's just cold words. Don't underestimate the difference between shouting, shouting and cold words. The difference here is big. It means that Ye Yu’s hatred for Xiao Han has been increasing unabated and maintained at a high level. Although Xiao Han is now much stronger than Ye Yu, Xiao Han has already managed Ye Yu treats her as her own woman, so she can't really fight back, right?

But cold words and cold words are different. Ye Yu is just cold words to Xiao Han, which means that although Ye Yu still hates Xiao Han, it has been reduced a lot, and he hates Xiao Han's strong behavior on her. He was still indignant, so he didn't have a good face to Xiao Han.

If Ye Yu yelled at Xiao Han to kill, then Xiao Han wouldn’t have to think about explaining anything. He would just turn around and run. Ye Yu’s woman is still in anger. If she doesn’t run, Xiao Han will wait to be killed. Ye Yu split it into a dozen pieces!

Now Ye Yu is just saying cold words to Xiao Leng Leng, and has no good face to show Xiao Han, that means Ye Yu still hates Xiao Han, but it has been reduced a lot, otherwise, Ye Yu will not help Xiao before. When Han speaks, it shows that in front of outsiders, Ye Yu still pretends to Xiao Han in his heart, otherwise Ye Yu would not speak for Xiao Han before, although there is a lot of sarcasm and irony in those arguments.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's mood improved a lot, and the evening breeze was blowing gently on his face, and his mood was even more pleasant.

"Yeyu, can you take a step to speak?" Xiao Han rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

I don't know that Ye Yu didn't look at Xiao Han when he saw it, but said coldly, "No!"

Don't borrow? What does it mean to not borrow?

The meaning of what Xiao Han said by taking a step to speak is obvious, right? It's just to find a place with no one to say a few words. Even if the night rain violently beats Xiao Han to vent his anger, Xiao Han will not say anything. What do you mean by not borrowing? Don't you want to be alone with Xiao Han?

Xiao Han laughed dryly, and found that many people around were secretly staring at the movement here, especially Huafeng Ouyang Bing Wang Mang and others. They were still standing on the spot, watching Xiao Han and Ye with interest. Yu and the others, it seemed that they were just preparing to watch Xiao Han's jokes.

Not only Huafeng Ouyang Bingwang Mang, Ye Longxuan and others, but even the seven members of the "Zhu Demon" squad who were busy setting up tents in the distance also secretly took aim at the figures of Xiao Han and Ye Yu.

Li Jian was inserting a big spike of the tent into the sand to fix a corner of the tent. At this moment, he winked at Zhong Xuebing, who was packing next to him, and said with a smirk: " Old Zhong, look at our boss, Xiao, is it like Ye Yu from the Emei school?"

"Are you stupid? What does it mean to have a leg?" Zhong Xuebing looked at Xiao Han Ye Yu's direction, and then sneered: "Little guy, you are a junior at first glance, and you can't even see this? It's not us. Boss Xiao and Ye Yu have a leg. They were originally a romantic relationship, but we Boss Xiao didn't know how to offend Ye Yu. Ye Yu is now having trouble with Boss Xiao!"

Li Jian was taken aback for a moment, looked at Xiao Han's figure, and shook his head as he looked at him, and said, "Tsk tusk is the boss of our'Zhu Devil' team. It's so daring to pick up girls. Even the night rain of the Emei pie is famous. The beauty of the iceberg has been dealt with by our boss Xiao, it is really impossible to accept it!"

Suddenly a head came out from a tent that had been set up behind Li Jian. He looked at Li Jian and said, "Fool, when you reach the state of Boss Xiao, you can have the capital to pursue a beautiful young lady again!"

Li Jian laughed twice and muttered to himself: "Yes, when I reach the realm of Boss Xiao, let alone the little sister, even the little aunt will do the same!"

Although the area occupied by Xiao Han and Ye Yu is a bit far from the place where Zhong Xuebing and Li Jian set up their tents, the surrounding area is relatively empty, and there is no noise, not to mention that Xiao Han and Ye Yu are both in the Yuan Ying period. Qi refiners, of course, the sensitivity of the five senses is different from that of ordinary people, so the conversation between Zhong Xuebing and others just now, Xiao Han and Ye heard clearly.

"Huh!" Ye Yu snorted coldly, and then pointed at Sang Huai: "It's really like things are gathered together, people are divided into groups, no wonder those guys are going to follow someone behind to form a'devil killer' team, I don't want to call it' The "Zhu Devil" team is now, isn't it better to call the "Sex Demon" team?"

Xiao Han: ""

Ye Yu’s words made Xiao Han really sweaty. He turned his head to look at Zhong Xuebing and the others, gave them a vicious look, then laughed twice, and said, “Ye Yu, I want to tell you something important, or let’s borrow it. Talk in one step?"

Ye Yu suddenly shouted: "What to borrow? I said no to borrow, don't you understand human words? No! Go away!"

With Ye Yu's call, everyone on the entire assembly venue watched over, even Nightingale and a few other female disciples of the Emei school who had gone far away.

One of the female disciples of the Emei school pulled Nightingale and asked quietly: "Sister Nightingale, what did Sister Yeyu say just now? No, the guy named Xiao Han asked us Sister Yeyu what to borrow? Let's Sister Yeyu. Have such a big temper?"

Nightingale shrugged inexplicably, and said with a wry smile: "How do I know this? Maybe Xiao Han is asking Sister Ye Yu to borrow something very important?"

(End of this chapter)

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